Quantum StorageCare™Guardian
Quantum StorageCare™Guardian
Guarding Backups. Securing Time.
Guarding Backups. Securing Time.
Sidebar Subhead, Humanist Bold 777, 8.25pt:
• It’s Proactive – Guardian’s proactive
Sidebar body text is typeset in Humanist 777
monitoring feature ensures highly
Roman, 8.25pt over 11.75pt. There has also been a
reliable backups by notifying Quantum
character style sheet assigned to the bullet. Please
support when it identifies red flags so
note that there are no hyphenated words.
Sidebar Subhead: Sidebar body text is typeset
that machine downtime can be
in Humanist 777 Roman, 8.25pt over 11.75pt.
There has also been a character style sheet
assigned to the bullet. Please note that there are
It’s Intelligent – When backups are
no hyphenated words.
Sidebar Subhead: Sidebar body text is typeset
interrupted and the system is not
in Humanist 777 Roman, 8.25pt over 11.75pt.
working properly, Guardian is able to
Sidebar Subhead: Sidebar body text is typeset
quickly provide Quantum support with
in Humanist 777 Roman, 8.25pt over 11.75pt.
the necessary diagnostics data to
There has also been a character style sheet
quickly identify root cause for faster
assigned to the bullet. Please note that there are
no hyphenated words.
problem resolution
Sidebar Subhead: Sidebar body text is typeset
in Humanist 777 Roman, 8.25pt over 11.75pt.
It’s a Value-Add – StorageCare
There has also been a character style sheet
Guardian is included at no extra cost
assigned to the bullet. Please note that there are
no hyphenated words. Sidebar body text is
with our enterprise, midrange and
typeset in Humanist 777 Roman, 8.25pt over
autoloader products under warranty or
support contract.
Copy and blue box should not extend
further than this point, but may be
StorageCare Guardian is a remote monitoring and diagnostics
solution that proactively monitors the health of Quantum
systems over the internet and uses intelligent diagnostics data
to remotely service the equipment if issues arise.
Key benefits:
Highly reliable backups
Guardian’s proactive monitoring feature
ensures highly reliable backups by
notifying Quantum support when it
identifies red flags so that machine
downtime can be mitigated.
Faster problem resolution
When backups are interrupted and the
system is not working properly,
Guardian is able to quickly provide
Quantum support with the necessary
diagnostics data to quickly identify root
cause for faster problem resolution.
Higher level of service at no extra cost
StorageCare Guardian is designed to
enhance customer experience with
Quantum products and services and is
included at no extra cost with
enterprise, midrange and autoloader
products that are under warranty or
support contract.
Solution Features:
• Continuous Monitoring – Proactive
7x24 x365 monitoring feature checks
for common errors and automatically
alerts Quantum Support when an
error is detected.
• Access Policy Management – This
access policy setting feature gives the
customer full control over Quantum’s
access rights and privileges.
• Audit Logging - Audit logs are kept
for all actions done in the system.
• Drive Log and TapeAlert Monitoring For Quantum Tape Libraries that
support ADI (Automation Drive
Interface), StorageCare Guardian will
regularly collect drive logs from
Quantum SDLT drives and look for error
indicators. On platforms that support
it, StorageCare Guardian will also
collect TapeAlert information for all
drive and media types.
• E-Mail Notifications - StorageCare
Guardian users can choose to be
copied on alarm e-mails that are sent
to Quantum Global Services.
• Customer Access to Guardian Console
- Customers can view all their
Quantum systems being monitored
by StorageCare Guardian at no extra
Security Features:
• StorageCare Guardian communicates
with Quantum products only via the
network management interface -no
in-band or data path access is
possible. This ensures that Quantum
can’t gain access to your data and
that StorageCare Guardian can’t
conflict with your backup
applications and processes.
• Secure communications – The
Guardian agent at the customer’s site
initiates all communication
communications are fully-encrypted
(128-bit SSL). Trusted Digital
Certificates through VeriSign validate
the identity of both ends of the
• Access Policy Management - The
customer has full control over
Quantum access privileges.
• Data security - Only diagnostics data
related to Quantum systems is
transferred such as systems
configuration, statistics and counters,
event and error logs.
• Network security – Guardian
leverages the customer’s existing
network security infrastructure and
receives the same network security

Quantum StorageCare Guardian
Quantum StorageCare Guardian
coverage as all other computers within the facility. Agent
can have a hidden TCP/IP address.
• VeriSign Security Certified - StorageCare Guardian has
undergone an extensive application security assessment by
VeriSign based on open industry standards to ensure bestin-class security.
Customer Site
How it works:
1. Customer downloads and installs the Guardian software
agent on any Windows 2000/2003/XP, Solaris 8/9 or Red
Hat Enterprise Linux version 3 or 4 server located at the
customer’s site
2. The Guardian Agent monitors Quantum products, and
provides updates to the Quantum Enterprise Server
3. StorageCare Guardian immediately notifies Quantum via
e-mail if an error is detected. An e-mail alert can also be
sent to the customer or Quantum Authorized Service
Provider if they have chosen to receive these alerts. If an
error or problem is detected, Quantum support personnel
or the Quantum Authorized Service Provider can
immediately queue a request to the Guardian Agent for
data collection or realtime access to the system
4. The Guardian Agent checks access policy settings to
determine if access is allowed
5. If approved, the information is transferred to Quantum, or
a remote connection is initiated
6. Quantum support will diagnose the problem, and if
necessary, send the needed parts and/or field personnel to
resolve the issue
Supported Products:
• DX30, DX100
• PX720
• PX502, PX506 and PX510
• SuperLoader 3
• DX3000, DX5000
• DPM5500
• M-Series w/MC300
• P-Series w/MC350
System Requirements:
Requirements for the server that the agent will run on are as
• Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows X, Sun
Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 3 or 4
operating system installed
• Web connectivity to Guardian supported Quantum products
• Network connectivity to the Internet (a visible IP address not
How to get Guardian:
• Guardian download link on the Product or Service-in-a-Box
registration page (http://www.quantum.com/registration)
• Go to the Guardian Info Page
(http://guardianinfo.quantum.com) and click on “Get
Guardian Now”
• Contact Quantum Support directly for the download URL
• Log on to eSupport and click on the Guardian link
• Guardian Flash Animation CD
Supporting Documents:
• StorageCare Guardian Overview (Flash)
• StorageCare Guardian Customer Presentation (PowerPoint)
• Security White Paper
• Technology White Paper
For a list of supported products and their
Guardian availability dates, please visit:
For more information,
visit quantum.com
©2006 Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved. Quantum, the Quantum logo, DLT, DLTtape and the DLTtape logo are registered trademarks of Quantum Corporation, registered in the U.S., and other countries.
The DLT logo, Backup. Recovery. Archive. It’s What We Do., DLTSage, Dynamic Powerdown, FastSense, FlexLink, GoVault, MediaShield, Optyon, Pocket-sized. Well-armored, SiteCare, SmartVerify, StorageCare,
SiteCare, Super DLTtape, and SuperLoader are trademarks of Quantum. LTO and Ultrium are trademarks of HP, IBM and Quantum in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their
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DS00249 May 2006