PASCO SPARKvue User Manual

User's Guide
Version 2.0
Document Number: 012-11074D
User's Guide

SPARKvue disclaimers

Document Number: 012-11074D
Version 2.0
Limited Warranty
For a description of the product warranty, see the PASCO catalog.
This user’s guide is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Permission is granted to non­profit educational institutions for reproduction of any part of this manual, providing the reproductions are used only in their laboratories and classrooms, and are not sold for profit. Reproduction under any other circumstances, without the written consent of PASCO scientific, is prohibited.
PASCO, PASCO scientific, DataStudio, PASPORT, SPARK, SPARK Science Learning System, SPARKlab, SPARKbook,SPARKvue, Xplorer, and Xplorer GLX are trademarks or registered trademarks of PASCO scientific, in the United States and/or in other coun­tries. All other brands, products, or service names are or may be trademarks or service marks of, and are used to identify products or services of their respective owners. For more information visit
Software Licenses
All required licenses for software components of SPARKvue and the SPARK Science Learning System can be found on the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM included with the product or are included in the software download. To obtain source code for GPL/LGPL licensed software components, contact PASCO at by phone at 1-800-772-8700 (in the U.S), +1 916 786 3800 (worldwide), or by email at
Document Number: 012-11074D i

Teacher and Technical Support

Teacher and Technical Support
For help with SPARKvue and other PASCO products, you can contact PASCO Teacher and Technical Support staff by phone, email, or on the Web.
1-800-772-8700 (in the U.S.)
+1 916 786 3800 (worldwide)
Tech Notes:
Document Number: 012-11074D ii
User's Guide


