TouchMix™ Rack Mounting Instructions
These instructions describe how to attach either the TouchMix-16 or the TouchMix-8 to the TMR-1.
Package Contents
Name Quantity
TouchMix Rack Mounting Kit TMR-1 1
M4 6L Phillips Head Screw 5
M4 Flat Washer 5
M4 Split Washer 5
TD-000474-00 Rack Mounting Instructions 1
1. Turn the mixer upside down and carefully place it on a suitable surface that
will not damage the top side of the mixer.
2. Align the four holes (4a) in the tray with the four holes in the bottom of the
mixer (4b).
Figure 1 shows the TouchMix-16 using the four outside
holes (4a) on the tray. The TouchMix-8 uses the four inner holes
(5). If you try to use the wrong holes, you would not be able to
secure the mixer to the tray with all four screws. Make sure all four
screws are used, and in the proper holes.
3. Place one M4 Split Washer on each screw.
4. Place one M4 Flat Washer on each screw.
5. Install one screw with washers into each hole and tighten. Do not overtighten
the screws.
6. Turn the mixer and tray assembly over so that the mixer is on top.
— Figure 1 —
7. You are now ready to install the TouchMix / TMR-1 assembly in your rack.
367 mm
[14.4 in.]
482 mm
[19 in.]
61 mm
[2.4 in.]
133 mm
267 mm
[10.5 in.]
— Figure 2 —
© 2014 QSC Audio Products, LLC. All rights reserved. QSC, the QSC logo, and TouchMix are registered
trademarks of QSC Audio Products, LLC in the U.S. Patent and Trademark offi ce and other countries. All
133 mm
[5.3 in.]
[5.3 in.]
467 mm
[18.4 in.]
482 mm
[19 in.]
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
309 mm
[12.1 in.]