This product is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product‟s
underlying technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Mac is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Items you must select,
such as menu options,
command buttons, or
items in a list.
Go to the System tab.
Titles of chapters,
sections, and subsections.
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
Used to emphasize the
importance of a point, to
introduce a term or to
designate a command line
placeholder, which is to be
replaced with a real name
or value.
The system supports the
so called wildcard character search.
The names of commands,
files, directories, and
domain names.
The license file is located
in the
licenses directory.
C H A P T E R 1
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation
conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
16 Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения Heading 1 к тексту, который должен здесь
On-screen computer
output in your commandline sessions; source code
in XML, C++, or other
programming languages.
# ls –al /files
total 14470
What you type, contrasted
with on-screen computer
# cd /root/rpms/php
Names of keys on the
Key combinations for
which the user must press
and hold down one key
and then press another.
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to
improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the
guide‟s title, chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have
found an error.
Parallels H-Sphere Administrator guide aims at hosting providers and explains how to
C H A P T E R 2
About This Guide
configure and administer Parallels H-Sphere control panel.
Parallels H-Sphere is a comprehensive hosting automation system that allows you to
In this chapter:
DNS Management ............................................................................................. 19
Server Management .......................................................................................... 20
User Signup ................................ ................................................................ ...... 20
Billing And Plan Management ........................................................................... 20
Support Center .................................................................................................. 25
Look and Feel Management .............................................................................. 25
C H A P T E R 3
Introduction To Parallels H-Sphere
provide a heterogeneous operating system environment to your customers across
multiple servers. It can manage hosting servers located in various data centers.
Parallels H-Sphere can have a multiple server layout, called a cluster. The main server
in the cluster is the actual Parallels H-Sphere Control Panel, a web application with
graphical interface, which centralizes all hosting management tasks, controls all
hosting servers and services, manages users, domains, events, and processes.
Through Parallels H-Sphere web interface, you can configure and manage these and
other subsystems, other servers (on page 18), user accounts and domains, etc. All
system data, such as billing, domain, and other info, is stored in the Postgres system
database. The Control panel consists of many subsystems, the major of them
described below.
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DNS Management
All DNS is managed by Parallels H-Sphere.
A typical Parallels H-Sphere setup requires one service domain name (
which is used as:
the control panel domain ( or,
web server domain (,,
name server domain (,, etc.
It can also be used for third level hosting (on page 98) and instant access domain
aliases (on page 88), as well as to host the corporate (promotional) website. (on page
The most typical configuration is to have two DNS servers, each on a separate box. In
case of one-server installations, you can put two DNS servers on one box (on page
48). By default, Parallels H-Sphere randomly assigns primary and secondary DNS
servers for each domain to balance server load. If you want, you can assign master
and slave roles to DNS logical servers.
Parallels H-Sphere creates a zone file for each domain name on both name servers,
and allows end users to create custom DNS records through a web interface.
You can find more info on DNS Server Configuration in Understanding DNS Server Configuration documentation in System Administrator Guide.
20 Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения Heading 1 к тексту, который должен здесь
Server Management
We differentiate between physical and logical servers.
Physical servers (on page 33) are actually or virtually separate computers with their
own operating systems (Linux, FreeBSD Unix, or Windows). They can be emulated
with VMWare or other software packages.
Logical servers (on page 36) are programs that run on physical servers and process
client requests. For instance when we talk about web, mail, DNS, mysql and other
servers, we mean logical servers. A physical server can have one or more logical
servers running.
Logical servers of the same nature and purpose make a server group (on page 67). In
case of multiserver installations, logical servers of the same group are located on
different physical servers, and Parallels H-Sphere randomly chooses from them to
create user accounts, which evens server load and disk space usage.
In most instances, Parallels H-Sphere operates with logical servers, not physical
servers. We work with logical servers when we add IPs (on page 45), configure system
SMTP relays (on page 55), assign mail server roles, assign name server roles (on
page 48), etc.
