Pure Move T4 User Manual

Move T4


Thank you for choosing the MoveT4. This user manual will get you up and running in no time.
If you need more help, visit support.pure.com.


Befo re you use yourMove T4, read the fo llowing safet yinstructions.
Read allthe safety informationand instructions be fore usingthe p roduct.W henpassing thispro ductto someo ne, include alld ocuments.
If you do not follow the op eratinginstructionsp rovided ,it maycomp romise the safety of yourp roduct andthismay invalidate the warranty.
Do not expo se the pro ductto dripping or splashing.Do not place ob jects filled with liquids,suchas vases,o nthe prod uct. If liquido rw ater spillsonto the p roduct,sw itchito ff immediatelyand contactyo urde aler. If you are using amains-powe red adapt er,d o not touchthe p roduct withw et hands.
The internalb attery inthispro ductis not user replaceable. Donot e xpose the batte ryto excessive heat or naked flames.Ensure adeq uate ve ntilation and airflow around the pro duct,particuarlywhen charging.Dispose of the prod uctinaccordance withlocale nvironmentalrules.
Using the prod uctinroo ms or climates with high humidityandt empe ratures may cause conde nsationt o form inside the prod uct,whichcandamage the prod uct.Use the prod uctinmo derate climateso nly.
Do not useyo urpro ductin extreme lyhot or cold te mperature. Kee p the de viceaway from heat sources,s uchas radiatorso rg as/electricf ires.Do not exp ose yo urpro ductto naked f lames, suchaslighted candles.
To charge your prod uct,onlyconnect itto asupp lysource that meets the safe ty isolationre quirements of EN60065 or EN60950-1 fo r anaccessible safety extra low voltage circuit.Forthis connection,use e ither the supplied micro-USBcable o ra suitablyCEapproved pow er adapter w iththe correct USBoutputrating.
Pow er the prod uctusingane xternal5 V DC1.5 A pow er supply.T hemaximumoutput currentis 1.5A, prote cted b y aninternalcircuit.
Befo re you charge yo urpro duct,ensure thatthe available supplyvo ltage correspo nds withthe re quired ope rationalvoltage of the pro duct.
Disconnect yourp roduct from the charging pow er supply ifyo uwillnot use your prod uctfo ra long pe riod of time (fo re xample,if you are going on holiday).
Alwaysunplug your product from the charging po wer supp lybe fore cleaning. Whencleaning the prod uct,do not use any type o f abrasivep ad or abrasivecleaning solutionsas these may damage the prod uct'ssurface.
To re duce the riskof e lectricshock,d o not remove anyscrews. The pro ductd oe s notco ntainanyuser-se rviceable parts inside. Prod uctrep airsshouldo nly be carried out by authorised perso nnel.
To p revent po ssible hearing damage,d o not listenat highvolumele velsf or long periods o f time.Co nsistent expo sure to highvolumes whenusingheadp honescan damage yourhearing.Alwayscheck the volumeleve l bef ore you insertheadp hones into your ears.Use o f headphones whileo perating ave hicleis not recommende d andis illeg alinsome areas. If yo ufind thatlistening to your Move is distracting whileo perating anytype o f vehicle o rp erfo rming anactivity thatreq uires your fullattention,stop listeningto yourMo ve.
User:T heb attery isnot user se rviceable.Do not attempt to replace the internalb attery inthe prod uct.
Service Pe rsonnelonly:Danger o f explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Rep lace onlyw iththe same or eq uivalent type.
Risko f injury whenchargingthe p roduct indirect sunlight.Onlycharge t hep roduct when itis not indirect sunlight.
Ensureade quate ventilationand airflow around the prod uct,particularlyw hencharging.
Cease to use the d evice ifthere are anyabnormalitiesd uring ope ration,suchashighte mperature,d iscoloration, bulging,leakage, andso on.
Symbols on the product a nd in the use r ma nual
Pote ntiallyserious riskto yo urpe rsonalsafety. To avoid po ssible injuryor de ath,obe y allsafe ty noticesw iththis symbol.
Caution.Read the user manualbe fore use.
Caution.Avoid listeningat highvolume levels for long pe riods of time.
5VDC1.5Ap owe r supply.
Where to switchon the pro ducto r put itinstandby.


