Presonus 1824C, 1810C User Manual

Studio 1824c and 1810c
High-definition USB-C Audio Interfaces
Owner’s Manual
Table of Contents
5 Studio One Artist Quick Start18
1 Overview1
1.2 What is in the Box1
1.3 Companion PreSonus Products2
2 Hookup3
2.1 Front Panel Connections and Controls3
2.2 Back Panel Connections5
2.3 Connection Diagram7
2.3.1 Studio 1824c 7
2.3.2 Studio 1810c8
3 Connecting to a Computer9
3.1 Installation for Windows9
3.2 Installation for macOS9
3.3 Firmware Updates9
3.4 Using the Studio-series interfaces
with Popular Audio Applications10
5.1 Installation and Authorization18
5.2 Setting Up Studio One19
5.2.1 Configuring Audio Devices20
5.2.2 Configuring MIDI Devices20
5.3 Creating a New Song24
5.3.1 Configuring Your I/O25
5.3.2 Creating Audio & MIDI Tracks26
5.3.3 Recording an Audio Track27
5.3.4 Adding Virtual Instruments
and Plug-in Effects to Your Song28
5.4 Monitor Mixing with Z-Mix29
5.4.1 Z-Mix Functions30
6 Technical Information32
6.1 Specifications32
7 Warranty34
7.1 Warranty Information34
4 UC Surface Monitor Control Software12
4.1 UC Surface Launch Window12
4.1.1 Loopback Recording
(Windows only) 13
4.2 UC Surface Controls15
4.2.1 Channel Controls16
4.2.2 Device Controls16
4.3 The Settings Page — 17