User Signup
To use hosting services, users (site owners and resellers) need to sign up for a hosting
Parallels H-Sphere offers fully automated user signup (on page 434) through the
signup wizard. Depending on the billing type and signup settings, accounts may not be
created until moderated by administrator (on page 441). For instance, an account may
not be immediately created because it was blacklisted by Signup Guard (on page 444)
or because the user doesn‟t pay with a credit card.
Depending on the plan, access to the signup wizard can be unrestricted (available
“from the street”) or allowed only from the admin control panel. Registration “from the
street” can be performed by anybody without admin‟s interaction. Registration from the
admin control panel goes through exactly the same steps, but can be performed only
by the administrator. The latter is the only way to sign users up for publicly unavailable
Billing And Plan Management
Parallels H-Sphere comes with a complete billing solution. When users sign up, buy or
use hosting resources, it calculates user charges based on the prices you have
specified and charges them to users‟ credit cards. When credit card charges don‟t
apply, customer payments are added manually in the admin control panel. For more,
see Introduction to Billing and Introduction to Plans.
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Merchant Gateway Management
Parallels H-Sphere can work with credit card processors and web based payment
systems to collect payments from customers. To enable a connection with either of
these, you need to configure a connection with the corresponding server.
CREDIT CARD PROCESSORS.Parallels H-Sphere offers complete automation with credit card
processing. To charge an amount to a customer‟s credit card, Parallels H-Sphere
connects to the merchant gateway server and sends an http request. Next, it waits for a
response, and once the success confirmation is received, respective changes are
made to the account balance.
Merchant Gateway Manager allows you to set up different merchant gateway accounts
for different types of credit cards. For instance, you can process VISA cards with
Authorize.Net, and MasterCard, with Verisign PayFlowPro. This way you can maximize
your profits by processing every type of credit card with the gateway that offers the
lowest rate for this type of card. For more, see Merchant Gateway Manager (on page
WEB BASED PAYMENT SYSTEMS. Parallels H-Sphere partially automates payments through
web based payment gateways, including WorldPay (on page 231), PayPal, 2CheckOut
(on page 221), GestPay (on page 225), PaySystems, and PayNova (on page 226).
Once you have registered an account with one of these gateways, you enter the
account details in Parallels H-Sphere. Every time a user chooses to pay, Parallels HSphere passes account ID, amount payable, and possibly other details to the gateway.
The user is then taken to the gateway‟s web interface to enter the credit card number
and complete the transaction. When you receive the payment, you need to credit this
user‟s account (on page 396) through the Parallels H-Sphere admin interface, as in
processing check payments (on page 433). As a result, Parallels H-Sphere doesn‟t
store credit card numbers of customers using web payment systems. For more, see
Web Payment Systems Manager (on page 219).
22 Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения Heading 1 к тексту, который должен здесь
User/Account/Domain Management
On the user side, Parallels H-Sphere operates with three different tiers: users,
accounts, and domains.
USERS.A user, for the most part, is nothing but a login and password to enter Parallels
H-Sphere control panel. One user can have many accounts (control panels) created
under the same or different plans, and switch between them without having to log in
every time.
ACCOUNTS. Parallels H-Sphere primarily operates with accounts, not users. One account
equals one license and one control panel with its own billing and interface settings.
This means an account has its own balance, billing profiles, invoices, etc. The unique
thing about each account is the numeric account ID. One user can have many
accounts created under different plans and platforms, for instance an account under a
Unix plan for SSH access (on page 437) and an account under a Windows plan for
ODBC or ColdFusion hosting.
DOMAINS. Domains represent the third tier in the end-user side hierarchy. Your
customers can have as many domains as they want under their one control panel
license, unless you limit the domains they can have. In terms of a web server, a
domain is little more than a correspondence to a web-site. Domains within one account
share one control panel (one menu tree with the same look and feel), and, having no
traffic usage or disk quota of their own, are billed in bulk with the same invoices.
