blow up your sound with the power
Eight-Channel Mic-Preamplifier with Stereo Summing Bus
The PreSonus M80 is an Eight-Channel Mic-Preamplifier with Stereo Summing Bus featuring high quality transformers, FET,
Class A Discrete Input Buffers and Twin Servo Gain Stages. NO CAPACITORS!
The M80 was designed to enhance the performance of any console or digital audio workstation by providing eight very high
end microphone preamplifiers. The M80 affords you an amazing front end for two, four, or eight channel analog to digital
converters. The M80 was designed using the very best components and design parameters to truly be called a “World Class”
Special features found on the M80 that set it apart from other multi-channel mic-preamps include: Left/Right Mix Bus assignment
and panning for multiple microphone/instrument stereo imaging. (Not only does the M80 give you eight discrete outputs, but
it also serves as an 8x2 mixer as well.) The M80 also provides an Auxillary Input section that allows you to “daisy chain”
several M80s together and have them all share the last Stereo Output in the chain. You can add warmth to any microphone
using the M80’s proprietary FET IDSS adjustment. The unique IDSS feature allows for adjusting the harmonic distortion on
each individual channel from 0.001% to 0.5%, thereby emulating a tube coloration and analog tape saturation. This is our
way of giving you the best of both worlds. An extremely valuable M80 provision is the Servo-Balanced Send & Return Jacks
on each channel for external balanced processing. In addition, each channel on the M80 features Gain Control, Phase Reversal,
Phantom Power (48V), a 20db Input Pad, 80Hz Rumble Filter and full Output Metering.
of an M80
A Neutrik™ Combo Jack handles XLR or 1/4” input connections for microphones or instruments. The output connectors are
balanced XLR on every channel. Send & Return jacks are 1/4” servo balanced connectors. The L/R Mix Output and Auxillary
Input are all XLR connectors. The M80 occupies two rack spaces and presents itself with an anodized aluminum face plate
and all steel chassis. The power supply is internal and the torodial transformer is switchable for international use.
Call Today: 1-800-750-0323
PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc.
7257 Florida Blvd. | Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Phone: 225-216-7887 | Fax: 225-926-8347
sales@presonus.com | www.presonus.com
M80 Features
• Plug microphones & instruments directly into the M80’s Neutrik™
Combo Connector
• Feed the inputs of Digital Workstations with the M80’s eight Discrete
• Mix any of eight channels to the Mix Bus/Fold Back system
• Use for live remote/straight to two track
• Chain Multiple M80s together via Auxillary Inputs
• Optimize valuable rack space and performance
• Insert your favorite outboard gear via Servo Balance Send/Return

M80 Technicial Specifications
Number of Channels.................................................................................................................Eight
Dynamic Range ...................................................................................................................>120dB
Noise Floor @ Main Output ..................................................................................................-96.4dBu
Noise Floor @ Channel Output, +24dB Gain...........................................................................-88.2dBu
Frequency Response +/- 0.5dB ....................................................................................10Hz to 60kHz
Crosstalk.................................................................................................................>82dB @ 10kHz
Channel Gain, Microphone Input................................................................................+12dB to +52dB
THD + Noise, (no idss) .......................................................................................................0.0024%
THD + Noise, (max idss).......................................................................................................0.035%
Input Impedance .............................................................................................................1.3k Ohms
Output Impedance..............................................................................................................51 Ohms
THD + Noise.......................................................................................................................<0.02%
Bus Master Output Control .....................................................................................-72dBu to +10dBu
Metering...........................................................................................................................Full Scale
Send Output Impedance......................................................................................................51 Ohms
Return Input Impedance....................................................................................................10k Ohms
Internal Operation Level ...............................................................................................+4dBu = 0dB
Input Connectors.....................................................................................................Neutrik™ Combo
Output Connectors.....................................................................................................................XLR
Send Connector.................................................................................................1/4", Tip Ring Sleeve
Return Connector ..............................................................................................1/4", Tip Ring Sleeve
Power Supply.................................................................................................External, Linear Supply
Power Requirements..............................................................100VAC to 120VAC or 200VAC to 240VAC
Main Connection .........................................................................................................IEC receptacle
Size ...................................................................................................2U Rack 19" W x 3.5" H x 7" D
Weight.................................................................................................................................12 lbs.
M80 Architectural & Engineering Specifications
The microphone preamplifier shall have eight identical channels, each with an audio frequency response of
10Hz to 60Hz +/- 0.5dB, an input impedance of not more than 1.3k Ohms, a maximum input level of not
less than 0.7 VRMS and an electronically balanced and floating ouput with an impedance of not more than
51 Ohms. The unit shall have a maximum output of not less than +28dBu, with variable harmonic distortion,
via IDSS control of 0.0024% to 0.035%. The microphone preamplifier shall have the following controls for
each channel: Gain, Pan, L/R Bus Assignment, IDSS, +48V Phantom Power, Phase Reversal, -20dB Pad,
80Hz Filter. The unit shall have XLR balanced microphone level inputs, XLR line level inputs, 1/4” unbalanced
DI Instrument Input, 1/4” balanced TRS Send Output and 1/4” balanced TRS Return Input Jacks. The unit
shall supply up to 60dB of gain and provide +48V of power for condenser microphones. The power supply
shall be external, with a toroidal transformer, linear. The power requirements shall be 105-130VAC, 50/60Hz.
The unit shall be 2U rack mountable and the dimensions shall be 19” W x 3.5” H x 7” D, the net weight shall
be 12 lbs., and the shipping weight shall be 16 lbs.