Philips HD4285/00 User Manual

HD 4285
English Page 4
• Keep pages 3 and 26 open when reading these operating instructions.
Français Page 8
• Pour le mode d'emploi: dépliez les pages 3et 26.
Deutsch Seite 12
• Schlagen Sie beim Lesen der Gebrauchs­anweisung Seiten 3 und 26 auf.
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General description (fig. 1)
A Lid B Lid handle C Control unit D Heating element E Guiding profiles F Reset button G Pilot light H Temperature knob I Hand grip of frying basket J Frying basket K Inner pan L Mains cord M Cord storage compartment N Rest for frying basket O Level indications (oil/fat) P Automatic safety switch
Read these instructions in conjunction with the illustrations (pages 3 and 26) before using the appliance.
Before plugging the fryer in, check if the voltage indicated on the appliance is the same as the mains voltage in your home.
Only connect the appliance to an earthed wall socket.
Never immerse the control panel, heating element or mains cord in water.
Clean the various parts thoroughly before using the fryer for the first time. Ensure that they
are thoroughly dry before filling the frying pan with oil or melted fat.
In general, we advise you to use liquid frying fat or frying oil in this appliance. Solid frying fat can also be used. However, when using solid frying fat extra precautions must be taken to prevent spatting fat when melting. (See section "Deep fat frying".)
Do not switch on until you have filled the frying pan with oil or (melted) fat.
When using new fat (lumps or blocks), melt the fat in a separate pan and then pour it into
the fryer before switching on.
Only use oils and fats which are recommended for deep fat frying. This information can be found on the packing of these oils/fats.
Always fill with oil or fat to the level between the two measure indications. Before you start frying, always check if there is still sufficient oil/fat in the fryer.
Do not exceed the maximum quantities indicated in the table. Never fill the basket higher to 3/4 full. If the basket is overfilled, hot fat/oil may flow over the fryer ridge.
During the process of frying hot steam comes from the appliance. Keep your hands and face away from this steam.
The lid will keep the pan free from dust if not in use. Do not put the lid on the pan while frying.
Keep the deep fat fryer out of the reach of children at all times especially when in use.
Do not let the mains cord hang over the edge of the table or sink.
After use set the temperature knob to the lowest position (rotate anti-clockwise until it
stops). Remove the plug from the mains socket and let the oil or fat cool down. Do not move the fryer until it has cooled sufficiently.
If the mains cord of this appliance is damaged, it must only be replaced by Philips or their service representative, as special tools and/or parts are required.
Keep these instructions for future reference.
Extra safety
• The automatic safety switch (P) ensures that the heating element can only be switched on if the control panel is in position (fig. 1a).
• The safety thermostat switches the appliance off when overheating occurs.
This may happen:
- if there is no (or too little) oil, melted fat, or previously used (and resolidified) fat in the fryer (fig. 2);
- if attempting to melt blocks or lumps of new fat in the fryer (fig. 3).
The heat cannot be released quickly enough in these cases.
If the safety thermostat has switched the appliance off:
- Allow the appliance to cool down.
- Press the “reset” button (F) (fig. 4) to make the appliance ready for use again.
Prior to first use: clean thoroughly
Ensure that the mains plug is not in the wall socket.
Never immerse the control unit with heating element and mains cord in water. Never rinse these items.
- Remove the lid (fig. 5), the frying basket (fig. 6) and the control unit with the heating element and mains cord (fig. 7). Put the control unit with the heating element and mains cord aside to a safe (dry) place.
- The stainless steel inner pan can be removed (fig. 8) for quick and easy cleaning.
- Wash the frying basket, the lid and the hand grip in hot soapy water (fig. 9). Rinse with clean water and dry.
Deep fat frying
- Remove the lid (fig. 10).
- Put the hand grip into operational position (fig. 11). Make sure that it clips securely to the wire holder.
