Philips GC2225/03, GC2220/03, GC2215/03, GC2130/02, GC2125/12 User Manual [da]

GC2225, GC2220, GC2215, GC2130, GC2126, GC2125, GC2120, GC2115, GC2110, GC2105
GC2225, GC2220, GC2215,
GC2130, GC2126, GC2125, GC2120, GC2115, GC2110, GC2105
General description (fig. 1)
A Spray nozzle B Filling cap (GC2225/2220/2215/GC2130/2126/2125/2120 only) C Filling opening D Shot-of-steam button 9
(GC2225/2220/2215/GC2130/2126/2125/2120/2115/2110 only)
E Spray button T F Steam control
- O = no steam
- Á = minimum steam
- q = moderate steam (GC2225/2220/2215/GC2130/2126/2125/2120 only)
- w = maximum steam
- 1 = Calc-Clean function
G Extra-steam function (GC2105 only) H Temperature light (all types) and automatic shut-off light
(GC2225/GC2130 only)
I Temperature dial J Mains cord K Type plate L Water tank
Read these instructions for use carefully before using the appliance and save them for future reference.
Check if the voltage indicated on the type plate corresponds to
the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
Only connect the appliance to an earthed wall socket.Do not use the appliance if the plug, the cord or the appliance
itself shows visible damage, or if the appliance has been dropped or is leaking.
Check the cord regularly for possible damage.If the mains cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Philips,a
service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Never leave the appliance unattended when it is connected to the
Never immerse the iron and the stand, if provided, in water.Keep the appliance out of the reach of children.The soleplate of the iron can become extremely hot and may
cause burns if touched.
Do not allow the cord to come into contact with the soleplate
when it is hot.
When you have finished ironing,when you clean the appliance,
when you fill or empty the water tank and also when you leave the iron even for a short while:set the steam control to position O,put the iron on its heel and remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
Always place and use the iron and the stand, if provided, on a
stable, level and horizontal surface.
Do not put perfume, vinegar, starch,descaling agents, ironing aids
or other chemicals in the water tank.
This appliance is intended for household use only.
Preparing for use
Filling the water tank
1 Remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
2 Set the steam control to position O (= no steam).
3 Open the filling cap (specific types only).
4 Tilt the iron and fill the water tank up to maximum level.
Do not fill the water tank beyond the MAX indication.
5 Close the filling cap (click!) (specific types only).
If the tap water in your area is very hard, we advise you to use distilled water. Do not use vinegar, starch or chemically descaled water.
Setting the temperature
The iron may give off some smoke when you use it for the first
time.This will cease after a short while.
1 Put the iron on its heel and set the temperature dial to the
required ironing temperature by turning it to the appropriate position.
- Check the garment label for the required ironing temperature.
- 1 Synthetic fabrics (e.g. acrylic, viscose, polyamide, polyester)
- 1 Silk
- 2 Wool
- 3 Cotton, linen
- If you do not know what kind or kinds of fabric an article is made of, determine the right ironing temperature by ironing a part that will not be visible when you wear or use the article.
- Silk, woollen and synthetic materials: iron the reverse side of the fabric to prevent shiny patches.Avoid using the spray function to prevent stains.
2 Put the mains plug in an earthed wall socket.
3 When the temperature light has gone out, wait a while before
you start ironing.
The temperature light will go on from time to time during ironing.
Using the appliance
Steam ironing
Make sure that there is enough water in the water tank.
1 Set the temperature dial to the recommended position.
See 'Setting the temperature'.
2 Set the steam control to the appropriate steam position.
- Á for minimum steam (temperature settings 2 and 3).
- Ë for moderate steam (temperature settings 3 to MAX)
(specific types only).
- È for maximum steam (temperature settings 3 to MAX).
Steaming will start as soon as the set temperature has been reached.
GC2215/2120/2115/2110/2105 only:
Water may leak from the soleplate if the set temperature is too low (MIN to 2).
Ironing without steam
1 Set the steam control to position O (= no steam).
2 Set the temperature dial to the recommended position.
See 'Setting the temperature'.
To remove stubborn creases at any temperature
1 Make sure that there is enough water in the water tank.
2 Press the spray button several times to moisten the garment to
be ironed.
Extra Steam (specific types only)
This function provides extra steam to remove really stubborn creases.
The Extra Steam function only works at temperature settings between 3 and MAX.
1 Set the steam control to maximum position È.
2 Press and hold the Steam Control button down for
max. 5 seconds.
3 Wait at least 1 minute before using Extra Steam again to
prevent water from dripping out of the soleplate.
