Polar F55 User's Manual

Press OK to enter the menu. Press the / buttons to move forward in the menus. Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
User Manual Polar F55™
Manufactured by Polar Electro Oy Professorintie 5 FIN-90440 KEMPELE Tel +358 8 5202 100 Fax +358 8 5202 300
17928481.00 ENG A
Compare achieved exercise values against your weekly targets, and see if you are achieving your targets as planned.
Press Back
Monitor information such as your heart rate and calories burned during your exercise sessions.
View detailed information on your latest exercise sessions, as well as the long-term information on your exercises.
Press Press Press Press Press Press
Change alarm, time of day, and other settings.
Perform the Polar Fitness Test and view your long­term progress.
Create and edit Polar Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program and Polar Body Workout.
Perform relaxation session and view your long-term relaxation values.
Transfer data between wrist unit, web service, and mobile phone.
Dear customer,
Congratulations on your purchase of a new Polar Fitness Heart Rate Monitor!
The Polar Fitness heart rate monitor helps you to achieve your personal fitness goals.
The Polar fitness heart rate monitor includes the Polar Keeps U Fit™ - Own Workout Program, which gives you guidance how much you need to exercise to achieve your personal fitness goals. Additionally, you can create a Polar Body Workout™, which helps you in strength training.
The Polar Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program is based on and personalized by using your current aerobic fitness level, measured with the Polar Fitness Test™. Enter your program choice and the amount of exercise, and the Polar Fitness heart rate monitor provides you with an exercise program. Use the Polar heart rate monitor during your exercise sessions and check the recorded data from the electronic Diary after exercising. In the Diary you can compare and chart your progress against your targets. Perform the Fitness Test once a month and see how your fitness level is proceeding over the long-term.
This manual contains the information you need to use and maintain your product. Please read this through to understand how to use the functions and to get the most out of your Polar heart rate monitor.
Please also check our web sites for the best product and training tips and other value adding services: www.PolarFitnessTrainer.com and www.polar.fi
1. GETTING STARTED - PERSONALIZE YOUR POLAR F55 ......................................................................................................8
1.1 PRODUCT ELEMENTS .............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 WRIST UNIT BUTTONS AND SYMBOLS ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 BASIC SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 MEASURING YOUR HEART RATE ............................................................................................................................13
2. TEST YOUR FITNESS LEVEL - GET YOUR OWNINDEX .......................................................................................................15
2.1 PERFORMING THE FITNESS TEST ........................................................................................................................... 16
2.2 FITNESS TEST TREND ............................................................................................................................................19
3. SET YOUR GOAL - CREATE WORKOUT PROGRAM ............................................................................................................21
3.1 KEEPS U FIT - OWN WORKOUT PROGRAM ..............................................................................................................21
3.1.1 Creating Your Program ............................................................................................................................. 22
3.1.2 View and Edit Your Program ..................................................................................................................... 24
3.1.3 Program Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 30
3.1.4 Update Your Program ............................................................................................................................... 32
3.2 POLAR BODY WORKOUT ........................................................................................................................................ 33
3.2.1 Creating Your Body Workout ..................................................................................................................... 34
3.2.2 View and Edit Your Body Workout ............................................................................................................. 35
3.2.3 Body Workout Settings ............................................................................................................................. 38
4. REACH YOUR GOAL - START EXERCISING .......................................................................................................................39
4.1 STARTING EXERCISE RECORDING .......................................................................................................................... 39
4.2 FUNCTIONS DURING EXERCISE ............................................................................................................................. 40
4.3 STOPPING THE EXERCISE ......................................................................................................................................47
4.4 EXERCISE SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................................. 48
4.5 OWNZONE .............................................................................................................................................................52
5. FOLLOW-UP YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS ................................................................................................................................55
5.1 DAILY FILE ............................................................................................................................................................. 55
5.2 WEEKLY FILE .........................................................................................................................................................58
5.3 TOTALS FILE ..........................................................................................................................................................59
