Printronix T8000 User Manual

Administrator’ s Manual
T8000 Thermal Printers
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Trademark Acknowledgements
Printronix, IGP, Auto Label Mapping, LinePrinter Plus, PGL, and PrintNet are registered trademarks of Printronix, Inc.
T8 is a trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Artifex, the Artifex logo , Ghostscript, and the Ghostscript logo are registered trademarks of Artifex Software, Inc.
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................... 13
The T8000 Family of Printers ............................................................................ 13
Standard Features ............................................................................................. 14
Optional Features .............................................................................................. 15
Thermal Printer Technology .............................................................................. 16
The Printing Process ................................................................................... 16
Dynamic Print Control ................................................................................. 16
Warnings and Special Information .................................................................... 16
Manual Conventions .......................................................................................... 17
Operation ...................................................................... 19
Controls and Indicators ..................................................................................... 19
Power Switch .............................................................................................. 19
Control Panel .............................................................................................. 19
Operating Modes ............................................................................................... 20
Online Screen .................................................................................................... 21
Offline (Home) Screen ....................................................................................... 22
Job in Process ............................................................................................ 25
Media Handling Modes ...................................................................................... 25
Using th e Optional Internal R ew in de r ................................................................... 26
Batch Rewind Mode .......................................................................................... 26
Configuring the Printer Menu ...................................................................... 26
Installing the Paper Path ............................................................................. 27
Loading Media ............................................................................................ 28
Removing Printed Media from the Rewinder .............................................. 29
Label Peel-Off .................................................................................................... 29
Configuring the Printer Menu ...................................................................... 29
Loading Media ............................................................................................ 29
Removing Label Liner from the Rewinder ................................................... 31
Removing the Paper Path ........................................................................... 31
Printing Adjustments .......................................................................................... 32
Printhead Pressure Adjustment .................................................................. 32
Printhead Pressure Block Adjustments ...................................................... 33
Left Pressure Block ..................................................................................... 33
Right Pressure Block .................................................................................. 33
Positioning the Media Sensors ................................................................... 34
Sensing Media with Horizontal Black Mark(s) or Media with No Label
Length ......................................................................................................... 35
Indicators (Disable) ..................................................................................... 35
Sensing Media with Horiz onta l Black Marks ................................................ 35
Sensing Media with No Label Length Ind icat ors .......................................... 35
Sensing Media with Gaps, Notches, or Holes (Gap) .................................. 36
Sensing Media with Dark Background Labels with Gaps (Advanced Gap) 37
Sensing Dark Background Media with Notches or Holes (Advanced Notch)
.................................................................................................................... 38
Sensing Different Media Types ................................................................... 39
Calibrating the Media Sensors .................................................................... 39
Running Auto Calibrate ............................................................................... 40
Running Media Profile ................................................................................. 41
Gap Sensing ............................................................................................... 42
Advanced Gap Sensing .............................................................................. 45
Running Manual Calibrate .......................................................................... 46
Cleaning ...................................................................................................... 47
Exterior Cleaning ........................................................................................ 47
Interior Cleaning .......................................................................................... 48
Cleaning the Printhead, Platen Roller, Media Sensors and Media Damper
.................................................................................................................... 48
Printhead Cleaning ..................................................................................... 48
Platen Roller Cleaning ................................................................................ 48
Media Sensor Cleaning ............................................................................... 49
Media Damper Cleaning ............................................................................. 50
Cutter Option Cleaning ............................................................................... 50
Configurations .............................................................. 52
Overview ............................................................................................................ 52
Setting Printer Configuration Parameters .......................................... 52
Sav ing a Con fig ura ti on .................................................................................. 54
Aut o S av e Configuration .............................................................................. 55
Naming Configurations ............................................................................... 55
Loading a Configuration .............................................................................. 56
Specifying a Power-Up Configuration ......................................................... 57
Modifying a Saved Configuration ................................................................ 57
Viewing the Current Configuration .............................................................. 57
Printing a Configuration ............................................................................... 57
Settings Organization
Intro: Label Length ...................................................................................... 59
Intro: Clip Page ........................................................................................... 59
Media > Speed ............................................................................................ 60
Media > Image ............................................................................................ 61
.................................................................................................... 59
........................................................................ 58
Media > Handling ........................................................................................ 67
Media > Ribbon ........................................................................................... 71
Media > Top of Form................................................................................... 72
Media > Faults ............................................................................................ 74
Media > Auto Label Map ............................................................................. 75
Auto Label Map Examples .......................................................................... 77
Example 1: Simple Case ............................................................................. 77
Example 2: Uneven Number Case .............................................................. 77
Example 3: Past Maximum File Width ......................................................... 79
Example 4: Blank Label Case ..................................................................... 79
Sensors ................................................................................................ 80
Intro: Sensor Types ..................................................................................... 80
Sensors > Control ....................................................................................... 80
Sensors > Calibrate .................................................................................... 83