1 Overview

Studio 18|24 24-Bit 192 kHz USB 2.0 Audio Interface
Congratulations on choosing PreSonus. You now own a state-of-the-art, USB 2.0 interface featuring our renowned XMAX™ Class A microphone preamplifiers — and Studio One Artist creative music environment.
Getting Started
Package Contents
• Studio 18|24
• USB cable
• Studio One® 3 Key Command Card
• This Hook-Up Guide
• Safety Instructions
• Studio 18|24 software drivers for Windows
• Studio One Artist DAW and resources (approximately 2 GB)
• Studio 18|24 Owners Manual PDF
• UC Surface
Before operating your Studio 18|24, you must register online for software downloads, Own- ers Manual, and instructional video.
1 Go online to and create
— or log into — your MyPreSonus user account.
2 Click register a product
3 Enter your Studio 18|24 serial number.
4 Download your Windows driver (no driver necessary for
Mac), software and Owners Manual.
5 Install your Windows driver (if necessary) and
Studio One Artist 3 DAW software.
6 Connect your equipment to the Studio 18|24. Please
refer to the hook-up diagram in this Getting Started guide and additional instructions in your Owners Manual.
7 Watch the Studio 18|24 Instruction video and consult
your Owners Manual for further instructions.
Studio 18|24 - Interfaz de Audio USB 2.0 a 24 Bits / 192 kHz
Felicitaciones por y gracias por elegir PreSonus. Ahora usted posee su propia interfaz USB 2.0 de última gener- ación portando nuestros renombrados y afamados pream- plificadores de micrófono Clase A XMAX™ — y el entorno
creativo musical que proporciona Studio One Artist.
Contenido del paquete
Studio 18|24- Interfaz de audio y Centro de comando para estudio de grabación
Cable USB
Tarjeta de comandos de teclado para Studio One® 3
Esta guía de conexiones
Instrucciones de seguridad
Drivers de Studio 18|24 para Windows
Daw Studio One Artist y recursos (aproximadamente 2 GB)
Manual de usuario en formato PDF para su Studio 18|24
UC Surface
Antes de operar su Studio 18|24, primero debe regis- trarse online para descargar el software, Manual de usuario y video instructivo.
1 Vaya online a y cree — o ingrese —
a su cuenta de usuario MyPreSonus.
2 Haga clic en Register (Registrar).
3 Ingrese el número de serie de su Studio 18|24.
4 Descargue el driver para Windows (No se requieren
drivers para OS X), software y Manual de usuario.
5 Instala el driver de Windows (si se requiere) y el
software DAW Studio One Artist 3.
6 Conecte su hardware a la interfaz Studio 18|24.
Por favor utilice como referencia el diagrama de conexiones en esta Guía de inicio y las instrucciones adicionales en su Manual de usuario.
7 Observe el video instructivo de Studio 18|24 y
consulte el Manual de usuario para obtener más instrucciones.
Studio 18|24 24-Bit 192 kHz USB 2.0 Audio Interface
Congratulations on choosing PreSonus. You now own a state-of-the-art, USB 2.0 interface featuring our renowned XMAX™ Class A microphone preamplifiers — and Studio One Artist creative music environment.
Getting Started
Package Contents
• Studio 18|24
• USB cable
• Studio One® 3 Key Command Card
• This Hook-Up Guide
• Safety Instructions
• Studio 18|24 software drivers for Windows
• Studio One Artist DAW and resources (approximately 2 GB)
• Studio 18|24 Owner’s Manual PDF
• UC Surface
Before operating your Studio 18|24, you must register online for software downloads, Own­er’s Manual, and instructional video.
1 Go online to and create
— or log into — your MyPreSonus user account.
