Document Title, 6-00360-21 Rev A, June 2010, Product of USA.
Quantum Corporation provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or
implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. Quantum Corporation may revise this publication from time to time without notice.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior
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violation of the law.
Quantum, the Quantum logo, DLT, DLTtape, the DLTtape logo, Scalar, and StorNext are registered
trademarks of Quantum Corporation, registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Backup. Recovery. Archive. It’s What We Do., the DLT logo, DLTSage, DXi, DXi-Series, Dynamic
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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
StorNext provides high performance data sharing and intelligent
archiving that is compatible with an industry-leading range of operating
systems, server platforms, and storage devices.
StorNext includes two main components:
• StorNext File System (SNFS) is high performance data sharing
software that lets applications on multiple operating systems access
a single data set.
• StorNext Storage Manger (SNSM) is an intelligent, policy-based data
mover that automatically moves and locates data across multiple
storage tiers.
You can choose to install both StorNext File System and Storage
Manager, or install StorNext File System only. In addition, StorNext
includes client software that allows client systems to mount and work
with StorNext file systems.
This document is intended for service professionals and system
administrators who install StorNext software. The installer should have
StorNext Installation Guidexi
strong familiarity with the operating system on which StorNext is
Only service professionals, experienced StorNext users, or individuals
who have successfully completed StorNext training should configure
StorNext. Attempting to configure StorNext without proper experience
or training can affect system performance and may result in data loss.
This document provides information about installing and configuring
StorNext. The following topics are covered:
• System requirements
• Pre-installation tasks
• Installation
• Configuration
• Uninstalling StorNext
Document Organization
This document contains the following chapters:
• Chapter 1, Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
provides system requirements, pre-installation information, and
instructions for installing StorNext File System and Storage Manger
on a metadata controller (MDC).
• Chapter 2, Installing StorNext File System provides system
requirements, pre-installation information, and instructions for
installing StorNext File System (without Storage Manager) on a
metadata controller (MDC).
xiiStorNext Installation Guide
Notational Conventions
• Chapter 3, Installing the StorNext Client provides system
requirements, pre-installation information, and instructions for
installing the StorNext client software.
• Chapter 4, Configuring StorNext describes how to use the StorNext
configuration wizard and the Windows configuration utilities to
create a basic StorNext configuration, and how to configure a
distributed LAN client or server.
• Appendix A, Uninstalling StorNext describes how to remove
StorNext software from a server or client system.
• Appendix B, StorNext Administration Tasksdescribes how to
perform file system tasks that do not apply to a typical StorNext
• Appendix C, StorNext Filesdescribes the files used and modified to
configure a file system.
• Appendix D, Quality of Service Guidedescribes how to configure and
use the StorNext File System (SNFS) Quality of Service (QOS) feature.
Notational Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
User input is shown in Arial regular
User input variables are enclosed in
angle brackets and are shown in
Arial italic font.
For UNIX and Linux commands, the
command prompt is implied.
File and directory names, menu
commands, button names, and
window names are shown in Arial
bold font.
StorNext Installation Guidexiii
mkdir -p
is the same as
# ./install.stornext
<mount point>
Related Documents
Menu names separated by arrows
indicate a sequence of menus to be
The following formats indicate important information:
Note: Notes emphasize important information related to the main
Caution: Cautions indicate potential hazards to equipment and are
WARNING: Warnings indicate potential hazards to personal safety
Related Documents
Admin > Download Client
included to prevent damage to equipment.
and are included to prevent injury.
Documents related to StorNext are shown below:
Quantum StorNext Documentation
Document No.Document TitleDocument Description
6-01658-12StorNext User’s
6-01376-16StorNext File System
Tuning Guide
xivStorNext Installation Guide
Provides in-depth
information about using
StorNext to create and
manage StorNext File
Provides information for
maximizing file system
Contacting Quantum
Document No.Document TitleDocument Description
6-01620-15StorNext Upgrade
6-01688-12StorNext CLI
Contacting Quantum
More information about StorNext is available on the Service and
Support website at
Support Website contains a collection of information, including answers
to frequently asked questions (FAQs). You can also access software,
firmware, and drivers through this site.
Provides procedures for
Reference Guide
Release Notes The Service and
upgrading from earlier
versions of StorNext.
Provides procedures for
performing common tasks
using the command line
Includes the latest product
information, fixes, and
For further assistance, or if training is desired, contact Quantum:
Quantum Technical Assistance
Center in the USA:
For additional contact information:
To open a Service Request:
For the most updated information on Quantum Global Services, please
StorNext Installation Guidexv
+1 800-284-5101
Contacting Quantum
xviStorNext Installation Guide
Chapter 1
Installing StorNext File System
and Storage Manager
This chapter describes how to install StorNext File System (SNFS) and
StorNext Storage Manager (SNSM) on a metadata controller (MDC).