Intro duct ion 1 Safety 2 Contents 4 Overview 5
Wha t's in the box 5 Con trols 6 Con nectio ns 7 Disp lay 8
Getting started 9
Cha rgin g your Move 9 Switchi ng on for the first ti me 9 Lockin g and u nlo cking your Move 10 Usin g the sta nd 11
Digital radio 12
Listeni ng to di gita l rad io 12 Cha ngi ng the radio sta tion 12 Performing a n au totun e 12
FM radio 13
Listeni ng to FMra dio 13 Cha ngi ng the radio sta tion 13 Cha ngi ng sea rch se tting s fo r rad io stati ons 13 Cha ngi ng be tween stereo and mono receptio n 14
Presets 15
Storin g presets to preset1, 2 or3 15 Storin g presets to the prese t l ist 15 Listeni ng to preset s 16
Bluetoot h 17
Listeni ng to a Bl uetoo th device 17 Discon nectin g a Blu etooth de vice 17
Alarms 19
Setti ng an a la rm 19 Snoozi ng or sil encin g an a la rm 19
Timers 20
Setti ng a kitche n timer 20 Setti ng a sl eep ti mer 20
Setting s 21
Cl ock setti ngs 21 Disp lay setti ngs 22 Cha ngi ng the audi o settin gs 24 Usin g power savi ng mode 25 Cha ngi ng the lang uag e 25 Resetti ng to fa ctory setti ngs 25 Upda tin g the softwa re 25 Performing a battery reset 26
Specification s 27



What's in the box

1 Move T4
2 Micro -USB cable (for pow er o nly)


1 Menu Pre ss to op en the main menu or g o back to the p re vious menu.
2 Previous
3 Select Pre ss to se lect a radio station or menu optio n.
4 Next P res s to choos e the ne xt rad io station or menu o ption.
5 Presets Pre ss to lis ten to yo ur pre set.s . Pre ss and hold to stor e the curre nt radio
6 Volume
7 Power/Lo ck
Pre ss to choo se the pre vio us r adio s tation or menu o ption.
station to a pre se t.
Pre ss to change the v olume.
Slid e to the po sition to lock the buttons. S lide to the middl e po sition to unlock the buttons.
Slid e to the pos ition to switch o n yo ur Move . Sli de to the po sition and hold to swi tch off your Move.


1 Micro-USB s ocket
2 3.5mm headphone so cket


3 415
7 8 9
Digital Radio
BBC Radio 2
1 2
1 Te xt are a 2 Curre nt time
3 Alarm1 se t 4 Alarm2 se t
5 Sl ee p timer active 6 Mute
7 Curre nt pr ese t 8 Stere o re cep tion active
9 Radi o sig nal stre ngth

Getting started

Before using your Move, read the safety information on page2.

Charging your Move

1. Connect the mic ro-USB cable to the micro-USB port on your Move.
2. Connect the other end of the micro-USB c able to a power outlet, using a USB power adapter. You c an also charge the battery by connecting your M ove t o a computer's U SB port. The icon on the display shows the battery charging.

Switching on for the first time

Before you switch on y our Move for the first time, charge the battery for at least 3hours.
1. If you want to use the speaker,unclip and f ully extend the aerial.
2. If you want to use headphones, c onnect them into the headphone socket on your M ove.
The headphonesare also t he aerial for y our Move.
3. Your M ove switches on and starts tuning to digital radio stations. After the autotune is complete, you can start listening to digital radio.

Locking and unlocking your Move

You can lock the buttons on your M ove, so you don't accidentally press a button.
When your Move is switched off, lock the buttons so you don't accidentally switch it on.
1. To lock the buttons on y our Move, slide the Power/Lock switch into the position.
2. To unlock the buttons on your Move, slidethe Power/Lock switch into t he middle position.

Using the stand

Your Move is equippedwith a stand, which is ideal f or use at your bedside or on your travels.
l To use the stand, pull it out f rom the bottom of your Move.

Digital radio

Listening to digital radio

When you are listening to FMradio,you c an change to digital radio.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Digital radio.

Changing the radio station

1. Press or to browse the availableradio stations.
2. Press Select to choosea radio station.

Performing an autotune

When you first switch on your Move, it automatic ally searches for radio stations. To search for digital radio stationsagain, perform an autotune.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Autotune.

FM radio

Listening to FMradio
When you are listening to digitalradio, you c an change to FMradio.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose FM radio.

Changing the radio station

l To m ove to the previous or next radio station, pressand hold or . l To tune to a specific radio station frequency, press or to increase or
decreasethe frequency. The frequency steps up or down by 0.05 MHz.

Changing search settings for radio stations

When you press and hold to change radio stations, y ou can include all radio stations or only include radio stat ions with a strongsignal.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Scan setting.
3. Press and Select to chooseStrong stations only or All stations.

Changing between stereo and mono reception

By default, your M ove usesstereo reception f or FMradio. If radio stations hav e a weak signal, mono reception may improve the signal strength.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose FM stereo.
3. Press and Select to chooseStereo or Mono.