2 Click “register a product”
3 Enter your Studio 18|24 serial number.
4 Download your Windows driver (no driver necessary for
Mac), software and Owner’s Manual.
5 Install your Windows driver (if necessary) and
Studio One Artist 3 DAW software.
6 Connect your equipment to the Studio 18|24. Please
refer to the hook-up diagram in this Getting Started guide and additional instructions in your Owner’s Manual.
7 Watch the Studio 18|24 Instruction video and consult
your Owner’s Manual for further instructions.
Studio 18|24 - Interfaz de Audio USB 2.0 a 24 Bits / 192 kHz
Felicitaciones por y gracias por elegir PreSonus. Ahora usted posee su propia interfaz USB 2.0 de última gener­ación portando nuestros renombrados y afamados pream­plificadores de micrófono Clase A XMAX™ — y el entorno creativo musical que proporciona Studio One Artist.
Contenido del paquete
• Studio 18|24- Interfaz de audio y Centro de comando para estudio de grabación
• Cable USB
• Tarjeta de comandos de teclado para Studio One® 3
• Esta guía de conexiones
• Instrucciones de seguridad
• Drivers de Studio 18|24 para Windows
• Daw Studio One Artist y recursos (aproximadamente 2 GB)
• Manual de usuario en formato PDF para su Studio 18|24
• UC Surface
Antes de operar su Studio 18|24, primero debe regis­trarse online para descargar el software, Manual de usuario y video instructivo.
1 Vaya online a y cree — o ingrese —
a su cuenta de usuario MyPreSonus.
2 Haga clic en Register (Registrar).
3 Ingrese el número de serie de su Studio 18|24.
4 Descargue el driver para Windows (No se requieren
drivers para OS X), software y Manual de usuario.
5 Instala el driver de Windows (si se requiere) y el
software DAW Studio One Artist 3.
6 Conecte su hardware a la interfaz Studio 18|24.
Por favor utilice como referencia el diagrama de conexiones en esta Guía de inicio y las instrucciones adicionales en su Manual de usuario.
7 Observe el video instructivo de Studio 18|24 y
consulte el Manual de usuario para obtener más instrucciones.

1.1 Introduction

1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual
Thank you for purchasing a PreSonus High-definition Studio-series Audio Interface. Loaded with high-headroom, Class A XMAX™ microphone preamplifiers; a 192 kHz / 24-bit recording and playback engine; onboard DSP mixing features; and more, Studio-series interfaces break new boundaries for music production and recording. Whether your studio is in your bedroom or in a professional facility, the Studio-series interfaces deliver high-quality audio and performance wherever music gets made.
PreSonus Audio Electronics is committed to constant product improvement, and we highly value our customers and their creative endeavors. We appreciate the support you have shown us by purchasing your Studio-series interface and are confident that you will enjoy it for years to come!
About this manual: We suggest that you use this manual to familiarize yourself with the features, applications, and correct connection procedures for your Studio-series interface before trying to connect it to your computer. Doing so will help you to avoid problems during installation and setup.
Throughout this manual, you will find Power User Tips that can quickly make you a Studio-series expert. This manual covers the features and functions of both the Studio 1824c and the Studio 1810c. Where differences occur, the Studio 1824c features will be called out first, followed by the Studio 1810c.
Want more tips and tricks? Please visit

