4. Chapter 5, formula 11 corrected, calculation example updated
5. Chapter 10, Software design hints dealing with the pin ERR added
Changes Version 3.0 -> 3.1 :
1. Editorial changes
2. Chapter 8, series resistor at pin WAKE, more details
3. Chapter 9 added, series resistor at pins TXD
In this document, application related information for the various fault-tolerant transceiver implementations from Philips Semiconductors is collected. The different transceivers are a result of a continuous
improvement of the fault-tolerant and system performance.
The first available product in the mar ket was the PCA82C252, followed by the TJA1053 and lat er on
by the TJA1054. In the mean time even the TJA1054 has become improved with respect to ESD
capabilities. The so-called TJA1054A behaves identical to the TJA1054 but offers a higher ESD
robustness on the bus- related pins. T hus wherever the T JA1054 is m entioned within th is document it
could also be read as TJA1054A, except in case a certain transceiver type is mentioned explicitly.
(CANH to Vcc)
Resolved problem of
arbitration across open
1) The limit is give n by the perform ance during C ANH to ground failures , which v ery much depends
on the size and type of cable used.
2) The limit is given by the wake-up capability during CANH to ground failures, which very much
depends on the values of the distri buted t erm inations acros s the n etwork . T heref ore, exact f igures
of system size cannot be given.
3) W ith CANH to VBAT failures the de lay of the dominant edge is increased. The max imum speed
strongly depends on the inductance of the cable used.
> 32 nodes
1.2. Device parameters
Current consumption in
Normal Mode (I
Current consumption in
Standby Modes (I
Minimum operating
Prevention of VBAT
reverse current
WAKE sensitivit ynegative edgenegative edgeboth edgesboth edges
Vcc Standby modeyesyesnono
ERR reporting of open
ESD Protection pins
1) In case a module looses its battery connection, a reverse power supply of this module via the CAN
bus lines is prevent ed. For the PC A82C252 and t he TJA1053 a n external diode at the battery pin
of the transceiver is required. This diode is required additionally to the control unit’s polarity
protection diode typically implemented at the battery connector of the entire module.
6 mA (rec)
29 mA (dom)
6 mA (rec)
29 mA (dom)
7 mA (rec)
17 mA (dom)
70 uA70 uA30 uA30 uA
during frame only during frame only during frame and
inter frame space
2kV Human Body
200V Machine M.
2kV Human Body
200V Machine M.
2kV Human Body
200V Machine M.
7 mA (rec)
17 mA (dom)
during frame and
inter frame space
4kV Human Body
300V Machine M.
The TJA1054 is a fau lt-toleran t CAN trans ceiver suitable for net works including up to 32 nodes and is
the compatible successor of the well-known TJA1053. Compared with the TJA1053, the TJA1054
provides several enhanced features:
Extremely reduced electro-magnetic emission (EME)
Very good electro-magnetic im munity (EMI)
Enhanced bus failure management (short circuits to 5V are tolerated)
Improved error signalling
Improved behaviour during “Loss of Power” situations
The TJA1054 is designed to be downward com patible to the T JA1053 and can be us ed in m ost of the
existing TJA1053 applicati ons without any changes in hardware and softwar e. Nevertheless, due to
the enhanced functionalit y there are some points to be cons idered if the TJA105 3 is replaced by the
The following chapters disc uss all hardware and software issues i n detail in order to allo w a smooth
migration from the TJA1053 to the TJA1054.
Special attention is paid to inter operabilit y issues giving the conf idence that both devices can be used
simultaneously within one network. Validation showed that a “step-by-step” introduction of the
TJA1054 into an existing TJA1053 system can be made without risk.