Sensors > Diagnostics ................................................................................ 88
System > Control ........................................................................................ 90
System > Energy Star ................................................................................. 93
System > Flash File View ........................................................................... 94
System > Flash File Edit ............................................................................. 94
System > SD File View ............................................................................... 95
System > SD File Edit ................................................................................. 95
System > Printer Mgmt ............................................................................... 97
System > GPIO ........................................................................................... 99
............................................................................................... 90
LP+, PGL, VGL Character Sets ................................................................ 101
Application > Control ................................................................................. 105
Application > IPDS Setup ......................................................................... 110
Application > PS/PDF ............................................................................... 115
Application > PGL Setup ........................................................................... 116
Application > VGL Setup ........................................................................... 125
Application > ZGL SETUP ........................................................................ 139
Application > TGL SETUP ........................................................................ 139
Application > IGL SETUP ......................................................................... 139
Application > STGL SETUP ...................................................................... 139
Application > DGL SETUP ........................................................................ 139
Application > IEGL SETUP ....................................................................... 139
Application > MGL SETUP ....................................................................... 139
..................................................................................... 101
Application > LP+ SETUP ......................................................................... 139
Application > P-SERIES Setup ................................................................. 144
Application > P-SERIES XQ Setup ........................................................... 150
Application > Serial Matrix Setup .............................................................. 154
Application > Proprinter Setup .................................................................. 159
Application > Epson FX Setup .................................................................. 162
Application > Fonts ................................................................................... 166
Host IO
Network ............................................................................................ 184
Host IO > Control ...................................................................................... 168
Host IO > Centronics ................................................................................ 168
Host IO > IEEE-1284 ................................................................................ 173
Host IO > USB .......................................................................................... 174
Host IO > Serial ......................................................................................... 174
Network > Control ..................................................................................... 184
Network > Ethernet ................................................................................... 186
.......................................................................................... 168
Downloading Firmware ............................................... 197
Firmware File Types (.prg) and (.exe) ............................................................. 198
Web Page Download ....................................................................................... 199
Windows Driver Download .............................................................................. 201
Automatic Download (.exe) ............................................................................. 202
Manual Two-Key Download Sequence ........................................................... 204
Manual Three-Key Download Sequence ........................................................ 204
Sending Firmware in Download Mode ............................................................ 205
Configs > Control ...................................................................................... 189
Configs > Custom ..................................................................................... 190
Tools > Print Tests .................................................................................... 191
Tools > Diagnostics................................................................................... 192
Tools > Statistics ....................................................................................... 193
Tools > About ............................................................................................ 194
Sending Firmware via Ethernet (LPR) ...................................................... 205
Sending Firmware via USB ....................................................................... 205
Sending Firmware via Parallel .................................................................. 206
............................................................................................... 189
................................................................................................. 191
.............................................................................................. 196
Sending Firmware via Serial ..................................................................... 207
Downloading Files to the Main File System .................................................... 208
Filename Extensions Not Shown in Menus ..................................................... 208
File Properties Not Shown in Menus ............................................................... 209
Web Page Download ....................................................................................... 209
PTX_SETUP Download .................................................................................. 211
Manual Two-Key Download ............................................................................ 211
Downloading Files to the SD Card .................................................................. 212
Using TrueType Fonts ..................................................................................... 212
Downloading TrueType Fonts ................................................................... 212
PGL Emulation .......................................................................................... 213
Adding a Header/Manual Two-Key Download .......................................... 213
Header for SD Card ................................................................................... 214
Labeling Applications ................................................................................ 214
Select and Print Downloaded TrueType Fonts ......................................... 214
To Print ASCII Characters ........................................................................ 214
To Print All Characters .............................................................................. 214
Demo Facility ................................................................................................... 214
Downloading a Demo File ......................................................................... 215
Configuring the Printer to Run a Demo File .................................................... 215
Starting a Demo File ................................................................................. 215
Pausing a Demo File ................................................................................. 215
Stopping a Demo File ............................................................................... 215
Deleting a Demo File ................................................................................ 216
Reprogramming the Security Key ............................... 217
Reprogramming the Security Key ................................................................... 217
How to Program the Security Key ............................................................. 217
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ............................... 219
Printer T e st s ...................................................................................................... 219
Troubleshooting Common S it u at io ns ................................................................. 219
Interfacing ................................................................................................. 219
Hex Dump Mode ....................................................................................... 220
Controlling Print Quality ............................................................................ 220
Replacing the Printhead ............................................................................ 222
Restore the Printer to Operation ............................................................... 224
Diagnostics for Fatal Error: ....................................................................... 224
Solving other Printer Problems ................................................................. 225
