Manufactured under license from Digital Theater Systems,
inc. US Pat. No. 5,451,942 and other worldwide patents
issued and pending. “DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are
trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc. 1996 Digital
Theater Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology
that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents
and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision
Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright
protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision
Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited
viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by
Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or
disassembly is prohibited.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance
of procedures other than herein may result in
hazardous radiation exposure or other unsafe
Australia - Philips product warranty for Australia only
Warranty conditions valid for Colour Television, Video
Cassette Recorders, CD Recordable, DVD Players, Audio
Systems, and Portable Audio.
The benefits given to the purchaser by this warranty are in
addition to all other rights and remedies which the
purchaser has in respect of the product under the Trade
Practices Act or other Commonwealth or State Law.
Philips Consumer Electronics warrants its products to the
purchaser as follows and subject to the stated conditions.
12 months free service
Conditions of warranty
1. All claims for warranty service should be made to your
nearest Philips Authorised Service Centre. Reasonable
evidence of date of purchase must be provided.
2. This warranty extends only to defects occurring under
normal use of the product when operated in accordance
with the instructions.
3. Home service within the normal service area of one of our
Authorised Service Centres will be provided for television
receivers with screen size 48cm and above. All other
products are to be brought or sent to your nearest
Authorised Service Centre.
4. This warranty does not cover:
a) Mileage or traveling time, pickup or delivery, cost of
b) Service costs arising from failure to correctly adjust the
controls of the product or to observe the instructions,
or inspections that reveal that the product is in normal
working order.
c) Product failures caused by misuse, neglect, normal wear
and tear, accidental breakage, transit damage, inexpert
repairs or modification by unauthorised persons,
lightning strikes, vermin infestation or liquid spillage.
d) Cleaning of video or audio heads.
e) Inadequate receiving antenna.
f) Replacement of worn or used batteries, styli or other
The conditions contained in this warranty replace and
override the provision of the World-Wide Guarantee for
products sold in Australia.
Philips Authorised Service Centres
To contact your nearest Philips Authorised Service Centre
call 1300-36-13-92 from anywhere in Australia.
Per th
Service is provided through 350 accredited service dealers
throughout Australia. To find out about your nearest centre,
call 1300 36 13 92.
Please record the following information for your records
and keep in a safe place.
Model No:....................................................
Serial No:....................................................
Please retain your purchase receipt which is required to
New Zealand - Guarantee and Service for New Zealand
Thank-you for purchasing this quality Philips product.
Philips New Zealand Ltd guarantees this product against
defective components and faulty workmanship for a
period of 12 months. Any defect in materials or
workmanship occurring within 12 months from the date
of purchase subject to the following conditions will be
rectified free of charge by the retailer from whom this
product was purchased.
1. The product must have been purchased in New Zealand.
As proof of purchase, retain the original sales docket
indicating the date of purchase.
2. The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective
components, or faulty workmanship on the par t of the
3. The guarantee does not cover failures caused by misuse,
neglect, normal wear and tear, accidental breakage, use on
the incorrect voltage, use contrary to operating
instructions, or unauthorised modification to the product
or repair by an unauthorised technician.
4. Reasonable evidence (in the form of a sales docket) must
be supplied to indicate that the product was purchased
no more than 12 months prior to the date of your claim.
5. In the event of a failure, Philips shall be under no liability
for any injury, or any loss or damage caused to property
or products other than the product under guarantee.
This guarantee does not prejudice your rights under
common law and statute, and is in addition to the normal
responsibilities of the retailer and Philips.
How to claim
Should your Philips product fail within the guarantee period,
please return it to the retailer from whom it was purchased.
In most cases the retailer will be able to satisfactorily repair
or replace the product.
However, should the retailer not be able to conclude the
matter satisfactorily, or if you have other diffi-culties claiming
under this guarantee, please contact
Este aparato ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado y se ha fabricado con los mejores materiales bajo un estricto
control de calidad, garantizando su buen funcionamiento por los periodos establecidos según el aparato (ver lista
en la parte inferior) a partir de la entrega del aparato al consumidor. Esta póliza incluye la reparación o
reposición gratuita de cualquier parte o componente que eventualmente fallase y la mano de obra
necesaria para su reparación, misma que se hará efectiva en cualquiera de nuestros centros de servicio
autorizados en el país.
Si su aparato llegase a requerir de nuestro servicio de garantía, acuda al centro de servicio más cercano a su
domicilio, de tener alguna duda por favor llame a nuestra CENTRAL DE SERVICIO al tel.: 57 28 42 52, y en el
interior del país LADA sin costo al 01 800 506 92 00 en donde con gusto le indicaremos el cetro de servicio
autorizado más cercano a su domicilio.