SPARKvue disclaimers i Teacher and Technical Support ii Contents iii 1 Introduction 1
About SPARKvue 1
Getting started 1
2 Starting an experiment 2
Installing SPARKvue 2
Launching SPARKvue 2
Connecting an interface and sensors to your computer 2
SPARK Science Learning System 3
Connecting a SPARK Science Learning System to your computer 3
Connecting sensors to the SPARKvue 4
Connecting PASPORT sensors to the SPARK SLS 4
Connecting a temperature probe to the SPARK SLS 4
Connecting a voltage probe to the SPARK SLS 4
Xplorer GLX 5
Connecting the Xplorer GLX to your computer 5
Connecting sensors to the Xplorer GLX 5
Connecting PASPORT sensors to the GLX 5
Connecting temperature probes to the GLX 5
Connecting a voltage probe to the GLX 6
Xplorer datalogger 6
PowerLink 6
USB Link 6
Connecting a bluetooth device 6
iPad 7
Android 7
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User's Guide
Mac and Windows 7
Connecting multiple interfaces to your computer 8
Monitoring live data 8
Moving on from the Home screen 8
Opening a SPARKlab 9
Showing a SPARKlab 9
Building a SPARKlab 10
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 10
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 10
Add additional pages: 11
3 Setting up an experiment 12
Customizing data collection 12
Setting the sample rate 12
Putting SPARKvue into periodic sampling mode 12
Putting SPARKvue into manual sampling mode 13
Setting an automatic stop condition 13
Customizing how numbers are displayed 14
Setting the number of decimal places displayed 14
Setting the number of significant figures displayed 14
Displaying numbers in scientific notation 15
Changing the units of a measurement 15
Changing the units of a measurement in an existing display 15
Changing the default units of a measurement 16
Calibrating sensors 16
Selecting a measurement to calibrate and a calibration type 16
Performing a calibration 17
Performing a 2-point calibration 17
Performing a 1-point offset-only calibration 18
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User's Guide
Performing a 1-point slope-only calibration 18
Calibrating a Drop Count sensor (example) 18
Using sensor adapters 19
Connecting a sensor through a Digital Adapter or Photogate Port 19
Connecting a sensor through an Analog Adapter 20
4 Data recording 21
Recording a run of periodically sampled data 21
Recording a set of manually sampled data 21
Deleting data runs 22
5 Data display 23
Displaying data in a line graph 23
Creating a new line graph 23
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 23
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 23
Showing and hiding the line graph tool palette 25
Adjusting the scale of a line graph 25
Scaling a graph to fit all data 25
Scaling by direct manipulation 26
Selecting data to show in an existing line graph 26
Showing and hiding data runs in a graph 26
Changing the variable on the x- or y-axis 27
Selecting data for operation in a line graph 28
Selecting a data run for operation in a line graph 28
Selecting part of a data run for operation in a line graph 28
Annotating data in a line graph 30
Adding an annotation 30
Editing or deleting an annotation 31
Displaying data in a Multiple y-axis graph 31
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User's Guide
Creating a multiple y-axes line graph 31
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 31
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 32
Working with multiple y-axes 34
Displaying data in a bar graph 34
Creating a new bar graph 34
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 34
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 34
Showing and hiding the bar graph tool palette 36
Showing data in bar graphs 36
Adding bars and bar names in bar graphs 36
Editing bars and bar names in bar graphs 37
Adding data in bar graphs 37
Entering data into bar graph manually 38
Collecting data for bar graph using a sensor 38
Adding additional data runs to a bar graph 38
Adding additional data runs to a bar graph using sensor readings 39
Showing and hiding data runs in a bar graph 39
Selecting data for operation in a bar graph 40
Annotating data in bar graphs 40
Adding annotations to bars 41
Editing or deleting annotations to bars 41
Showing numeric values on bars 42
Viewing bar graphs 42
Scrolling a bar graph 43
Scaling a bar graph to show all data 43
Scaling a bar graph by expanding or compressing the axes 43
Customizing axes labels and units on bar graphs 44
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User's Guide
Displaying data in a table 44
Creating a table 44
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 44
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 45
Showing and hiding the table tool palette 46
Scrolling a table 46
Selecting data to show in an existing table 47
Selecting a run for display in an existing column 47
Changing the variable displayed in an existing column 47
Adding a column 48
Removing a column 48
Selecting cells for operation in a table 49
Displaying data in a digits display 50
Creating a new digits display 50
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 50
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 51
Showing and hiding the digits display tool palette 52
Changing the variable in a digits display 52
Displaying data in a meter 52
Creating a new meter 53
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 53
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 53
Showing and hiding the meter tool palette 54
Adjusting the scale of a meter 54
Scaling a meter to fit all data 55
Setting the scale of a meter 55
Changing the variable displayed in a meter 55
Customizing the appearance of a meter 56
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User's Guide
6 Image capture 57
Connecting a camera or other video device 57
Creating a new camera image 57
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 57
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 58
Displaying a camera image 58
From the Home screen 58
From within a SPARKlab 59
Showing and hiding the image tool palette 59
Capturing a camera image 60
Switching between live and captured camera images 60
Selecting a captured camera image for display 61
Adjusting the scale and position of a camera image 61
Zooming in 61
Zooming out 62
Scale to fit 62
Panning a camera image 62
Measuring in a camera image 62
Placing a Measurement tool 62
Moving a Measurement tool 63
Deleting a Measurement tool 64
Calibrating camera image measurements 64
Drawing on a camera image 65
Drawing 66
Erasing 66
Erasing all 67
Annotating a camera image 67
Adding an annotation 68
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Moving an annotation 69
Editing an annotation 69
Deleting an annotation 69
Naming an image 70
Deleting and Renaming an image 70
Exporting an image 71
7 Data analysis 72
Analyzing data in a graph 72
Viewing statistics in a line graph 72
Applying a curve fit 74
Removing a curve fit 75
Drawing a prediction 75
Finding the x- and y-values of a point 75
Finding the x- and y-difference between two points 77
Finding the slope at a point on a data plot 78
Finding the correlation coefficient (r) 79
Displaying the RMSE Root-Mean-Square Error 81
Analyzing data in a multiple-y axes graph 82
Viewing Statistics in a bar graph 82
Viewing statistics in a table 83
Viewing statistics in a digits display 85
Viewing statistics in a meter 86
8 Calculations and manually entered data 88
Working with calculations 88
Opening the calculator screen 88
Creating a calculation 88
Displaying a calculation 89
Entering data manually 90
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User's Guide
Opening the measurements list 90
View the available measurements 90
View the available User-entered Data 91
Creating a data set for manual entry 91
Creating a data set for manually entered numbers 91
Creating a data set for manually entered text 91
Preparing a table for manual data entry 91
Entering data into a manual data set 92
Displaying manually entered data 92
Editing manually entered data 93
Enter User-defined Data 93
9 Building SPARKlab pages 94
Starting a new SPARKlab page 94
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab: 94
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page: 94
About adding elements to a SPARKlab page 95
Removing or replacing an image or media file 95
Adding a background image 96
Deleting a SPARKlab page 96
10 Saving and sharing 98
Saving a SPARKlab (Locally and Online) 98
To save your work locally: 98
To save your work using Online Storage Services: 98
Printing a lab 99
Exporting data 99
Opening a saved lab 100
Using Online Storage Services 100
Log in to Online Storage Services 100
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User's Guide
Open a file from Online Storage Services 101
Save a file to Online Storage Services 101
11 Keeping a journal 102
Taking a snapshot 102
Opening the journal 102
Adding a caption to a snapshot or editing an existing caption 103
Navigating in the journal 103
Deleting a journal entry or snapshot 103
Rearranging journal entries 103
Closing the journal 103
Saving a journal 104
Printing a journal 104
12 Common tasks 105
Turning pages 105
Returning to the Home screen 105
Entering symbols and Greek letters 105
Opening the About SPARKvue screen 106
Setting the language 106
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1 Introduction