2.2. Hardware Issues
2.2.1. External Components
When the TJA1053 is replaced by a TJA1054, t wo external hardware c omponents ma y be removed
(see also figure 1) :
Reverse current protection diode at pin BAT
Pulse lengthening capacitor at pin ERR
The extra diode for th e TJA1053 is needed to suppress a rever se power suppl y of the contro l unit if
the battery connection of the e ntire unit was lost. For the TJA1053, a c urrent flow f rom the CANL bus
line backward to the pin BAT of the transceiver was pos sible if the transceiver was not powered. In
some applications, this re verse current was high enough to s upply the m icrocontroller un intentionall y.
The TJA1054 is internally protected against such reverse currents making the diode superfluous.
Reading the pin ERR during the normal CAN interrupt service routine was not possible for the
TJA1053 in case of “ open f ailures ” on t he bus l ines . Here, the so- called “ ack nowledge bi t” of an y valid
CAN message cleared an already detected “open failure” at the pin ERR. Therefore, an external
lengthening capacit or was required for the TJ A1053 in order to keep t he detected failure signa l valid
until the interrupt service routine was executed by the host uC.
The TJA1054 does not require this extr a len gth eni ng c a pacitor since the pin E RR no w i nternally keeps
the failure signal active. ( see also 11.2.1. )
* For further EMC optimization a series resistor could be applied in case the bus timing parameters allow this additional delay
caused by the additional R/C time constant.
** Size of capacitor depends on regulator.
*** Size of termination resistors depends on system size. The overall system termination should be about 100 Ohms per CAN line.
optional *
1k - 2k
> 1k8
Figure 1 : Typical application circuitry using the TJA1053 and the TJA1054
2.2.2. Wake-up sensitivity at pin WAKE
The wake-up input of the TJ A1054 is s ensitiv e on bo th edg es, whereas the T JA1053 was s ensit ive on
the falling edge only. This has typically no impact on the application since such external wake-up
events are usually pulses including both edges.
Another improvem ent of the TJ A1054 is that wak e-up events have higher pr iority than the goto-sle ep
command. System s using the TJA1053 may lose such a wake-up event. Consequent ly, a TJA1053
node may keep sleeping without starti ng the voltage regu lator although a wake- up request has been
driven to the pin W AKE. The TJ A1054 will now reco gnise any wak e-up event independentl y from the
current command setting of the host CPU.
2.2.3. Current consumption
The total current cons um ption of the TJ A1054 is reduc ed c om pared to t he T JA1053 , es pec iall y durin g
low-power modes. The slightly increased short circuit current of the CANH bus driver within the
TJA1054 is compensated by its reduced normal mode supply current during dominant bus states.
Thus, there is no im pact to the applications power s upply concept. But introduction of the TJA1054
provides a much lower sleep current per control unit now compared with the TJA1053.
Current consumption in Normal Mode, I
Current consumption in Low-power Modes, I
6 mA recessive
29mA dominant
7 mA recessive
17mA dominant
2.2.4. Operating Voltage Range
In order to increase the system perf ormance during low battery conditions, the T JA1054 now allows
operation down to 5V at the pin BAT, whereas the TJA1053 required at least 6V.
As already mention ed before, the behavi our of the error signa lling at the pin ERR is im proved within
the TJA1054. This al lows removing the ext ernal lengthening capacitor needed for the T JA1053 (see
also 2.1). This new behaviour of the TJA1054 may have an impact on application software if the
TJA1053 was used Software polls pin ERR
Application software polling the pin ERR will see fewer transitions if th e TJA1053 is replaced b y the
TJA1054. Especiall y during “open failures” on th e bus lines , the soft ware load cause d by ERR eve nts
is reduced if the TJA1054 is used. reads pin ERR during CAN interrupt service only
Here, the “open failures” are now detected
TJA1053 has signal led no problem. Thus , a s im ple migration to the TJ A105 4 a utomatically im proves a
software driven diagnosis function.
