50-Inch High-Denition
PureVision® Plasma Television
High Denition WXGA Resolution (1,365 x 768)
50" Diagonal / 16:9 Wide-Screen Aspect Ratio
Improved Panel Efciency
One-Body Design with Fully Integrated Bottom
Simulated Screen
Deep Encased Cell Structure to improve brightness, image
accuracy and panel efciency
Pure Color Filter for better contrast, color and reduced
light reection on screen
Crystal Emissive Layer for deeper blacks and increased
image brightness
New and Improved Red and Blue Phosphors creating a
brighter, purer and wider color space, improving the overall
HD experience
New Dielectric Layer for improved light management and
efciency of panel
Pure Cinema with 3:2 Pulldown for smooth, natural repro-
duction as seen in a movie theater
Color Temperature Control – 3 settings (high / mid / low)
Noise Reduction System to minimize video noise and tiling
Built-in NTSC, ATSC and QAM Tuners
Dual Independent HDMI Inputs – 1 with Analog Audio
A/V Selection Memory – 5 Positions
(Standard / Dynamic / Movie / Game / User)
Aspect Ratio Control – 6 Positions
(Wide / Zoom / Cinema / Full / 4:3 / HD Wide)
Multi-Window Function – Picture in Picture (4 positions),
Twin Picture, Swap Function
V-Chip Parental Control
Remote Control
Sleep Timer
Antenna (x 2)
Composite or S-Video (3:2 rear / 1 side)
Component (x 2)
HDMI (x2)
Audio L / R (5:4 rear / 1 side)
Composite Monitor
Digital Audio (rear)
Audio L / R
10 Watt Stereo Speakers
SRS® TruSurround XT
Tone Control
L / R Balance Control
Table Top Stand – Fully Integrated
Speakers – Fully Integrated/Bottom
One Body Design Plasma Display
(W x H x D) 49-5/8" x 32-3/4" x 4-1/2"
With Fully Integrated Bottom Speaker
Display Weight: 124 lbs. 13 oz.

50-Inch High-Denition PureVision® Plasma Television
M 8 x 4
Specications and design subject to modication without notice.
High-De nition Television (HDTV): HDTV refers to a complete product/system with the
following minimum performa nce attr ibutes:
Receiver: Receives ATSC terrestrial digital transmissions and decodes all ATSCTable 3
video formats.
Display Scanning Format: Has active vertical scanning lines of 720 progressive (720p),
1,080 interlaced (1,080i) or higher.
Aspect Ratio: Capable of displaying a 16:9 image.
Audio: Receives and reproduces, and/or outputs Dolby Digital audio (Consumer
Electronics Association, August 2000).
Plasma D isplay S ystems d isplay i mages co nsisting of hund reds of thousand s of min ute
pixels (l ight emi tting ce lls), an d there is a pos sibility that so me pixels may be inactive,
ashing o r contin ually il luminate d.
Plasma D isplay S ystems a re made of glass ; be sur e to sec ure it f rom dama ge from impact.
Plasma D isplay S ystems, while in use, ma y genera te some function al sound s, for ex -
ample: fa n motor noise, a nd elect rical ci rcuit hu mming/gl ass pane l buzzing .
All phos phor-base d displa y system s (CRT Television Sy stems - both dir ect view and
projecti on televis ions - a s well a s plasma display systems ) may deve lop imag e retent ion,
sometime s called burn-in if perma nent. Re commende d guidel ines are as foll ows:
Do not display still images for long periods (such as xed images from PC or TV game
equipment, and/or time of day indicator or channel logo display).
Do not display content in the 4:3 aspect ratio (black or gray bars on left and right side of
content) or letter-box content (black bars above and below of content) for extended periods
of time, or use either of these viewing modes repeatedly within a short period of time. This
Plasma Display System is equipped with multiple wide-screen viewing modes; use one of
these screen modes to ll the entire screen with content.
Displaying dark images after displaying still images for a period of time may cause image
retention. In most cases, the image retention can be corrected by displaying bright images
for a similar period of time. However, if your Plasma Display System displays still images
for additional long periods of time, image retention may be irreparable.
Plasma D isplay S ystems e mit slig ht amoun ts of IR (Infrar ed) emis sion thr ough lum inous
discharge technol ogy. This IR e mission is not h armful t o living organisms, but may
interfer e with t he opera tion of remote c ontrols for othe r equipm ent, or cause st atic in
equipmen t using IR signa ls (such as cord less hea dphones or cordl ess micr ophones) .
PIONEER, ELI TE, and the Pioneer and Elite logos are registere d trademarks of Pioneer
HDMI a nd the HDMI logo a re registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC.
SRS and TruSurround XT® are regi stered t rademark s of SRS Labs, I nc.
Dolby an d the do uble-D s ymbol ar e registe red trad emarks o f Dolby Laborato ries.