About SPARKvue

1 Introduction

"About SPARKvue": 1
"Getting started": 1
"Teacher and Technical Support": ii
About SPARKvue
SPARKvue software combines multimedia curriculum, real-time data collection, and powerful scientific analysis tools in an easy-to-use, icon-based user interface. SPARKvue is compatible with all PASCO PASPORT sensors and interfaces.
SPARKvue is designed to become the center of your school's discovery-based science learning environment, providing both teacher and student the embedded support for exploring scientific concepts.
SPARKvue includes free pre-installed SPARKlabs™ — standards-based guided inquiry labs in a unique electronic notebook format. These SPARKlabs integrate background content, data collection and analysis, even assessment —all within the same envir­onment. Everything you need is right there in context.

Getting started

There are three basic ways to start an investigation in SPARKvue.
Open an embedded SPARKlab and follow the on-screen instructions
Show a SPARKlab with one measurement in a graph, table, digits display, and meter
Build a custom SPARKlab with your choice of data, displays,text, and pictures
To start learning SPARKvue, install the software,connect an interface to your computer, plug in a sensor, and start the software from the desktop icon. If you need help doing a task, you'll find step-by-step instructions in this guide.
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2 Starting an experiment

Installing SPARKvue

2 Starting an experiment

1. "Installing SPARKvue": 2
2. "Launching SPARKvue": 2
3. "Connecting an interface and sensors to your computer": 2
4. "Monitoring live data": 8
Installing SPARKvue
1. Download SPARKvue from or insert the SPARKvue USB drive into your computer.
2. Follow the instructions provided with the download or USB drive to complete the installation.

