Polaroid 539957-020 Rev. A, P3500S, P5500S User Manual

Polaroid XPS Card Printer
Installation and User Guide
June 2011
Part No. 539957-020 Rev. A
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All drawings and information herein are the property of the owner. All unauthorized use and reproduction is prohibited.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Polaroid and Polaroid & Pixel are trademarks of PLR IP Holdings, LLC, used under license. All other trademarks are the property of the respective owner who has not sponsored, endorsed or approved this product. PLR IP Holdings, LLC does not manufacture this product or provide any Manufacturer's Warranty or support.
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© 2011. The design and information contained in these materials is protected by U.S. and/or international copyright laws and/or treaties.
Chapter 1: Welcome to Card Printer Information_____________________________________ 1
About the Printer _______________________________________________________________ 1
Printer Components ________________________________________________________ 2
Printer with Input Hopper ________________________________________________ 2 Inside a printer__________________________________________________________ 3 Printer with Duplex Option_______________________________________________ 3
Inside a printer with a duplex option _____________________________________ 4 Printer Configuration Label _________________________________________________ 4 Printer System ______________________________________________________________ 6
Tasks and Users _________________________________________________________ 6
Chapter 2: Installation Requirements________________________________________________ 9
PC Requirements___________________________________________________________ 9
Requirements for a Network Connection _______________________________ 10
Requirements for a USB Connection ____________________________________ 10 Site Requirements _________________________________________________________ 11 Electrical Requirements____________________________________________________ 12
Chapter 3: Install the Printer _______________________________________________________ 13
Choosing Your Installation Method ____________________________________ _____ 13
Connecting More Than One Printer _____________________________________ 14 Prepare the Printer ________________________________________________________ 15
Load Cards ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ _______ _ 16
Load Print Ribbon______________________ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ 16
Load Cleaning Roller___________________ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ 17
Install Ribbon Cartridge ________________________________________________ 18 Install the Printer Driver_____________________________________________________ 19
USB Installation using the Installation CD_________________________________ 19
USB Installation using a downloaded driver ______________________________ 23
Network Installation using the Installation CD ____________________________ 27
Network Installation using a downloaded driver _________________________ 31
Retrieve the Printer IP Address __________________________________________ 37
Chapter 4: Printing Cards__________________________________________________________ 39
Printing Cards: Printer with Input Hopper ________________________________________ 40
Printing from ID Software___________________________________________________ 40 Printing from Other Software _______________________________________________ 40
Chapter 5: Using the Printer ________________________________________________________ 43
Use the Front Panel_______________________________ ____ _________________________ 43
Power switch______________________________________________________________ 43 LCD panel ________________________________________________________________ 43 User button and light ______________________________________________________ 44 Down Arrow, Up Arrow, and Enter keys _____________________________________ 44 Ribbon Light ______________________________________________________________ 44 Card Light ________________________________________________________________ 45
Use the LCD Menus_______________________________ ____ _________________________ 45
LCD Menus________________________________________________________________ 46
Messages and Conditions _____________________________________________________ 46
Messages on the Printer____________________________________________________ 46 Messages on the XPS Card Printer Driver ____________________________________ 47 Messages on the Printer Manager __________________________________________ 47 Other Messages ___________________________________________________________ 47
Responding to Messages ______________________________________________________ 48
Message 100: Request not supported ___________________________________ 49
Message 101: Job could not complete__________________________________ 49
Message 102: Card not in position ______________________________________ 50
Message 103: Printer problem __________________________________________ 50
Message 104: Critical problem__________________________________________ 50
Message 105: Magstripe data error _____________________________________ 51
Message 106: Magstripe data not found ________________________________ 51
Message 107: Magstripe read data error ________________________________ 52
Message 108: Magstripe read no data __________________________________ 52
Message 109: Print ribbon problem______________________________________ 52
Message 110: Print ribbon out or missing_________________________________ 53
Message 111: Card not picked _________________________________________ 53
