Parallels H-Sphere - 3.6.3 Customization Guide

Printed on 11 December, 2013
Parallels H-Sphere 3.6.3 Customization Guide
Legal and Copyright Notice
Parallels IP Holdings GmbH Vordergasse 59 CH-Schaffhausen Switzerland Phone: +41-526320-411 Fax: +41-52672-2010
Copyright © 2012 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All rights reserved.
This product is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product’s
underlying technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Preface 6
Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................... 6
Feedback ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction To Parallels H-Sphere Customization 8
Template Customization 10
Understanding Parallels H-Sphere Templates ............................................................................ 11
What Are Templates ......................................................................................................... 11
Location of Templates ....................................................................................................... 11
System E-Mail Notification Templates .............................................................................. 11
Skeletons ........................................................................................................................... 12
Web Interface Templates .................................................................................................. 12
Designs ............................................................................................................................. 14
Replacements ................................................................................................................... 14
Template Directory Structure ............................................................................................ 14
Template Lookup Sequence ............................................................................................. 15
Customizing Templates Step by Step ......................................................................................... 16
Pre-Cautions ..................................................................................................................... 16
Pre-Requisites ................................................................................................................... 16
Step-By-Step Template Customization Procedure ........................................................... 16
Compiling Templates With Client-Side Form Validation ............................................................. 18
Customizing Skeleton Templates ................................................................................................ 19
Adding Context Help Pages ........................................................................................................ 19
System E-Mail Templates ........................................................................................................... 21
Customizing User Signup ............................................................................................................ 24
Design Customization 30
Skin And Icon Set Customization ................................................................................................ 31
Design XML Customization ............................................................................................... 31
Implementation of Custom Design Templates .................................................................. 32
Design XML Configuration .......................................................................................................... 34
Icons .................................................................................................................................. 34
Skill Icon Groups ............................................................................................................... 35
Icon Image Sets ................................................................................................................ 36
Common Images ............................................................................................................... 37
Color Types ....................................................................................................................... 37
Designs ............................................................................................................................. 38
Interface Controls And Colors in Templates ............................................................................... 40
Interface Colors ................................................................................................................. 41
Adding Custom Icons .................................................................................................................. 42
Menu Customization 45
Menu XML Customization ........................................................................................................... 46
Changing Menu Structure ........................................................................................................... 46
Location ............................................................................................................................. 46
XML Structure ................................................................................................................... 47
Modifying Menu Groups And Items ................................................................................... 47
Configuring Individual Menu Layouts For Different Hosting Plans ................................... 48
Assigning External Links to Menu Items ........................................................................... 49
Menu Design Customization ....................................................................................................... 51
Interface Text Customization (Language Bundles) 54
Understanding Interface Text (Language) Bundles .................................................................... 55
Interface Text Customization ....................................................................................................... 57
Language Bundle Compiler ......................................................................................................... 58
Localization 61
Adding New Languages To Parallels H-Sphere .......................................................................... 62
Translating Language Bundles ......................................................................................... 62
Adding New Language Bundles Into Parallels H-Sphere ................................................. 63
With packages ................................................................................................................... 63
Compiling bundles ............................................................................................................. 63
Changing Language of Context Help .......................................................................................... 65
Updating Translation of Parallels H-Sphere Interface ................................................................. 66
XML Customization 67
Merging XML Configuration Files ................................................................................................ 68
XML Manager .............................................................................................................................. 70
XML Manager Implementation .......................................................................................... 70
XML Merge Processing Instructions ................................................................................. 72
Creating Plan Wizards with XML ................................................................................................. 74
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 74
Adding a New Wizard to the List of Plan Wizards............................................................. 75
Defining Plan Wizard ......................................................................................................... 75
Adding Custom CP Cron Jobs .................................................................................................... 80
CP Cron XML Configuration .............................................................................................. 82
Adding Custom Promotion Validators and Calculators ............................................................... 84
Adding Custom MS Exchange Plans into Parallels H-Sphere .................................................... 87
Customizing E-Mail Notification List ............................................................................................ 90
Using Variables in Parallels H-Sphere E-Mail Notifications .............................................. 92
Packages 108
Building Packages ..................................................................................................................... 109
Step 1. Preconfiguration .................................................................................................. 110
Step 2. Configuration ...................................................................................................... 112
Step 3. Package Builder .................................................................................................. 114
Building Language Packages .................................................................................................... 114
Java Tools For Packaging ......................................................................................................... 116
Package Configurator ..................................................................................................... 117
Package Builder .............................................................................................................. 119
Package Installer ............................................................................................................. 119
Package Uninstaller ........................................................................................................ 120
Package Checker ............................................................................................................ 120
Package XML Configuration File (_pkg.xml) ............................................................................. 121
Template Customization With Packages .................................................................................. 123
XML Customization With Packages .......................................................................................... 125
Package Installation .................................................................................................................. 126
Package Uninstallation .............................................................................................................. 127
Package Upgrade ...................................................................................................................... 128
Appendix 129
Logging in as the cpanel User ................................................................................................... 130
Restarting Parallels H-Sphere Control Panel ............................................................................ 130
In this chapter:
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................... 6
Feedback .......................................................................................................... 7
Formatting convention
Type of Information
Special Bold
Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.
Go to the System tab. Titles of chapters,
sections, and subsections.
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
Used to emphasize the importance of a point, to introduce a term or to designate a command line placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real name or value.
The system supports the so called wildcard character search.
The names of commands, files, directories, and domain names.
The license file is located in the
licenses directory.
C H A P T E R 1
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
On-screen computer output in your command­line sessions; source code in XML, C++, or other programming languages.
# ls –al /files
total 14470
Preformatted Bold
What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output.
# cd /root/rpms/php
Names of keys on the keyboard.