You can store your favourite radio stat ions as presets.
On the front of your Move, there are four preset buttons. Use 1, 2 or 3 for quick access t o your fav ourite radio stations. Use 4+ t o open a list of all y our presets.
You can save up to 10 digital radio stations and up to 10 FM radio stations in the presets list.
Storing presets to preset1, 2 or3
1. Tune to the radio station y ou want to store.
2. Press and hold1, 2 or 3 until Preset saved is displayed.
If there is already a radio station saved to the preset you’ve selected, t he new station replaces it.

Storing presets to the preset list

1. Tune to the radio station y ou want to store.
2. Press and hold4+ until the preset list is displayed.
3. Press and Select to choosea preset number.
If there is already a radio station saved to the preset you’ve selected, t he new station replaces it.

Listening to presets

l To listen to preset1, 2 or3, press1,2 or 3. l To listen to any preset, press4+ to open the preset list. Press and Select to
choosea preset number.


You can use Bluetooth to wirelessly connect to a device, such as a mobile phone or tablet. You can then stream music from your mobile phone or tablet through your Move.
The first time you connect a Bluetooth device to your M ove, y ou need to pair them. After you've paired a device wit h y our Move, your Move remembers it for the next time.

Listening to a Bluetooth device

1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Bluetooth.
Your Move is now discoverable, which means other Bluetooth devices c an find it.
3. On your Bluetooth device, switch Bluetooth on and c onnect to your Move.
Note: For more information, see your Bluetooth device's user manual. If you
are asked to enter a passcode, enter 0 000.

Disconnecting a Bluetooth device

To disconnect a Bluetooth device, do one of the following:
l PressSource to switch to digital radio or FM radio. l Switch off Bluetooth on the connected device.
Your Move doesn't reconnect automatic ally to your paired Bluetooth devices. After you disconnect your Bluetooth device f rom your M ove, y ou need to reconnect it manually.


You can set two alarms on y our Move, which can tune to a radio station or sounda tone.
Alarms only sound when y our Move is switched on or in standby mode, and connected to a power supply. Alarms do not sound when your M ove is switched off.

Setting an alarm

1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Alarm > Alarm1 or Alarm2.
3. Press and Select to chooseAlarm > On.
4. Press and Select to change settings for the alarm.

Snoozing or silencing an alarm

l To snoozean alarm , press or Select.
The default snooze time is 10 m inutes.
l To silence an alarm and put the radio into standby, slide and hold the
Power/Lock switch into the position.
l To silence an alarm and leave t he radio on, press any other button (except for
the v olume buttons).



Setting a kitchen timer

The kitchen timer counts down and then ends with an alarm tone.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Alarms > Timer.
3. Press and Select to set the timer duration.
To cancel the kitchen timer, enter the Timer menu and set t he tim er duration to 00:00.

Setting a sleep timer

The sleeptimer switches off y our Move after a set amount of time.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose S leeptimer.
3. Press and Select to choosethe duration of the timer.
is shown on the display and the timer starts counting down.
When the sleep tim er ends, the radio volume decreases gradually for 30 seconds and then the radio goes into standby.
To cancel the sleept imer, enter the Sleep timer menu and choose Sleep timer off.


Clock settings

Setting the time and date
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Clock> S et time/date.
3. Press and Select to set the date and then the time.
Changing the time or date format
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Clock.
3. Choose whether to c hange the time format or date f ormat.
l To c hange the time format, press and Select to choose Set 12/2 4
l To c hange the date format, press and Select to c hoose S et date
4. Press and Select to choosea format.
Changing how the clock updates
Your Move can automatically update its c lock usingthe FM or digital radio signal.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Clock> Auto update.
3. Press and Select to choosehow the clock updates.

Display settings

Changing the information shown on the display
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Display> Info.
3. If you're in the digital radio m ode, press and Select to c hoose a setting.
l Normal. You can select what type of information is displayed in the
next step.
l Slide 1. Displays a slideshow with text. l Slide 2. D isplays a full-screen slideshow.
You can also change this setting by pressing and holding Select.
4. Press and Select to choosea setting.
l Scrolling text. Displays information provided by the radio stat ion, such
as the current song's title and artist.
l Signal strength. Displays the signal strength of t he current radio station.
Only available for digital radio.
l Date. Displays t oday's date.
Changing the display brightness
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Display> Brightness.
3. Press and Select to choosethe ac tive or standby screen.
4. Press and Select to choosea brightness level. To m ake the display brighter, c hoose a higher number. To set the screen brightness to change automatically dependingon lighting conditions, c hoose Auto.
By default, the display turns off af ter 10seconds of inactivity. To make the display always stay on, press Menu and chooseDisplay> Duration> Always on.