Understanding Accounts, Domains, and Users (on page 265)
The Reseller feature allows you to sell your hosting services through resellers. Unlike
in other control panels, resellers in Parallels H-Sphere do not resell your plans. Rather,
they sell your hosting resources such as disk space, traffic, mailboxes, etc. at retail
prices, and are charged for them at wholesale prices. In other words, you set wholesale
prices and allow your resellers to group your resources into their own plans and define
their own retail prices for them. More on Billing Resellers (on page 366)
With the reseller admin CP, each reseller gets a private label hosting system, which
leaves you completely invisible to the end customer even at user signup and domain
registration. Resellers can have their own independent control panel URL, DNS server
names, company information, and all other parameters visible from the user‟s control
panel. They will appear to end customers as totally independent hosting companies.
Furthermore, reseller control panels are inaccessible by IP, which excludes the
possibility of accidental or intentional visits to your control panel URL.
Through their admin interface, resellers can customize the default look and feel of their
users‟ control panels. They can change colors, replace all control panel images with
those of their own, edit many texts, change the default control panel language and the
currency of end user payments, etc. in exactly the same manner as it is done by the
master admin.
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Domain Management
There are several options to setting up a domain in Parallels H-Sphere:
REGISTER A NEW DOMAIN.Parallels H-Sphere allows automatic registration of standard
second level domains right from the user control panel. It supports the regisrtation
of all TLDs supported by Enom or OpenSRS in real time. You can configure
Parallels H-Sphere to associate different TLDs with different registrars using the
Domain Registrar Manager (on page 146). TLDs with non-automatic registration,
including most regional domains, can be requested by the end user and then
manually registered by the admin through the Email Domain Registrar (on page
TRANSFER an existing domain. Users can transfer domains they have been using
outside Parallels H-Sphere. After the transfer, users will need to update their info on
the root DNS servers.
Set up a THIRD LEVEL DOMAIN. Users can set up domains based on the service domain,
such as
Set up a WEBSITE WITHOUT A REGULAR DOMAIN NAME. Such websites have all basic
functionalities and are accessible from the web at automatically generated
addresses based on the service domain, such as
PARK A DOMAIN. This allows you to use Parallels H-Sphere DNS server for mapping
IPs and domain names serviced and hosted elsewhere.
Create an ACCOUNT WITHOUT ANY DOMAIN. The user will be given disk space on the web
server with FTP access, but no DNS to set up a website.
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Parallels H-Sphere recognizes the following uses and types of SSL certificates:
WEBSITE SSL - users can install SSL certificates one per website right from their user
control panels. For instance, a user can set up a certificate on to have the website secured with SSL. This can be installed only on websites with
dedicated IPs.
SHARED SSL uses wildcard certificates to secure third level domains. For instance, if is a service domain offered for third level hosting, you can set up a
wildcard certificate on to secure domains like and More>> (on page 131)
CPSSL - you can secure your control panel with a regular SSL certificate. At this point,
CP SSL is installed from the command line on the CP server.
RESELLER CPSSL - you can configure your Parallels H-Sphere to let resellers secure their
control panels with regular SSL certificates. More>> (on page 368)
RESELLER SHARED SSL - resellers can install wildcard certificates to secure their customers‟
websites. More>> (on page 373)
DELEGATED SHARED SSL - you can allow your resellers to offer their customers your service
domain for third level hosting and wildcard certificate installed on it.
MAIL SSL - you can install SSL on the service DNS zone to secure mail sent and
received by your customers‟ mail clients (such as Outlook Express). Mail SSL is
enabled globally in the system for all end users, including those under resellers. It is
available only to master admin. More>> (on page 135)
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Support Center
Parallels H-Sphere Support Center includes Ticket Center, Knowledge Base, and
Custom Jobs modules.
TICKET CENTER. Trouble tickets can be created either from any place in the user control
panel or from email messages. Parallels H-Sphere periodically polls support mailbox,
converts incoming messages into trouble tickets, and puts them in the general queue
where they can be picked up, assigned to other administrators, answered, and closed.