Install both SNFS and SNSM for storage systems that require policybased data movement (for example, systems that include tape drives or
To ensure successful operation, do the following tasks before installing
• Make sure the MDC meets all operating system and hardware
requirements (see
• Make sure all storage devices are correctly configured and are visible
to the MDC (see
Storage Manager System Requirements).
Getting Ready to Install on page 5)
• (Optional) Run the pre-installation script to check for available disk
space and view recommended locations for support directories (see
Pre-Installation Script on page 8).
When you are ready to install StorNext File System and Storage Manager
on the MDC, run the installation script (see
on page 11).
Note: To install only StorNext File System (without Storage Manager),
Chapter 2, Installing StorNext File System To install the
StorNext client software, see Chapter 3, Installing the StorNext
StorNext Installation Guide1
StorNext Installation Script
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Storage Manager System Requirements
Storage Manager System Requirements
To run StorNext File System and Storage Manager, the metadata
controller must meet all operating system, hardware, and LAN
Operating System
Table 1 Storage Manager
Supported Platforms
The operating systems, kernel versions, and hardware platforms
supported by StorNext SNFS and SNSM are presented in
sure the MDC uses a supported operating system and platform, and if
necessary update to a supported kernel version before installing
Operating SystemKernelPlatform
Red Hat® Enterprise
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5
Enterprise Server 10
Sun SolarisTM 10
2.6.9-89 EL (Update 8)x86 64-bit
2.6.18-53.EL (Update 1)
2.6.18-92.EL (Update 2)
2.6.18-128.EL (Update 3)
2.6.18-164.EL (Update 4)
2.6.16-46-0.12 (SP1)
2.6.16-60-0.27 (SP2) (SP3)
Generic 120011-14Sparc 64-bit
Ta bl e 1. Make
x86 64-bit
x86 64-bit
2StorNext Installation Guide
The minimum amount of RAM and available hard disk space required to
run StorNext SNFS and SNSM are presented in
files (such as database and journal files) are stored on the MDC, the
amount of local disk space that is required increases with the number of
data files stored on StorNext file systems.
If necessary, upgrade the RAM and local disk storage in the MDC to
meet the minimum requirements before installing StorNext.
Ta bl e 2. Because support
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Storage Manager System Requirements
Note: The RAM requirements in Ta bl e 2 are for running StorNext File
System and Storage Manager only. Running additional
software (including the StorNext client software) requires
additional RAM.
Table 2 Storage Manager
Hardware Requirements
File SystemsRAMDisk Space
1–4*2 GB• For application binaries, log files,
5–8**4 GB
and documentation: up to 30GB
(depending on system activity)
• For support directories: 3 GB per
million files stored
• For metadata: 25GB minimum
*Two CPUs recommended for best performance.
**Two CPUs required for best performance.
†For non-managed file systems, the requirement is 1GB per million files
Note: If a file system uses deduplicated storage disks (DDisks), note
the following additional requirements:
• Requires 2 GB RAM per DDisk in addition to the base RAM
noted in
Ta bl e 2.
• Requires an additional 5GB of disk space for application
binaries and log files.
• Deduplication is supported only for file systems running on
a Linux operating system.
• An Intel Pentium 4 or later processor (or an equivalent AMD
processor) is required. For best performance, Quantum
recommends an extra CPU per blockpool.
StorNext Installation Guide3
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Storage Manager System Requirements
Partitioning Local Hard Disks
StorNext can be installed on any local file system (including the root file
system) on the MDC. However, for optimal performance, as well as to
aid disaster recovery, follow these recommendations:
• Avoid installing StorNext on the root file system.
• Partition local hard disks so that the MDC has four available local file
systems (other than the root file system) located on four separate
hard drives.
Note: You can run the pre-installation script to help determine the
estimated size of and optimal location for StorNext support
directories. For more information, see
Pre-Installation Script on
page 8.
LAN RequirementsThe following LAN requirements must be met before installing StorNext
on the MDC:
• In cases where gigabit networking hardware is used and maximum
StorNext performance is required, a separate, dedicated switched
Ethernet LAN is recommended for the StorNext metadata network.
If maximum StorNext performance is not required, shared gigabit
networking is acceptable.
• A separate, dedicated switched Ethernet LAN is mandatory for the
metadata network if 100 Mbit/s or slower networking hardware is
• The MDC and all clients must have static IP addresses.
Verify network connectivity with pings, and also verify entries in the
/etc/hosts file. Alternatively, telnet or ssh between machines to verify
• If using Gigabit Ethernet, disable jumbo frames and TOE (TCP
offload engine).
