• Do not install or use this
booster seat until you read
and understand all the
instructions in this manual
and the labels. To avoid
serious injuries to your
child, follow the instructions
carefully. Keep the instruction
manual in the dedicated
pocket for future reference.
Instructions for use
Weight limits:
18 – 54 kg
(40 – 120 lbs)
Height limits:
99 – 160 cm
(39 - 63 inches)
Table of Contents
Thank you for choosing the Peg-Perego Viaggio Shuttle 120 booster seat. As with all Peg-Perego products, your Viaggio Shuttle 120 has been designed and certied by a dedicated team of engineers inside Peg-Perego's research and development department. lt has been manufactured and assembled in a Peg-Perego plant under certied quality procedures and using high quality materials from certied suppliers. As with all booster seats, the Viaggio Shuttle 120 is designed to be used with a child inside a vehicle.
We encourage you to use the Viaggio Shuttle 120 with the utmost concern by driving carefully when a child is on board and by taking your time to explore the product to get to know all of the features, dierent possible uses and the best and proper installations. Please read through the manual in its entirety with the product in sight. This will allow for checking every point on the product and thoroughly understanding it. lnstall the Viaggio Shuttle 120 in your vehicle by taking the necessary time and making tting trials before using it with your chiId. Once the manual has been read, store it under the base of the Viaggio
Thank you for choosing the Peg-Perego Viaggio
Shuttle 120 booster seat. As with all Peg-Perego
products, your Viaggio Shuttle 120 has been designed
and certied by a dedicated team of engineers inside
Peg-Perego's research and development department.
lt has been manufactured and assembled in a PegPerego plant under certied quality procedures and
using high quality materials from certied suppliers.
As with all booster seats, the Viaggio Shuttle 120 is
designed to be used with a child inside a vehicle.
We encourage you to use the Viaggio Shuttle 120 with
the utmost concern by driving carefully when a child
is on board and by taking your time to explore the
product to get to know all of the features, dierent
possible uses and the best and proper installations.
Please read through the manual in its entirety with
the product in sight. This will allow for checking every
point on the product and thoroughly understanding
it. lnstall the Viaggio Shuttle 120 in your vehicle by
taking the necessary time and making tting trials
before using it with your chiId. Once the manual
has been read, store it under the base of the Viaggio
• Do not install or use this booster seat until you readand understand all the instructions in this manual andthe labels on the product. To avoid serious injuries toyour child, follow the instructions carefully. Keep theinstruction manual in the base for future reference.
• Your child could be seriously injured if you do notfollow instructions and warning labels correctly.
• Use only the vehicle's lap and shoulder belt systemwhen restraining the child in this booster seat. Snuglyadjust the belt around child's body making sure thatthe belt lies at with no slack.
• This booster seat meets or exceeds all applicableFederal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.2requirements for use in motor vehicles. This restraintis NOT certied for aircraft use since aircraft seats arenormally equipped with lap belt only.
• Not all available models of seatbelts are approved foruse with this product. Refer to the dedicated section inthis manual for further details.
• Viaggio Shuttle 120 can be secured to your vehicle bymeans of lower universal anchorage system (LATCH)for added stability. Refer to the dedicated section inthis manual for installation details and check yourvehicle owner’s manual for further details.
• This booster seat is designed to be installed on front
Shuttle 120 to ensure that anyone else using the seat
will be able to access it for help
Should you see any malfunctioning feature or broken
parts, please do not hesitate to call Peg-Perego
CANADA customer service at 1-800-661-5050 (toll
free) for help. Now that you are familiar with your
new Viaggio Shuttle 120, you are ready to enjoy safe
and happy journeys with your family.
• Do not install or use this booster seat until you read
and understand all the instructions in this manual and
the labels on the product. To avoid serious injuries to
your child, follow the instructions carefully. Keep the
instruction manual in the base for future reference.
• Your child could be seriously injured if you do not
follow instructions and warning labels correctly.
• Use only the vehicle's lap and shoulder belt system
when restraining the child in this booster seat. Snugly
adjust the belt around child's body making sure that
the belt lies at with no slack.
• This booster seat meets or exceeds all applicable
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.2
requirements for use in motor vehicles. This restraint
is NOT certied for aircraft use since aircraft seats are
normally equipped with lap belt only.
• Not all available models of seatbelts are approved for
use with this product. Refer to the dedicated section in
this manual for further details.
• Viaggio Shuttle 120 can be secured to your vehicle by
means of lower universal anchorage system (LATCH)
for added stability. Refer to the dedicated section in
this manual for installation details and check your
vehicle owner’s manual for further details.
• This booster seat is designed to be installed on front
• Use Viaggio Shuttle 120 in forward facing mode withchildren weighing in the range 18 – 54 kg (40 – 120 lbs) andwhose height is between 99 – 160 cm (39 and 63 inches).
• When placing your child in the seat, make sure that bulky jacketsare removed. This will make the use of seatbelts safer as bulkyjackets can negatively affect the snugness of the belts in a crash.