2.3.2. VCC Standby / PWON Standby
The VCC Standby Mode k nown f rom the T JA1053 is replaced b y the so-c alled PWO N Standb y Mode
in the TJA1054 (STB = 1; EN = 0). There is no change in functionality between both transceivers
except for the CANL biasing level. The TJA1053 drives 5V to CANL through pin RTL and the
termination resistor, whi le the TJA1054 now drives 12V to CAN L using the same path. This has no
impact on the overall system performance if both transceivers are m ixed in one network. Software is
not influenced since both transc eivers provide the same status inf ormation to the microcontr oller via
ERR and RXD.
external lengthening capacitor. Two scenarios are possible:
signalled by the TJA1054 as desired, whereas the
2.3.3. First Battery Connection, behaviour of pin INH
The TJA1053 allows to be s et into Sleep Mode ( INH floating) direc tly after first batter y connection by
driving the goto-sleep com mand to the control pins ST B and EN (“01”) . The TJ A1054 needs t o be set
into Normal Mode bef ore accepting the first go to-sleep command af ter first connectio n of the batter y
supply. After setting Normal Mode both devices behave identical concerning this item.
An internal power-on reset signal within the TJA1054 makes sure that the transceiver is reset
successfully after power- up and the INH output is saf ely set to batter y level. This internal reset si gnal
is cleared whenever the Norm al Mode is entered once. There are no special timing requir ements to
clear the internal reset sig nal thus sof tware just has to se t the Norm al Mode via STB a nd EN fol lowed
by any other control cod e. Within mos t of the existing app lications this is already implem ented inside
of the systems cold-start routines.
2.3.4. Goto-Sleep / Wake-up Priority
The pin INH of the TJ A1053 does ignore wak e-up events in case these wake-up events are present
while the goto-sleep command is continuously driven to t he tr a ns c ei ver vi a pi ns STB and EN ( ST B = 0
/ EN = 1). After the goto-sleep filter tim e ( see dat a shee ts T JA1054/T JA10 54A : “ react ion tim e of goto
sleep command” ) the INH flip-flop is continuously cleared thus setting the pin INH to a floating
condition. Wak e-up events are forwar ded to INH first with releasing the goto- sleep comm and. Thus a
systems voltage regu lator connected to INH will becom e disabled e ven if there is a pend ing wake-up
request. Nevertheless RXD and ERR will signal the wake-up event with a LOW output level
independently from the pending goto-sleep command.
For the TJA1054 this behaviour is improved and no wake-up event is lost with respec t to the pin INH.
Within the TJA1054 the wake-up events ha ve a higher priority than the goto-sl eep command. Thus
any wake-up event will reset IN H to a HIG H out put le vel i ndepen dentl y from the goto-s leep c omm and.
RXD and ERR will reflect the wake-up condition with a LOW output level as known from the TJA1053.
From software point of view it is highl y recommended for both transc eivers monitoring the pi ns RXD
and/or ERR whenever the goto-sleep command was executed in order to detect a wake-up event
while the system s hould f all in to s l eep mode. INH might keep HIG H or become HIG H ag ai n c aus e d by
a wake-up event before the supply of the uC was successfully disabled. ( see also 11.1. )
2.3.5. Other issues
Experiences with dif ferent software drivers have sho wn the advantage to implement a kind of CAN
communication m onitoring in software, expecting CAN b us events in certain time fr ames. At least a
reception of mes sages or succ essful transm issions should appear in or der to get conf idence, th at the
CAN bus is still operating properly. This is especially important for recovery from dual bus failure
situations towards single bus failure situations.
Due to the automatic transmit message repetition mechanism of a CAN protocol engine it might
happen that a node r etransm its a message forever in case t here is no ack nowledge rec eived fr om the
bus. This continuously transm itting node might lock the bus system and thus prevents other nodes to
recover from a dual bus failure situation towards a single bus failure situation.
Therefore, whenever there is no response from the CAN bus within a reasonable time, pending
transmission requests should be abor ted in software. This will inc rease the system avai lability during
certain bus failure conditions, which require single wire operation.