1.2 What is in the Box

You Studio-series package contains the following:
PreSonus Studio 1824c or Studio 1810c High-definition Audio Interface
Quick Start Guide
1M USB-C to C Cable
1M USB-C to A Cable
1 Overview

1.3 Companion PreSonus Products

External power supply
PreSonus Health Safety and Compliance Guide
Power User Tip: All companion software and drivers for your PreSonus Studio-series interface are available for download from your My PreSonus user account. Simply visit and register your Studio-series interface to receive downloads and
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual
1.3 Companion PreSonus Products
Thanks for choosing PreSonus! As a solutions company, we believe the best way to take care of our customers (that’s you) is to ensure that you have the best possible experience from the beginning of your signal chain to the end. To achieve this goal, we’ve prioritized seamless integration throughout every design phase of these products from day one. The result is systems that communicate with each other as intended—straight out of the box—without excessive configuration hassles.
We’re here for you. Find out more at

2 Hookup

2.1 Front Panel Connections and Controls

2 Hookup
2.1 Front Panel Connections and Controls
Microphone/Instruments/Line Inputs. Your Studio-series interface is equipped with PreSonus XMAX microphone preamplifiers for use with all types of microphones. The XMAX has a Class A input buffer, followed by a dual-servo gain stage. This arrangement results in ultra-low noise and wide gain control, allowing you to boost signals without increasing background noise.
Each microphone preamp is attached to the XLR input of the combo jack. This convenient connector accepts either a 1/4-inch or XLR plug.
The ¼-inch TRS connectors on channels 1 and 2 can be switched for either instrument- or line-level signals. The ¼-inch inputs on the remaining combo connections are line-level inputs only.
Input Source. Channels 1 and 2 offer an input source selection button that lets you switch between instrument- and line-level on the ¼-inch inputs for these two channels. Press this button to disengage the instrument preamp when connecting line-level devices. When the button is illuminated, the input will accept a line-level source, such as a synthesizer or guitar amp modeler. Press this button to engage the instrument preamp when connecting guitars or a passive bass.
Power User Tip: Active instruments are those that have an internal preamp or a line-level output. Active instruments should be plugged into a line input rather than into an instrument input. Plugging a line-level source into the instrument inputs not only risks damage to these inputs but also results in a very loud and often distorted audio signal.
Please note: As with any audio input device, plugging in a microphone or an instrument, or turning phantom power on or off, will create a momentary spike in the audio output of your Studio-series interface. Because of this, we highly recommend that you turn down the channel trim before changing connections or turning phantom power on or off. This simple step will add years to the life of your audio equipment.
Input Gain Control. These knobs provide 80 dB of variable gain (-15 to +65 dB) on the microphone and instrument inputs and 40 dB of variable gain (-20 to +20 dB) on the line inputs.
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual
48 Volt Phantom Power. Studio-series interfaces provide 48V phantom power for the microphone inputs. Pressing the 48V button switches phantom power on and off for all microphone inputs; the button will illuminate in blue when this function is switched on.
WARNING: Phantom power is only required for condenser microphones and
can severely damage some dynamic mics, especially ribbon mics. Please consult the documentation that came with your microphone before using phantom power.
XLR connector wiring for phantom power: Pin 1 = GND Pin 2 = +48V Pin 3 = +48V
2 Hookup
2.1 Front Panel Connections and Controls
Input Meters. These LED meters show the input level of the analog inputs on your Studio-series interface. The red Clip LED will illuminate when your input signal reaches -0.5 dBFS. At this level, the signal will begin to overload the analog-to-digital converters and exhibit signs of clipping. Use the gain controls to keep the signal below this level.
Output Meters. These meters display the signal level received from the first two driver returns (Main Left/Right). These meters have the same range as the input meters (-50 dBFS to -0.5 dBFS) and are after the main output level control.
Mute. Press the Mute button to Mute the Main Output signal. The button will illuminate Red when Mute is active.
Sync LED. This light indicates if your Studio-series interface is in sync with your computer. When no sync is available, this light will flash red/blue. For Studio 1810c, this light will also indicate if your external S/PDIF sync source is available. This light will also flash if the sample rate you have set on your Studio-series device does not match the sample rate you have set on your external clock source device.
Mono (Studio 1824c only). Press this button to sum the Main stereo output signal to mono.
Power User Tip: Studio 1824c users can utilize the Mono feature to verify mono compatibility and to check for phase cancellation in your stereo mixes.
Cue A/B (Studio 1810c only). This button allows you to switch the source that you listen to through the Headphone 1 output. When the button is not illuminated, playback streams 1 and 2 will be routed to the headphone output. Press the button to route playback streams 3 and 4 to the Headphone 1 output instead.
Headphone Level. Your Studio-series interface provides two high-power headphone outputs, each with its own level control. Studio 1824c users will find both the headphone outputs and level controls on the front panel. Studio 1810c users will find the level controls on the front panel and the outputs themselves on the rear. On both units, Headphone 1 shares a stereo playback stream with the main outputs and Headphone 2 shares its streams with outputs 3 and 4. For Studio 1810c users, Headphone 1 can be switched between the two sets of streams via the A/B button.
Main. The main knob controls the output level for the main left/right outputs on the back of your Studio-series interface and has a range of -80 dB to 0 dB. This control provides attenuation only.
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual
Power Button and Sync light (Studio 1824c only). The lighted ring around the power button of your Studio 1824c is a clock source indicator. It lets you know if your unit is receiving word clock correctly.
Blue. When this light is blue, your Studio 1824c is either the master clock of your system or is receiving word clock from a designate external source via the ADAT or S/PDIF input.
Flashing Red and Blue. When this light flashes between blue and red, your Studio 1824c is detecting a clock source.
Purple. If this light is purple, your Studio 1824c cannot detect a clock source.
Power User Tip: Word clock is the timing signal with which digital devices sync frame rates. Proper word clock sync prevents digital devices from having pops, clicks, and distortion in the audio signal due to mismatched digital audio transmission. In general, you will use your Studio 1824c as the master clock in your studio, and it provides high­quality word clock for this purpose. However, in the event you would like to use another device as the master clock, you can set the input source for clocking in UC Surface (see Section 4.1 for details).
2 Hookup