Changing the audio settings

Use t he equaliser to get the most out of your audio. Thereare several equaliser settingsset up already. For example, to hear c lassical m usic at its best, change the equaliser setting to Classic. You can also customise the audio settings to change t he treble and bass.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose Audio.
3. Choose a setting.
l To c hange the equaliser, press and Select to chooseEqualiser.
When you're using the speaker, you can choose from Tabletopfor normal indoor use, Personal for when y ou're listening close to the speaker, or Outdoor for when you're outside. You can also choose from Rock, Pop, or Jazz.
When you're using headphones, you can choose from Natural, Rock, Pop, Classic, Jazz, or News.
l To c ustomise the audio settings, press and Select t o choose Tone.
Then press and Select to change the treble and bass.

Using power saving mode

You can enable the power saving mode to increase the battery life of your M ove. When your Move is in power saving m ode, it automatically usesa low-power equaliser setting, and the display always turns off after 10seconds of inactivity.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose S ettings> Powersaving > On.

Changing the language

1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose S ettings> Language.
3. Press and Select to choosea language.

Resetting to factory settings

If you reset your M ove to f actory settings, it removes storedpresets, clears t he station list and resets all settings to default.
You cannot undo a fac tory reset.
1. PressMenu.
2. Press and Select to c hoose S ettings> Factory reset.
3. Press and Select to chooseYes.

Updating the software

We may provide software updates to improve your M ove. To check for available software updates, visit support.pure.com.
To be contacted when software updates are available, y ou can register your product at account.pure.com.
Note: TheMicro-USBcable supplied with y our Move does not support software
updates. To update the software, use a Micro-USB data cable.

Performing a battery reset

If the c ontrolson your Move stop responding, perform a battery reset.
l To perform a battery reset, use a paper c lip to presst he reset button on the
bottom of y our Move.


Radio DAB/DAB+ an d FM ( RDS)
Frequencie s Dig ita l: Ba ndI II 174-240MHz, F M: 87.5-108MHz
Bluetooth Frequen cy ran ge: 24 02-2480 MHz, maximum power: -6.81d Bm (EI RP)
Speak er 1.5" full range dri ver u nit, 4w RMS a udio output
Receiving power supply 5VDC (1.5A) micro-USB (ca ble sup pli ed)
Inputs 5VDC ( 1.5A) micro-USB power socket ( al so for software u pdate s)
Outputs 3. 5mm ste reo hea dphon e socket
Presets 10 di gita l prese ts, 10FM presets
Displa y 2"colo ur LCD with ligh t sensor
Software version v1.0
Dime nsions 65mm (H ) x 130mm (W) x 20mm ( D)
Weight 205g
Operationa l tempe rature 0° C to +40° C
Aeria l Ca ptive tel escopi c a eria l (spe aker mode )
Approvals CE marked
Buil t-in l ith ium-i on recharge abl e batte ry (2000mAh)
The sup pli ed Micro-USB cabl e is onl y suita ble f or cha rgin g
Hea dphon es (he adph one mode)
Hereby, Pu re Inte rnati ona l Ltd decla res th at thi sLPDra dio, model Move T4, is in compli an ce wi th the essentia l requ irements of RED , 2014/53/E U. Th e ful l Decl arati on of C onfo rmity may be consul ted a t http: //www.p ure.com/ab out/red.
Correct disposal of thisproduct
Copyri ght2017 b y Pu re I nterna tio nal Limited. All rights reserved. N o part of th is publ icat ion may be copi ed or distrib uted, transmitted, transcribed, stored i n a retri eval system, or tran sla ted in to any hu man or computer la ngua ge, i n a ny f orm or by any mean s, el ectronic, mecha nica l, mag neti c, manua l or othe rwise, or disclo sed to thi rd p artie s wi thou t the express writte n permissio n of Pure I nterna tion al Limi ted. F or w arranty and d iscla imer info rmation , visit p ure.com.
Move, Pure a nd the Pu re logo a re tradema rks or registered trademarks of Pu re Intern ati onal Limited. All other produ ct n ames are trad emarks of the ir respective compan ies. Version 1Febru ary2016.
Thi s markin g ind icates th at thi s p roduct shoul d not be disposed wi th oth er h ouseh old wa ste through out the EU. To prevent possi ble h arm to the environ ment or human h eal th from uncont rolle d waste di sposal , recycle i t resp onsibl y to promote the susta in abl e reuse of materia l resou rces. T o return your used d evice, pl ea se use the retu rn and collectio n system or contact the ret ail er where th e product wa s pu rchased. They can take th is product for environ mental safe recycling .
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