PFAFF® creative vision
update instructions
Version: pcv50_15493_5177
Note this instruction is only valid if you are updating from version 14278 or later.
The update is available to all registered PFAFF®
creative visionTM sewing and embroidery
machine owners. You need the PFAFF®
Embroidery Machine Communication CD which
came with your PFAFF® creative vision
sewing and embroidery machine, or 4DTM
Embroidery Software, version 8.1 and above.
The software must be installed on a personal
computer, running Windows® XP or Windows®
Your machine must be registered using 4DTM
Configure on the computer with the machine
connected. Internet updates for the machine can
only be received via the Smart Update feature in
4DTM Configure.
If you need assistance registering your machine,
full instructions are found in the Internet FAQs.
Open 4DTM Organizer. From the Help menu,
select Internet FAQs. Enter “HC020” in the
Search box and choose “all FAQ” for the Search.
If you have an inactive Embroidery
Machine tray icon
Make sure your machine is turned on and
connected to your computer.
Please Note: You must use the same USB port
on your computer as when you activated
the Embroidery Machine Communication at
2. Connect your computer to the Internet.
3. Open the program 4DTM Configure
(Go to Start/All Programs/4D Embroidery
System/4D Configure).
4. Click on “Smart Update”. You may be asked
if your system has a dongle. Answer No.
5. The program starts searching for the latest
update version for your machine and a list
with suggested downloads is presented.
1. Connect your creative visionTM sewing and
embroidery machine to the computer with the
USB Cable. Turn your machine on. Make sure
the embroidery machine communication icon
at the bottom right of your computer screen
is active (active , not active ).
If you don’t find the Embroidery
Machine tray icon
Open 4DTM Configure. Click on the
Send 1 tab and click on the ”Embroidery
Machine Communication” button.
6. Click on ”Download” and save the download
to your computer. Note the location saved in.
1. Double click the creative visionTM update
pcv50_15493_5177.exe to start the update.
2. Follow the quick start guide instructions on
your computer screen:
a. Connect the sewing machine to the computer
with the USB cable. Make sure the machine is
switched off.

b. To start updating, hold the stitch restart and
needle down button, on the front of your
machine, simultaneously as switching the
machine on. Then click on the Start update
button on your computer.
3. You will see the progress of your update on
your computer screen as well as on your
Done. When Finished the screen on your
sewing machine may go blank for a few
seconds. This is normal. Your machine will
restart automatically. Close the update
window. Enjoy!