Printer Alarms ........................................................................................... 233
Fault Messages ......................................................................................... 233
Operator-Correctable Fault Messages ..................................................... 233
Fault Messages Requiring Field Service Attention ................................... 233
Fatal Messages Requiring Firmware Upgrade or Diagnostics ................. 233
Specifications ............................................................. 249
Print Method .............................................................................................. 249
Media ........................................................................................................ 250
Ribbon ....................................................................................................... 252
Indicators and Switches ............................................................................ 252
Memory ..................................................................................................... 253
Media Cutter Option .................................................................................. 253
Cutter ........................................................................................................ 253
Host Interfaces .......................................................................................... 254
Power ........................................................................................................ 254
Environmental ........................................................................................... 255
Physical ..................................................................................................... 255
Acoustic Specifications ............................................................................. 255
Printer Options ............................................................ 257
Hardware Options ............................................................................................ 257
Media Cutter ............................................................................................. 257
Internal Rewinder ...................................................................................... 257
Media Cutter Tray ..................................................................................... 257
Online Data Validator ................................................................................ 257
Interface Options ............................................................................................. 257
Wireless NIC (802.11 a/b/g/n wireless) .................................................... 257
IPDS over Ethernet ................................................................................... 257
General Purpose Input/Ouput (GPIO) ...................................................... 257
Parallel (Centronics or IEEE-1284) ........................................................... 258
Supplies and Accessories ............................................................................... 258
Genuine Printronix Thermal Transfer Ribbons ......................................... 258
Printronix Wide Spectrum Wax Ribbon 8300 ........................................... 258
Printronix Wax Resin Blend Ribbon 8500 ................................................. 258
Printronix Flood-Coat Specialty Wax Resin Blend Ribbon 8550 .............. 258
Printronix Specialty Resin Ribbon 8600 ................................................... 258
Printronix Harsh Environment Resin Ribbon 8700 ................................... 258
Printronix Gasoline Resistant Specialty Resin Ribbon 8770 .................... 259
Genuine Printronix Media ......................................................................... 259
Accessories ............................................................................................... 260
ASCII Control Codes .................................................. 263
Media Cutter Installation
Prepare the Printer .......................................................................................... 265
Installing the Cutter .......................................................................................... 266
Restore the Printer to Operation ............................................................... 267
Removing the Media Cutter ............................................................................. 267
................................................. 265
Media Cutter Tray Installation ..................................... 269
Assembling the Media Cutter Tray .................................................................. 269
Installing the Media Cutter Tray ...................................................................... 270
PTX_SETUP Commands ........................................... 273
Overview .......................................................................................................... 273
Th e PTX_SETUP Co m m a n d s ........................................................................... 273
General Commands .................................................................................. 273
Summary of the CONFIG Command ........................................................ 278
Operation of the FILE_IO Command ........................................................ 278
Thermal Commands ................................................................................. 279
Quick Change Memory Card (QCMC) ........................ 281
Overview .......................................................................................................... 281
Installing the QCMC ........................................................................................ 282
Saving the Printer’s Configuration to the QCMC ............................................. 282
Copying the QCMC “Snapshot” Image to a Second Printer Updating th e QC MC Image Erasing th e QC MC Im ag e
................................................................................... 286
...................................................................................... 286
........................................... 284
Customer Support ...................................................... 289
Printronix Customer Support Center ............................................................... 289
Printronix Supplies Department ................................................................ 289
Corporate Offices ...................................................................................... 290
Glossary ..................................................................... 291
Communication Notices and Warranties .................... 297
Industry Canada Compliance Statement .................................................. 299
Statement of CISPR 22 Compliance ........................................................ 299
Japanese VCCI Class A ........................................................................... 299
German Conformity Statement ................................................................. 300
Korea ......................................................................................................... 300
Taiwan ....................................................................................................... 301
China ......................................................................................................... 301
Software License Agreement .......................................................................... 302
OpenSSL License ..................................................................................... 303
Original SSLeay License ........................................................................... 304
OpenSSL:.................................................................................................. 305
WPA Supplicant License ........................................................................... 305
Artifex Portions Software Copyright Notices ............................................. 306
Google Font Open Sans ........................................................................... 306
Cousine Font ............................................................................................. 306
................................................................................ 298
Limited Software Product Warranty ................................................................. 307
Remedy ..................................................................................................... 307
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Remedies .............................. 307
Termination of License Agreement ........................................................... 307
U.S. Government Restricted Rights .......................................................... 308
Acknowledgement of Terms and Conditions ............................................ 308
Warranty Information ....................................................................................... 308
PRINTER WARRANTY ............................................................................. 308
THERMAL PRINTHEAD ........................................................................... 308
SUPPLIES................................................................................................. 308
ON-SITE MAINTENANCE SERVICE ....................................................... 308
eCos .......................................................................................................... 309
Open SSL.................................................................................................. 309
The T8000 Family of Printers
The T8000 series consists of a family of high quality, direct thermal and thermal transfer printers specifically designed for printing labels and tags from multiple environments:
The T8000 series are comprised of the products detailed in Table 1.