Depending on how they were created, answered tickets are emailed back to the
customers or show up in the ticket center of end users‟ control panels. Support
personnel can exchange notes on tickets - the notes are invisible to customers. More
on Providing Customer Support
KNOWLEDGE BASE. Administrators can add common questions and answers to a
centralized location, group them by categories, and perform search by keywords. The
knowledge base is integrated with the ticket center to suggest answers to typical
questions. More on Knowledge Base (on page 492)
CUSTOM JOBS.Parallels H-Sphere also offers an interface to track additional services
offered to resellers or end users, such as web design and development, installation,
migration, and alike. The list of custom jobs and their status can be viewed from the
customer‟s interface. More on Custom Jobs (on page 497)
Look and Feel Management
Parallels H-Sphere comes with a few skins users can choose from. Different skins offer
different navigation schemes:
XP Reloaded - default left-menu skin since Parallels H-Sphere 3.1.
XPressia - pages are accessible from the horizontal JavaScript navigation bar AND
icons on the home page.
Left Menu - although this skin has a quick access page linking to the most frequently
used pages, the principal navigation is through the left side menu.
No Menu - pages are accessible from clicking navigation icons on the home page.
Each of the skins has a text based variation where navigation icons are replaced with
text links.
As administrator, you can configure interface settings, including images and icons (on
page 101), default skins and colors (on page 106), interface texts (on page 105), and
notification e-mails (on page 112).
The administrator can also allow users to choose preferred skins and languages.
Parallels H-Sphere 3.6.3 uses a unified Parallels key administration system for
C H A P T E R 4
Parallels H-Sphere Licensing
You will need a new license key if you are going to:
Purchase or lease Parallels H-Sphere 3.6.3 or higher
Upgrade earlier Parallels H-Sphere versions to the latest version
Upgrade the number of accounts
Purchasing and Leasing Parallels H-Sphere
Before installing Parallels H-Sphere, go to to
purchase or lease Parallels H-Sphere.
Every new license purchase includes 12 months of Software Update Service (SUS)
that entitles you to version upgrade licenses throughout the life of your SUS. You will
be required in order to receive further upgrades. All leased license keys (monthly)
include SUS.
After a fresh installation, when you first log into the Parallels H-Sphere control panel,
you will see the prompt to enter the license from the file. Add the purchased license as
described below. After the license has been added successfully, you will see the
license details on the License Info page.
Upgrading to Parallels H-Sphere 3.6.3 or higher
Before upgrading earlier Parallels H-Sphere versions to 3.6.3 or higher, make sure to
upgrade your key at
Parallels H-Sphere keys can be updated to support newer versions of the software
when they are SUS enabled. When the SUS feature of your key is up-to-date, you can
perform the upgrade of the key without extra costs. In case you run out of this service,
please contact our sales representatives in order to renew/reinstate it.
Warning: Old Parallels H-Sphere licenses are incompatible with Parallels licenses!
Also, no backward compatibility is provided for Parallels licenses on Parallels H-Sphere
3.1 Patch 1 and earlier.
Important: When you upgrade Parallels H-Sphere from 3.1 Patch 1 or earlier, you
would lose your older license and would not be able to enter your control panel unless
you apply a new license. So you must upgrade your license before the upgrade.
To upgrade the license:
1. Click License Info in the Parallels H-Sphere control panel menu.
2. Add the purchased license key. You have two ways of adding the
license key:
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Under License Code Activation in the Activate Code field, enter the Key Activation
Code and click Activate.
Under License File in the License Key File field, click Upload, then click Browse
to choose the license key file (you could add the license key either zipped or in
XML format), then click Submit.
After that, you will get the details of the applied key in the page:
Key Number: license key identifier
Key Version: a number which is incremented each time you upgrade your license.
When you add the license for the first time, its value will be 0001.
Auto Update Date: the date when Parallels H-Sphere will try to automatically
update the license.
Expiration Date: 10 days after the Auto Update Date are given to the Parallels H-
Sphere administrator to update the license manually if the automatic update fails
or not possible.
H-Sphere Version: Parallels H-Sphere version the license is applicable to.
Accounts: the number of accounts this license is provided for.
Physical Servers, Resellers, Staff Members: the license may restrict the number of
physical servers, resellers, or administrator accounts in the Control Panel.