Launching SPARKvue

Click the SPARKvue icon to launch SPARKvue.
Connecting an interface and sensors to your com­puter
SPARKvue software running on your computer or mobile device receives data from one or more connected or built-in sensors. In SPARKvue, sensors that are built into a com­puter or device are called Onboard sensors, such as Onboard Microphone, Onboard Light Sensor, and so forth.
SPARKvue is compatible with most common onboard sensors as well as several types of external interfaces that provide access to sensors, including AirLink 2, SPARKLink, SPARKLink Air, SPARK Science Learning System, USBLink, and Xplorer GLX. To col­lect data with SPARKvue, you will need a computer or mobile device with at least one onboard sensor or be connected to an external interface with sensors attached.
You can connect multiple interfaces to one computer in order to do an experiment that requires more sensors than can be connected to a single interface. The interfaces can be of the same type or different types.
Use the following links to find instructions for connecting interfaces and sensors to your computer or mobile device.
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2 Starting an experiment
"SPARK Science Learning System": 3
"Xplorer GLX": 5
"Xplorer datalogger": 6
"PowerLink": 6
"USB Link": 6
"Connecting a bluetooth device": 6
"Connecting multiple interfaces to your computer": 8
Connecting an interface and sensors to your computer

SPARK Science Learning System

The SPARK Science Learning System (SPARK) includes ports for two PASPORT sensors, a temperature probe, and a voltage probe. When it is not connected to a com­puter, the device records data and displays it on its own screen; however, when con­nected to a computer, it passes data through to be recorded and displayed on the computer. It is powered either by its AC adapter, or by its rechargeable battery.
"Connecting a SPARK Science Learning System to your computer": 3
"Connecting sensors to the SPARKvue": 4
Connecting a SPARK Science Learning System to your computer
1. Use an A-to-mini-B USB cable (such as PASCO part PS-2528) to connect the smaller USB port of the SPARK to a USB port on your computer (or a USB hub connected to the computer).
2. Connect the AC adapter (included with the SPARK) to a wall outlet and to the AC adapter port on the bottom of the SPARK.
You can skip this step if the SPARK battery is charged and you wish to let it run on battery power.
3. Press and hold the power button.
The SPARK turns on and boots up.
AC adapter port. Power button.
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Connecting an interface and sensors to your computer
Connecting sensors to the SPARKvue
PASPORT ports. Temperature port. Voltage port.
2 Starting an experiment
You can use up to two PASPORT sensors plus a temperature probe and a voltage probe.
Complete one or more of the following tasks to connect sensors to the SPARK.
"Connecting PASPORT sensors to the SPARK SLS": 4
"Connecting a temperature probe to the SPARK SLS": 4
"Connecting a voltage probe to the SPARK SLS": 4
Connecting PASPORT sensors to the SPARK SLS
1. Plug a PASPORT sensor into one of the PASPORT ports on the top of the SPARK SLS.
2. Optionally, plug a second PASPORT sensor into the other PASPORT port.
Connecting a temperature probe to the SPARK SLS
Plug the included fast-response temperature probe (or other type of temperature probe) into the temperature port on the top of the SPARK SLS.
Connecting a voltage probe to the SPARK SLS
Plug the included voltage probe into the voltage port on the top of the SPARK SLS.
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2 Starting an experiment
Connecting an interface and sensors to your computer

Xplorer GLX

The Xplorer GLX includes ports for four PASPORT sensors, two temperature probes, and a voltage probe. When it is not connected to a computer, the device records data and displays it on its own screen; however, when connected to a computer, it passes data through to be recorded and displayed on the computer. It is powered either by its AC adapter, or by its rechargeable battery.
"Connecting the Xplorer GLX to your computer": 5
"Connecting sensors to the Xplorer GLX": 5
Connecting the Xplorer GLX to your computer
1. Use USB cable (included with the GLX)to connect the smaller USB port of the GLX to a USB port on your computer (or a USB hub connected to the computer).
2. Connect the included AC adapter to a wall outlet and to the AC adapter port on the right side of the GLX.
You can skip this step if the GLX’s battery is charged and you wish to let it run on battery power.
3. Press and hold the power button.
4. The GLX turns on and boots up. If SPARKvue is running, the GLX screen displays a message indicating that it is connected.
Connecting sensors to the Xplorer GLX
You can use up to four PASPORT sensors plus two temperature probes and a voltage probe.
Complete one or more of the following tasks to connect sensors to the GLX.
"Connecting PASPORT sensors to the GLX": 5
"Connecting temperature probes to the GLX": 5
"Connecting a voltage probe to the GLX": 6
Connecting PASPORT sensors to the GLX
1. Plug a PASPORT sensor into one of the PASPORT ports on the top of the GLX.
2. Optionally, plug additional PASPORT sensors into the other PASPORT ports.
Connecting temperature probes to the GLX
1. Plug one of the included fast-response temperature probes (or another type of tem­perature probe) into one of the temperature ports on the left side of the GLX.
2. Optionally, plug a second temperature probe into the other temperature port.
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2 Starting an experiment
Connecting a voltage probe to the GLX
Plug the included voltage probe into the voltage port on the left side of the GLX.
Connecting an interface and sensors to your computer

