Pinnacle UPS, UPS/400 Installation Manual

Installation and Administration
ETTING STARTED ……………………………………………………………. 2
ESTARTING AFTER AN IPL ………………………………………………….. 2
MAIN MENU ……………………………………………………………………. 3 SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES ………………………………………………………… 5 SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES (TEST MODE) ……………………………………….. 8 AN EXAMPLE ………………………………………………………………….. 10 REMOTE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (NETWORKING) ………………………. 12 UPS/400 NETWORK SUPPORT …………………………………………….. 13 WORK WITH MONITOR STATUS …………………………………………….. 14 DISPLAY ACTIVITY LOG ……………………………………………………… 20 WORK WITH CURRENT STATUS …………………………………………….. 21 SYSTEM SETUP ……………………………………………………………….. 23 TO MAKE UPS/400 PERMANENT …………………………………………. 24 PRODUCT WARRANTY AND SUPPORT ……………………………………… 25 REMOTE CUSTOMER SUPPORT ……………………………………………… 26
We pride ourselves in producing good stuff. If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions regarding this product, please contact us at:
Pinnacle Business Systems 810 S Cincinnati, Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74119 (877) 369-6922 FAX: (918) 587-1536 E-mail:
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
UPS/400 is power monitoring software that continuously monitors your UPS hardware, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for alerts indicating an AS/400 system power fluctuation or loss. Upon detecting a notification,
UPS/400 sends messages to users advising them of pending power outage. If power is not returned, UPS/400 notifies users to sign off the system, takes control of your system, and begins an orderly
shutdown. If at any time during the shutdown period power is restored, UPS/400 resets the system to normal and informs all users.
User-friendly menus and pop-up windows provide an easy, non-technical approach to installation and customization. UPS/400 is delivered with a sample shutdown plan already in place, so you can activate the product with or without further tailoring.
UPS/400 includes a simulated UPS power failure test function that utilizes the shutdown criteria shown on the System Attributes display. The test function permits you to test your system attributes (whether defaulted or customized) in simulation mode. UPS/400 executes the specified parameters for each step, and sends messages to the system operator and active users at each of the six time intervals that you specify. In this way, you can test and modify the message intervals and message notifications prior to activating the actual UPS/400.
You can customize UPS/400 to your environment so that messages are sent at up to six intervals that you specify. UPS/400 also ends active processes and subsystems according to your present instructions. Field-sensitive help information is provided to assist you in understanding and customizing UPS/400.
In the event of a power loss, system shutdown activities will occur in four basic stages.
Once installed and customized, UPS/400 will interact with the system administrator and online users to effect an orderly shutdown if a UPS power loss occurs. Actions will be taken in the following stages:
Stage 1: Alert
The system operator is notified that power has been lost and UPS/400 has taken control.
Users are alerted that they are on UPS power and asked to complete critical tasks before possible
Stage 2: Preliminary Shutdown
Continued periodic notifications of shutdown severity status are sent to the system operator
Specified Job Queues are held
Users are notified to end tasks and log off due to continued outage
Specified subsystems are being ended in anticipation of continued power outage
User specified procedures (optional) are run at indicated time intervals
Stage 3: Critical Shutdown
System operator is notified that full system shutdown has been initiated
All remaining subsystems are ended
All active users are logged off
A full system AS/400 power down is performed
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
Stage 4: System Restore and Follow-up Monitoring
If power is returned, all active users are notified and the system is fully restored to its original active state.
Remaining battery power is monitored by the system administrator through a UPS current status display which visually depicts remaining battery life by means of a “battery life line.”
These stages should not be confused with the six staged intervals used during actual UPS/400 shutdown processing.
You may define UPS/400 shutdown procedures using the System Attributes display. This display is used to specify the actions to be taken at the six intervals, including Job Queues to be held, Sub-Systems to end, and the severity level of the message to be issued. A complete description of this display and its options are shown on the following pages.
The current UPS Status display can be used to monitor remaining battery life during and after shutdown procedure. The following page shows a flowchart of UPS/400 shutdown activities.
For direct technical support on UPS/400 call … (918) 587-1500
Faxes may be sent to …………………………… (918) 587-1536
Modem dial-in for PTF’s and Updates ………… (918) 587-6923
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
If you are installing UPS/400 for the first time or reinstalling, the instructions are the same. The program will install the product for you. If you are re-installing UPS/400, the installation program will create a library (UPSMBKU) where it will back up the library UPS400 before it begins installation. At the end of a successful installation, you can delete the library UPSMBKU. If you are using UPS/400 with multiple AS/400s in an APPN network environment, you must load a copy of UPS/400 on each machine that is to be monitored in the network.
Sign on as QSECOFR and load the distribution media or follow instructions below for internet download.
First Installation — CD
1. Load CD into the CD-ROM drive
2. Enter the following command: LODRUN DEV(*OPT)
3. The CD-ROM product installation menu is displayed. To install UPS/400, please enter a
1 beside UPS/400.