Note: StorNext does not support file system metadata on the same
network as iSCSI, NFS, CIFS, or VLAN data when 100 Mbit/s or
slower networking hardware is used.
4StorNext Installation Guide
Getting Ready to Install
Before installing StorNext SNFS and SNSM, complete the following tasks
to ensure successful installation:
• Correctly configure all storage devices (see Configuring Storage
• If using LUNs larger than 1 TB, decide on a label type and install any
necessary operating system patches (see
than 1 TB).
• (Linux only) Install the kernel source code (see Installing the Linux
Kernel Source Code on page 7).
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Getting Ready to Install
Planning for LUNs Larger
Configuring Storage
Planning for LUNs
Larger than 1 TB
Before installing StorNext SNFS and SNSM, make sure that all LUNs are
visible to the MDC. (A LUN, or logical unit number, is a logical device
that corresponds to one or more disks, drives, or storage devices.)
If there are any connection issues, resolve them before installing
StorNext. For assistance in configuring storage devices, refer to the
documentation that came with the storage device, or contact the
Note: LUNs that you plan to use in the same stripe group must be the
same size. Consider this when configuring storage devices. (For
more information about stripe groups, see the
Caution: StorNext does not support the connection of multiple
devices through fibre channel hubs. Multiple devices must
be connected using fibre channel switches.
StorNext supports LUNs greater than 1 TB in size if they are allowed by
the operating system. To enable support for 1 TB or larger LUNs, all
StorNext LUNs must be correctly labeled according to the requirements
of the operating system running on the MDC as well as the operating
StorNext User’s
StorNext Installation Guide5
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Getting Ready to Install
system running on all connected clients. Disk LUNs can have one of
three labels: VTOC, EFI, or sVTOC (short VTOC).
Required disk LUN label settings based on operating system and LUN
size are presented in
Ta bl e 3. Before installing StorNext, decide what
label type will be used, and then install any required operating system
patches or updates (for both MDC and client) as indicated in the notes
Ta bl e 3.
Note: After labeling a disk LUN, you must reboot systems running
Solaris before they can access the disk LUN.
Table 3 Required Disk LUN
Linux 2.6
Label for LUNs
< 1 TB
Label for LUNs
1–2 TB
Label for LUNs
> 2 TB
Linux 2.4
VTOC, EFIVTOC, EFINot supported
Solaris 9
Solaris 10
VTOC, EFIEFINot supported
Apple Xsan 1.3
(MacOS X 10.4
Apple Xsan 1.3
(MacOS X 10.3
Apple Xsan
6StorNext Installation Guide
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Getting Ready to Install
Installing the Linux
Kernel Source Code
a. For Windows XP 32-bit systems only, support for LUNs larger than 2 TB is
limited to the first 2 TB. All other supported Windows platforms
(including Windows XP 64-bit) support LUNs greater than 2 TB.
b. Support for EFI labels requires the Multiterabyte Disk Support patch.
c. Support for 2 TB or larger LUNs requires Solaris 10 Update 2 (06/06).
d. Supports only the first 2 TB of LUNs larger than 2 TB.
e. Supports only LUNs of 2.2 TB or less.
Label for LUNs
< 1 TB
Label for LUNs
1–2 TB
Label for LUNs
> 2 TB
Note: For best results, Quantum recommends using persistent
binding for disk LUNs. For more information, contact the
vendor of your HBA (host bus adapter).
For management servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 4 or
5, before installing SNFS and SNSM you must first install the kernel
header files (shipped as the kernel-devel or kernel-devel-smp RPM,
depending on your Linux distribution).
For servers running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, you must install the
first kernel source code (shipped as the kernel-source RPM). StorNext
will not operate correctly if these packages are not installed. You can
install the kernel header files or kernel source RPMs by using the
installation disks for your operating system.
Verifying Hostname
The maximum hostname length for a StorNext server is limited to 25
characters. Before you begin the installation, verify that the destination
hostname is not longer than 25 characters. (The hostname is read
during the installation process, and if the hostname is longer than 25
characters the installation process could fail.)
StorNext Installation Guide7
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Pre-Installation Script
Pre-Installation Script
The StorNext pre-installation script (snPreInstall) is included on the
StorNext installation CD. When you run
for information about your system. The pre-installation script uses this
information to estimate the amount of local disk space required for
SNFS and SNSM support directories. In addition, the script recommends
the optimal locations for support directories.
StorNext uses five directories to store application support information.
These directories are stored locally on the metadata controller, except
for the
The StorNext support directories are described in Ta bl e 4.