Message 112: Card hopper empty______________________________________ 54
Message 113: Close cover to continue _________________________________ 54
Message 114: Cover opened during job ________________________________ 54
Message 115: Wait for print temperature ____________________ ____________ 55
Message 116: Magstripe not available __________________________________ 55
Message 117: Reader not available_____________________________________ 55
Message 118: Print ribbon type problem ________________________________ 56
Message 119: Print ribbon not supported _______________________________ 56
Message 120: User paused the printer __________________________________ 56
Message 121: Print ribbon ID problem __________________________________ 56
Message 122: Magnetic stripe format problem __________________________ 57
Message 123: Insert new card then continue ____________________________ 57
Message 124: Insert same card then continue __________________________ 57
Printer Driver Messages_______________________________ _________________________ 58
Message 500: The printer is not available. The card cannot print. _________ 58
Message 501: The printer connection was lost. Printing the card
is canceled. _____________________________________ ____ ___ _______ ___ ____ _ 58
Message 502: The card data is missing or is not usable. The card
cannot print. __________________________________________________________ 59
Message 503: The magnetic stripe data is missing. The card
cannot print. __________________________________________________________ 59
Message 505: Bonjour is not installed. Cannot connect to the printer. _____ 59
Message 506: A card is currently processing. ____________________________ 60
Clean the Printer _________________________________ _____________________________ 61
Run a cleaning card__ _______ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ _______ ___ ____ _ 61 Clean the printhead_______________________________________________________ 63
Chapter 6: Card Design and Setup_________________________________________________ 65
Card Components ____________________________________________________________ 66
Color Printing______________________________________________________________ 66
Print Ribbon ___________________________________________________________ 66
Managing Color _______________________________________________________ 67
Printing Text ___________________________________________________________ 67
Printing Graphics_______________________________________________________ 67 Monochrome Printing______________________________________________________ 68
Monochrome Panels in Full-Color Ribbon________________________________ 69
Monochrome Ribbon __________________________________________________ 69
Printing Bar Codes _____________________________________________________ 69
Printing Text ___________________________________________________________ 70
Printing Graphics ______________________________________________________ 70 Topcoat Printing___________________________________________________________ 70
Card Design: Magnetic Stripe__________________________________________________ 71
About Magnetic Stripe_____________________________________________________ 71 Magnetic Stripe Formats ___________________________________________________ 72
Card Design: Smart Card ______________________________________________________ 73
About Smart Card_________________________________________________________ 73
Requirements__________________________________________________________ 74
Smart Card Codes on the Printer Label__________________________________ 74
Printing and Non-Printing Areas ____________________________________ ____________ 75
Standard Magnetic Stripe Area ____________________________________________ 75 Smart Card Non-printing Area______________________________________________ 75
Other Areas ___________________________________________________________ 76
Card Layout __________________________________________________________________ 76
Backgrounds______________________________________________________________ 76 Image Placement _________________________________________________________ 76 Badges ___________________________________________________________________ 77
Settings_______________________________________________________________________ 77
Windows Properties and Preferences _______________________________________ 77 Printer Manager ___________________________________________________________ 77
Chapter 7: Printer Driver ___________________________________________________________ 79
Communication with the Printer____________________________________________ 79 Using the driver____________________________________________________________ 80
Chapter 8: Updates, Upgrades, and More __________________________________________ 83
Updates ______________________________________________________________________ 83
Updating the Driver________________________________________________________ 83
Upgrades and Printer Options__________________________________________________ 84
Deviations ____________________________________________________________________ 84
Chapter 9: Removing a Printer from a Windows PC__________________________________ 87 Chapter 10: Troubleshooting_______________________ ________________________________ 91
Tools for Troubleshooting ___________________________________________________ 91
Locate the Problem____________________________________________________ 91
Fixing the Printer System ________________________________________________ 93 The XPS Card Printer Driver _____________________________________________ 93 ID Software____________________________________________________________ 93 Using the Printer Plug-in____________________ _____________________________ 94 Other Components of the System_______________________________________ 94