As used in this manual, the terms “T8000” and “printer” refer to all models within the series.
EBCDIC (with the TN firmware or IPDS option)
SAP/ERP (with the Postscript/PDF firmware or Standard firmware with SAP device type)
Table 1. The T8000 Series
T8204 14 203 4.1 T8304 12 300 4.1 T8206 12 203 6.6 T8306 10 300 6.6 T8208 10 203 8.5 T8308 8 300 8.5
Max Print
Speed (ips)
Max Print
Standard Features
512MB DRAM memory (fixed).  128MB Flash memory (fixed).  Auto Label Mapping®: For compatibility with programs written for Printronix line matrix printers.  Bar Codes: Supports over multiple types of 1-D and 2-D bar codes.  Download: Fonts, forms, and graphics to printer memory. Emulations:
Printronix LinePrinter Plus® (LP+). Provides direct compatibility with Printronix P-Series
printers, Epson FX-1050, Proprinter IIIXL, and Serial Matrix Printers.
Printronix PGL®. Provides printer system commands for text, barcodes, graphics, lines, and
Printronix VGL. Emulates the QMS Code V™ Version II programming language to produce
on-line forms, bar codes, and alphanumeric text generation in both normal and high re solution.
ZGL interpreter for legacy ZPL (Zebra®) applications
TGL interpreter for legacy TEC (TEC®) applications
IGL interpreter for legacy IPL (Intermec®) applications
STGL interpreter for legacy SPL (SATO®) applications
DGL interpreter for legacy DPL™ (Datamax®) applications
IEGL interpreter for legacy IER-520® (IER®) applications
MGL interpreter for legacy MPCL II® (Monarch®) applications
High Resolution Printhead: For sharp graphics and text.  Label Taken Sensor: Detects removal of labels in Tear-Off mode (and in Peel-Off mode when op-
tional rewinder is installed).
Network Interface Port: This interface allows you to attach the printer to a LAN (Local Area Net-
work). The port is visible on the back panel. The Ethernet port is a 10/100Base and supports data transfer rates up to 100 Mbps. The PrintNet Enterprise Suite (PNE) remote management software is included with the package.
Resident Fonts (Standard Firmware): Letter Gothic Bold (#93779), Courier Bold (#9 3952), CG Tri-
umvirate Bold Condensed (#92250), OCR-A (#90993), OCR-B (#91409), CG Triumvirate (#92244), CG Triumvirate Bold (#92248), and CG Times New Roman (#92500).
SD memory card slot: Supports SD cards from 4 to 32 GB.  Serial RS-232 Tear-Off Mode: Positions the label at the tear-off position and detects its removal before printing the
next label.
Tear-Off Strip Mode: Prints a specified number of labels and positions the last label at the tear-off
Thermal Transfer and Direct Thermal Printing: On all printers  USB 2.0 Universal Serial Bus
Ventless System: For operation in environments with airborne particulate matter without compromis-
ing performance.
Optional Features
Ask your authorized representative about the following enhancement options: Andalé Fonts: A selection of four different purchasable Andale fonts can be provided (one font per
SD card). The Andale fonts will become active when the SD card is installed.
GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output): Enables a T8000 printer to interface with an external device
such as a label applicator system. GPIO is available as a factory option or field installable kit that also includes a mating connector for field interface, installation instructions, and operation manu al.
Internal Label Rewinder: In label peel-off mode, peels off labels one at a time before printing the
next label and rewinds the liner into a discardable roll. In batch rewind mode, rewinds printed labels into a removable roll.
IPDS: The printer may be ordered with this option installed or it can be field installed by an authorized
service representative or by use of an SPX at a later date. The printer must have a 300 dpi printhead installed to support this field installed option.
Media Cutter: Automatically cuts printed media when the media exits the printer. Available for 4, 6,
and 8 inch printers.
Media Cutter Tray: Used with the media cutter option to catch and collect the cut media in a bin.  Online Barcode Validator: Analyzes each bar code to ensure it meets stringent scanning standards.
This inspection validates the symbology and specifications of both linear and PDF417 bar code im­ages. Bad bar code labels are cancelled and good replacement labels a re p rinted.
Postscript/PDF: The Postscript/PDF firmware enables your printer to support Postscript and PDF
applications directly from the host computer making your ERP and WMS integration simple.
Parallel: Centronics®-compatible parallel, IEEE® 1284 compliant parallel.  Premium Asian Fonts: A selection of three different purchasable Asian fonts can be provided (one
font per SD card). These Asian fonts include Hanzi GB, Kanji SJIS, and Hangul, are available for use when the SD card is installed
QCMC (Quick Change Memory Card): The QCMC provides the ability to duplicate an entire
printer’s firmware, saved configurations, and custom files quickly through the printer’s control panel with a user friendly interface.