5.4 DIARY .................................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.5 WEEKLY AND MONTHLY FOLLOW-UP ......................................................................................................................64
6. REMEMBER TO RELAX - GET YOUR OWNRELAX .............................................................................................................. 66
6.1 PERFORMING THE RELAXATION SESSION ............................................................................................................... 66
6.2 INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS ........................................................................................................................ 68
6.3 RELAXATION TREND ..............................................................................................................................................70
7. GET EXTRA BENEFIT FROM POLAR APPLICATIONS - DATA COMMUNICATION ..................................................................72
8. SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................................................................73
8.1 WATCH SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................................................73
8.2 HEART RATE SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................................... 81
8.3 USER SETTINGS .................................................................................................................................................... 82
8.4 GENERAL SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................................. 86
9. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................... 88
10. PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................90
10.1 INTERFERENCE DURING EXERCISE .......................................................................................................................90
10.2 MINIMIZING POSSIBLE RISKS WHEN EXERCISING ..................................................................................................91
11. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 92
12. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ...........................................................................................................................................94
13. LIMITED POLAR INTERNATIONAL GUARANTEE ................................................................................................................96
14. DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................................................................... 97
15. INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................................. 98
The Polar fitness heart rate monitor set consists of the following items:
Wrist Unit
The wrist unit includes Polar Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program. You can create, update, and monitor your Program with the wrist unit.
Polar WearLink™ Coded Transmitter
The connector transmits your heart rate signal to the wrist unit. The electrode areas of the
strap detect your heart rate.
User Manual with Quick Guide
This User Manual contains the necessary information on using your Polar fitness heart rate monitor. For a quick reference, take the function map included in the Quick Guide with you when exercising.
Data Communication
Your Polar fitness heart rate monitor offers you the option of transferring data between your wrist unit and PC. For further information, see the chapter Get Extra Benefit From Polar Applications - Data Communication.
Note: Pressing a button briefly (approximately one second) has a different effect than pressing and holding the button for a longer period of time (at least two seconds).
• Switch the backlight on.
By pressing and holding the Light button, you can:
Lock and unlock all the buttons, except the Light button, in the Time of Day display or while recording your exercise. Press and hold the Light button until Buttons Locked or Unlocked is displayed.
• Exit the displayed menu and return to the previous level.
• Cancel the selection and leave the setting as it was.
• Switch the alarm off.
By pressing and holding the Back button, you can:
• Return to the Time of Day display from any menu.
• Enter the Watch settings from the Time of Day display.
• Move up in the menus and selection lists.
• Increase the selected flashing value when is on the display.
By pressing and holding the button you can:
• Change the display logo in the Time of Day display.
• Change the top row information in the Exercise recording mode.
• Enter the menu in the Time of Day display.
• Enter the displayed menu.
• Accept your selection.
By pressing and holding the OK button, you can start exercise recording from the Time of Day display.
• Move down in the menus and selection lists.
• Decrease the selected flashing value when is on the display.
By pressing and holding the button, you can change the time zone in the Time of Day display.
Heart Touch
In the Exercise mode, you can see the time of day by bringing the wrist unit near the Polar logo on the transmitter.
The envelope reminds you to check the exercises from last week or to perform the Polar Fitness Test. For further information, see the section Weekly and Monthly Follow-Up.
The battery symbol indicates that the wrist unit battery is low. For further information, see the chapter Care and Maintenance.
The alarm symbol indicates that the alarm is switched on. For further information, see the section Watch Settings.
Moon phase indicator:
First Quarter - less than one-half of the moon is visible, the moon is increasing
Full Moon - the moon is completely visible
Last Quarter - less than one-half of the moon is visible, the moon is decreasing
New Moon - the moon is not visible
The menu level indicator shows you the number of menu items. When browsing the menus, the symbol indicates where you are in the current menu level. The symbol shows you the total number of menu items.
In guided setting sequences the number of symbols indicates the total number of settings, and the flashing
symbol indicates the
setting you are currently adjusting.
The framed heart indicates the coded transmission of your heart rate. For further information, see the section Measuring Your Heart Rate.
The recording symbol indicates that exercise recording is on.