Installation Troubleshooting ________________________________________________ 94
USB Installation Troubleshooting_________________________________________ 95 Network Installation Troubleshooting ____________________________________ 97
Driver Problems____________________________________________________________ 97
The driver does not detect the network-connected printer _______________ 98 The driver does not detect the USB-connected printer ___________________ 99 Unexpected messages appear_________________________________________ 99 The driver status or Windows print queue does not
provide expected data ___________________ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ _______ ___ 100
Card Appearance ______________________________________________________ 101
Something did not print ______________________________________________ 101 Printing includes unexpected data ___________________________________ 102 The color printing has flaws ___________________________________________ 102 The printing is too light________________________________________________ 104 The printing in too dark_______________________________________________ 104
The monochrome printing has flaws___________________________________ 105 Magnetic Stripe ______________________________________________________ ___ 105 For Managers Only ______________________________________________________ 106
Chapter 11: Supplies and Parts ________________________________________ ____ ______ 109
Print Ribbon ____________________________________________________________ 109
Color Print Ribbon____________________________________________________ 109
Monochrome Print Ribbon____________________________________________ 110
Print Ribbon Storage Guidelines________________ _______________________ 110 Cards___________________________________________________________________ 111
Card Size____________________________________________________________ 111
Card Material _______________________________________________________ 111
Pre-Punched Cards _________________________________________________ 112
New Cards for Color Printing______________________ ____________________ 112
Adhesive Backed Cards______________________________________________ 112 Card Quality Guidelines _________________________________________________ 112
Card Surface ________________________________________________________ 112
Card Handling_______________________________________________________ 113
Card Storage________________________________________________________ 113 Replacement Parts ______________________________________________________ 113
Printhead Cartridge________________ ____ ___ _______ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ 113
Print Ribbon Cartridge________________________________________________ 114
Cleaning Supplies____________________________________________________ 114
Cleaning Roller Spindle ______________________________________________ 114
Large Output Hopper Option ________________________________________ 114
Lock Option _________________________________________________________ 114
Power Supply _______________________________________________________ 114
200-Card Input Hopper_______________________________________________ 114 Cables used with the Printer______________________________________________ 115
Data Cable _______________________ ____ ___ ____ _______ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ 115
Power Cable ________________________________________________________ 115
Chapter 12: How-To Topics ______________________________________________________ 117
How to Install a Large Output Hopper ____________________________________ 119 How to Install the 200-Card Input Hopper Option __________________________ 120 Install the Lock Option ___________________________________________________ 121 How to Adjust the Colors Printed _________________________________________ 122
Brightness ___________________________________________________________ 122
Contrast_____________________________________________________________ 123
Color Balance _______________________________________________________ 123 How to View Card Counts using the Driver ________________________________ 125 How to View Card Counts from the Printer LCD Menu _____________________ 126 How to Change a Card Design __________________________________________ 127 How to Run a Cleaning Card_____________________________________________ 129 How to Clean the Printhead _____________________________________________ 130 How to Set the Driver Network Port Value _________________________________ 131 How to Encode Magnetic Stripe without Printing __________________________ 132 How to Change the LCD Backlight _______________________________________ 133 How to Get the Printer Network IP Address ________________________________ 134 How to Get the Printer USB IP Address_____________________________________ 135 How to Load Cards______________________________________________________ 136 How to Load Ribbon_____________________________________________________ 136 Load Cleaning Roller _______________________________________ _______ ___ ___ 137 Install Ribbon Cartridge __________________________________________________ 137 How to Open Printing Preferences________________________________________ 138
Open Preferences from My XPS Card Printer___________________________ 138
Open Preferences from the Start Menu in Windows 7 or Vista___________ 139
Open Preferences from the Start Menu in Windows XP _________________ 139 How to Open the Printer Manager________________________________________ 140 How to Open the Printer Properties _______________________________________ 142
Open Printer Properties from My XPS Card Printer ______________________ 143