- Fill the deep fat frying pan with oil or melted fat to the highest indication line (4 litres of oil or 3.5 kilogrammes of fat) (fig. 12).
When using new solid frying fat:
- Melt the piece(s) of new solid frying fat in a separate pan on a low fire.
- Put out the fire below the pan as soon as the fat has melted.
- Place the fryer in the sink basin.
- Very carefully pour the melted fat into the fryer.
- Carefully move the filled fryer to the place where you want to use it. Then plug in and switch on.
When melting used solid frying fat which has curdled in the fryer:
- To prevent spatting, carefully pierce some holes in the fat. Avoid damaging the heating element when doing so!
- Put the lid on the fryer.
- Switch on.
• Always leave the lid on the fryer while the fat is melting to prevent spattering.
• Only use the described melting procedure! Otherwise there is a risk of warm melted fat suddenly spouting from below through the still solid top layer of fat.
• Store the fryer containing solidified fat at room temperature. If the fat is very cold there is a greater risk of spattering.
• Never mix two different types of oil and/or fat.
- Unroll the mains cord completely (fig. 13).
• Ensure that the mains cord will not touch hot surfaces and that it does not hang over the worktop edge.
- Insert the plug into the mains socket.
- Set the temperature knob to the setting which is most appropriate for the kind of food to be fried (fig. 14). Refer to the table.
- After the pilot lamp has extinguished for the second time (after 10-15 minutes) the oil/fat is at the correct temperature.
- Carefully lift the frying basket out of the pan (fig. 15).
- Put the food into the basket (fig. 16).
- Place the frying basket into the pan (fig. 17).
• For better overall browning, it is advised to lift and shake the basket a couple of times during frying (fig. 18).
- After frying, hook the frying basket in the high position (i.e. “drain position”) (fig. 19). Allow the fried food to drain for a while. If required you can shake the basket over the fryer to remove excess fat/oil (fig. 20).
- Remove the basket from the fryer and put the fried food in a colander with fat absorbing paper (e.g. tissue paper/kitchen roll) (fig. 21).
- After use, set the temperature knob to the low­est position (turn fully anti-clockwise) (fig. 22) and remove the plug from the mains socket.
- Clean the fryer after the oil or fat has cooled down sufficiently.
- You can tilt the hand grip backwards and store it inside the frying basket. Store the fryer with the lid on top. This will keep dust etc. from the pan.
- You may wind the mains cord around the cord storage facility at the back of the appliance.
Cool Zone
Loose food particles do not turn charred in this fryer, so that the oil/fat will remain longer in good condition. The loose particles will gather in the “cool zone” below the heating element. After the appliance has cooled down, you can
remove the control unit with heating element and mains cord, lift the inner pan out of the appliance and pour the oil/fat through a fine sieve.
In the table below is indicated what types of food can be prepared with the fryer and what temperature and preparation times should be chosen. The table also indicates the maximum quantity per preparation. You may deviate a little from these instructions, depending on the quantities to be prepared and on your personal taste. If you find different instructions (for the same quantities!) on the packaging of the food, follow these.
French fries
To obtain the nicest and most crispy French fries:
• Use not too new potatoes.
• Cut the potatoes first to thick slices and then to sticks. Rinse the sticks in a colander under the cold water tap: this will prevent the sticks from adhering to one another while frying. Dry the sticks using e.g. kitchen paper.
• French fries should be prepared in two steps:
- firstly at 160 °C (320 °F), during 8-10
- secondly at 190 °C (374 °F), during 2-4 minutes.
During the second step shake the frying basket at small intervals; then the French fries will get a fine overall browning.
Deep frozen food
Food from your deep freezer or from the freezer compartment of your fridge (-16 to -18 °C or -1 to 3 °F) will cool down the oil/fat vastly when lowered into it, so that too much oil/fat may be absorbed.
• For that reason, do not put too big portions into the fryer.
• Let the fryer regain optimum frying temperature before you prepare a portion of deep frozen food (approx. 15 minutes).
