Porsche Cayman 2012 Owner's Manual

Information Provided by:
Exclusive Cayman
Ultimate personalisation
4 I Contents
Philosophy 6
Exclusive examples 8
Colours and materials 22
Exclusive options 24
Designing your Porsche 44
Service 45
Exclusive expertise 46
Contents I 5
Cayman wi th sp oiler lips p ainted , front a ir int ake gr illes pa inted, headl ight clean ing system cov ers pai nted,
mirro r att achm ent poi nt finishers painted
6 I Philosophy
Our cars are state of the art.
And made to measure.
Exclusivity. Individualit y. Craftsmanship. Concepts which have always
been associated with Porsche.
Porsche Exclusive stands for the individual personalisation of your
vehicle, direct from the factory. You tell us what you want and we
will do our utmost to give it to you – provided, of course, that it is
technically feasible and does not compromise quality.
When customising a car, it is not enough just to use the best available
materials. Our overriding principle has always been to make full use
of the traditional skills of our craftsmen, carrying out the work by
hand. Our specialists have years of experience in the hand crafting
of decorative hardwoods, enabling us to bring out the individual
character of this superb material.
What about carbon? Light and extremely durable. Expressing all the
excitement of the racetrack. Or stainless steel? Very strong, polished
and with a chrome finish – pleasing to the eye and extremely resistant
to heat and corrosion. Or another truly brilliant possibility:
highly-polished anodised aluminium.
Would you like to upgrade the interior or exterior of your car, add an
Aerokit or a sports exhaust system? Your wish is our command.
Philosophy I 7
Materi al compositi on: leat her, carbon, Alcantara and alum iniu m
8 I Exclusive examples
Exclusive examples
Vehicle: Porsche.
Details: Porsche Exclusive.
A Porsche is more than just a car. It is also an expression of the per-
sonal freedom of its driver, and of their very own taste and lifestyle.
Porsche Exclusive offers you a wide range of individual extras so yo
can personalise your car to your own unique requirements. Straight
from the factory. Visual and technical enhancements, for the interior
and exterior. And always just as you want them.
The most important extra, though, is time. For it is only by taking
the utmost care during the consultancy, planning and processing
phases that it is possible to create something really special.
Something which is exactly tailor-made to your requirements –
down to the finest detail. Something unique. With its own unique
character. A Porsche which is as special as its driver.
The following pages will show you two examples of Exclusive
personalisations which are sure to inspire you.
Find out more about how to design your own special Porsche on
page 44.
Exclusive exam ples I 9
Cayman S wi th Ca yma n Aero kit , decorat ive si de logo w ith model designat ion, w heel s pai nted in Basalt B lack Metallic, sports t ail pip e
10 I Cayman S
Cayman SBasalt Black Metallic
But uncompromising.
Cayman Aerokit. Sports exhaust
system with sports tailpipe.
Sports bucket seats with Porsche
Crest. In short, a Cayman person-
alised without compromise.
Completely, utterly, well and
truly. Your Porsche.
Find out more about the equip-
ment details of the Cayman S
in Basalt Black Metallic in the
current Cayman price list.
Cayma n Aerokit, wh eels pa inted in ex terio r colour
Cayma n AerokitRear- view mirror in le ath er,
sun vis ors in two-tone lea ther
Cayman S I 11
Cayma n Aerokit, fro nt air int ake gri lles painted, headlight cleaning system covers painted, wheels p ainted in e xteri or colou r
12 I Cayman S
Exten ded trim package in carbon, rear cent re console in c arbo n, steering column c asing in le ather, rear-view mirror in l eather
Cayman S I 13
Exten ded trim package in carbon, rear cent re console in c arbo n, steering column c asing in le ather, rear-view mirror in l eather
Exten ded trim package in carbon, rear cent re console in c arbo n, steering column c asing in le ather, rear-view mirror in l eather
14 I Cayman S
Cayma n Aerokit, wh eels pa inted in ex terio r colour, sports exha ust system with sports ta ilpi pe
Cayman S I 15
Sport s bucket sea t bel t passages pa inted, Porsch e Crest emb ossed on headrests
14 I Cayman S
Cayma n Aerokit, wh eels pa inted in ex terio r colour, sports exha ust system with sports ta ilpi pe
16 I Cayman
Aqua Blue Metallic
Fancy a return to normality?
Wrong car.
Exterior package in matt Alumin-
ium Look. Rear apron grilles.
Aluminium handbrake lever and
gear selector for the 7-speed
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK).
Strong of will. After all, it is a
Find out more about the equip-
ment details of the Cayman
in Aqua Blue Metallic in the
current Cayman price list.
Rear ap ron gri llesMirro r att achm ent poi nt finishers painted
Decorative side l ogo wit h model designation, 19-i nch Carrera Sport wheels, mirror a ttachment point f inishers painted, rear apro n gril les
Cayman I 17
Exterior package in matt Aluminiu m Loo k, spoi ler li ps in matt Alumini um Lo ok, mirror a tt achm ent po int fi nish ers painted,
19-in ch Carrera Sport wh eels, deco rative side logo wi th model designation
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