Open Printer Properties from the Start Menu in Windows 7 or Vista ______ 143
Open Printer Properties from the Start Menu in Windows XP_____________ 144
Printer Permissions____________________________________________________ 144 How to Print Driver Sample Cards____________________________ _____________ 145 How to Print a Printer Test Card___________________________________________ 146 How to Print on Both Sides of the Card____________________________________ 147 How to Print More Than One Copy of a Card _____________________________ 149 How to Rotate the Card _________________________________________________ 149 How to View Printer Status _______________________________________________ 150
Printer Status_________________________________________________________ 150
Port Type ____________________________________________________________ 151
Printer Information ___________________________________________________ 151
Option Information___________________________________________________ 151
Supplies _____________________________________________________________ 151
Test _________________________________________________________________ 152 How to Find the Printer Serial Number_____________________________________ 152
Viewing the Serial Number from the Front Panel _______________________ 153 How to Set Magnetic Stripe Coercivity____________________________________ 154 How to Set the Print Area ________________________________________________ 155 How to Set the Print Resolution ___________________________________________ 156 How to Set Static IP Address Type____ _____________________________________ 157 How to Use Print Blocking Escapes________________________________________ 160
About Printing Areas _________________________________________________ 160
Print Blocking ___________________ _____________________________________ 161
Topcoat Add Statement _____________________________________________ 161
Topcoat Remove ____________________________________________________ 162
Full Card Topcoat Options____________________________________________ 162 How to Use Magnetic Stripe Escapes _____________________________________ 164
Using Magnetic Stripe Escapes _______________________________________ 164
Supported Escape Codes ____________________________________________ 165 How to Use Magnetic Stripe Fonts ________________________________________ 166 How to View the Driver Version ___________________________ ________________ 167 How to View Network Information ________________________________________ 168
Chapter 13: Legal Notices__________________ _____________________________________ 169
Safety and Compliance _________________________________________________ 169 Regulatory Compliance _________________________________________________ 169
Notice for USA (FCC notice) __________________________________________ 169
Notice for Canada __________________________________________________ 169
Notice for Europe ___________________________________________________ 169
Notice for Taiwan ___________________________________________________ 170
Notice for Japan ____________________________________________________ 170 Notice to All Users _______________________________________________________ 170 Liability Statement_______________________________________________________ 170 Safety __________________________________________________________________ 171
Safe environment____________________________________________________ 171
Safe human interface________________________________________________ 171 Acknowledgments ______________________________________________________ 171
Fonts ________________________________________________________________ 172 Disclaimer_______________________________________________________________ 172 Proprietary Notice _______________ ___ ___ ____ ___ _______ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ 172
Revision Log
Polaroid XPS Card Printer
Installation and User Guide
Revision Date Description of Changes
A June 2011 First release of this document as a single file.
Chapter 1: Welcome to Card Printer Information
This manual describes the XPS Card Printer and how to use it.
Before you use the printer, install and set up the printer. In most cases, install the Windows driver for the printer as part of setup. See “Install the Printer” for the steps to follow.
Please read this XPS Card Printer Installation and User Guide thoroughly before you
use the printer.
Each card program has specific features, and it is important for you to understand the features of your card program. Talk with your supervisor, system administrator, or other person to understand the features of your card program. It will help you to successfully print cards using the printer.
About the Printer
Card printers are compact printers that apply images and text to plastic cards. The card printer can print full-color and monochrome images, depending on the type of print ribbon installed.
There are several options available for the card printer including magnetic stripe, smart card, automatic duplex, and reject hopper. The configuration label on the printer can help you determine the options installed. See the
“Printer Configuration Label ” for
more information about the factory­installed options.
The card printer is available with or without automatic duplex. Click one of the following to view the different options:
“Printer with Input Hopper”
“Printer with Duplex Option”
The printer is designed to issue cards either one at a time or in batches — up
to 100 cards at a time. An optional 200-card input hopper is available for some
A busy issuance site might issue up to 10,000 cards a month.
Often, a site will have busy times and slow times. During busy times, the site
might use more than one printer to keep up with demand.