The sound symbol indicates that the heart rate zone alarm is switched on in the Exercise menu. For further information, see the section Functions During Exercising.
The dumbbell symbol indicates
the body workout.
Start from the Basic Settings mode when you use your product for the first time. You only need to activate the blank wrist unit once. Once activated, the wrist unit cannot be switched off. Alternatively, you can transfer the Basic Settings to the wrist unit from your computer. For further information, see the chapter Data Communication.
Note: It is important that you be precise with the settings, as they have an impact on the accuracy of the Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
1. Activate the wrist unit by pressing any button. The display fills up with digits. Press OK.
2. WELCOME TO POLAR FITNESS WORLD is displayed. Press OK to start settings.
3. Language: Press the / buttons to select language. Press OK.
4. START WITH BASIC SETTINGS is displayed. Press OK to start the Basic Settings.
5. Time: Press the / buttons to select the 12 H or 24 H time mode. Press OK. 12 H: the time is displayed from 1 to 12 am or pm. In the date and birthday settings, the month is set first and then the day (mm.dd).
• Press the / buttons to select AM or PM. Press OK.
• Press the / buttons to set the hours. Press OK.
• Press the / buttons to set the minutes. Press OK. 24 H: the time is displayed from 0 to 23 hours. In the date and birthday settings, the day is set first and then the month (dd.mm).
• Press the / buttons to set the hours. Press OK.
• Press the / buttons to set the minutes. Press OK.
6. Date: Press the / buttons to select the month (mm) or day (dd). Press OK.
• Press the / buttons to select the day (dd) or month (mm). Press OK.
• Press the / buttons to select the year (yy). Press OK.
7. Units: Press the / buttons to select kilograms and centimeters (KG/CM) or pounds and feet (LB/FT). Press OK.
Note: The unit selection also affects how the calories are displayed. If you select lb/ft, calories are displayed as Cal. If you select kg/cm, calories are displayed as kcal.
8. Weight: Press the / buttons to set your weight. Press OK.
Note: If you select the wrong units, you can still change them by pressing and holding the Light button.
9. Height: Press the / buttons to set your height. Press OK.
Note: If you select lb/ft as your units, you first set feet and then inches.
10. Birthday: Press the / buttons to select your birth month (mm) or day (dd). Press OK.
• Press the / buttons to select the day (dd) or month (mm). Press OK.
• Press the / buttons to select the year (yy). Press OK.
11. Sex: Press the / buttons to select MALE or FEMALE. Press OK.
12. SETTINGS OK? is displayed. Press the / buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK. If you select Yes, your settings are accepted and you can start using your Polar heart rate monitor. If you select No, you can change your Basic Settings. Press the Back button until you return to the setting you want to change.
To measure your heart rate, you need to wear the transmitter.
Heart rate coding reduces interference from other heart rate monitors that are close by. To make sure that the code search is successful and ensure trouble-free heart rate monitoring, keep the wrist unit within 3 feet/1 meter of your transmitter. Check that you are not near other people with heart rate monitors or any source of electromagnetic disturbances (for further information on interference, see the chapter Precautions).
1. Moisten the electrode areas of the strap under running water and make sure that they are well moistened.
2. Attach the connector to the strap. Position the letter
L on the connector next to the word LEFT
on the strap and snap the fastener.
3. Adjust the strap length to fit snugly and comfortably. Secure the strap around your chest, just below your chest muscles, and snap the second fastener.
4. Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin and that the Polar logo of the connector is in a central, upright position.
5. Wear the wrist unit as a watch. In the Time of Day display, press OK to enter the menu. Exercise is displayed. The wrist unit automatically starts to search for your heart rate. Your heart rate and the framed heart symbol appear in a maximum of 15 seconds. The frame around the heart symbol indicates that your heart rate is coded. Your heart rate is measured, but not recorded, until you have started to exercise. To record your heart rate and other exercise data, see the chapter Reach Your Goal - Start Exercising.