TN5250/TN3270: The TN firmware enables your printer to commu nicate with an IBM host through a
network interface using the 5250/3270 datastream. This feature allows you to use an applicati on gen­erated for the coax/twinax emulation to be printed through the network interface.
Wireless Network: This card provides wireless 802.11a/b/g/n connectivity without expensive cabling
and reconfigurations required from a wired network. PNE is standard with this option.
For more information about printer options, see Appendix B page 257.
Thermal Printer Technology
Quiet and fast, with excellent print quality, your multifunction thermal printer uses an inline thermal printhead. The thermal printer operates differently from a line matrix or laser printer, because the thermal printer uses a printhead with heating elements and special paper or ribbon.
The Printing Process
The thermal printhead allows two modes of operation: Direct Thermal
During direct thermal printing, the thermal printhead selectively heats small, rectangular thermal dots. When these contact the coated thermal paper, the dyes and developers in the coating react to the heat and develop an image. This mode of printing is generally used for short-term labeling applications.
Thermal Transfer During thermal transfer printing, the heated thermal dots contact a thermal ribbon. The heat reacts with
the ribbon and bonds the image to the paper. This method is used especially for abrasive, long-storage applications and for specialized applications, such as in extreme environmental conditions or where tamper-proofing is required.
Dynamic Print Control
Dynamic print control is a unique feature of your thermal printer that provides excellent print quality by preventing unevenness of print density.
Print quality largely depends on how the thermal paper or the thermal ribbon and thermal transfer paper responds to the heat of the thermal printhead.
During printing, the thermal printhead must reach a set temperature in the shortest possible time. Then it must cool down to the original temperature in the shortest possible time after printing. Thus print quality is dependent on the precise control of the energy supplied to the thermal dots.
The dynamic print control is a method for predicting the quantity of heat required to print dots based on the results of the previous printing. This prevents unevenness of print density and results in the printing of narrow- ladder bar codes or vertical grid lines that are straight from the microscopic viewpoint.
Warnings and Special Information
For your safety and to protect valuable equipment, read and comply with all information highlighted under special headings:
WARNING Conditions that could harm you and damage the equipment. WARNING Achten Sie auf folgendes, um keine Personen in Gefahr zubringen bzw. das
Gerät zu beschädigen.
WARNING Condiciones que pueden causar daños a personas y equipos. WARNING Conditions à respecter pour éviter tout danger corporel et dommage matériel. WARNING Condizioni che possono arrecare danni alle persone e alle apparecchiature.
CAUTION Conditions that could damage the printer or related equipment. IMPORTANT Information vital to proper operation of the printer.
NOTE: Information and helpful tips about printer operation.
Manual Conventions
Operator panel keys are printed in uppercase letters.
Example: Press the PAUSE key and then press ENTER.
Operator panel keys are often shown by their symbol or icon (located on the control panel directly be-
low the key).
Example: Press the key for ENTER.
Operator panel menu settings are often shown by their full location that includes the ICON name,
submenu, and then menu, each separated with a ‘>’ sign. Example: Change the Media > Image > Label Length menu.
Control panel LCD messages are printed in uppercase letters inside quotation marks ( “ ” ).
Example: When “OFFLINE” appears on the control panel LCD, you may release the PAUSE key.
Key combinations are indicated by the + (plus) symbol.
Example: Press + means Press the Up key and the Down key at the same time.
Controls and Indicators
Power Switch
The power switch is located on the bottom back panel of the printer. To apply power, place the switch in the | (ON) position. When you first power on the the color LCD control panel.
To remove power, place the power switch in the O (OFF) position.
Control Panel
The control panel is located on the front of the printer and includes a Status LED array, QVGA color display, PAUSE key, FEED key, LEFT SOFT key, RIGHT SOFT key, and navigation keys (buttons) with the ENTER button in the center. These are described in the following
printe r, an initialization sequence will i m m e d i a t e l y appear on
The QVGA (quarter VGA) screen is a 320 x 240 pixel color display (non-touch). It is comprised of a Header that shows the printer state and location with the User Interface (UI), the general display area, and a footer used to show the purpose of the LEFT and RIGHT SOFT keys (when available).
The status LED indicates when the
LED is on solid: ONLINE and Ready to Print.
LED is off: OFFLINE and not accepting data.
LED is flashing: Fault Indicator.
printer is ONLINE, OFFLINE, or when there is a fault condition:
Button Description Functionality
 
 
PAUSE Key Toggl e s the printer between
Navigational Keys
The navigational menus consist of up, down, left, and right keys with a
ENTER button in the
center for selection.
Soft Keys
There is a LEFT and RIGHT SOFT key on the sides of the navigational menus. The labels on the footer of the UI will ex­plain their function.
When ONLINE, sets printer to OFFLINE and the UI to the Home Screen.
When OFFLINE, returns the printer to the Home Screen first and then a second press will put the printer back ONLINE.