Printer Components
Printer with Input Hopper
2 Welcome to Card Printer Information
Inside a printer
Printer with Duplex Option
Inside a printer with a duplex option
Printer Configuration Label
The printer has a label on the side of the cover arm that shows the components installed. Find the label on the side of the cover arm:
The label shows:
Printer name, which also appears on the
model label
Configuration, which includes options in the
Date and country of assembly
The MAC address to use when the printer is connected using an Ethernet
The printer label provides information that is useful when requesting service. It can also help you know the components installed. Some components might be installed by the dealer or sales group. The information for those items should be hand-written on the label.
4 Welcome to Card Printer Information
Printer System
The card printer is used with other equipment and software to create a card production system. The system produces cards for a specific purpose and the cards must meet requirements. Ask about the requirements for cards that you produce, or see “Card Design and Setup” for typical requirements.
The system can include:
1. A PC, with software to support
the printer, such as:
The XPS Card Printer Driver
ID software designed
for Windows.
specifically to capture, format, and save the data for cards.
2. “Capture” devices, such as:
3. The printer with supplies and a facility power source.
4. A data connection between the printer and PC, which can be a USB
Tasks and Users
In most work places, more than one person uses the printer. Each person might use it differently.
A retail application such as
Microsoft Photoshop
Word or Adobe®
See “Installation
A digital camera to take photos for ID badges and other cards, connected
to the PC.
A signature capture pad or fingerprint reader.
connection or a network connection. (Do not use both connections with one
The Operator makes cards using the printer, loads supplies, and handles
minor problems such as a card jam.
The Manager sets up the card making system, sets up card designs, and
might identify new ways to use the card printer in the organization.
6 Welcome to Card Printer Information
Information for Users
This guide provides operator information and describes how to install, use the printer, and perform routine tasks.
An additional Solution Guide is available for use by Administrators or by
professionals designing a new system for printing cards.
When the XPS Card Printer Driver is installed, the information is also installed. The installation creates a Windows desktop icon called My XPS Card Printer. Use My XPS Card Printer to choose the user level. This sets the type of information you view.
Using My XPS Card Printer, you can also:
Open the
Printers Window
to view the
status of the
printer and to
view settings.
Print a guide on
a paper printer.
Link to the web
For non-Windows Users
The information for the card printer can be viewed and printed from other operating systems, such as Linux.
Insert the Driver CD into the PC, open a file and folder browser, and open the Documentation folder. Select a document to view.
My XPS Card Printer is a Windows application. It does not run on non-Windows operating systems.
8 Welcome to Card Printer Information
Chapter 2: Installation Requirements
Your installation method depends on how many users will print to the card printer, the operating system you will use to send card data and other decisions in your environment.
This section describes:
“PC Requirements”
“Site Requirements”
“Electrical Requirements”
“Choosing Your Installation Method”
PC Requirements
Use a PC that meets or exceeds the following:
A 32- or 64-bit processor, running at 1 GHz or faster
Memory (RAM):
2 GB or more
At least 1GB free space on the hard drive
One of the following operating systems:
Windows 7, 32- or 64-bit
Windows Vista, 32- or 64-bit
Windows XP, 32-bit
Windows MSXML 6.0 and the Windows XPS Essentials pack are
required to install the printer driver. The driver installer checks the operating system for these files and installs them if needed.
Windows 2003 Server, 32- or 64-bit
Windows 2008 Server, 32- or 64-bit
driver installer checks the operating system for this application and installs it if needed.
Bonjour® for Windows is required to install the printer driver. The
USB 2.0 port or Ethernet network connection
ID software to capture and organize the data to appear on each card.
Requirements for a Network Connection
To install a printer on a network, the following components are required:
An Ethernet network that uses the TCP/IP protocol and can run at 100
megabits per second, also called 100base-T. Printers also support 10base-T.
An Ethernet cable to connect the printer to the network. An Ethernet cable is
not supplied with the printer.
A PC that meets the requirements listed above, that is connected to and
communicating with the network.
You can connect many network printers to one PC. The maximum number of
printers depends on the capacity of the network to deliver data to the printer.