PHILIPS MEXICANA S.A. de C.V. a través de sus centros de servicio autorizados reparará y devolverá a ustedsu aparato en un plazo no mayor a 20 días hábiles, contados a partir de la fecha de ingreso, impresa en la
orden de servicio de cualquiera de nuestros centros de servicio autorizados.
La garantía de esta póliza cubre cualquier desperfecto o daño eventualmente ocasionado por los
trabajos de reparación y/o traslado del aparato en el interior de nuestros centros de servicio
Esta póliza sólo tendrá validez, si está debidamente requisitada, sellada y firmada por la casa
vendedora, en caso de extravío de esta póliza, podrá hacer efectiva su garantía con la presentación de su
factura de compra.
• Cuando el aparato sea utilizado en condiciones anormales y los daños o desperfectos que manifestase sean
causados por mal trato, descuido o mal uso.
• Cuando el aparato no haya sido operado de acuerdo a su instructivo de uso, en donde se señalan las
condiciones normales de operación, los valores nominales y las tolerancias de las tensiones (voltaje),
frecuencia (ciclaje) de alimentación eléctrica y las características que deben reunir las instalaciones auxiliares.
• Cuando la causa de la falla o mal funcionamiento sea consecuencia de una reparación inadecuada o
alteración producida por personas no autorizadas por PHILIPS MEXICANA S.A. de C.V.
• Cuando los datos de esta póliza hayan sido alterados o modificados.
• Por fenómenos naturales no imputables a la empresa tales como: temblores, inundaciones, incendios,
descargas eléctricas, rayos, etc.
36 MESES. – Monitores para computadora.
12 MESES. – Televisores, videocassetteras,video reproductores DVD, grabador reproductor de disco compacto,
video proyectores (excepto la lámpara), cámaras de video, decodificadores de señal (IRD),
televisor para hotel, sistemas de observación, televisores de proyección, teléfonos celulares,
pagers, equipos modulares, sintoamplificadores, facsimil, LNB, antena de recepción de satélite,
DVD ROM, CDR ROM y CDRW ROM para computadora.
6 MESES. – Radiograbadoras con y sin reproductor de disco compacto, reproductor de cassette portátil,
reproductor de disco compacto portátil, radio relojes, radios A.M./F.M., auto estéros y teléfonos
3 MESES. – Accesorios, controles remotos, bocinas, cinta para fax y para cámara de videoconferencia.
pg 01-26/LX3xxx/21-Eng 4/16/02, 11:20 AM6
Philips Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Producto importado por:
Philips Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Norte 45 No. 669 Col. Ind. Vallejo,
Del. Atzcapotzalco C.P. 02300
Tels. 5728 4200 y 57 2948 00
MODELO ___________________________________Nº DE SERIE _____________________________
LX-3000D, LX-3500D
Centro de Información al Consumidor:
Norte 45 No. 669 Col. Ind. Vallejo
Del. Atzcapotzalco C.P. 02300
Tel. 5368 7788 Lada 01 800504 6200
La presente garantía contará a partir de:DIA _____________MES_____________AÑO_____________
En caso que en su producto se produzca alguna falla, acuda al centro de servicio más cercano a su domicilio (según listado de talleres), de tener
alguna duda, por favor llame a nuestra CENTRAL DE SERVICIO, en donde con gusto le atenderemos.
Asi mismo, cuando requiera refacciones y partes originales para su producto, acuda a los centros de servicio. Para hacer efectiva la garantía de su
producto, es necesario que presente usted esta póliza debidamente requisitada o de lo contrario presentar su factura de compra.
CiudadEDOCalle y NºColoniaC. P.Nombre ComercialLada TelefonoFax
Skipping to another track/chapter
Fast Search
Continue playback from the last stop point
Repeat play
Repeat A-B
Programme favourite tracks
Special DVD/VCD features ..................................... 20-22
Changing subtitle language
Changing sound track language
Playing in slow motion mode
Searching for a particular passage
Display the disc information during playback
Moving to another title/chapter
Playback from a selected point
Zooming in
Viewing from another angle
Advancing by frames
Checking the contents of DVD
Special VCD/SVCD features ......................................... 22
Playback Control (PBC)
Special MP3-CD features............................................... 23
MP3-CD menu
Inserting batteries into the remote control.............. 14
Switching on the system ................................................ 14
Setting up the surround sound system ............... 14–15
Placing the speakers
Changing the volume level
Setting up the subwoofer ..............................................15
Activating progressive scan mode
(for model LX3500D only) ...........................................15
System Setup (DVD) ............................................... 15–17
General operation
Setting the picture
Setting the sound
Setting the language
Setting the features
Basic Functions
Selecting the surround sound mode ........................... 18
Selecting the digital sound effect ................................. 18
Volume control ................................................................ 18
Dimming the display screen .......................................... 18
Other Functions
Tuning to radio stations ................................................. 24
Presetting radio stations ................................................ 24
Listening to preset radio stations ................................ 24