Advances the media ONLINE, the menu Printer Control > Feed Key Online must be enabled for this key to function.
Used to select icons, menu selection, and navi­gation in the UI.
Check the labels on the footer of the UI screen. The meaning of the soft keys will vary.
one label length. When
Operating Modes
The current operating mode can be selected through the control panel keys or can result from routine operations such as powering on the pri nt er .
Online: In ONLINE mode, the printer can receive and print data sent from the key toggles the printer between the ONLINE and
Offline (Home): When the printer goes OFFLINE, the Status LED is off and the UI is in Home Screen. From the Home Screen, the user has three different icons to choose from: 1) Wizard, 2) Settings, and 3) Calibration. The green highlighted icon is the current selection. Pressing the PA US E key toggles the printer from Screen to ONLINE mode.
Settings: When Settings is chosen from the Home Screen, the user has access to the printer menus by navigating icons and traversing menu lists. Configurations can be saved using the Configs icon or by use of the Auto-Save feature when returning ONLINE.
Wizard: When Wizard is chose n from the Home Screen, the user ca n perform different areas of printer setup with the help of detailed explanations, references to online videos, and other material. On the first power-cycle, the user will automatically be taken into the Printer Setup Wizard.
Fault: In fault mode, a fault condition exists that must be cleared before LED indicator flashes, the alarm beeps
Before normal printing can continue, the fault must be corrected, the message PAUSE k e y , and the printer placed ONINE.
(if configured to do so), and th e UI s h o w s t h e F a u l t s c r e e n .
OFFLINE modes. The Status LED indicator is on.
host. Pressing the PA U S E
printing can continue. The Status
cleared by pressing the
Online Screen
When the printer is ONLINE and ready to receive data, the ONLINE screen is shown. By default, this will be the first screen the user sees after the power-up process has completed. In order to demonstrate the full features of the ONLINE Screen, the following options are assumed:
Network is installed and IP is set
WiFi is installed and IP is set
The printer has a Network Printer Name
The Validator is installed and enabled
The Active Configuration has been saved under a custom name “Warehouse”
The Media > Handling > Print Mode is set to Transfer (ribbons).
The menu option under System > Control > Batch Counter is enabled.
The illustration above has labels associated with each of the ONLINE screen features which are described in the table below..
Item Description
The full model name includes the printer width and DPI.
The Network Printer Name can be set via telnet, SNMP, or the webpage
and is used with Ethernet or WLAN features.
The Ethernet IP address is displayed if the IP address is set (non-zero).
The WLAN IP address is displayed if the IP address is set (non-zero).
There is also a signal strength indicator next to the WLAN address. The active IGP Emulation and the active Host IO (based on last job).
This area is reserved for messages such as receiving data, batch coun-
ters, and job status. When the ODV option is enabled, the barcode icon will appear. If the op-
tion is installed but disabled, this icon will have a red strike. When validator
is not installed, no icon will show. The last loaded configuration is referred to as the “Active Config”.
The print head gauge is used to show how much of the print head has
been used in relationship to the warranty. The ribbon gauge is used when ribbons are installed (thermal transfer).
If there is a warning that needs to be displayed while ONINE, a popup message will come onto the screen. For example, entering Power-Saver mode, Print Head Hot, etc.
Offline (Home) Screen
When the printer is taken OFFLINE using the PAUSE Key , the UI will show the Home screen. The Home screen will be the first screen seen by the user when transitioning from ONLINE to OFFLINE. Likewise, it will be the last screen seen by the user before transitioning back ONLINE. The right corner of the header may include the symbol in case there are faults in the system not yet cleared.
Using the navigational keys, the user can move among three options:
Wizard – Provides Setup Instruction, Web Resources, and other links to the Printronix website
via QR barcodes for Product Support.
Settings – Provides access to the printer menu system for configuration.
Calibrate – Makes Calibration convenient and easy to perform when media or ribbon are
There are also functions for the LEFT and RIGHT SOFT keys. The LEFT SOFT key “Cancel Data” is present if there is data within the buffer and the setting System > Control > Cancel Key is enabled. The RIGHT SOFT key labeled “Info” will show the current configuration as text on the UI and the user can scroll through the data and/or print if desired.
The Wizard has several resources available as shown in the next figures. The greatest benefit of the Wizard is the first subcategory “Wizards”. By highlighting this category (green) and pressing ENTER or the RIGHT ARROW key, the user can then select the Wizard of choice to run:
Printer Setup will help the user choose the proper display language, install ribbon & media,
set media and sensor options, calibrate, and run a test pattern to verify the product is working properly.
Application helps the user setup the menu configuration particular to their label or application
coming from the host system.
Print Quality helps the user adjust the printer mechanically, and set Print Speed and Intensity
of the printer. A test printout helps the user in making the choices.