2.4. Interoperability : Mixed Systems with TJA1053 and TJA1054
2.4.1. Overview
During developm ent of the TJA1054 special attention was paid to interop erability issues in order to
allow a smooth m igration of existi ng applicatio ns by simple replacement of the T JA1053. Part icularly,
the enhancements of the bus f ai lure management (5V s hor t cir cuits) have been included very car ef ul l y
into the existing circuitry to avoid system hang-ups, if both transceivers are mixed in one system.
The TJA1054 is designed to replace the TJA1053 within running car series production without
interoperability risk.
Interoperability of both devices has been proved in system simulation as well as in hardware
The key results of these investigations are :
A pure TJA1054 network solves the known weaknesses of a TJA1053 system
( wake-up of big networks with failure HxGND, short circuits to 5V .... )
A mixed system of TJA1053 and TJA1054 has at least the same performance as the pure
TJA1053 system; in some aspects the growing presence of T J A1054 no des i n th e n et work even
improves the overall system performance
T aking into consi deration the is sues desc ribed in the previous cha pters, m ixed systems of both
transceiver are possible at any ratio without restrictions
2.4.2. Hardware Interoperability Investigations
In order to investigate in teroperability issues of th e transceiver, a network with 25 nodes was set up
and investigated in detail. A typical topology including star points was chosen according to real
automotive applicat ions. This topology inc ludes cable stubs with m ore than 5 meters and more than
55 meters overall cable length.
Worst case scenarios were analysed including weak bus failure conditions, double failures, ground
shifts and power sup ply drops. Esp ecially, oper ating mode c hanges (Norm al Mode / Sta ndby / Sleep)
were performed simultaneously with bus failure situations.
2.4.3. Results of Hardware Interoperability Investigation
The following table gives an overview about the mixed system investigations using the TJA1053
together with the TJA10 54 in different mixing ratios. An assessment is made compar ed with a pure
TJA1053 system with same topology.
Bus Failure
1H //
2L //
Communication with
( incl. resistive failures )
Standard Communication
Communication at
Low Battery Voltages
Ground Shift (+/- 1.5V)
combined with Bus
Mode Changes / Wake-up
Failure Conditions
Loss of Termination
Communication with local
Key :
-- ) mixed system behaves
99 ) mixed system behaves
) mixed system behaves
than a pure TJA1053 system
to a pure TJA1053 system
than a pure TJA1053 system
2.5. Conclusion
Both transceivers, T JA1053 and TJA1054, are in teroperable and can be us ed simultaneously within
the same network. This allows migrating gradually from TJA1053 to TJA1054 in running car mass
Due to new features intr oduc ed wit h the T JA1054, exis ting T JA10 53 a pplicat ions nee d to be r eview ed
according to the comments within this report before replacing the transceiver.
The fault tolerant CA N trans c eiv er T J A1054 provides an integrated functi ona lity controlling an external
voltage regulator in order to design low power CAN bus systems with remote and local wake-up
capabilities. A dedicated INH pin allows disabling the entire power supply of a control unit, thus
reducing the overall system power consumption to a m inimum. The transceiver is the only supplied
component during such a low-power state.
Following figure shows an application example using the TJA1054.
* For further EMC optimization a series resistor could be applied in case the bus timing parameters allow this additional delay
caused by the additional R/C time constant.
** Size of capacitor depends on regulator.
*** Size of termination resistors depends on system size. The overall system termination should be about 100 Ohms per CAN line.
optional *
1k - 2k
> 1k8
Figure 2 : Typical application of the TJA1054
As shown within Figure 2 the transceiver is powered d irectly from the battery s upply via the pin BAT.
This allows disabling the VCC supply entirely during tim e phases, the CAN bus is not required b y the
system. Therefore two control pins STB and EN coming from the host microcontroller are used to
control the actual mode of operation like normal communication or low-power operation.
For wake-up purposes a battery-related WAKE pin is provided.
In addition to bus fail ure information and the CAN receive d bit stream, the pins ERR and RXD are
used to signal wake-up requests towards the application controller.
Application Hints V3.1 Page 13 of 41
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