Set the temperature knob to the frying temp­erature indications on the packaging of the deep frozen food. If these indications are not
given, set the knob to the highest temperature (190 °C or 374 °F). These instructions are also valid for certain types of food which require careful preparation, such as meat croquettes.
Temperature Type of food Max quantity per preparation Frying time *)
unfrozen frozen (minutes)
160 °C Chicken (fillet, 400 g 300 g 20-25 (320 °F) drumsticks)
170 °C Cheese croquettes 6 pcs. 4 pcs. 5 (338 °F) Shrimp fritters 6-8 pcs. 2-4
180 °C Apple fritters 6-8 pcs. 4-5 (356 °F) Cheese fritters 6-8 pcs. 2-4
Fish fingers/fillet 8-10 pcs. 8 pcs. 3-5 Meat balls 14-20 pcs. 4-5 Mussels 14-18 pcs. 21⁄2-3
190 °C Ball fritters 6 pcs. 2-4 (374 °F) Doughnuts 6 pcs. 4 pcs. 6-8
**) French fries 700 g 500 g 5 Cordon bleu 4 pcs. 3-4 Fish croquettes 6 pcs. 4 pcs. 5 Meat croquettes 6 pcs. 4 pcs. 5 Potato croquettes 6 pcs. 4 pcs. 5 Sliced potato 700 g 500 g 5 Wiener Schnitzel 4 pcs. 21⁄2
*) For frozen food the preparation times may be longer than indicated. **) For new French fries please refer to section "French fries".
Deep frozen French fries are pre-fried and can be fried in one step: max. 500 g at 190 °C / 374 °F, for about 5 minutes.
• Deep frozen food often contains too much ice. Shake off as much of the ice as possible in the sink. Then lower the food into the oil/fat carefully, as deep frozen articles can make the hot fat/oil bubble and splash excessively.
• Pure vegetable fat or oil containing poly­unsaturated acids are often recommended by health specialists. Please note that these types of fat and oil must be refreshed sooner than other types to maintain their good qualities. Also, a sticky and tenacious ridge of fat deposits may set above the fat / oil level. We advise you to clean the inside of the fryer after each use with hot water and a washing-up agent. (Please refer to section "Cleaning".)
• Use oils and/or fats which are recommended for deep fat frying, i.e. vegetable fat or oil contain­ing polyunsaturated acids.
• Regularly replace the oil or fat. Never add fresh oil/fat to used oil/fat.
• In general the fat/oil will be tainted rather quick­ly when frying food containing a lot of protein (such as meat and fish). When the oil/fat is mainly used to deep fat fry potatoes and is filtered after each use, the oil/fat can be used 10-12 times. However, do not use it for over six months. Oil (after cooling down) can be poured into a bottle and curdled fat can be wrapped in an old paper. Curdled fat inside the pan can be easily removed by heating it (at 160 °C/320 °F) until just melted. (See the instructions in section "Deep fat frying" on melting curdled fat in the fryer.)
• Always replace all fat/oil as soon as it starts seething when heated; when it has got a rancid smell or taste; when its colour has become dark and/or when it has turned syrupy.
• Make sure that the food to be fried is dry, before lowering it into the hot fat/oil.
• Clean the fryer with paper tissue. Do not forget the inside walls.
• If you do no not use the deep fat fryer frequent­ly, you can best keep the oil in well-closed (glass) bottles; preferably in the fridge. Store fat in a well-closed (glass or stone) pot or bowl. It is not advised to keep the fat/oil in the fryer for a long time.
If the oil/fat has a taste...
Certain types of food (esp. fish) may lose some fluid while being deep fat fried. This juice might adversely affect the taste of food to be fried later in the same oil/fat. To remove (or rather to prevent) this taste heat the oil/fat to 160 °C / 320 °F. Then fry two thin slices of bread (5-6 mm, or 0.25 "). Wait until all the air bubbles have disappeared and the bread is brown all over. Then take the bread out of the fryer and discard it. Now the oil/fat has a neutral taste again.