Backup directory, which is stored on the managed file system.
snPreInstall, you are prompted
Table 4 StorNext Support
Support DirectoryDescription
Records information about where and how
data files are stored.
Records changes made to the database.
Contains index information that enables
quick searches on the file system.
Stores metadata dumps (backups of file
Contains configuration files and support data
required for disaster recovery.
Before You BeginBefore running the pre-installation script, be prepared to answer the
following questions:
• Is this an upgrade installation?
• What local file systems can be used to store support information?
• Which version of StorNext will be installed?
8StorNext Installation Guide
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Pre-Installation Script
• What is the maximum number of directories expected (in millions)?
• What is the maximum number of files expected (in millions)?
• How many copies will be stored for each file?
• How many versions will be retained for each file?
Note: Keep in mind that storage needs typically grow rapidly.
Consider increasing the maximum number of expected
directories and files by a factor of 2.5x to ensure room for
future growth.
Note: The pre-installation script ignores unmounted file systems.
Before running
snPreInstall, be sure to mount all local file
systems that will hold StorNext support information.
Running snPreInstallTo run the pre-installation script, use the StorNext installation CD.
1 Log on to the MDC as root.
2 Mount the StorNext installation CD and change to the CD root
3 List the installation directories on the CD. At the command prompt,
ls -l
4 Identify the correct installation directory for your operating system
and hardware platform, and then change to that directory.
For example, for Red Hat Linux 5 running on an x86 64-bit platform,
change to the
RedHat50AS_26x86_64 directory.
5 Run the script. At the command prompt, type:
The pre-installation script runs (Figure 1).
StorNext Installation Guide9
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
Pre-Installation Script
Figure 1 Pre-Installation Script
6 Follow the onscreen instructions, and answer each question when
The script outputs results based on the information you entered.
snPreInstall Output
After you enter all requested information, the pre-installation script
outputs the following results:
• Estimated disk space required for each support directory.
• Recommended file system location for each support directory.
Te c h T i p :For optimal performance, each support directory
(other than the Backup directory) should be located
on its own local file system, and each local file system
should reside on a separate physical hard disk in the
There are three types of directory recommendations, as indicated by the
text preceding the recommendation. The three types of
recommendations are described in
10StorNext Installation Guide
Ta bl e 5.
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
RECOMMENDThe suggested directory locations will result in
optimal system performance.
NOTEThe suggested directory locations are valid but
system performance will not be optimal.
SPACEAdditional hard disk space is required to store
the required support directories.
The pre-installation script bases directory location recommendations on
the following criteria:
• To aid disaster recovery, the Database and Journal directories should
be located on different file systems.
• For optimal performance, the Metadata directory should not be
located on the same file system as (in order of priority) the
Database, or Mapping directory.
Note: Do not change the location of support directories manually.
Instead, use the installation script to specify the location for
support directories. For more information, see
Installation Script.
StorNext Installation Script
When you are ready to install StorNext, use the StorNext installation
script to install StorNext File System and Storage Manager on the
metadata controller. The installation script also installs the client
software on the MDC.
If you are upgrading from a StorNext File System only system to include
StorNext Storage Manager, please follow the instructions in
From a StorNext File System-Only Configuration. Otherwise, you can
proceed to Launching the StorNext Installation Script.
StorNext Installation Guide11
Chapter 1: Installing StorNext File System and Storage Manager
StorNext Installation Script
Upgrading From a
StorNext File SystemOnly Configuration
Launching the StorNext
Installation Script
If you have StorNext File System only and are adding StorNext Storage
Manager, some components remain from the File System installation
and the new installation could fail. To prevent installation failure, you
should first remove the old components.
The following procedure describes how to remove the old components
before starting the new StorNext installation. Follow the steps below
if you are upgrading from a StorNext File System-only
configuration to StorNext File System and Storage Manger.
1 Log on to the MDC as root.
2 Save /etc/fstab and /usr/cvfs/config
3 Remove the existing rpms.
4 Install StorNext as described in Launching the StorNext Installation
5 Restore /etc/fstab and /usr/cvfs/config
The StorNext installation script lets you choose installation configuration
options and install StorNext. To launch the script, use the correct
StorNext installation CD for your operating system.
1 Log on to the MDC as root.
2 Mount the StorNext installation CD and change to the CD root
Note: When you mount a CD in a Red Hat 4 or 5 system, CDs are
mounted by default with a noexec (non-executable) option
which prevents you from proceeding with the installation.
For Red Hat users only, before proceeding you must
remount the CD by typing mount -o remount, exec ...
3 List the installation directories on the CD. At the command prompt,
ls -l
4 Identify the correct installation directory for your operating system
and hardware platform, and then change to that directory.
12StorNext Installation Guide
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