Shot of Steam (specific types only)
A powerful shot of steam helps to remove very stubborn creases.
The Shot-of-Steam function only works at temperature settings between 2 and MAX.
1 Press and release the Shot-of-Steam button.
Vertical Shot of Steam (GC2225/2220/2215/2130/2126/2125/2120/2115 only)
1 The Shot-of-Steam function can also be used when you are
holding the iron in vertical position.This is useful for removing creases from hanging clothes,curtains, etc.
Never direct the steam towards people.
Drip stop (GC2225/2220/GC2130/2126/2125 only)
This iron is equipped with a drip stop function: the iron automatically stops steaming when the temperature is too low to prevent water from dripping out of the soleplate. When this happens you will hear a click.
Automatic shut-off (specific types only)
An electronic safety device will automatically switch the heating element off if the iron has not been moved for a while.
To indicate that the heating element has been switched off, the
automatic shut-off light will start blinking.
To heat up the iron again: pick it up or move it slightly.The automatic shut-off light will go out.
1 If the temperature light goes on, wait for it to go out before
you start ironing.
2 If the temperature light does not go on, the iron is ready for
Cleaning and maintenance
Calc-Clean function
The Calc-Clean function removes the scale particles.
Use the Calc-Clean function once every two weeks. If the water in your area is very hard (i.e. when flakes come out of the soleplate during ironing), the Calc-Clean function should be used more frequently.
1 Set the steam control to position O.
2 Fill the water tank to the maximum level.
Do not pour vinegar or other descaling agents into the water tank..
3 Set the temperature dial to MAX.
4 Put the plug in the wall socket.
5 Unplug the iron when the temperature light has gone out.
6 Hold the iron over the sink and set the steam control to
position 1 (Calc-Clean).The steam control knob will spring up slightly.
7 Pull the steam control knob upwards to remove the steam
control needle.
8 Hold the iron over the sink and move it to and fro.
Steam and boiling water will come out of the soleplate. Impurities and scale (if any) will be flushed out.
9 Use vinegar to remove scale, if any, from the needle.
Do not bend or damage the steam control needle.
10 Put the steam control needle back by inserting the point of the
needle exactly in the centre of the hole and by fitting the small projection on the side of the needle into the slot. Set the steam control knob to position O.
11 Repeat the Calc-Clean process if the iron still contains a lot of
After the Calc-Clean process
1 Plug the iron in to let the soleplate dry up.
2 Unplug the iron when the temperature light has gone out.
3 Move the iron gently over a piece of used cloth to remove any
water stains that may have formed on the soleplate.
1 Remove the mains plug from the wall socket, let the iron cool
down and set the steam control to position O.
2 Clean the appliance and wipe scale and any other deposits off
the soleplate with a damp cloth and a non-abrasive (liquid) cleaner.
Keep the soleplate smooth: avoid hard contact with metal objects.
Never use a scouring pad, vinegar or other chemicals.
3 Regurarly rinse the water tank with water and empty it after
4 Wind the mains cord round the cord storage facility.
5 Always store the iron standing on its heel in a safe and dry
Do not throw the appliance away with the normal household
waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this you will help to preserve the environment.
Guarantee & service
If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you will find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country, turn to your local Philips dealer or contact the Service Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV.
Check the mains cord, the plug and the wall socket.
Set the temperature dial to the required position.
Fill the water tank (see 'Preparing for use'; section 'Filling the watertank'.)
Set the steam position to Á, Ë or È (see 'Using the appliance', section 'Steam ironing').
Set the temperature dial to a position in the steam area (2 to MAX). Put the iron on its heel and wait until the temperature light has gone out before you start ironing.
Put the iron in horizontal position and wait a while before using the (Vertical) Shot of Steam function again.
Set the temperature dial to a position in the steam area (2 to MAX). Put the iron on its heel and wait until the temperature light has gone out before you start ironing.
Use the Calc-Clean function a few times (see 'Cleaning and maintenance', section 'Calc-Clean').
Pick the iron up or move it slightly to deactivate the automatic shut-off function: the red light will stop blinking.
Press the filling cap until you hear a click.
Set the temperature dial to a position in the steam area (2 to MAX). Put the iron on its heel and wait until the temperature light has gone out before you start ironing.
Empty the water tank and set the steam control to position O after use. Store the iron on its heel.
Possible cause(s)
Connection problem
Temperature dial set at MIN
Not enough water in the water tank.
The steam control has been set to position O.
The soleplate is not hot enough and/or the drip stop function (specific types only) has been activated.
The (Vertical) Shot of Steam function has been used too often within a very short period.
The soleplate is not hot enough.