When a Wizard has been completed (all steps executed until the end), the user is required to save their configurations per usual procedure (see Saving a Configuration page 54). The exception to this is the first time the printer is powered up; in this case, the user is automatically taken into the Printer Setup Wizard and the configuration is automatically saved to Config 1 when completed.
The Wizard also has support available in the form of QR barcodes for the other categories such as “Web Links”, “Order Supplies”, etc. These QR barcodes provide links to the Printronix website to view online videos, manuals, drivers, including places where they can order
supplies and register their product.
The Settings section of the menu represents the heart of the OFFLINE process in which users will peruse the full menu set, edit menus, run diagnostics, and save configurations. The Settings section begins with two pages of ICONs that can be selected using the navigational keys and the ENTER button.
When an ICON is selected, the user moves into the View Level in which their screen is divided with the submenus on the left and the menus on the right. As they traverse the submenus using the up/down arrow keys, the menus on the right change so that users can quickly see the menu contents.
To view the full contents of a particular subsection or edit their menus, the user can either pr ess ENTER or use the RIGHT ARROW key to get into the Edit Level. Conversely, the user can hit the LEFT ARROW key to return to the previous screen.
When in the Edit Level, the user can scroll the menus and their values using the up/down arrow keys. The user can edit any menu that has the icon by pressing the ENTER key, changing the value, and confirming their change using the “Apply” soft key. There is also a “Cancel” soft key if the user does not want to accept the change.
If the menu has a bolt icon, this is an executable menu and pressing the ENTER key will result in a particular action (e.g., running a print test, clearing statistics). If the menu does not have any icon, then it is a read-only menu and pressing ENTER key will not have any effect.
Calibration must be performed whenever new media or ribbon is installed or any configuration parameter that affects sensors is modified. Selecting this shortcut ICON and pressing the ENTER key will activate the Auto-Calibrate function, also available in Sensors > Calibrate > Auto Calibrate.
When faults occur, the user will be notified with the following screen on the display. The red color is used to make a clear indication that the printer needs attention.
Users can follow the simple instructions shown in the screen or request additional help with the faults by using the RIGHT SOFT key “Fault Help” if available. When Fault Help is selected, the user will be provided a set of screens to help them through the process. However, Fault Help is only offered for faults that are complex or require several steps with the printer mechanism.
The user can also choose via the LEFT SOFT key to go the “Home” screen, then to the Settings or Wizard sections to adjust menu values (e.g., change media parameters, load Configs, etc.).
NOTE: The icon will be shown in the upper right corner as a reminder there is a fault that needs
to be cleared. Even when the user has completed all the steps necessary, the icon may continue to be shown. Some faults are self-clearing in the OFFLINE state while other faults are cleared only when returning ONLINE. If any fault was not successfully cleared, the Fault screen shown above will reappear when the user attempts to return ONLINE.
Job in Process
There is no dedicated LED or status indicator for Job in Process. Users will know the printer is receiving data instead via messages in the circled portion of the ONLINE screen as shown below .
When the printer is in ONLINE mode and data is being received and being processed, the message “Job in Process” will be shown in the message area. After the job has been printed the message will go away. If the user is printing in batch mode and the option System > Control > Batch Counter is enabled, the page count will have priority over the ‘Job in Process’ message.
When the printer is in OFFLINE mode and in the Home screen, the LEFT SOFT key will be labeled “Cancel Data” if there is Data in Buffer when the printer is taken OFFLINE. If there is no Data in Buffer, then the LEFT SOFT key label will not show anything. In order for the Cancel Data operation to be available, the menu System > Control > Cancel Key must be enabled.
Media Handling Modes
Before you load media, you must decide which media handling mode to u se: Continuous. Prints on the media and sends it out the front of the printer.
rewinder is installed, use “Continuous” f or Batch Rewind Mode page 26.
When the optional internal
Tear-Off Strip. Prints on the media and sends it out the front until the
sitions the last label over the tear bar for
Tear-Off. After each label is printed, the printer positions the label over
to tear off the label before printing the nex t will display to
Peel-Off. When the optional internal rewinder is installed, the prin ter
from the liner without user assistance. The you to take sage will display to remind you to remove the label off information, see Label Peel-Off page 29.
Cut. When the optional media cutter is installed, the printer automatically
is printed or can cut the media after a IGP Emulation cut
Once you have decided on the mode, configure the printer. See Chapter 3 page 52 for
remind you to remove the label before the next one can be printed.
away the label before printing the next one (on-demand printing ). A “Remove Label” mes-
label (on-demand printing). A “Remove Label” message
label liner is wound on the rewinder. The printer waits for
before the next one can be printed. For Label Peel-
specified number of labels have been printed using the Active
print buffer is empty. It then po-
the tear bar and waits for you
prints and peels die-cut labels
cuts media after each label
more information.
