Porsche Exclusivecayenne 2013 Owner's Manual

Exclusive Cayenne
Ultimate personalisation
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4 I Contents
Philosophy 6
Exclusive examples 8
Materials 28
Exclusive options 30
Exclusive expertise 44
Designing your Porsche 48
Service 49
Contents I 5
Cayen ne S wi th ex tended ex terio r package in a bla ck hig h-gloss fin ish, Bi -Xenon headlight s in black, 21-in ch Caye nne Sp ortEdi tion wheels
in a blac k high-gloss finish with whee l arch ex tensions
6 I Philosophy
Our cars are state of the art.
And made to measure.
Exclusivit y. Individuality. Craftsmanship. Concepts which have always
been associated with Porsche.
Porsche Exclusive stands for the individual customisation of your vehi-
cle, direct from the factory. You tell us what you want and we
will do our utmost to give it to you – provided, of course, that it is
technically feasible and does not compromise quality.
When customising a car, it is not enough just to use the best available
materials. Our overriding principle has always been to make full use
of the traditional skills of our craftsmen, carrying out the work by
hand. Our specialists also have long years of experience in the hand-
crafting of decorative hardwoods or lightweight, highly durable carbon,
enabling us to bring out the individual character of these superb
Personalised refinements to the interior and exterior are not the
only options we offer. If you would like to make your Cayenne a
little sportier, for example with the sports exhaust system, you can
rest assured that your Porsche is in good hands.
Philosophy I 7
Materi al composition: leather, carbon and p ainted exterior fi nish
8 I Exclusive examples
Exclusive examples
Vehicle: Porsche.
Details: Porsche Exclusive.
A Porsche is more than just a car. It is also an expression of the
personal freedom, taste and lifestyle of its driver.
‘Porsche Exclusive’ offers you a wide range of individual extras so
you can customise your car to your own unique requirements. Visual
and technical enhancements for the interior and exterior. And always
just as you want them.
The most important extra, though, is time. For it is only by taking
the utmost care during the consultancy, planning and processing
phases that it is possible to create something really special.
Something which is exactly tailor-made to your requirements – down
to the finest detail. Something unique. With its own unique character.
A Porsche which is as special as its driver.
The following pages will show you five examples of Exclusive
persona lisations – be inspired!
Find out more about how to design your own special Porsche on
page 48. The captions under each picture describe the Exclusive
options illustrated.
Exclusive examp les I 9
Cayenne Turbo wi th air intake grilles painted, exterior mirrors pai nted, 21-inch Cayenne Sp ortEdition wh eels painted with wheel a rch exten sions
10 I Cayenne S Cayenne S I 11
Cayenne S
Sand White
Errands first, leisure
time second?
Why not have the best
of both worlds?
This Porsche offers excellent
dynamics, agility and lots of space.
It also leaves room for your own
interpretation of ‘sport’. With the
extended exterior package painted
in a black high-gloss finish and the
interior package with a Sand White
painted finish, the Cayenne S in
Sand White may just be an example,
but it ‘s an example par excellence.
Find out more about the equipment
details in the current Cayenne price
Extended exterior package i n a blac k high -gloss finish, Porsche logo and mo del designa tion painted, 21-inch Ca yenne SportEditi on wheels
in a blac k high-gloss finish with whee l arch ex tensions
Extended exterior package i n a blac k high -gloss finish, 21-inch Cayen ne Spo rtEdit ion w heels in a bla ck high -gl oss fini sh
with wheel arch extensions
PCM sur round paintedPorsche Rear Seat Entertai nment
12 I Cayenne S Cayenne S I 13
Interi or package painte d, PCM surroun d painted, air vent slats painted, compass instrum ent dial in white, steeri ng column
casing in lea ther, roofl ining g rab handles in carbon, personal ised fl oor mat s with leather edging
Exten ded exteri or package in a black h igh- gloss finish, 21-inch Ca yenne SportEdi tion w heels in a blac k high-gloss finish with wheel arch ex tensions
Instru ment dia ls in whi te
14 I Cayenne S Cayenne S I 15
Cayenne Turbo
Umber Metallic
A vehicle like no other.
Not only because it’s a Porsche.
A powerful exterior featuring the
SportDesign package, side skirts
and extended exterior package
in a black high-gloss finish. A so -
phis ticated interior with an interior
package in Yachting Mahogany
leather. Why not be different when
choosing your own personal look?
Find out more about the equipment
details in the current Cayenne price
Tailligh ts wit h tint ed glass l ookExten ded interio r trim pa ckage
with grab han dles in l eather
Sport Design pa ckage wi th side skirts, 21-i nch Cay enne S portEd itio n wheels in a b lack h igh- gloss fi nish,
Bi-Xe non hea dligh ts in bla ck, extended exterior package in a black hi gh-g loss finish
Cayen ne Turbo Pow erki t, Sport Design pa ckage wi th side sk irts, 21-inch Cay enne S portEd itio n wheels in a b lack high- gloss fi nish,
Bi-Xe non hea dligh ts in bla ck, extended exterior package in a black hi gh-g loss finish
Cayenne Turbo I 1716 I Cayenne Turbo
+ 18 hidden pages