• Do not leave your child unattended in the vehicle, even fora short period. He/she could get tangled in the straps and beseriously injured or could move or tip the seat.
• Do not leave the booster seat under direct sunlight for aprolonged time. The seat may become very hot and burnyour child’s skin.
• When not in use, store the product in a proper place, awayfrom light, moisture, excessive heat or cold.
• Do not place this car seat on countertops, tables or soft surfaces.
• Do not try to remove or add parts unless where explained inthis manual; do not try to repair this product. In case of damaged
or defective components, call customer service at 1-800-661-5050 (toll free)
• Do not leave loose objects, bags or luggage in the vehicleinterior. In case of an accident they could suddenly movecausing the occupants to be injured.
• Do not use this unit after twelve (12) years from the date ofproduction labelled on the seat.
facing vehicle seats only. Never use on seats looking
sideways or rearward facing. Do not use in cars with
door-mounted or motorized shoulder belts. Read your
vehicle owner’s manual for additional information.
• According to accident statistics, children are safer
when properly restrained in the rear seating positions
than in the front seating positions.
• Complete and send in the registration form provided
with this product right away. In case of an accident: if this
car seat is involved in a car accident, it may be no longer
safe for use. You may need to get a new unit. Call PegPerego CANADA customer service at 1-800-661-5050
(toll free) for information about repairs or spare parts.
• Seat covers and pads provided in this product are part
of the product and the certication program. The use
of non approved covers or other accessories are not
recommended .
• EPS components (white soft foam located below the
upholstered covers) are integrated in the product as
safety related parts and should never be removed or
• Secure this booster seat in the car even when not
occupied. This car seat is a heavy object that could cause
severe damage to other occupants in case of an accident.
• Keep ngers away from moving parts.
Safety Information
• Use Viaggio Shuttle 120 in forward facing mode with
children weighing in the range 18 – 54 kg (40 – 120 lbs) and
whose height is between 99 – 160 cm (39 and 63 inches).
• When placing your child in the seat, make sure that bulky jackets
are removed. This will make the use of seatbelts safer as bulky
jackets can negatively affect the snugness of the belts in a crash.
• Do not leave your child unattended in the vehicle, even for
a short period. He/she could get tangled in the straps and be
seriously injured or could move or tip the seat.
• Do not leave the booster seat under direct sunlight for a
prolonged time. The seat may become very hot and burn
your child’s skin.
• When not in use, store the product in a proper place, away
from light, moisture, excessive heat or cold.
• Do not place this car seat on countertops, tables or
soft surfaces.
• Do not try to remove or add parts unless where explained in
this manual; do not try to repair this product. In case of damaged
or defective components, call
customer service at 1-800-661-5050 (toll free)
• Do not leave loose objects, bags or luggage in the vehicle
interior. In case of an accident they could suddenly move
causing the occupants to be injured.
• Do not use this unit after twelve (12) years from the date of
production labelled on the seat.
Peg-Perego CANADA
for help.
Registration Form
Important! Child restraints could be recalled for safety
reasons. You must register this restraint to be reached
in a recall. Send your name, address and the restraint's
model number and manufacturing date to:
Peg-Perego CANADA, Inc. 585 Granite Court
Pickering Ontario Canada L1W3K1 Or call 1-800-6615050 (toll free)
Or register online at
call Transport Canada’s Road Safety Information Centre
at 1-800-333-0371.
Model number, model name,
date of manufacturing, etc.
are indelibly printed on a label
located under the seat base (as
shown here). Registration form
is attached to the product
cover. Detach the form, ll in
and mail to Peg-Perego. No
stamp is needed. We have
already paid for it. Should
the registration form be
missing, please call Customer
Service 1-800-661-5050 (toll
free) for a replacement form.
Your booster seat
shoulder clip
Rigid latch
Transport handle
Rigid latch
Rigid latch
1. Always check the product prior to use. The product is composed of: seat with armrest and integrated Rigid Latch Base (fig_a), shoulder clip strap (fig_b). The booster seat is ready for use: no assembly operation is required.In case of missing or malfunctioning parts, please contact our Customer Service@ 1-800-661-5050(toll free)for help.
Rigid Latch
Viaggio Shuttle 120 is equipped with rigid latch.
The rigid latch interface is composed of two connectors,
located in the integrated base of the child restraint and
two anchors located at the joint line between the seat
and backrest of the vehicle.
The spacing between connectors corresponds to the
spacing between the anchors in the vehicle.
(Rigid latch)
Product components
1. Always check the
product prior to use. The
product is composed of:
seat with armrest and
integrated Rigid Latch
Base (fig_a), shoulder
clip strap (fig_b).
The booster seat is ready
for use: no assembly
operation is required.
In case of missing or
malfunctioning parts,
please contact our
Customer Service @
1-800-661-5050 (toll free)
for help.
1. Lap/motorized shoulder belts. Belts mounted on the door
Vehicle seatbelts design and compatibility
WARNING: do not use Viaggio Shuttle 120 with the following vehicle belt design:
Vehicle seatbelts design and compatibility
Viaggio Shuttle 120 is designed to be installed with lap
and shoulder vehicle belts commonly fitted on most
of the available cars. However, in the market there are
several different types of vehicles manufactured in
different periods.