Hard water forms flakes inside the soleplate.
The automatic shut-off function has been activated (see 'Other features', section 'Automatic shut-off').
The filling cap has not been closed properly.
The temperature has been set too low.
The iron has been put in horizontal position while there was still water in the water tank.
The iron is plugged in but the soleplate is cold.
No steam
No shot of steam or no Vertical Shot of Steam (specific types only).
Flakes and impurities come out of the soleplate during ironing.
Red light is blinking (GC2225 and GC2130 only).
Water droplets on fabric (GC2225/2220/2215/GC2130/2126/2 125/2120 only)
Water droplets on fabric (GC2215/2120/2115/2110/2105 only)
Water drips from the soleplate after the iron has cooled down or has been stored.
This chapter summarises the most common problems you could encounter with your iron. Please read the different sections for more details. If you are unable to solve the problem, please contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country.
Generell beskrivelse (fig. 1)
A Spraymunnstykke B Påfyllingshette (gjelder kun
C Påfyllingsåpning D Dampstøtknapp 9 (kun
E Sprayknapp T F Dampbryter
- O = ingen damp
- Á = minimal damp
- q = litt damp (gjelder kun GC2225/2220/2215/GC2130/2126/2125/2120)
- w = maksimal damp
- 1 = kalkrensfunksjon
G Ekstradampfunksjon (bare GC2105) H Temperaturlampe (alle typer) og indikatorlampe for automatisk
av-funksjon (kun GC2225/GC2130)
I Temperaturvelger J Ledning K Merkeplate L Vanntank
Les denne bruksanvisningen nøye før apparatet tas i bruk, og ta vare på den for senere referanse.
Kontroller at spenningen som er angitt på merkeplaten, er den
samme som nettspenningen, før du kobler til apparatet.
Bruk kun jordet stikkontakt til dette apparatet.Ikke bruk apparatet hvis støpselet, ledningen eller selve apparatet
har synlig skade, eller hvis apparatet har falt i gulvet eller lekker.
Kontroller ledningen regelmessig for mulig skade.Hvis ledningen er ødelagt, må den skiftes ut av Philips, et
servicesenter godkjent av Philips eller liknende kvalifisert personell, slik at man unngår farlige situasjoner.
La aldri apparatet stå uten tilsyn når det er koblet til strømnettet.Strykejernet eller holderen (hvis det følger med) må aldri dyppes i
Oppbevar apparatet utilgjengelig for barn.Strykesålen på strykejernet kan bli ekstremt varm,og du kan
brenne deg hvis du tar på den.
Ledningen må ikke komme i kontakt med strykesålen når denne
er varm.
Sett dampbryteren på O, sett strykejernet i oppreist stilling og dra
ut støpselet fra stikkontakten når du er ferdig med å stryke, når du rengjør apparatet, når du fyller eller tømmer vannbeholderen og også når du forlater strykejernet et øyeblikk.
Plasser og bruk alltid strykejernet og holderen, hvis det følger
med, på et stødig,jevnt og horisontalt underlag.
Ikke ha parfyme, eddik, stivelse,avkalkingsmidler, strykemidler eller
andre kjemikalier i vannbeholderen.
Dette apparatet skal bare brukes i husholdningen.
Før bruk
Fylle vannbeholderen
1 Ta ut støpselet av stikkontakten.
2 Sett dampbryteren i posisjon 0 (= ingen damp).
3 Åpne påfyllingshetten (gjelder kun bestemte typer).
4 Vipp strykejernet bakover og fyll vannbeholderen til
Ikke fyll vann over maksimumsnivået.
5 Lukk påfyllingshetten (du vil høre et klikk) (gjelder kun
bestemte typer).
Hvis vannet i springen er veldig hardt, anbefaler vi å bruke destillert vann. Ikke bruk eddik, stivelse eller kjemisk avkalket vann.
Stille inn temperaturen
Strykejernet kan ryke litt ved første gangs bruk.Dette vil avta
etter en liten stund.
1 Sett strykejernet i oppreist stilling og angi ønsket
stryketemperatur ved å vri temperaturvelgeren til riktig posisjon.
- Se på vaskeanvisningen på plagget for å finne den riktige stryketemperaturen.
- 1 Syntetiske stoffer (f.eks. akryl, viskose, polyamid,polyester)
- 1 Silke
- 2 Ull
- 3 Bomull, lin
- Hvis du ikke vet hva slags stoff et plagg består av,kan du finne riktig stryketemperatur ved å stryke en del som ikke vil være synlig når du bruker plagget.
- Silke, ull og syntetiske stoffer: stryk på vrangen for å unngå blanke områder. Unngå å bruke sprayfunksjonen, slik at det ikke blir flekker.
