TouchMix™-30 Pro
Tablet Support Stand
Quick Start Guide
The TouchMix-30 Pro Tablet Support Stand is designed to
provide a convenient stand for typical tablet devices on the
TouchMix-30 Pro.
Package Contents
Part Name Qty
Tablet Stand Bracket 1
Hexalobular Internal Button-head Screws
M3.5 6 (spares)
Hexalobular Internal T8 Screwdriver 1
Refer to Figure 1
1. Use the supplied screwdriver to remove two screws (1) from
each end of the mixers top panel as shown.
2. Align the two holes on the bracket (2) with the empty screw
holes on the mixer. Be sure the taller edge of the bracket is
towards the back of the mixer.
3. Use the screwdriver to install one M3.5 6mm screw (3)
through each of the two holes in the bracket and into the
4. Tighten the screws. Do not overtighten.
— Figure 1 —
NOTE: The TM-30 Tablet Stand is not meant to secure your tablet to the mixer. Make sure you have your mixer in a spot where the
tablet would not easily be bumped off the mixer.
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