As a result, there are many different vehicle belt
designs. Unfortunately, some may be unsuitable for
a safe installation of Viaggio Shuttle 120. Please read
carefully the list below and in case of problems or
doubts, double check your vehicle owner’s manual or
call Peg-Perego CANADA customer service at 1-800661-5050 (toll free) for additional help.
Vehicle seatbelts design and compatibility
WARNING: do not use Viaggio Shuttle 120 with
the following vehicle belt design:
1. Lap/motorized
shoulder belts. Belts
mounted on the door
2. Lap belt only of any
Vehicle seatbelts design and compatibility
Viaggio Shuttle 120 is a booster seat equipped
with rigid latch. Although the rigid latch is used
for added stability only, its use is recommended.
When installing the seat, make sure that there is
enough space between the attached seat and the
vehicle belt buckle (fig_a). On certain vehicles,
the buckle and the latch anchors may be close
one to the other.
In the unlucky eventuality that they are too close
(fig_b), or even overlapped, the contemporary
use of vehicle seatbelts and rigid latch may be
not possible; please refer to the vehicle owner's
manual for a suitable installation position or
contact Peg-Perego CANADA customer service at
1-800-661-5050 (toll free) for additional help.
In case your vehicle is equipped with flexible
buckles, make sure that the buckle position allows
for trouble free attachment of the vehicle seatbelt
plate (fig_c).
Vehicle seatbelts design and compatibility
Vehicle seat design and compatibility
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
How to attach the booster seat on vehicle seats equipped with latch anchors.
If your car is not fitted with latch positions, go to the next section. For further information on the availability of the anchors and their location, refer to the vehicle's instruction manual.
IMPORTANT NOTE: use of LATCH connectors isrecommended by Peg-Perego to achieve the beststability of the product in case of sudden or steepturns. Also, using the LATCH will give guaranteethat the product is located in the correct positionwith respect to the vehicle belt attachment points.
Use of latch does NOT replace the use of vehicle'sseatbelt to restrain your child.
WARNING: do not use Viaggio Shuttle 120 with
the following vehicle seat design:
1. Side facing seats
2. Rear facing seats or seats that rotate in dierent
For your child’s safety, always read your vehicle
owner’s manual for further informations.
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
How to attach the booster seat on vehicle seats
equipped with latch anchors.
If your car is not fitted with latch positions, go to
the next section. For further information on the
availability of the anchors and their location, refer to
the vehicle's instruction manual.
IMPORTANT NOTE: use of LATCH connectors is
recommended by Peg-Perego to achieve the best
stability of the product in case of sudden or steep
turns. Also, using the LATCH will give guarantee
that the product is located in the correct position
with respect to the vehicle belt attachment points.
Use of latch does NOT replace the use of vehicle's
seatbelt to restrain your child.
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
4. After attaching the seat,
pull the front handle again(fig_a) and, at the sametime, push the car seattowards the vehicle’s seat(fig_b), then release thehandle.By doing this the releasebuttons on the side of thebase will disappear thuspreventing inadvertent
The vehicle anchorsand the booster seatconnectors are correctlycoupled when a greensignal appears above theconnectors (fig_a). A redsignal indicates that theattachments have NOTbeen coupled correctly(fig_b).
1. To expose the
connectors located inside
the base, pull the handle
(fig_a) that is found in the
cover opening (fig_b).
The connectors will be
ejected (fig_c). Repeat
to make sure they have
been ejected fully and
2. Attach the connectors
to the vehicle seat
anchors, ensuring they
“click” into place.
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
The vehicle anchors
and the booster seat
connectors are correctly
coupled when a green
signal appears above the
connectors (fig_a). A red
signal indicates that the
attachments have NOT
been coupled correctly
4. After attaching the seat,
pull the front handle again
(fig_a) and, at the same
time, push the car seat
towards the vehicle’s seat
(fig_b), then release the
By doing this the release
buttons on the side of the
base will disappear thus
preventing inadvertent
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
How to attach the booster seat on vehicle seats not equipped with latch anchor positions.
7. Place the Viaggio Shuttle 120 car seat on the vehicle seat in the direction of travel, leaving the connectors inside the base.
5. To release Viaggio
Shuttle 120 from the
vehicle seat, pull the
handle (1) and the seat
until the release buttons
on the side of the base are
fully revealed. In so doing,
the yellow release buttons
will be visible on the sides
of the base; pull the two
buttons (2) until you hear
the attachments click
open. At this point you can
remove the car seat.
6. To reposition the
connectors inside the base
(when not in use), pull the
lever once more (1) and
simultaneously push one
of the two connectors in (2)
until they disappear.
Installing the booster seat in the vehicle
How to attach the
booster seat on vehicle
seats not equipped with
latch anchor positions.
7. Place the Viaggio
Shuttle 120 car seat
on the vehicle seat in
the direction of travel,
leaving the connectors
inside the base.
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