2 Sett støpselet i en jordet stikkontakt.
3 Når temperaturlampen slukkes, må du vente litt før du
begynner å stryke.
Temperaturlampen tennes med jevne mellomrom under strykingen.
Bruke apparatet
Kontroller at det er nok vann i vannbeholderen.
1 Sett temperaturvelgeren på anbefalt temperatur.
Se avsnittet "Stille inn temperatur"
2 Sett dampbryteren i riktig posisjon.
- Á for minimal damp (temperaturinnstilling 2 og 3).
- Ë for litt damp (temperaturinnstilling 3 til MAX) (gjelder kun
bestemte typer).
- È for maksimal damp (temperaturinnstilling 3 til MAX).
Dampen vil starte så fort angitt temperatur er nådd.
Gjelder kun GC2215/2120/2115/2110/2105:
Det kan lekke vann fra strykesålen dersom innstilt temperatur er for lav (MIN til 2).
Stryking uten damp
1 Sett dampbryteren til O (= ingen damp).
2 Sett temperaturvelgeren på anbefalt temperatur.
Se avsnittet "Stille inn temperatur"
For å glatte ut vanskelige skrukker ved alle temperaturer.
1 Kontroller at det er nok vann i vannbeholderen.
2 Trykk flere ganger på sprayknappen for å fukte plagget som skal
Ekstra damp (gjelder kun bestemte typer)
Denne funksjonen gir ekstra damp for fjerning av vanskelige skrukker.
Funksjonen for ekstra damp virker bare ved temperaturinnstillinger mellom 3 og MAX.
1 Sett dampbryteren til maksimalstillingen È.
2 Trykk på og hold nede dampbryteren i maks. fem sekunder.
3 Vent minst ett minutt før du bruker ekstra damp igjen for å
unngå at vann drypper ut av strykesålen.
Dampstøt (gjelder kun bestemte typer)
Et kraftig dampstøt gjør det lettere å få vekk vanskelige skrukker.
Dampstøtfunksjonen fungerer bare ved temperaturer mellom 2 og MAX.
1 Trykk på og slipp dampstøtknappen.
Vertikalt dampstøt (gjelder kun GC2225/2220/2215/2130/2126/2125/2120/2115)
1 Dampstøtfunksjonen kan også brukes når strykejernet holdes
loddrett (vertikalt). Dette er nyttig ved fjerning av skrukker fra klær på henger, gardiner osv.
Rett aldri dampen mot noen.
Dryppstopp (gjelder kun GC2225/2220/GC2130/2126/2125)
Dette strykejernet er utstyrt med en dryppstoppfunksjon. Strykejernet slutter automatisk å produsere damp når temperaturen er for lav. Dette hindrer at vann drypper fra strykesålen. Når dette skjer, hører du et klikk.
Automatisk av-funksjon (gjelder kun bestemte typer)
En elektronisk sikkerhetsinnretning vil automatisk slå av varmeelementet hvis strykejernet ikke er flyttet på en stund.
Indikatorlampen for den automatiske av-funksjonen begynner å
blinke for å vise at varmeelementet har vært slått av.
Hvis du vil varme opp strykejernet igjen, tar du det opp eller flytter litt på det. Indikatorlampen for den automatiske av-funksjonen slukkes.
1 Hvis temperaturlampen lyser, må du vente til det slukker før du
kan begynne å stryke.
2 Hvis temperaturlampen ikke lyser, er strykejernet klart til bruk.
Rengjøring og vedlikehold
Kalkrensfunksjonen fjerner kalkpartiklene.
Bruk kalkrensfunksjonen én gang annenhver uke. Hvis vannet i området ditt er veldig hardt (dvs. at det kommer kalk ut av strykesålen under strykingen), bør du bruke kalkrensfunksjonen oftere.
1 Sett dampbryteren til O.
2 Fyll vannbeholderen til maksimumsnivået.
Ikke hell eddik eller andre avkalkingsmidler i vannbeholderen.
3 Sett temperaturvelgeren til MAX.
4 Sett støpselet inn i stikkontakten.
5 Trekk ut støpselet når temperaturlampen er slukket.
6 Hold strykejernet over vasken og sett dampbryteren til 1
(kalkrens). Dampbryteren spretter litt opp.
7 Trekk dampbryteren oppover for å fjerne dampbryternålen.
8 Hold strykejernet over vasken og rist forsiktig på det.
Det vil komme ut damp og kokende vann fra strykesålen. Urenheter og kalk (hvis det er noen) vil komme ut samtidig.
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