TouchMix™-30 Pro
Rack Kit
Quick Start Guide
TouchMix-30 Pro Rack Kit
The TouchMix-30 Pro Rack Kit is designed to provide the means to install a
TouchMix-30 Pro mixer into a standard 19" mixer rack.
Package Contents
Part Name Qty
Rack Mounting Brackets 2
Flathead Screws (M5 25mm) 6
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2
1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the three panhead screws (1) from each side
of the mixer as shown.
2. Align the mounting pins on the bracket (2) with the screw holes on the mixer,
then slide the mounting pins into the holes.
3. Use a Phillips screwdriver to install one M5 25mm fl athead screw (3) through
each mounting pin in both brackets and into the mixer.
4. Tighten the screws. Do not overtighten.
5. Mount the mixer in your mixer rack using the three holes in each mounting bracket and the proper
screws for the mixer rack.
— Figure 1 —
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— Figure 2 —
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