Xplorer datalogger

The Xplorer datalogger contains a single port for a PASPORT sensor. When it is not con­nected to a computer, the device records data and displays it on its own screen; how­ever, when connected to a computer, it passes data through to be recorded and displayed on the computer. When connected to a computer, it is powered by the USB port, and it does not require batteries.
1. Use the included USB cable to connect the Xplorer to a USB port on your com­puter (or a powered USB hub connected to the computer).
2. Connect a PASPORT sensor to the Xplorer.


The PowerLink contains ports for up to three PASPORT sensors. It also includes two USB ports that other interfaces can be connected to. It is powered by its AC adapter, or by replaceable batteries.
1. Connect the AC adapter (included with the PowerLink)to a wall outlet and to the AC adapter port on the back of the PowerLink,or install two “C” batteries in the PowerLink.
2. Use the included USB cable to connect the PowerLink to a USB port on your com­puter (or a USB hub connected to the computer).
3. Connect up to three PASPORT sensors to the PowerLink.

USB Link

The USB Link contains a single port for a PASPORT sensor.
1. Connect the USB Link to a USB port on your computer (or a powered USB hub connected to the computer).
2. Connect a PASPORT sensor to the USB Link.

Connecting a bluetooth device

The bluetooth device can connect to only one host at a time and must remain within approximately 10 meters. (An error message displays if the device is already connected to another system.)
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2 Starting an experiment
The AirLink2 and SPARKlink Air can also connect via USB.
Note: If prompted, enter pass code "1234" for SPARKlink Air devices.
Connecting an interface and sensors to your computer
1. Use the standard iPad process to pair the PASCO bluetooth device.
2. Connect sensors as needed.
1. Use the standard Android process to pair the PASCO bluetooth device.
2. Continue to step 1 of the Mac and Windows process.
Mac and Windows
To connect a device (no pairing necessary)
1. Turn on the AirLink2, SPARKlink Air or other supported bluetooth device.
2. Click the Device Tools button to open the Device Tools screen.
3. Click the Connect Sensor via Bluetooth button.
SPARKvue searches for available bluetooth sensors and lists the supported devices within range.
Note: In a classroom setting, there may be many devices available for connection.
To ensure you are connecting with the correct PASCO device, check the back for its identification number.
Note: If the device is not listed, pair the device using the standard Mac or Windows
process before continuing.
4. Click Connect.
The selected device will change from Connect to Disconnectupon successful connection.
5. Click OK twice to close the Device Tools screen.
6. Optional: plug in sensors into the bluetooth interface.
To disconnect a device
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2 Starting an experiment

Monitoring live data

1. Click the Device Tools button to open the Device Tools screen.
2. Click the Connect Sensor via Bluetooth button.
3. Click Disconnect.
The selected device will change from Disconnect to Connect upon successful connection.
4. Click OK twice to close the Device Tools screen.