Note: If the wrist unit does not receive your heart rate - - /00 is displayed, check that the transmitter electrodes are wet and that the strap is snug enough. Bring the wrist unit up to your chest near the Polar logo on the transmitter. The wrist unit starts to seek the heart rate signal again.
OwnIndex is a result of the Polar Fitness Test that is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic fitness. The OwnIndex is based on your heart rate and heart rate variability at rest as well as on your gender, height, body weight, and self assessed physical activity. OwnIndex is a score, which is comparable to VO
(ml/kg/min), a commonly used
descriptor of aerobic fitness.
Aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness relates to how well your cardiovascular system works to transport oxygen to your body. The better your aerobic fitness, the stronger and more efficient your heart is. Good aerobic fitness has many health benefits. For example, it decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and high blood pressure. If you want to improve your aerobic fitness, it takes a minimum of six weeks of regular training to see a noticeable change in your OwnIndex. Less fit individuals see progress even more rapidly. More active individuals require more time.
Aerobic fitness is best improved by exercise types that use large muscle groups. Such activities include for example, walking, running, cycling, rowing, swimming, skating, and cross-country skiing.
To be able to determine your current fitness level, start by measuring your OwnIndex a couple of times over the first two weeks to get a reliable baseline value. Thereafter, repeat the test once a month in order to follow your fitness progress.
The Polar Fitness Test is targeted to healthy adults.
Note: Before you can perform the Polar Fitness Test, you need to enter your personal user information and long-term physical activity level in the User Settings and to wear your transmitter.
It takes 3-5 minutes to perform the test.
To get reliable test results, the following basic requirements apply:
• The test can take place anywhere - at home, in the office, and at a health club - as long as the test environment is peaceful. There should be no disturbing noises (for example, television, radio or telephone), or other people talking to you.
• Keep the test place, time of day and environment the same every time the test is repeated.
• You should be relaxed and calm.
• Avoid eating a heavy meal or smoking 2-3 hours prior to testing.
• Avoid heavy physical effort, alcoholic beverages or pharmacological stimulants on the test day and the day before.
Lie down and relax for 1-3 minutes before starting the test.
1. In the Time of Day display press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the / buttons until Test is displayed. Press OK.
3. Press the / buttons to select TEST. Press OK.
If you have not set your long-term physical activity level in User Settings, Activity is displayed. Press the / buttons to select TOP, HIGH, MODERATE, or LOW. Press OK.
The activity level is an assessment of your level of physical activity. Select the alternative that best describes the overall amount and intensity of your physical activity in the past three months.
TOP: You participate regularly in heavy physical exercise at least 5 times a week. For example, you exercise to improve performance for competitive purposes. HIGH: You participate regularly, at least 3 times a week, in heavy physical exercise. For example, you run 6-12 miles/ 10-20 km per week, or participate in 3-4 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly, or you spend 2-3 hours per week in comparable physical activity. MODERATE: You participate regularly in recreational sports. For example, you run 3-6 miles/5-10 km per week, or you participate in 1-2 gym classes or aerobic exercise classes weekly, or you spend 1/2-2 hours per week in comparable physical activity or your work requires modest physical activity. LOW: You do not participate regularly in programmed recreational sport or heavy physical activity. For example, you walk only for pleasure or occasionally exercise sufficiently to cause heavy breathing or perspiration.
The test begins with Fitness Test and your heart rate being displayed. The increasing number of arrows indicates that the test is in progress. Stay relaxed. Keep your hands beside your body and limit body movements and communication with other people.
• If
USER SETTINGS MISSING appears, some of the user settings are missing. Press OK to complete all your settings. For further information, see the section User Settings.
• You can stop the test at anytime by pressing the Back button. Fitness Test Failed is displayed for a few seconds. Your most recent OwnIndex value is not replaced.
• If the wrist unit does not receive your heart rate at the beginning or during the test, the test fails. Check that the transmitter electrodes are wet and that the textile strap is snug enough.
When the test is over, the following information is displayed.