Requirements for a USB Connection
To install a printer using a USB connection, the following components are required:
A high speed USB port. USB 2.0 is recommended.
A USB cable to connect the printer to the PC. A USB cable is supplied with the
A PC that meets the requirements listed above.
If you need to connect two card printers to a PC with one USB port, use a
single, independently-powered USB hub to which both printers can be
Up to four card printers can be connected to a PC using USB cables.
10 Installation Requirements
Site Requirements
Set up and use the printer in an environment that meets the following requirements.
Provide space for the printer
and for clearance around the
printer. The printer
dimensions and clearance
area is shown in the table
Printer Model
Dimensions (inches/mm)
P3500S with Smart Card
Options such as a large output stacker and 200-card input hopper add height to the printer. Additional clearance is required when using these options.
10.00 254
10.00 254
8.80 224
8.80 224
8.80 224
4.00 102
4.00 102
4.00 102
6.85 174
6.85 174
6.85 174
4.00 102
4.00 102
4.00 102
15.37 390
21.21 539
21.21 539
4.00 102
4.00 102
4.00 102
Place the printer in an environment with temperatures ranging from 60° F to
95° F (15° C to 35° C).
Use a single phase, 3-wire, grounded receptacle.
Keep all dust, dirt, food, and liquids away from the printer.
Keep paper and foreign materials off the printer.
Place the printer on a sturdy, level surface.
Place the printer away from direct sunlight.
Do not place printer near heating ducts, fans, or other air vents.
Do not use the printer for purposes other than the intended use.
Prevent debris from entering the printer.
Place the printer in a clean office environment.
Electrical Requirements
The power supply has earned the ENERGY STAR® and is rated as follows:
Printer Model Electrical Requirements
The power supply detects the input voltage, and works within the range stated. The printer is ENERGY STAR qualified only when used with the included power supply.
110-240V/50-60 Hz/3.0 AmpP5500S
12 Installation Requirements
Chapter 3: Install the Printer
This section provides information about installing the printer and driver on a PC running a supported Windows operating system. Printer installation includes preparing the printer and then installing the driver.
Most often, the driver is installed using the installation CD shipped with the printer. The driver installation procedure prompts you to power on the printer and when to connect cables.
Installation includes the following steps:
1. “Choosing Your Installation Method”
2. “Prepare the Printer”
“Load Cards”
“Load Print Ribbon”
“Load Cleaning Roller”
3. “Install the Printer Driver”
Choosing Your Installation Method
Your installation method depends on how many users will print to the card printer, the operating system you will use to send card data and other decisions in your environment.
The printer can be installed using one of the following installation methods:
Driver CD
The printer ships with a CD in the printer carton. In most cases, install the driver from the CD using one of the following cable types:
Install the Driver using a USB cable (see “USB Installation
using the Installation CD”)
Install the Driver using a Network cable (see “Network
Installation using the Installation CD”)
If you do not have access to the installation CD, install the driver from a downloaded driver file:
Install the printer using a USB connection and a
downloaded driver file (see “USB Installation using a
downloaded driver”)
Install the printer using a Network connection and a
downloaded driver file (see “Network Installation using a
downloaded driver”)
Connecting More Than One Printer
There are several choices for connecting more than one printer to a PC or for having more than one PC connected to a printer. You can connect to several printers installed on a network, or connect multiple printers to a PC using USB cables.
Use the following guidelines to install more than one printer using USB cables:
Connect and install one printer at a time. The PC cannot run more than one
installation program at a time.
USB protocol allows devices to be connected to the PC through another USB
device. USB protocol also uses hubs to which multiple USB devices can be connected.
If you need to connect two card printers to a PC with one USB port, use an independently-powered USB hub to which both printers can be connected.
Up to four card printers can be connected to a PC using USB cables.
Use one powered high-speed (USB 2.0) hub. Do not daisy-chain multiple
The printer(s) must be powered on for the PC to detect it. It must remain
powered on during installation.