4. The product information will automatically be installed.
5. Use the command STRUPS400 to access the UPS/400 Main Menu.
First Installation — Tape
1. Load tape in the appropriate drive
2. At the command line type: RSTLIB SAVLIB(MBAINST) DEV(device name)
3. Execute the install command:
4. Use the command GO ICM to access the ICOM/400 Main Menu.
1. Back-up your current UPS/400 system (library UPS400).
2. Follow steps for the proper media format above.
3. NOTE: If you are upgrading to a new system, you will need to restore the old product
library on the new system before proceeding with step 1.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
Internet Download Installation
1. At the AS/400 command prompt, type: CRTLIB UPSTRIAL, then: CRTSAVF
2. Go to the Pinnacle website at, go to “Products.” Go to “UPS/400” and click on “Download your 30-day free trial” at the bottom of the page. You will be asked to register before download. Follow the instructions for download.
3. After downloading, open a DOS session on the PC and at the prompt type: cd/[name
of directory where you downloaded the
4. Then type: FTP [name of your AS/400 or its TCP/IP address]
5. Type your AS/400 user profile and press enter. Type your password and press Enter.
6. Type: bin
8. Type: quit and press enter, then: exit and press enter
9. Back at the AS/400 command prompt, type:
10. You should receive a message indicating that five objects were restored.
Note: You may see a security message. Don’t be alarmed.
12. To start UPS/400, type STRUPS400 or GO UPSMON on a command line.
You will be presented with the option to specify UPS/400 Autostart features at this time. A prompt will be displayed, asking if you wish to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job: “___ Install the UPS/400 modified System Startup Program (Y/N).”
A response of Y will change the system value QSTRUPPGM to point to Program QSTRUP in UPS400. This will allow UPS/400 to restart after IPLs. A response of N will cause no changes to be made to the IBM supplied startup program. You may elect to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job at any time by pressing F10 while on the UPS/400 System Attributes screen or you can include the supplied source code (UPS400/UPSSRC member QSTRUP) in your own start-up program.
NOTE: UPS/400 program fixes can be applied by the customer through Automated Customer Support (ACS) which has been supplied to you on your UPS/400 installation media. This feature permits online scanning and downloading of appropriate PTFs by the user through access to PBS’s host AS/400. See the Remote Customer Support section at the back of this manual for instruction on how to install and use this feature.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
Use the command STRUPS400 to start UPS/400. This will transfer you to the UPS/400 Main Menu.
Because UPS/400 runs within its own subsystem, a userid named UPS400 was set up during the installation process. The userid UPS400 will own the UPS monitoring process and will have a password set to *NONE to assure protection against unauthorized user. This userid has an authority level comparable to QSECOFR but cannot be QSECOFR. To review this user profile, enter DSPUSRPRF USRPRF(UPS400).
To execute UPS/400, a user must (a) be within one of the following user classes: *SECADM, *SECOFR, *SYSOFR, or (b) have a special authority of *ALLJOB or *SECADM.
To use UPS/400 startup program, the IBM system value QSTRUPPGM should be set to Program QSTRUP in UPS400. This will allow UPS/400 to restart itself after IPLs. You may elect to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job at any time by pressing F10 while on the UPS/400 System Attributes screen or you can include the supplied source code (UPS400/UPSSRC member QSTRUP) in your own start-up program.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
This is the main menu for UPS/400 that provides access to all other system functions. However, where the user knows the display name, a menu transfer can be made directly to the desired system function. HELP is available from all screens and cursor sensitive HELP is available where applicable.
1. Work with UPS/400 System Attributes
UPS/400 during the UPS monitoring process. To use Option 1, the monitor cannot be active. If you
find that the monitor is active, select Option 3 to end the monitor and then proceed with Option 1. After working with the UPS/400 System Attributes, restart the monitor using Option 2.
2. Start the UPS Power Monitor:
message “UPS/400 Power Monitor Started…” appears at the bottom of the Main Menu to confirm that the monitor has been started.
3. End the UPS Power Monitor:
UPS/400 Power Monitor Ending…” appears at the bottom of the Main Menu to confirm that the monitor is ending.
4. Remote System Maintenance:
will be notified by the UPS/400 power monitor. The AS/400 that serves as the notifying AS/400 for the network will not be listed in this table, but all other AS/400s in the network will be listed in the table.
5. Work with Monitor Status:
well as review the overall status of the AS/400 activity. This screen is the same as the “Work with Active Jobs” AS/400 command except that only UPS/400 jobs are listed.
6. Display Activity Log:
7. Work with Current Status:
includes information such as remaining battery life, number of power failures since last recharge, chronological logging of power down step processed, and other information pertinent to a systematic power down process.
8. System Setup:
nature to the operations of UPS/400. This includes information specific to your type of UPS, as well as requirements for system power down.
