Philips Semiconductors
CIDCW receiver
Product specification 11 March 1999 6 of 30
9397 750 04824
© Philips Electronics N.V. 1999. All rights reserved.
The FSK-OVR Error bit (Status register, bit 3) indicates that a previous byte is lost
due to an overrun. The FSK-FRM Error bit (Status register, bit 2) indicates an
incorrect start- or stop-bit. These frame errors indicate that there are synchronization
problems. The on-chip level detector can be used to detect a carrier loss during FSK
transmission. FSK data can be rejected when the signal level is below the reference
level, this to avoid that noise is interpreted as data (Interrupt register, bit 4 is logic 1).
7.4 Ring or polarity change detector
For ring and polarity change detection two comparators are available in the
PCD3316. The reference level of the comparators is set internally by the reference
voltage generator. The voltage levels on the two polarity comparator inputs, POL0
and POL1, are compared with the reference voltage V
. If POL0 < V
POL1 > V
, POL0 and POL1 (Status register, bit 7 and 6) are set respectively and
reset if POL0 > V
and POL1 < V
. Every time the POL0 status bit changes from
logic 1 to logic 0, a POL0 interrupt is generated. Every time the POL1 status bit
changes from logic 0 to logic 1, a POL1 interrupt is generated.
The period time of a POL1-POL0-POL1 sequence is available in the Ringer period
register. It is preset to 255 on power-on and updated every time a POL1 interrupt is
generated. The sequence is:
1. Power-on: Ringer period register = 255
2. First POL1 interrupt: Ringer period register = 255
3. First POL1 interrupt after a POL0 interrupt: Ringer period register = new time
4. First POL1 interrupt after more than
s: Ringer period register = 255.
The period is given in multiples of1⁄
s. The maximum value is 255.
The POL1-POL0-POL1 sequence is recognized when one or more POL1 interrupts
are generated followedbyone or more POL0 interrupts, followedbya POL1 interrupt.
The 32.768 kHz clock is needed for the generation of a polarity interrupt.
7.5 Low battery detection
The low battery voltage detection input (pin LOWBAT) is connected to the positive
input of a comparator. The negative input is connected to the internal reference
voltage.If the voltageon the LOWBAT input pin is less than the referencevoltage V
the LOW-BAT Indication (Status register, bit 5) is set. If the LOWBAT input rises
above V
again, the LOW-BAT Indication is cleared.
Fig 4. IRQ generation after reading a valid data byte.
handbook, full pagewidth
read by
serial interface
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 STOP