Your current OwnIndex (VO
, ml/kg/min) Your fitness classification (for further information, see the section Fitness Classes) Test date
4. Press OK. UPDATE USER SET? is displayed.
5. Press the / buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK. Select No only if you know your laboratory-measured VO
value and it differs more than one Fitness class from the OwnIndex result. In this case, your OwnIndex value is saved only to the Fitness Test Trend. If you select Yes, your OwnIndex value is saved to your user settings and Fitness Test Trend.
6. Continue by viewing Fitness Test Trend or press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
Fitness Test Trend contains your OwnIndex results. In the Fitness Test Trend you can view your 47 most recent OwnIndex results. When the trend view becomes full, the next OwnIndex result replaces the oldest. If you want to save the data for a longer period, transfer the Fitness Test Trend to the Polar Fitness Trainer web service. For further information, see the chapter Data Communication.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK.
2. Press the / buttons until Test is displayed. Press OK.
3. Press the / buttons to select TREND. Press OK. The following information is displayed:
Your most recent test date Graphical trend of your OwnIndex results Your most recent OwnIndex value
Press the / buttons to view the tested values. Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display, or continue from Deleting OwnIndex Value.
Deleting OwnIndex Value
1. Press and hold the Light button to start deleting the selected value.
2. DELETE VALUE? is displayed. Press the / buttons to select YES or NO.
3. Press OK. The wrist unit returns to the Fitness Test Trend view.
Fitness Classes
The Polar Fitness Test result, your OwnIndex, is most meaningful when comparing your individual values and changes in them. OwnIndex can also be interpreted according to your gender and age. Locate your OwnIndex on the table to find your current cardiovascular fitness classification, compare it with those who are of the same age and gender.
This classification is based on a literature review of 62 studies where VO
was measured directly in healthy adult subjects in the USA, Canada and 7 European countries. Reference: Shvartz E, Reibold RC: Aerobic fitness norms for males and females aged 6 to 75 years: a review. Aviat Space Environ Med; 61:3-11, 1990.
Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20-24 < 32 32-37 38-43 44-50 51-56 57-62 >62 25-29 < 31 31-35 36-42 43-48 49-53 54-59 >59 30-34 < 29 29-34 35-40 41-45 46-51 52-56 >56 35-39 < 28 28-32 33-38 39-43 44-48 49-54 >54 40-44 < 26 26-31 32-35 36-41 42-46 47-51 >51 45-49 < 25 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-43 44-48 >48 50-54 < 24 24-27 28-32 33-36 37-41 42-46 >46 55-59 < 22 22-26 27-30 31-34 35-39 40-43 >43 60-65 < 21 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 >40
20-24 < 27 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46 47-51 >51 25-29 < 26 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-44 45-49 >49 30-34 < 25 25-29 30-33 34-37 38-42 43-46 >46 35-39 < 24 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-40 41-44 >44 40-44 < 22 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-37 38-41 >41 45-49 < 21 21-23 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-38 >38 50-54 < 19 19-22 23-25 26-29 30-32 33-36 >36 55-59 < 18 18-20 21-23 24-27 28-30 31-33 >33 60-65 < 16 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 >30
The Polar Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program is based on your current fitness level, giving you guidance on how much you need to exercise to achieve your personal fitness goals.
The personalized Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program helps you to plan your exercise by recommending total exercise duration, calories, and exercise duration in different intensity zones. The Program takes into account your current fitness level, your personal target and how many times per week you want to exercise. Based on these values, you receive weekly and daily exercise targets. The Program provides you with weekly exercise times and calories, and the number, duration, and intensity of individual exercise sessions.
Overview of Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program
Test Your Fitness Level
by performing Polar Fitness Test
Result: Your current fitness level (OwnIndex®)
Create the Program
Result: Your weekly and daily exercise targets
Exercise According to Your Program
Result: Exercise File
Follow-Up Your Weekly Progress
from the electronic Diary
Result: Your Weekly Status
Follow-Up Your Long Term Progress
Use your Polar fitness heart rate monitor while exercising and check the current week’s recorded data in the electronic Diary. In the Diary, you can compare your weekly exercises against your targets and see if you are achieving your weekly targets as planned. In the File menu, you can see more detailed information about your exercise sessions. To monitor your long-term fitness level progress, perform the Polar Fitness Test once a month and compare the measured value to your previous values in Fitness Test Trend.