Outside and control unit: First remove the mains plug from the wall socket. Wipe clean with a damp cloth (if so required add some detergent) and/or paper tissue.
Inner pan, frying basket, hand grip, lid: please refer to section “Before first use: clean thoroughly”. If you wish to clean the stainless steel inner pan in a dish washer, it is advisable to remove any sticky fat deposit first. Use hot soapy water and a firm brush for this purpose.
Description générale (fig. 1)
A Couvercle B Poignée de couvercle C Boîtier de commande D Elément chauffant E Supports guides F Bouton de réarmement G Témoin lumineux H Bouton de réglage température I Poignée du panier J Panier
Lisez attentivement ce mode demploi en regardant les illustrations (pages 3 et 26) avant dutiliser lappareil.
Avant de brancher votre appareil, assurez-vous que la tension indiquée sur la plaque signalétique placée sous lappareil correspond bien à celle de votre logement.
Ne plongez jamais le boîtier de commande, l’élément chauffant ou le cordon dalimentation dans leau.
Nettoyez les différentes parties à laide dun chiffon humide avant de lutiliser. Assurez­vous quelle soit bien sèche avant de la remplir avec de lhuile ou de la graisse.
Ne branchez la friteuse quune fois quelle sera remplie dhuile ou graisse.
En général, il est préférable d'utiliser dans cette friteuse de l'huile haute température ou
spéciale friture.
Vous pouvez toutefois utiliser de la graisse spéciale friture en respectant quelques règles
élémentaires de précaution afin d'éviter toute projection de graisse bouillante (voir paragraphe friture).
Quand vous utilisez des blocs de graisse neufs, faites-les fondre au préalable dans une casserole et versez la graisse fondue dans le friteuse.
Utilisez uniquement des huiles et graisses recommandées pour friture. Vous trouverez cette information sur les emballages.
Remplissez la cuve dhuile/ou graisse jusqu’à un niveau compris entre les deux repères indiqués. Vérifiez ce niveau avant chaque utilisation.
Ne dépassez pas les quantités maximum indiquées sur le tableau. Ne remplissez jamais le panier au-dessus des 3/4. Si le panier est surchargé, lhuile peut déborder.
Pendant la cuisson, de la vapeur chaude se dégage de la friteuse. Faites attention de ne pas vous brûler les mains ou le visage.
Placez le couvercle sur la cuve lorsque vous rangez la friteuse pour ne pas souiller le bain de friture. Mais par contre retirez toujours le couvercle pendant l'utilisation de
la friteuse.
Soyez prudent lorsque vous faites de la friture. Surtout prenez bien garde aux enfants.
Ne laissez pas le cordon dalimentation pendre de la table ou de l’évier.
Après utilisation, replacez le bouton du thermostat sur la position la plus basse (tournez dans le sens inverse des aiguilles dune montre jusqu’à larrêt).
Retirez la fiche de la prise de courant et laissez refroidir lhuile ou la graisse.
Ne déplacez pas la friteuse tant quelle est chaude. Vous pourriez gravement vous brûler.
Si le cordon dalimentation est endommagé, faites-le remplacer par votre revendeur Philips ou un Centre Service Agréé, car des outils spéciaux sont nécessaire.
Conservez ce mode demploi.
K Cuve à friture L Cordon dalimentation M Compartiment de rangement du cordon N Support de panier O Indications de niveau P Sécurité thermique
• La sécurité thermique (P) n’autorise la mise en marche de l’élément chauffant que si le boîtier de commande est en position de fonctionne­ment (fig. 1a).
• Le thermostat de sécurité coupe l’alimentation dès qu’il y a surchauffe de l’élément chauffant. Cela peut se produire dans les cas suivants :
- s’il n’y a pas (ou pas assez) d’huile ou si la graisse s’est resolidifiée depuis la précédente utilisation (fig. 2) ;
- si les blocs de graisse (neufs) ne sont pas complètement fondus (fig. 3).