2.2 Back Panel Connections

2.2 Back Panel Connections
Line Inputs (Studio 1810c only). Use these ¼-inch TRS inputs with line-level devices. These inputs are scaled to accept line-level signals up to +18 dBFS.
Power User Tip: These inputs are direct-to-ADC. As such, no gain control available. Typical examples of line-level connections are synthesizer outputs, signal processors, and stand-alone mic preamps and channel strips. Use the output level control on your line level device to adjust its level.
Studio 1810c. All other outputs have their own independent playback streams.
Power User Tip: Every line output is DC coupled to provide control voltage to external analog equipment. This feature can be used with any plug-in that supports it.
Main Outputs. These are the main outputs for your Studio-series interface. The output level of the Main Outputs is controlled by the Main Level control on the front of the unit. Playback streams 1 and 2 are routed to the Main Outputs in addition to Outputs 1 and 2 (Studio 1824c only) and Headphone 1.
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual
Mic / Line Inputs (Studio 1824c only). The combo connections on the rear panel of the Studio 1824c can be used for both microphones and line-level devices. Use the XLR connections for microphones and D.I. boxes and the 1/4-inch TRS inputs for line-level signals up to +18 dBFS. The trim control on the front panel provides gain for both input types.
Line Outputs. These balanced ¼-inch TRS line outputs can be used to route audio to external devices, such as headphone amps, signal processors, and additional monitors. Studio 1824c: The first two outputs share their playback streams with both the main outputs and Headphone 1. Outputs 3 and 4 share their playback streams with Headphone 2 for both the Studio 1824c and the
S/PDIF Input and Output. The S/PDIF connections allow two channels of audio to be transmitted and received at rates up to 24 bit, 96 kHz. The S/PDIF I/O also allows your Studio-series interface to send and receive word clock to external digital devices.
Power User Tip: In UC Surface, you will need to set “S/PDIF” as the Clock Source and the sample rate to correspond to the external device when using an external S/PDIF device as your master clock. See Section 4.1 for details.
ADAT – S/MUX Input (Studio 1810c and Studio 1824c) and Output (Studio 1824c only). These are the ADAT – Dual S/MUX connections for your external digital devices.
When recording or playing back at 44.1 or 48 kHz, each ADAT I/O will provide eight of the sixteen available channels consecutively from left to right. When recording or playing back at 88.2 or 96 kHz, each connection will provide four of the available eight channels. These inputs and outputs do not function at 176.4 or 192 kHz:
ADAT Input (Studio 1810c and 1824c) ADAT Output (Studio 1824c only)
44.1 / 48 kHz Channels 11-18 Channels 11-18
88.2 / 96 kHz Channels 11-14 Channels 11-14
2 Hookup
2.2 Back Panel Connections
BNC Output (Studio 1824c only). This connection allows the Studio 1824c to transmit word clock to other digital audio devices so that it can function as the master clock for your studio environment (recommended).
MIDI Input and Output. MIDI stands for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface.” MIDI inputs and outputs allow connection to, and communication with, external MIDI equipment. One function of these ports is MIDI sequencing, but the MIDI protocol can be used for much more than instruments and sequencing.
Power User Tip: MIDI is not audio but is frequently used to trigger or control an audio source (such as a plug-in or synthesizer). It’s important to ensure that your MIDI data is correctly sent and received by the appropriate hardware or software devices. If the devices generate audio, you may also need to return the audio to a Studio-series interface input channel. Please consult the User Manuals of your MIDI devices for help with MIDI setup and usage.
USB-C Port. Use this port to connect your Studio 1810c or 1824c to your computer. While the Studio 1810c and 1824c connect using USB-C, both are fully compatible with USB 2.0 and 3.0 connections. Use the USB-C to A cable that came with your interface if your computer has a USB-A connection rather than a USB-C connection.
Please note: Studio-series interfaces are backward compatible with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 speed connections. USB 1.1 is not supported.
Power Connection. This is where you connect the Studio-series interface’s external power supply.
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual
Power Switch (Studio 1810c). This is the on / off switch for your Studio 1810c.
2 Hookup
DigiMax-series preamps or other compatible hardware
Preamplificadores DigiMax u otro hardware compatible
DigiMax-Verstärkern und anderen kompatiblen Geräten
Préamplis de la série DigiMax ou d’autres appareils compatibles
See Studio 1824c box for computer requirements
Vea los requerimientos de hardware en la caja de Studio 1824c
Systemvoraussetzungen siehe Studio 1824c Packungsaufdruck
Voir la boîte de la Studio 1824c pour les configurations informatiques requises

2.3 Connection Diagram

2.3 Connection Diagram

2.3.1 Studio 1824c

Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual
2 Hookup
DigiMax-series preamps or other compatible hardware
Preamplificadores DigiMax u otro hardware compatible
DigiMax-Verstärkern und anderen kompatiblen Geräten
Préamplis de la série DigiMax ou d’autres appareils compatibles
See Studio 1810c box for computer requirements
Vea los requerimientos de hardware en la caja de Studio 1810c
Systemvoraussetzungen siehe Studio 1810c Packungsaufdruck
Voir la boîte de la Studio 1810c pour les configurations
2.3 Connection Diagram