This section provides you with step-by-step information on how to create your Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
To be able to get an accurate exercise program, start by measuring your fitness level as instructed in the chapter Test Your Fitness Level - Get Your OwnIndex.
1. Start from the Time of Day display. Press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the / buttons to select Program. Press OK.
3. Press the / buttons to select CARDIO. Press OK.
4. Press the / buttons to select CREATE. Press OK.
• If you have not performed the Polar Fitness Test before or if it has been more than six months since you last performed it,
. DEFAULT USED is displayed. Return to the Time of Day display by pressing and holding the Back button and perform the Fitness Test, as instructed in the chapter Test Your Fitness Level - Get Your OwnIndex. Otherwise, the default OwnIndex value, result of Polar Fitness Test, is used and the recommended amount of exercise at different intensity levels is not accurate for you.
appears, some of the Basic Settings are missing. Press OK to complete all your settings. For further
information, see the section Basic Settings.
• If you have already created a Program,
OVERWRITE CURRENT? is displayed. Press the / buttons to select YES to create a new Program
NO to cancel the creation of a new Program. Press OK.
5. OwnIndex: The determination of your current fitness level affects the amount of exercise at different intensity levels that the Program recommends.
• If you have already performed the Fitness Test, your latest OwnIndex value is displayed. If you know your maximal aerobic power (VO
, ml/kg/min) from a laboratory measurement or from another fitness
test you perform regularly, you can adjust your OwnIndex by pressing the / buttons. Press OK.
6. Target: Press the / buttons to select the Program level according to your target: MAXIMIZE, IMPROVE, or MAINTAIN. Target selection affects your target exercise time. Press OK.
Select Maximize if your target is to maximize your current aerobic fitness level. Select Maximize if you have been exercising regularly for at least 10-12 weeks and exercising nearly every day is not a problem for you. The Program recommends that you exercise approximately five hours a week, divided into four to six exercise sessions.
Select Improve if your target is to improve your current aerobic fitness level and you are able to exercise regularly. The Program recommends that you exercise approximately three hours a week, divided into three to five exercise sessions.
Select Maintain if your target is to maintain your current aerobic fitness level. If you have not exercised recently, Maintain is a good start for you and may even improve your fitness. The Program recommends that you exercise approximately one and half-hour per week, divided into two to three exercise sessions.
This section describes how you can view and edit your Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
1. If you start from the Time of Day display, press OK. Exercise is displayed.
2. Press the / buttons to select Program. Press OK.
3. Press the / buttons to select CARDIO. Press OK.
4. Press the / buttons to select EDIT. Press OK.
Note: If you have not created a Program, Empty is displayed. The wrist unit advises you to create a Program first. For further information, see the chapter Keeps U Fit - Own Workout Program.
7. Exe.Count (exercise count): Based on your OwnIndex and target selection, the wrist unit recommends how many times a week you should exercise. The cursor shows you the recommended value. If you wish, you can change the value with the / buttons. Press OK.
8. The wrist unit displays YOUR PERSONAL PROGRAM and your weekly exercise targets in a few seconds. If you want to view your targets, continue from Your Weekly Exercise Targets. Alternatively, return to the Time of Day display by pressing and holding the Back button.
The height of the bar indicates the weekly exercise target in the intensity zone.
Your Weekly Exercise Targets
Weekly Targets
Target exercise count per week Target total exercise duration per week Target total calories (Cal/kcal) you should burn in your weekly exercise
Press the button to proceed.
Weekly HR zones: Your weekly target exercise time is divided into three different intensity zones: Light, Moderate, and Hard, depending on your Program target selection.
Press OK to view the target exercise durations in different intensity zones.
*Polar target heart rate intensity definition is modified from international exercise science authorities’ recommendations in which Light intensity can reach lower than 60% HR
Exercising in the Light* intensity zone (60-70% HR
) is good for improving health and fitness. It also improves basic endurance and
helps you to recover from heavier exercise.