Using th e Optional Internal Re w in de r
The printer can be set up to rewind labels after they have been printe d (Batch Rewind Mode) or to automatically peel labels from their backing and dispense (Peel-Off Mode). Both modes field
unit option.
require an internal rewi nder, which is available as a factory installed or a
them one at a time while rewinding the liner
Batch Rewind Mode
Batch Rewind allows you to automatically rewind pri nted labels into a roll using the optional internal rewinder.
Configuring the Printer Menu
Set Media Handling to “Continuous” within the Application Wizard or directly in Media > Handling > Media Handling menu.
Press the PAUSE key to place the printer OFFLINE (Home Screen).
Installing the Paper Path
The paper path must be installed when using Batch Rewind mode.
To install the paper path:
Front Door
Paper Path
Open the front door by pulling it upwards, then forward.
The bottom of the plastic paper path is shaped like a hook and the top has a groove: a.
Hook the bottom of the paper path under the bottom edge of the front door
Snap the groove on the paper path to the top edge of the front door
Close the front door
Loading Media
Media Cover
Deck Lock Leve
Figure 1 Loading Media
Media Dampe Guide
Back Flange
Raised Ridge
Media or Liner
Rewinder Release Lever
1. To load media, refer to Figure 2 and follow “Loading Media” steps 1 through 9 on page 29.
Paper Path
Figure 2 Loading Media
Rewinder Release Lever
1. Thread the media over the front of the paper path and through the opening under the front door to­ward the internal rewinder
IMPORTANT If you do not complete the following step, it will be extremely difficult to
remove the printed labels from the rewinder.
2. Turn the release lever on the rewinde r counterclockwise and lock it i n place. This forms a raised ridge along the width of the rewinder.
3. Insert the leading edge of the media into the closest slot of the rewinder, and slide the media against the back flange.
4. Hold the media edge in the slot and manually rotate the rewinder one full clockwise until the media is taut.
5. Press down on both sides of the pivoting deck and rotate the deck lock against its stop to place the printhead assembly
6. Slide the Media Damper Guide, ref Figure 1 Loading Media page 28, to the outer edge of the media.
7. Press the FEED key to advance the media to the next TOF (Top-of-Form)
8. Press the PAUSE key until “ONLINE” displays.
9. Close the media cover.
into the printing position.
revolution counter-
lever counterclockwise
IMPORTANT The rewinder supports a maximum diameter of five inches of printed labels.
Exceeding this diameter can cause printed labels to rub on the bottom pan.
Removing Printed Media from the Rewinder
Open the media cover, (ref Figure 1 Loading Media).
Press the FEED key to advance the last printed label past the printhead, and tear the liner from be­hind the last printed label.
Manually rewind the remaining printed labels onto the rewinder by turning the rewinder counterclock­wise.
Turn the release lever on the rewinder cl ockwise.
Slide the roll of printed labels off the rewinder.
Label Peel-Off
Yo u can set up the printer to automatically peel die-cut labels off their line r (backing) and dispense them one at a time while rewinding the line r.
Yo u can install the paper path to prevent long labels from accidentally but it is normally not needed when using page 27).
labels less than two inches long (see Installing the Paper Path
Configuring the Printer Menu
1 Set Media Handling to “Peel-Off” within the Application Wizard or directly in Media > Handling > Media
Handling menu.
2. Press the PAUSE key to place the printer OFFLINE (Home Screen).
Loading Media
1. If you want to install the paper path to print long labels, do so now by completing the steps listed in Installing the Paper Path page 27.
adhering to the front door assembl y,
2. Open the media cover and refer to the Label Peel-Off illustration on the instruction label on the inside of the cover.
Bottom Rolle
Paper Path
Ribbon and Media Loading
Pivoting Deck
Deck Lock Lever
Tear Ba
1. Open the front door by pulling it upward, then forward.
2. Open the pivoting deck by rotat ing the deck lo ck lever clockwise until the
3. Thread the media (label and liner) over the tear bar and around the opening at the bottom of the front door and
into the printer.
deck swings upward.
bottom roller, then through the
IMPORTANT If you do not complete the following step, it will be difficult to remove the liner
from the rewinder.
3. Turn the release lever on the rewinder counterclockwise and lock it in along the width of the rewinder.
4. Insert the leading edge of the media into the closest slot of the rewi nder, the back flange.
5. Hold the media in the slot and rotate the rewinder one full revolution is taut.
6. Remove labels from the liner so that behind the tear bar the liner is void of and below the tear bar for about 2 inches.
7. Close the front door.
8. Complete the media routing as shown in Figure 2.
9. Press down on both sides of the pivoting deck and rotate the deck lock
10. Press the FEED key. The label advances to the peel-off position, and LCD.
11. Manually remove the peeled label from the printer.
12. Press the PAUSE key until the ONLINE screen displays.
13. Close the media cover.
place. This forms a raised ridge
and slide the media against
counterclockwise until the media
labels for about 1.5 inches
lever fully counterclockwise.
“Remove Label” displays on the
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