$50/$25 Mail-in Rebate for Pioneer Amplifier / Subwoofer
Receive a $50 mail-in rebate when purchasing a Pioneer GM-7100M Amplifier AND an eligible
Pioneer Subwoofer* from August 7, 2005, through November 30, 2005.
*Eligible Subwoofer Models: TS-W306C, TS-W306DVC, TS-W256C, TS-W256DVC, TS-W300R, TS-W250R
Receive a $25 mail-in rebate when purchasing a Pioneer GM-7100M Amplifier from
August 7, 2005 through November 30, 2005.
Name Telephone
Street Address or P.O. Box
City State Zip Code
Store Name (store where purchased)
1 0 0
Model Number
T S -
Model Number
Requirements to Qualify for a $50 Cash Rebate:
1. Purchase a Pioneer GM-7100M Amplifier together with an eligible Pioneer Subwoofer*
from an Authorized Pioneer Dealer between August 7, 2005 and November 30, 2005
2. Mail to the address shown below a completed rebate form (including Serial Numbers) and
a copy of the sales receipt for a Pioneer GM-7100M AND an eligible Pioneer Subwoofer*.
Receipt must show the name and full address of the Authorized Pioneer Dealer and must
be dated with eligible Pioneer product and price circled.
All rebate documents must be received at specified address by no later than
December 31, 2005, to be eligible for the rebate.
* Eligible Subwoofer Models: TS-W306C, TS-W306DVC, TS-W256C, TS-W256DVC, TS-W300R, TS-W250R
Requirements to Qualify for a $25 Cash Rebate:
1. Purchase a Pioneer GM-7100M Amplifier from an Authorized Pioneer Dealer between
August 7, 2005 and November 30, 2005.
2. Mail to the address shown below a completed rebate form (including Serial Number) and
a copy of the sales receipt for a Pioneer GM-7100M. Receipt must show the name and full
address of the Authorized Pioneer Dealer and must be dated with eligible Pioneer product
and price circled.
3. All rebate documents must be received at specified address by no later than
December 31, 2005, to be eligible for the rebate.
Please mail rebate documents to the following address:
Pioneer Amp/Sub Rebate
c/o Sound Ideas & Co.
P.O. Box 32830
Phoenix, AZ 85064-2830
Serial Number (12 digits)
(Example: BLMP000035UC)
For questions concerning your rebate, please call 1-800-421-8488 from 9:00AM to 5:00PM Pacific
Time, Monday through Friday. Or, contact us through email at carstereo@pioneer-rebate.com
Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Offer valid for purchases made from an authorized
Pioneer Dealer in the United States from August 7, 2005 through November 30, 2005. Purchase must
be for consu mer use only and not for resale purposes. Purchases by companies and other entities
are not eligible. Not available to employees of Pioneer or any Pioneer dealers or distributors.
Packaging slips, credit card authorization slips, credit card statement or shipping documents will not
be accepted as proof of purchase. The correct serial numbers are required to be eligible for rebate
and can be obtained from the selling dealer, product carton or top/back of product. Please record the
full serial number prior to product installation. Please allow 8 weeks for processing. No responsibility
is assumed by Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc., its a ffiliates, promotion agencies, distributors and/or
dealers for rebate documents not received at specified address regardless of reason, or for lost,
stolen, illegible, incomplete, misdirected or delayed mail. Pioneer will not process any rebate requests
that do not me et the above requirements. This offer cannot be comb ined with any other rebates or
any in-store reba tes or discounts. Offer not vali d outside of the United State s. For product
information, please visit Pioneer's website at www.pioneerelectronics.com.