Connecting multiple interfaces to your computer

If the computer has enough available USB ports, connect each interface to a USB on the computer.
If the computer has only one available USB port, connect a powered USB hub to the computer, and connect the interfaces to the hub.
If at least one of the interfaces is a PowerLink, you can connect the PowerLink to the computer and connect two additional interfaces to the USB ports on the back of the PowerLink.
Monitoring live data
Live data from all connected sensors are displayed whenever the Home screen is open.
The Home screen is the first screen that appears when SPARKvue starts.
If the Home screen is not visible, click the Home button to return to the Home screen.

Moving on from the Home screen

With the Home screen displayed, you are ready to move into a SPARKlab. A SPARKlab is a multiple page environment where your science investigation takes place.
Complete one of the following tasks to open an embedded SPARKlab, show a meas­urement in a SPARKlab, or build a custom SPARKlab.
"Opening a SPARKlab": 9
"Showing a SPARKlab": 9
"Building a SPARKlab": 10
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2 Starting an experiment
Moving on from the Home screen

Opening a SPARKlab

SPARKvue includes embedded SPARKlabs. Additional no-cost labs are available from PASCO. Complete these steps to open a SPARKlab:
1. Connect the sensors required for the SPARKlab that you wish to do.
2. If there are unneeded sensors connected, disconnect them.
3. In the SPARKlabs pane, navigate to the folder containing the SPARKlab that you would like to open.
4. Click a SPARKlab to preview.
The lab preview opens in the right pane.
5. Click the preview to open the lab.
The SPARKlab opens.
Follow the on-screen instructions to continue your science investigation.
6. Click the Page Navigator to turn pages.

Showing a SPARKlab

A show-path SPARKlab is the fastest way to record data and display it in a graph, table, digits display, and meter.
Complete these steps to show a SPARKlab:
1. Connect a sensor.
2. In the Home screen, click the measurement that you would like to show.
The selected measurement is highlighted.
3. Click Show.
Note: A measurement must be selected for Show to be available.
A four-page SPARKlab opens.
4. Click the Start button to record data.
Click the Page Navigator to see your data in the different displays.
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2 Starting an experiment
Moving on from the Home screen

Building a SPARKlab

When you build a custom SPARKlab, you design each page with your choice of meas­urements and displays. You can also add text and pictures.
Connect a sensor (or sensors) and complete these steps to start building a SPARKlab.
A. From the Home screen create a new SPARKlab:
Touch Build.
Continue to step 1.
B. Within a SPARKlab add a new page:
Touch the New Page button.
Continue to step 1.
1. Select a template from the library.
Scroll up and down to view templates
2. Touch a display type for each placeholder.
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2 Starting an experiment
Moving on from the Home screen
Line Graph
Digits Table
Bar Graph Meter Camera
Media Text
3. For Text Boxes: Type in text into the Text Box.
4. For Cameras: Touch the Image Tools button. See Capturing a camera image.
5. For other data displays: Select the data for each display on the page.
a. Touch the display data label(s), for example: Select Measurement, X-Axis Vari-
able, Y-Axis Variable, Select a Media File, Add an Assessment
b. Open the display properties and select the data.
i. Touch the Display Tools button near the lower or upper left corner of the dis-
ii. Touch the Properties button.
Add additional pages:
Repeatedly click the New Page button to add pages to your SPARKlab.
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3 Setting up an experiment

Customizing data collection

3 Setting up an experiment

"Customizing data collection": 12
"Customizing how numbers are displayed": 14
"Calibrating sensors": 16
"Using sensor adapters": 19
Customizing data collection
You can start recording data using the default settings, or complete one or more of the fol­lowing tasks to change the sampling rate or sampling mode.
"Setting the sample rate": 12
"Putting SPARKvue into periodic sampling mode": 12
"Putting SPARKvue into manual sampling mode": 13
"Setting an automatic stop condition": 13

Setting the sample rate

With SPARKvue in periodic sampling mode (the default mode), complete these steps to set how many data points are recorded each second or how much time elapses between data points:
1. Click the Sampling Options button.
2. The Sampling Options screen opens.
3. Click the Sample Rate box and click a value.
4. Click the Sample Rate Unit box and click Hz, seconds, minutes, or hours.
5. Click OK.