14 Install the Printer
To Install Additional Printers
For each USB printer installed after the initial USB installation, follow these instructions:
1. Load supplies and then power on the printer. See “Prepare the Printer” for
the steps to follow.
2. Log on to the PC as a user with Administrator access.
3. Connect the printer to the PC using a USB cable.
4. The operating system detects the new device. It might display a popup during
5. If the operating system does not display a popup within a few minutes, check
the Printers window to see if the icon for the new printer is displayed. At times, the software installs without displaying the popup.
6. The operating system usually uses the existing driver files to install the driver
for this printer. Insert the driver CD only if you are prompted for it.
Using more than one printer on a PC
When using more than one printer on a PC, keep the following in mind:
Select the printer to use in the ID software or other application. Card jobs will
be sent to the selected printer even if more than one card printer is attached to the PC.
When messages are displayed, the title bar of the message box displays the
name of the printer causing the message. Keep track of which printer has which name.
Each printer has its own icon in the Printers window, and each printer has
separate Properties and Printing Preferences dialog boxes. Settings are not shared among printers.
Prepare the Printer
Prepare the printer to print cards by installing supplies including blank card stock, print ribbon, cleaning roller, and optional equipment. For more information on optional equipment, see Install Printer Options.
Load Cards
If you are using a manual feed printer, skip this step and keep a supply of blank cards close to the printer. For printers with an input hopper, continue with these steps:
1. Open the input hopper (a).
2. Fan cards before placing
them into input hopper (b).
Insert magnetic stripe cards with the stripe down and toward the right-hand side of the input hopper.
3. Close input hopper (c).
Load Print Ribbon
Load the ribbon when you install the printer and when the ribbon runs out.
1. Open the printer’s top cover.
16 Install the Printer
2. Remove the print ribbon cartridge.
3. Load a full roll of print ribbon onto the
spindle closest to the cartridge handle.
4. Place the empty spool on the spindle
with the black gear.
5. Wind the empty spool counter-
clockwise one full turn.
Load Cleaning Roller
Load a new cleaning roller with each new roll of print ribbon.
The printer ships with the cleaning roller spindle installed on the print ribbon cartridge.
1. Remove the cleaning roller spindle
from the ribbon cartridge and slide the continuous cleaning sleeve onto the spindle (a).
2. Snap the spindle with sleeve installed back onto the ribbon cartridge (b).
3. Remove the protective wrapper from the cleaning sleeve (c).
Install Ribbon Cartridge
Install the assembled print ribbon cartridge into the printer.
1. Hold the print ribbon cartridge by the
handle and lower into the printer with the handle toward the front of the printer.
2. Check to see that the ribbon cartridge
is correctly positioned in the guides.
3. Close the printer cover.
18 Install the Printer
Install the Printer Driver
This section provides information about installing the printer driver on a PC running a supported Windows operating system. See “PC Requirements” for a list of supported operating systems.
Most often, the driver is installed using the installation CD shipped with the printer. The driver installation procedure prompts you to power on the printer and when to connect cables.
Use one of the following links to view instructions about how to install the printer driver:
“USB Installation using the Installation CD”
“USB Installation using a downloaded driver”
“Network Installation using the Installation CD”
“Network Installation using a downloaded driver”
USB Installation using the Installation CD
1. Log on to the PC as a user with Administrator access.
2. Insert the driver CD in the PC’s drive. On the User Account Control dialog,
click Yes. The driver install window opens.
3. Click the Install a USB Printer button.
4. The driver might require additional software, and present a license
agreement for that software. Read the license agreement(s) presented, click
the Accept box, and then click the blue arrow pointing to the right.
5. Follow the steps to “Prepare the Printer”.
Use the green media controls to view step-by-step instructions about how to Prepare the Printer.
6. Click the blue arrow pointing to the right.
7. The Device Driver Installation Wizard dialog appears. Click Next.
8. The Windows Security dialog appears. Click Install to install the printer.
9. The Windows Security dialog appears. Click Install to install the network
adapters for the printer.
20 Install the Printer
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