Exercising in the Moderate intensity zone (70-80% HR
) is effective particularly for improving aerobic fitness. All programs include
exercise in this intensity zone.
The Hard intensity zone (80-90% HR
) is for relatively short exercise at high intensity. Exercising in this zone causes heavy breathing, muscle tiredness, and fatigue. It increases maximum performance capacity. Only Improve and Maximize Programs include exercise in this intensity zone.
Intensity zone name Graphical bar of the intensity zone is highlighted Target exercise duration in the selected intensity zone
To view the information for the other intensity zones, press the / buttons. Press the Back button to return to the Weekly HR zones view. Press the button to proceed.
Your Exercise Session Targets
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1-4 on page 24, and press the / buttons until Weekly Exercises is displayed.
Weekly Exercises: Depending on your exercise count selection, your weekly exercise time is divided into individual exercise sessions of different durations. Exercise sessions are called SHORT, NORMAL, and LONG according to the duration of the exercise.
The Weekly Exercises view shows you a summary of your weekly exercise sessions, with the number of exercise sessions displayed by duration. To view your targets per exercise session, press OK.
The Exercises view shows you the recommended performance order for your exercise sessions. Select the desired exercise session with the / buttons. Alternatively, select ADD to include an extra exercise session in your Program. Press OK.
Adding Exercise Session to Your Program
If you select ADD, adjust the exercise Duration.
1. Adjust the hours with the / buttons. Press OK.
2. Adjust the minutes with the / buttons. Press OK.
3. The wrist unit displays EXERCISE CALORIES UPDATED. Your target exercise calories are automatically calculated and the wrist unit displays targets of the added exercise session.
Note: The added exercise session is automatically appended to your weekly exercise targets and the HR zone targets of the added exercise session are calculated according to your weekly HR zone targets.
Exercise Session Targets:
Exercise name/Targets Target exercise duration Target calories (Cal/kcal) you should burn in this exercise session
Press the button to proceed. Alternatively, press OK to edit the exercise session targets and continue from Editing Exercise Targets. Alternatively, press and hold the Light button to delete the exercise session and continue from Deleting Exercise Session.
HR Zones Targets: Each of your individual exercise sessions is divided into three different intensity zones: Light, Moderate, and Hard. Press OK to view the exercise session targets by intensity zones.
Intensity zone name Target exercise duration in the selected intensity zone. The target exercise duration in different intensity zones depends on the type of the selected exercise.
To view information for the other intensity zones, press the / buttons. Press Back to return to the HR zones view. Alternatively, edit the target duration of the intensity zone by pressing the OK button and continue from Editing Exercise Targets.
Deleting Exercise Session
You can delete a selected exercise session by pressing and holding the Light button in the Exercise Session Targets view.
1. DELETE EXERCISE? is displayed. Press the / buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK.
2. If you select Yes, the wrist unit displays ARE YOU SURE? If you do not want to delete the exercise session, select NO. Select YES to delete the file. Press OK. Note! After you delete an exercise session, you cannot restore it.
3. If you select Yes, the wrist unit returns to the Exercises view. Press the Back button to return to the Weekly Exercises view. If you have changed your exercise targets or deleted exercise sessions, your weekly targets are automatically updated. The wrist unit confirms your Program update and PROGRAM TARGETS UPDATED is displayed.
Editing Exercise Targets
1. EDIT DURATION? is displayed. Press the / buttons to select YES or NO. Press OK. If you select Yes, the hours start to flash. If you select No, the wrist unit returns to the Targets view.
2. Adjust the hours with the / buttons. Press OK.
3. Adjust the minutes with the / buttons. Press OK.
4. The wrist unit displays EXERCISE CALORIES UPDATED. Your target exercise calories are automatically updated and the wrist unit returns to the Targets view.
Note: If you change your exercise targets, the wrist unit automatically checks the exercise duration and changes the type of exercise if it has been modified. At the same time your weekly exercise targets are automatically updated.
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