Philips HR7605/10 User Manual [ar]

2 Comfort
4 Comfort
Let hot ingredients cool down before processing them (max.
temperature 80cC/175cF).
Thoroughly clean the parts that will come into contact with food
before you use the appliance for the first time.
The bowl is not suitable for the microwave.
Thermal safety cut-out
This appliance is equipped with a thermal safety cut-out which will automatically cut off the power supply to the appliance in case of overheating.
If your appliance stops running:
- Pull the mains plug out of the socket.
- Let the appliance cool down for 60 minutes.
- Put the mains plug in the socket.
- Switch the appliance on again.
Please contact your Philips dealer or an authorised Philips service centre if the thermal safety cut-out is activated too often.
Read these instructions for use carefully before using the appliance and save them for future reference.
Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to
the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
In order to avoid a hazardous situation, this appliance must never
be connected to a timer switch.
Do not use the appliance if the mains cord, the plug or other
parts are damaged.
If the mains cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Philips, a
service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Keep the appliance out of the reach of children. Never let the appliance run unattended. Always switch the appliance off by turning the control knob to 0. Switch the appliance off before detaching any accessory. Unplug the appliance immediately after use. Never immerse the motor unit in water or any other liquid, nor
rinse it under the tap. Use a moist cloth to clean the motor unit.
Never use your fingers or an object (e.g. a spatula) to push
ingredients down the feed tube while the appliance is running. Only the pusher is to be used for this purpose.
Be very careful when handling the blades or inserts, especially
when removing them from the bowl,when emptying the bowl or jar and during cleaning.Their cutting edges are very sharp!
Always unplug the appliance before reaching into the bowl with
your fingers or an object (e.g. a spatula).
Wait until moving parts have stopped running before you remove
the lid of the bowl.
Never use any accessories or parts from other manufacturers or
that have not been specifically advised by Philips.Your guarantee will become invalid if such accessories or parts have been used.
Do not exceed the maximum content indicated on the bowl. Do not exceed the quantities and preparation times indicated in
the tables and recipes.
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6 Comfort
Assembly / Disassembly - tips and warnings
Built in safety lock This feature ensures that you can only switch the appliance on when the accessories and the lid have been placed in the correct position and the motor unit is correctly assembled to the lid of the bowl (see picture).When all parts have been assembled correctly, the built in safety lock will be unlocked.When you have finished processing, the motor unit and the lid of the bowl can only be removed after you have switched the appliance off by turning the speed setting switch to 0.
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400 g.
400 g.
200 g.
400 g.
8 Comfort
Blade - tips and warnings
Always put the blade in the bowl before you start adding the ingredients.
- If you are chopping onions, use the pulse function a few times to prevent the onions from becoming too finely chopped.
- Do not let the appliance run too long when you are chopping (hard) cheese or chocolate.The ingredients will become too hot, will start to melt and will turn lumpy.
- The standard processing time for all chopping jobs is 30-180 seconds.
- Use cooked ingredients when blending a soup.
- Do not mix ingredients hotter than 80cC/175cF.
- Fruits and vegetables can be pureed without any liquid, however you will get a better result if you add a small amount of liquid.
- Always start by pureeing the hard and tough ingredients, then add the soft ones.
If food sticks to the blade or to the inside of the bowl:
1 Switch the appliance off.
2 Remove the lid from the bowl.
3 Remove the ingredients from the blade or from the wall of the
bowl with a spatula.
250 ml.
250 ml.
200 g.
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