All activity is logged. Clearing messages from the log is at the discretion of the
Selection of this option allows the user to work with setting the values that are global in
Selection of this option starts the UPS/400 power monitor. The
Selection of this option ends the UPS/400 power monitor. The message
Selection of this option allows the user to identify network AS/400s that
Selection of this option allows the user to work with active UPS/400 jobs as
Selection of this option displays the current UPS/400 system status. This
: Permits user specification of system attributes used to control
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
The System Attributes display is used to identify the system parameters to be used by UPS/400 to create an orderly system shutdown during a power loss. During a trial period of UPS/400, the date the trial copy expires is displayed on the screen. This trial expiration date is 30 days after the date you installed UPS/400. After the system has been purchased and the copy made permanent, this information does not display.
Test mode for UPS/400:
flashing “*** Test mode ***” at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Test mode allows the user to completely simulate a power loss as well as review the UPS/400 monitoring process that would take place if a real power loss had occurred. If you wish to run a simulation of the monitoring process, notify all users prior to the test as messages would be sent to their terminals, notifying them of a power loss. Test mode utilizes all intervals and notification specified in the System Attributes screen, but does not shut down any processes or execute user Exit Procedures. See the System Attributes (Test mode) page for a further explanation of this function.
The System Attributes screen contains default values. These should be reviewed/modified by the user as follows prior to starting UPS/400.
perform specified functions. At each interval, UPS/400 will notify the system operator and/or users with severity messages, begin specific processes and execute exit procedures. Six intervals are provided, although the user may use less than this number. Note: Intervals are used in calculation estimated power down times for severity messages. The first interval can be 0, which means that UPS/400 will issues its first message immediately upon power loss detection.
Intervals will be automatically adjusted when the remaining battery life is less than the last interval. A message will be sent to the system operator message queue of the adjusted percentage.
Notification - QSYSOPR:
specified interval. Normally, the system operator would be notified (Y) at all times during a power loss situation.
Notification – Users:
Notification of users is handled by severity messages ranging from level 1 (least severe) to level 3 (most severe – see Test mode for severity message text). If you do not wish to notify active users at a given interval, leave the field blank. The same severity message can be used at several intervals.
While in Test mode, messages will not actually be sent to users, but entries in the Current Status display will show as though they were sent.
*JOBQ Hold all specified job queues (F6). *SBS1 End all specified subsystems in SBS1 (F7). *SBS2 End all specified subsystems in SBS2 (F8). *INT End all interactive users that are on the system. *PWRD Power the system down.
Processes *JOBQ, *SBS1, and *SBS2 are specified via pop-up windows describes below and illustrated in the System Attribute example on the following page.
Exit Procedure:
execute as part of the orderly power down process. These programs must complete processing within the duration of the current interval and the last interval. If processing does not complete in that time span, the
Intervals are expressed in minutes and are the times that UPS/400 will check system status and
One or two processes may be specified at each interval. Valid processes are:
The exit procedure is used to specify user written programs that you wish UPS/400 to
When UPS/400 is installed, the system is in Test mode. This is indicated by the
Specify (Y/N) if you wish UPS/400 to notify the system operator during a
Specify is you wish UPS/400 to notify all active users during a specified interval.
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
user program will be ended when the power down occurs. NOTE: There is no exit procedure specified at the last interval
F6 = Job Queues UPS/400 to hold during the orderly power down. If the power is restored, these jobs queues will be
released. Format is Program/Library.
F7 = SBS #1:
wish UPS/400 to end during a specified format. These subsystems will be ended first and should be those that have the least impact on your system. When the power is restored, these subsystems will be restarted. Format is Subsystem/Library.
F8 = SBS #2:
that you wish UPS/400 to end during a specified interval. These subsystems have the greatest impact on your system (i.e. batch and/or interactive usage). If power is restored, these subsystems will be restarted. Format is Subsystem/Library.
F10 = UPS/400 Autostart Job:
whether to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job. A response of Y will change the system value QSTRUPPGM to point to program QSTRUP in UPS400. This allows UPS/400 to restart itself after IPLs. A response of N will cause no changes to be made to the IBM supplied startup program. You may elect to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job at any time by pressing F10 while on the UPS/400 System Attributes screen. Additionally, the user may elect to include source code found in UPS400/UPSSRC member QSTRUP in your own startup program.
F19 = Test mode:
F23 = Read Me: UPS/400 User manual.
: Pressing F6 provides a pop-up window that allows the entry of job queues that you wish
Pressing F7 provides a pop-up window that allows the entry of a list of subsystems that you
Pressing F8 provides a pop-up window that allows the entry of a second list of subsystems
Pressing F10 (not shown on screen) allows the user to (Y/N) decide
Pressing F19 allows you to toggle back and forth in the Test mode for UPS/400.
Pressing F23 provides an online UPS/400 User Manual. F24 will print the online
+ 20 hidden pages