Sitebuilder Support: Parallels H-Sphere now comes with Parallels SiteBuilder
integration (reserved for future implementation).
Sharepoint Support, SiteStudio Support, MS Exchange Support, VPS Support: support
for legacy Parallels H-Sphere features.
Upgrading Parallels H-Sphere Accounts
If you want to upgrade the number of accounts that your key holds, you can do that
through our online store at
This document explains what you need to do in order to set up your hosting system
In this chapter:
Step1. Disable Global Resources ...................................................................... 28
Step 2. Set up a Domain Registrar .................................................................... 29
Step 3. Configure Mail Notification Addresses ................................................... 29
Step 4. Set up Payment Settings ....................................................................... 30
Step 6. Create Billing Periods ............................................................................ 31
Step 7. Configure Support Center ..................................................................... 32
Step 8. Configure Look and Feel ....................................................................... 32
C H A P T E R 5
Getting Started
with minimum required configuration, considering the following:
We presume that you have purchased Parallels H-Sphere license, installed
Parallels H-Sphere system, configured and tested it.
A standard Parallels H-Sphere installation sets up a service dns zone (on page 86),
reseller CP alias, and an instant alias template (on page 88), creates a wwwuser
account for hosting your corporate site (on page 95).
Follow the given instructions step by step to configure your control panel.
Step1. Disable Global Resources
Skip this step if you‟re not going to disable any resources, hosting platforms or logical
You can globally disable resources, hosting platforms, CP designs, dedicated of virtual
private servers, etc. if you don‟t offer them to your customers.
1. Go to Plans - > Globals in your Admin CP.
2. On the page that shows, uncheck the resources and/or hosting platform
you want to be entirely disabled in the system and submit changes. This
will affect all your plans and those of resellers. However, only new singups, but not your current accounts, are subject to such changes.
To disable resources and platforms only for specific plans:
1. Go to Plans - > Manage menu and click to edit the existing plan via Plan
Edit Wizard.
2. Go through Plan Edit Wizard and submit it step by step without changing
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Step 2. Set up a Domain Registrar
Domain registrars need to be added and configured to allow customers to register
second level domains directly from their control panels.
1. Select Domain Registrar in the Settings menu.
2. Select a domain registrar in the Add New Registrar drop down box and
click Add.
3. Enter this domain registrar properties. Check with Domain Registrar
Manager (on page 146) for detailed instructions.
4. In the Set Active drop down box, select this domain registrar.
5. In the TLD drop down box, select the top level domain you would like to
associate with this registrar.
6. Click the Activate button.
7. Click Define Terms/Prices button for the new record that appeared.
Enter prices for each time period and click Submit Query.
Step 3. Configure Mail Notification
To subscribe your staff to receive copies of user e-mail notifications:
1. Go to the Settings menu - > Notifications - > Notification Recipients.
2. On the page that appears add subscribers to mailing lists you choose.
30 Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения Heading 1 к тексту, который должен здесь
Step 4. Set up Payment Settings
On this step you can configure Parallels H-Sphere to process credit cards, accept
check payments and perform online web payments for the services you provide.
To configure credit card processing through Merchant Gateway Manager
(on page 170):
1. Go to the Settings menu ->Payment Settings -> CC Brands and add
necessary CC brands.
2. Go to the Settings menu ->Payment Settings -> Merchant Gateway and add
necessary merchant gateway from the drop down menu and click Add.
3. In the Set Active drop down box, select this merchant gateway. You can
have only one active merchant gateway at a time.
4. In the Payment Type drop down box, select the CC brand you would like
to process with this merchant gateway.
5. Click the Activate button.
To configure Web Payment Processor (on page 219), like PayPal or
1. Go to the Settings menu ->Payment Settings -> Merchant Gateway.
2. Select the payment system from the drop-down menu and click Edit:
3. Enter your account settings. Once you enter correct settings, the web
payment system will appear in the list as Active
To configure Processing Check Payments (on page 433):
1. Go to the Settings menu ->Payment Settings -> Merchant Gateway.
2. Enable Accept Checks.
+ 503 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.