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• One digital meter,
• 5 cholesterol strips (a box of 25 strips is available to purchase separately),
• 5 triglycerides strips (a box of 25 strips is available to purchase separately),
• 10 glucose strips* (a box 50 strips* is available to purchase separately),
• Three Data-chips: one for the choleste rol, one for triglyceride and one
for glucose* testing. The chip contains lot-specic information of the
calibration curve for either cholesterol, triglycerides or glucose* test,
• One lancing device,
• 25 sterile lancets,
• One user manual,
• One carrying case.
Articles non included within the packaging:
• Control solutions (available separately),
• Logbook,
• PC cable (available separately) and software.
The PRIMA® 2in1/3in1 kit is a new system designed for the self-monitoring in vitro
(therefore outside of the body), through the blood obtained from a nger prick, of
the quantitative determination of the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose*. These parameters are often measured together as they are the key factors
for the estimation of the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is designed for home
use by people who want to monitor these parameters and on the basis of their
levels to understand whether it is necessary to consult a doctor; and / or control
the same parameters if they are too high.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance that acts as a precursor of bile acids, steroids
and vitamin D. It is synthesized primarily in the liver and in the intestinal wall. In
normal conditions, the liver maintains the balance between the amount of cholesterol and draw to that excreted. This balance, however, can be altered by certain diseases such as diabetes, hyper tension, hypercholesterolemia and family
factors also linked to an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, alcohol abuse and
a diet rich in saturated fats in combination with a lack of physical activity . In addition, stress, oral contraceptives and pre gnancy can cause elevated cholesterol
levels. A high concentration of choleste rol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular
The Canadian Cardiovascular Society recommends the frequent measurement
of blood cholesterol for men above the age of 40 and women over the age of 45,
unless there are other risk factors. If, on the contrary, there are other factor s, it is
recommended to perform the test above 25 years of age.
The triglycerides (consisting of three molecules of fatty acids and a glycerol) are
the most common form of fat that our body digests. To be absorbed these molecules are broken down in the small intestine, and then reassembled with cholesterol to form chylomicrons. Therefore in blood triglycerides are present in the
form of plasma lipids related to cholesterol. While cholesterol is used to build cell
membranes and some hormones, the main function of triglycerides is to store
energy. All the extra calorie s that come from carbohydrates are converted into
triglycerides and stored as fat to be burned later as a source of energy. Although
it is not yet clear how, high levels of triglycerides are placed in relation to the
thickening and hardening of the ar tery walls - atherosclerosis - which increases
the risk of heart attack and hear t disease. The disease is known as hypertriglyceridemia, and ignoring the high-calorie foods, can be caused by diabetes, kidney
failure or genetic derivation.
The test cannot be used on infants since it has not been validated for this purpose. It does not diagnose any disease, and like any other test, the compliance
with instructions is critical to obtain accurate results.