Dans ces 2 cas, la remise en marche peut être un peu plus longue.
- Laissez l’appareil refroidir.
- Appuyez sur le bouton de réarmement (F) (fig. 4) pour pouvoir utiliser de nouveau la friteuse.
Avant la première utilisation
Assurez-vous que la fiche n’est pas connectée à la prise de courant.
Nimmergez jamais le boîtier de commande ainsi que l’élément chauffant et le cordon dalimentation dans leau.
- Retirez le couvercle (fig. 5), le panier (fig. 6) et le boîtier de commande avec l’élément chauffant (fig. 7). Posez l’élément chauffant et son cordon dans un endroit sûr et sec.
- La cuve de la friteuse est amovible (fig. 8) pour un nettoyage plus facile.
- Lavez le panier, le couvercle et la poignée à l’eau chaude savonneuse (fig. 9). Rincez à l’eau claire et séchez l’ensemble.
- Retirez le couvercle (fig. 10).
- Mettez la poignée dans la position d’utilisation (fig. 11) . Assurez-vous qu’elle tient sûrement sur la tige support.
- Fixez la poignée sur le panier (fig. 11).
- Remplissez la cuve de la friteuse avec de l’huile (spéciale friture) ou de la graisse préalablement fondue jusqu’au trait supérieur (4 litres d’huile ou 3,5 kg de graisse) (fig. 12).
Lorsque vous utilisez des pains de graisse neufs
- Faites fondre cette graisse au préalable dans une casserole à feu doux.
- Placez la friteuse sur un plan de travail stable.
- Versez ensuite lentement la graisse fondue dans la cuve.
- Attention de ne pas renverser la graisse chaude sur vous.
- Branchez la fiche dans la prise de courant puis mettez en marche.
Lorsque vous utilisez de la graisse solidifiée dans la friteuse (mais déjà utilisée)
- Afin d'éviter les éclaboussures, percez quelques trous dans la graisse. Évitez endommager l’élément chauffant.
- Placez le couvercle sur la cuve. Mettez en marche.
- Tenez toujours le couvercle sur la cuve afin d'éviter toute projection durant la fonte de la graisse.
- Utilisez la méthode décrite ci-dessus.
- Sinon il peut y avoir des risques importants de projection de graisse fondue hors de la cuve.
- Ce risque est d'autant plus important que la graisse figée est froide (réfrigérateur par exemple ou pièce non chauffée).
- Stockez de préférence votre friteuse à température ambiante de la pièce.
• Ne mélangez jamais huile et graisse.
- Déroulez complètement le cordon d’alimentation (fig. 13).
• Assurez-vous qu’il ne touche pas des surfaces chaudes et qu’il ne pende pas du plan de travail où se trouve la friteuse.
- Branchez la fiche dans la prise de courant.
- Réglez le bouton de température sur la position qui convient le mieux pour l’aliment que vous voulez frire (fig. 14). Référez-vous au tableau des températures.
- Après l’extinction du témoin lumineux pour la deuxième fois (après 10 à 15 minutes), l’huile / la graisse a atteint la bonne température.
- Sortez le panier de la friteuse (fig. 15).
- Déposez les aliments à frire dans le panier (fig. 16).
- Replacez le panier dans la friteuse (fig. 17).
• Pour obtenir une friture uniformément dorée, secouez le panier une ou deux fois durant la cuisson (fig. 18).
- En fin de cuisson, relevez le panier et placez-le en position haute (fig. 19). Laissez l’huile s’égoutter. Vous pouvez aussi secouer le panier pour égoutter l’excédent d’huile plus vite (fig. 20).
- Enlevez le panier et versez son contenu dans un récipient recouvert de papier absorbant (fig. 21).
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