- 17 -
_ Do not use the release levers to move or lift the
stroller when the child is in it.
_ WARNING: Do not add a mattress pad.
Pliko Switch compact, the compact stroller with
reversible baby seat!
Full version with hood, cover and rain canopy.
Sports version with hood and rain canopy (Pliko
Switch compact On Track Sportivo).
_ The item is numbered progressively.
_ Pliko Switch is a stroller with a reversible seat: facing
the person pushing or facing forwards.
_ Pliko Switch is made up of two elements: Pliko Switch
CHASSIS and Pliko Switch SEAT.
Check the contents of the packaging and if you have
any complaints please contact the Assistance Service.
_ Pliko Switch Chassis: a basket, 2 swiveling or locking
front wheels, 2 rear wheels with a central brake bar
and a drink holder.
_ Pliko Switch baby seat: front bumper bar; hood; cover;
rain canopy.
_ Pliko Switch On Track Sportivo baby seat: front bar;
hood; rain canopy.
1 PACKING PROTECTION: before opening the chassis
remove the protection (fig_a), otherwise it will not
open correctly (fig_b).
2 OPENING: Raise the levers on the two handles
together (fig_a) and pull upwards until the chassis
is completely open (fig_b). Check that the chassis
is correctly opened: the side tubes must be locked
together (fig_c).
3 FITTING THE FRONT WHEELS: First check that the
washer is in place, as shown in the figure, lower the
levers on the two front wheels (fig_a) and push them
until they click into place (fig_b).
4 FITTING THE REAR WHEELS: Push the wheels until
they click into place (fig_a) and check that they are
properly attached (fig_b).
5 Finally, attach the element in the centre of the brake
bar to the chassis (fig_a) and check that it has slotted
into place properly (fig_b).
6 FITTING THE BASKET: Slip the loops onto the hooks at
the front (fig_a) and the rear (fig_b).
7 FITTING THE CUP HOLDER: insert the cup holder on
the corresponding peg and press down until it clicks
into place (fig_a). The cup holder can be attached to
either side of the chassis.
8 ADJUSTABLE HANDLES: Pliko Switch compact: To raise
or lower the handles, hold the button down (fig_a)
and adjust them (fig_b).
to prevent the wheels from swiveling (fig_a) and
lower them to allow the wheels to swivel (fig_b). On
uneven surfaces, the wheels should be set to their
fixed position.
10 BRAKES: Press a brake lever to immobilize the chassis
(fig_a) and lift the lever to release it (fig_b).
seat can be attached to the chassis either facing
the person pushing the stroller (fig_a), or facing
forwards (fig_b), place the seat on the chassis so
that it is aligned with the relative symbols and press
downwards with both hands until you hear two clicks
confirming that it has locked into position. Ensure
the seat is correctly secured by attempting to pull it
upwards by gripping the front bar.
the two round buttons on the sides of the seat (fig_a),
press the two levers under the armrests (fig_b) and
pull up the seat (fig_c) until it is released.
13 FRONT BAR: To attach the front bar, slide the
connections into the ends of the armrests and push
them in until they click into place (fig_a). To remove
the front bar, press the two buttons and pull it
outwards (fig_b). To make it easier for the child to get
in and out, it is also possible to open the front bar on
one side only.
14 BACKREST: to recline the backrest lift the lever (fig_a)
and choose one of the 4 positions (fig_b).
15 FOOTREST: to lower the footrest push the two levers
downwards and then push the footrest downwards
(fig_a); to raise the footrest lift it upwards (fig_b).
16 FIVE POINT SAFETY HARNESS: To fasten it, push the
two waist strap buckles (with the shoulder straps
attached – arrow_a) into the leg divider until they
click into place (arrow_b). To unfasten it, press the
round button in the centre of the buckle (arrow_c)
and pull the waist straps out (arrow_d).
17 To tighten the waist strap, pull on both sides in the
direction of the arrow (arrow_a). To loosen it do the
opposite. The waist strap can be tightened as far as
the safety lock (fig_b).
18 To adjust the height of the safety harnesses, release
the two buckles on the rear of the backrest.
Pull the shoulder straps towards you (arrow_a) until
the buckles are released and insert them in the
backrest loops (arrow_b). Remove the shoulder straps
from the sack (arrow_c) and insert them in the most
appropriate loop (arrow_d), then re-attach the two
buckles on the rear of the backrest (arrow_e) The
buckles are securely attached when a click is heard
19 HOOD: to attach the hood insert the connections
into the sides of the seat (fig_a) and then fasten the
buttons on the rear of the backrest (fig_b). To remove
the hood: disengage the connections and unbutton
from the backrest. To raise the hood: pull it towards
you; to close the hood: push it back. To convert the
hood into a sun canopy, open the double zipper
(fig_c) and unfasten the buttons on the rear of the
backrest. The child’s favorite toy can be hung from
the loop on the hood (fig_d).
20 COVER: Fit the cover on and fasten the buttons under
the leg rest (fig_a) and on the sides of it. For the baby
carriage version, raise the leg rest, put the cover over
the front bar (fig_b) and fasten it with the buttons on
the hood (fig_c).
21 For the stroller version, lower the footrest, insert the
cover underneath the front bar (fig_a) and secure it
according to the model purchased A, B.
22 Pliko Switch On Track COVER:: this can be used with
and attached to both the Navetta XL and the Pliko
Switch On Track stroller. To fit it on the Navetta XL,
consult its user manual. To fit it on the stroller, open
up the cover inside to make room for the child’s legs
(Fig. a). Put it into position. Cover the front bar, fasten
the buttons on the front (Fig. b) and insert it under
the leg rest (Fig. c).
23 RAIN CANOPY: position the rain canopy on the stroller
(fig_a) and insert the two lateral loops over the hood
buttons (fig_b).
24 Secure the rain canopy by attaching the elastic loop
to the rear uprights (fig_a) or to the front uprights
(fig_b), according to the seat position.
25 REAR LEDGE: the rear ledge makes it easier to
negotiate kerbs or level differences with the stroller
(fig_a) and can also be used to transport a second
child (fig_b). To use the stroller with two children,
apply the brakes, position the smaller child in the seat
and attach the safety harness (1). Grip the handles (2)
and help the second child to climb onto the ledge (3).