Putting SPARKvue into periodic sampling mode

In periodic sampling mode (the default mode, sometimes known as “continuous” mode), SPARKvue records data points at regular intervals. If SPARKvue is in manual sampling mode, complete these steps to put it into periodic sampling mode:
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3 Setting up an experiment
1. Click the Sampling Options button.
The Sampling Options screen opens.
2. Click Periodic.
3. Click OK.
Customizing data collection

Putting SPARKvue into manual sampling mode

In manual sampling mode, a single value from each measurement is recorded each time you manually trigger SPARKvue. Complete these steps to put SPARKvue into manual sampling mode:
1. Click the Sampling Options button.
The Sampling Options screen opens.
2. Click Manual.
3. Click OK.

Setting an automatic stop condition

When a stop condition is set, SPARKvue automatically stops recording data after a set time interval.
Complete these steps to set a stop condition:
1. Click the Sampling Options button.
The Sampling Options screen opens.
2. Under Automatic Stop Condition:, click the Condition: box and click Stop after duration.
3. Click the Value box and enter a time value.
4. Click the Units box and click units of time.
5. Click OK.
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3 Setting up an experiment

Customizing how numbers are displayed

Customizing how numbers are displayed
"Setting the number of decimal places displayed": 14
"Setting the number of significant figures displayed": 14
"Displaying numbers in scientific notation": 15
"Changing the units of a measurement": 15

Setting the number of decimal places displayed

1. Click the Experiment Tools button.
The Experiment Tools screen opens.
2. Click Data Properties.
The Data Properties screen opens.
3. Click the Measurement box and click a measurement or other variable.
4. Click the Number Style box and click Fixed Precision.
5. Click the Digits box and select the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point.
6. Click OK.

Setting the number of significant figures displayed

1. Click the Experiment Tools button.
The Experiment Tools screen opens.
2. Click Data Properties.
The Data Properties screen opens.
3. Click the Measurement box and click a measurement or other variable.
4. Click the Number Style box and click Significant Figures.
5. Click the Digits box and select the number of significant figures to be displayed.
6. Click OK.
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3 Setting up an experiment
Customizing how numbers are displayed

Displaying numbers in scientific notation

1. Click the Experiment Tools button.
2. Click Data Properties.
The Data Properties screen opens.
3. Click the Measurement box and click a measurement or other variable.
4. Click Number Format.
The number format options appear.
5. Click the Number Style: box and click Scientific Notation.
6. Click the Digits box and select the number of digits to be displayed.
7. Click OK.

Changing the units of a measurement

Do one or both of the following tasks to select different units for a measurement.
"Changing the units of a measurement in an existing display": 15
"Changing the default units of a measurement": 16
Changing the units of a measurement in an existing display
Complete these steps to change the units of a measurement displayed in an existing graph, digits display, table, or meter:
1. Click the Measurement button to change; skip to step 4.
2. Or, click the applicable Display Tools button to open the tools palette.
3. Click the Properties button to open the Properties screen.
4. Click the Units box and select a unit of measure.
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3 Setting up an experiment
5. Click OK.
The display shows the measurement with the selected units.

Calibrating sensors

Changing the default units of a measurement
Complete these steps to change the units that will be used by default when you select a measurement in the future:
1. Click the Experiment Tools button to open the Experiment Tools screen.
Note:The Experiment Tools button is visible in data collection mode.
2. Click Data Properties to open the Data Properties screen.
3. Click the Measurement box and select a measurement.
4. Click the Units box and select units of measure.
5. Click OK.
The next time you select that measurement for display, it will appear with the units that you selected.
Calibrating sensors
Sensor calibration is an optional step that can help to make measurements more accur­ate.
Complete the following tasks to select a measurement and calibration type and perform a calibration.
1. "Selecting a measurement to calibrate and a calibration type": 16
2. "Performing a calibration": 17