2.3.2 Studio 1810c

Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual

3 Connecting to a Computer

3.1 Installation for Windows

3 Connecting to a Computer
Your Studio-series interface is a powerful audio interface that is loaded with professional audio tools and flexible monitoring controls. Before connecting to a computer, please visit to verify the latest system requirements for your interface.
Note: The speed of your processor, amount of RAM, and capacity, size, and speed of your hard drives will greatly affect the overall performance of your recording system. A faster processor and more RAM can reduce signal latency (delay) and improve overall performance.
All PreSonus interfaces utilize the Universal Control application for firmware updates, device sync, and sample rate (Windows only). Both the Windows ASIO driver and UC Surface are included in the Universal Control installer for macOS and Windows. You can download the installer from your My PreSonus user account. To begin, you must first visit and create or log into your user account and register your Studio-series. Once registered, all software downloads will be available from within your My PreSonus user account.
3.1 Installation for Windows
Connect your Studio-series to an available USB-C or USB-A (2.0 or 3.0) port and launch the installer. The Universal Control installer will take you through each step of the installation process. This application will install the ASIO and WDM drivers as well as UC Surface. Please read each message carefully.
It is recommended that you quit all applications before you start the installation.
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c
Owner’s Manual

3.2 Installation for macOS

Your Studio-series interfaces are class-compliant Core Audio devices in macOS. No driver installation is necessary. However, to take full advantage of your Studio 1824c and 1810c’s mixing capabilities, you must install Universal Control to launch UC Surface. Universal Control also installs any necessary firmware updates, so it is highly recommended that you install this application.
The Universal Control installer will take you through each step of the installation process. Please read each message carefully so that you do not connect your Studio-series interface too soon.
Power User Tip: When the installation is complete, you will find the Universal Control application in your Applications folder. It is recommended that you place this in your Dock for easy access.

3.3 Firmware Updates

Universal Control is designed to verify that your Studio-series interface has the correct firmware version installed. You will be prompted if your Studio-series interface needs its firmware updated. Click on the Update Firmware button to begin the update.
WARNING: Do not power off or disconnect your Studio-series interface during the firmware update. Once the firmware update is successfully completed, you
will be alerted and instructed to reboot your device.
3 Connecting to a Computer
Studio Series 1810c and 1824c

3.4 Using the Studio-series interfaces with Popular Audio Applications

3.4 Using the Studio-series interfaces with Popular Audio Applications
Complete setup instructions for Studio One Artist and a brief tutorial on its features can be found in Section 5 of this manual. However, you can use your Studio-series interfaces with any audio-recording application that supports Core Audio or ASIO. Please consult the documentation that came with your audio application for specific instructions on how to select the Studio-series driver as the audio-device driver for your software.
Below are basic driver-setup instructions for a few popular audio applications.
Ableton Live
1. Launch Ableton Live
2. Go to Options | Preferences | Audio
3. Choose Driver Type: Asio | Audio Device: ASIO PreSonus Studio (1824c or 1810c)
4. Go to Input Config: Enable and select the desired Input channels.
5. Go to Output Config: Enable and select the desired Output channels.
Owner’s Manual
Apple Logic
Avid ProTools 10+
1. Launch Logic.
2. Go to Logic | Preferences | Audio.
3. Click on the Devices Tab.
4. Select PreSonus Studio (1824c or 1810c) from the device menu.
5. You will be asked if you’d like to relaunch Logic. Click try (re)launch.
6. Your Studio-series interface features custom I/O labels for faster workflow. To enable these labels for use in Logic, go to Options | Audio | I/O Labels.
7. The second column in the pop-up window will be named Provided by Driver. Activate each of these labels for your Studio-series interface. When you are done, close this window.
1. Launch ProTools.
2. Go to Setup | Hardware and select Studio (1824c or 1810c) from the Peripherals list. Click OK.
3. Go to Setup | Playback Engine and select Studio (1824c or 1810c) from the menu at the top of the window. Click OK.
Cakewalk Sonar
1. Launch Sonar.
2. Go to Options | Audio... and click on the Advanced tab.
3. Change the Driver Mode to “ASIO.” (Note: Using WDM, rather than ASIO, for pro-
audio applications is not recommended.)
4. Click the “OK” button.
5. Restart Sonar.
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