Update instructions PFAFF®
creative vision™ and creative™4.0
sewing and embroidery machine
This instruction is valid for any previous
creative vision
It’s a very good idea to register your machine. This
is done via 4D configure on your PC and with
your embroidery machine connected to your PC.
See your manual for more information. As registered,
you will get PFAFF
message when a new software version is available.
How to download the latest version
There are two ways to retrieve the new software. Either use the smart update feature via your 4D configure or simply
download it from www.pfaff.com. Look for Embroidery Machines and Machine updates. Download the latest available
software version for your embroidery machine to your PC.
or creative™4.0 software version.
news but also an automatic
Before updating your machine
The update will delete all user-saved data such as designs, stitches and other saved files. If you want to keep them you
have to move them to a secondary memory such as a USB-stick. You don’t have to bother about the built-in designs
and stitches as they will be updated by the software.
If you want to save your personal files do the following:
Select “Files and Folders” in the selection menu bar at the bottom of the screen.•
Select the “Personal files” icon to open that folder.•
Touch each of the files you wish to save. Note it’s possible to multi select designs but stitches and other files have to be •
handled one by one.
Touch copy.•
Make sure you have inserted your USB embroidery stick or •
other external memory device to your sewing machine.
Select the “External Device” icon to open that folder. Select •
your USB Embroidery Stick or other device and open it.
Click paste. A window with an hour glass and progress •
bar opens. The copying may take some time depending on
how many files you have copied.
Note: If you have saved personal stitches under the stitch
category personal menu that you want to keep you first have
to give them a name and save them in your personal folder.
Update your machine
Double click on the downloaded software update file in your
PC. The software will unpack itself and start. Select installation
language and click Next and follow the instruction.
PFAFF® and CREATIVE™ are exclusive trademarks of VSM Group AB. ©2009 VSM Group AB. All rights reserved.