Selecting a measurement to calibrate and a calibration type

1. Click the Experiment Tools button.
The Experiment Tools screen opens.
2. Click Calibrate Sensor.
The Calibrate Sensor: Select Measurement screen opens.
3. Click the Sensor box and click the sensor to be calibrated.
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3 Setting up an experiment
Calibrating sensors
4. Click the Measurement box and click the measurement to be calibrated.
5. Click the Calibration Type box and click a calibration type.
See the instructions provided with your sensor for information about what type of calibration is appropriate for your sensor.
6. Click Next.
The Calibrate Sensor Enter Values screen opens.
7. Continue to "Performing a calibration": 17.

Performing a calibration

After you have selected a measurement to be calibrated and a calibration type (see pre­vious task), you are ready to perform a calibration.
Depending on the calibration type that you have selected, perform a 2-point calibration, a 1-point offset-only calibration, or a 1-point slope-only calibration.
"Performing a 2-point calibration": 17
"Performing a 1-point offset-only calibration": 18
"Performing a 1-point slope-only calibration": 18
"Calibrating a Drop Count sensor (example)": 18
Performing a 2-point calibration
In the Calibrate Sensor Enter Values screen, complete these steps:
1. Apply a known quantity to the sensor. For example, place a pH probe in a pH4 buf­fer solution.
2. Under Calibration Point 1Click the Standard Value box and enter the known value.
For example, enter the known pH of the buffer solution.
3. Under Calibration Point 1Click Read From Sensor.
The value measured by the sensor is transferred to the Sensor Value box.
4. Apply a different known quantity to the sensor. For example, place the pH probe in a pH7 buffer solution.
5. Under Calibration Point 2Click the Standard Value box and enter the known value. For example, enter the known pH of the buffer solution.
6. Under Calibration Point 2Click Read From Sensor. The value measured by the sensor is transferred to the Sensor Value box.
7. Click OK.
Calibration is complete.
Document Number: 012-11074D 17
3 Setting up an experiment
Calibrating sensors
Performing a 1-point offset-only calibration
In the Calibrate Sensor Enter Values screen, complete these steps:
1. Apply a known quantity to the sensor. For example, place a temperature probe in ice water known to be 0°C.
2. Under Calibration Point 1 Click the Standard Value box and enter the known value.
For example, enter the known temperature of the water.
3. Under Calibration Point 1 Click Read From Sensor.
The value measured by the sensor is transferred to the Sensor Value box.
4. Click OK.
Calibration is complete.
Performing a 1-point slope-only calibration
In the Calibrate Sensor Enter Values screen,complete these steps:
1. Apply a known quantity to the sensor. For example, place a dissolved oxygen probe in a bottle known to contain 9.1mg/L of dissolved oxygen.
2. Under Calibration Point 2 Click the Standard Value box and enter the known value.
For example, enter the known dissolved oxygen concentration.
3. Under Calibration Point 2 Click Read From Sensor.
The value measured by the sensor is transferred to the Sensor Value box.
4. Click OK.
Calibration is complete.
Calibrating a Drop Count sensor (example)
Tip: The Drop Dispenser has two stopcocks. The top stop cock is used to regulate flow
rate and the bottom stopcock is used to turn the flow on and off. The bottom stopcock should either be in the completely open or completely closed position.
The drop counter is calibrated, using the SPARKvue Experiment Tools to correlate the number of drops counted to the volume of liquid dispensed from the Drop Dispenser.
1. Attach the Drop Dispenser (syringe, two stopcocks and drop tip) to a support rod.
2. Fill the syringe with titrant.
3. Open both stopcock valves and adjust the valve on the top stopcock so that the drops fall at a rate of about 1 drop per second. Close the bottom valve after the rate is achieved.
4. Connect the Drop Counter and launch SPARKvue.
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