Key combinations for which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another.
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the
guides title, chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
There are the following tiers of Parallels H-Sphere control panel customization:
Customizable Elements
Design and control patterns for dynamic HTML generation. They are to be modified if you need to restructure the layout of certain pages of the Control Panel interface, or to change the look of the Control Panel header and footer.
System E-Mail
A special type of templates used to generate standard email notifications sent by Parallels H-Sphere.
Context Help
A special type of templates to generate context help for certain elements of the Control Panel interface.
GUI Texts
Standard messages and labels that appear on the interface pages are placed in the special configuration files and may be set for different languages.
Adding new languages to the interface and modifying language files with interface texts in different languages.
CP Menu
Generating and modifying control panel menus and submenus and adding external links to the menu.
GUI Design (Skins And Icon
Parallels H-Sphere interface design has a broader meaning than just configuration of certain color
C H A P T E R 2
Introduction To Parallels H-Sphere Customization
Basic interface settings can be configured through the control panel. The Look and Feel
menu allows to set skins and colors, images and icons, and some interface texts.
Advanced interface customization is what goes beyond the scope of the Control Panel
settings. It is performed on the Parallels H-Sphere CP server by designers and programmers with administrative rights, in order to create or modify Parallels H­Sphere interface elements.
Parallels H-Sphere Packages (.hsp) are installable addons that extend H-Sphere
functionality. This is a way to share custom elements between Parallels H-Sphere installations. Third parties can use it to develop and distribute packages that add new or extend/override standard Parallels H-Sphere functionality. Documentation on building packages is introduced in Parallels H-Sphere Developer Guide.
This Customization Guide explains how to customize the following Parallels H-Sphere elements:
schemes and the corresponding icon sets, what is called the skin. It also determines the set of skins available for this design, specifies the sets of icons in the Quick Access page and enables to override the standard settings with the custom ones.
CP Crons
Parallels H-Sphere utilities regularily executed on the Control Panel server.
Plan Wizards
Custom plan wizards defined and configured in XML documents.
The media for making real-time payments with online credit card processing centers automatically from the CP.
Web Payment
The media for making payments manually from the web interface of the payment systems.
Signup Forms
Generating custom signup forms to sign up users aside from the standard signup procedure provided in Parallels H-Sphere, as well as modifying the standard signup pages.
1. Advanced customization may produce unpredictable results after updating Parallels H-Sphere, since updates affect the template structure and the page generation.
2. Advanced customization performed by Parallels H-Sphere customers is done at their own risk and is not supported by the Parallels.
This section explains how to customize Parallels H-Sphere templates.
In this chapter:
Understanding Parallels H-Sphere Templates ................................................... 11
Customizing Templates Step by Step ................................................................ 16
Compiling Templates With Client-Side Form Validation ..................................... 18
Customizing Skeleton Templates ...................................................................... 19
Adding Context Help Pages .............................................................................. 19
System E-Mail Templates .................................................................................. 21
Customizing User Signup .................................................................................. 24
C H A P T E R 3
Template Customization
Understanding Parallels H-Sphere Templates
What Are Templates
Parallels H-Sphere templates lay behind the Parallels H-Sphere Control Panel Web interface. For the most part, templates are written using Freemarker Java processing language for dynamic content generation.
Location of Templates
Template root directory
Parallels H-Sphere template root directory is by default ~cpanel/shiva/shiva­templates. It is set by the TEMPLATE_PATH parameter in the ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ file:
TEMPLATE_PATH = /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/shiva/shiva­templates/
Default (common) design directory
Design, or skin, is the Control Panel GUI representation. Each design is defined by its own sets of templates, images, CSS styles, JavaScripts, etc. The most important part of GUI, templates, are placed in separate subdirectories of the template root directory in accordance with a design they belong to. The special common subdirectory is used to store templates that are the same for different designs. Also, this directory contains templates for the Left Menu design which is the default Parallels H-Sphere design. The path to this directory, relative to TEMPLATE_PATH, is set in
Important: Common template directory must always exist!
Custom template directory
Custom template directory is usually ~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates. Its location is set in
USER_TEMPLATE_PATH=/hsphere/local/home/cpanel/shiva/custom/te mplates/
Custom templates directory structure should correspond with the default template root directory (shiva-templates) tree. However, you should be aware that templates in the custom template directory override the corresponding templates in the default template directory, thus all modifications and new features in existing default templates coming with new Parallels H-Sphere releases would be also overriden by custom templates. Therefore, only customized templates should be placed to your custom template directory.
System E-Mail Notification Templates
System email notifications templates are used to generate standard Parallels H-Sphere e-mail messages sent to customers or to admins on certain events related to account management, billing, and the like. It is made possible to edit these messages directly from Control Panel, in plain text or HTML and for each of the available languages, without the need of customizing the default templates.
E-mail templates are located in the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva- templates/common/mail directory and have .txt extension. See the list of the system e-mail templates (on page 21).
Skeleton templates, or skeletons, are special templates designed to generate user default sites for newly created domains in corresponding domain subdirectories of user home directories. Skeleton templates are written in HTML (without Freemarker instructions) and located in the /hsphere/shared/skel directory. See how to modify default skeletons (on page 19).
Web Interface Templates
Templates for generating Control Panel interface pages are of the following types:
main templates control templates submit templates function templates special purpose templates context help page templates
Main Templates
Main, or basic, templates are templates for generating the entire Web page in CP. The code of a main template represents a framework that contains calls of functions (on page 21) for generation of the page header, menu and footer, and includes control templates for processing forms.
Main templates are .html files located in the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva- templates/<design>/ directories for each design (on page 21).
Control Templates
Contol templates, or controls, are responsible for generation and management of forms in the working area of Parallels H-Sphere interface. They represent the part of HTML code included in the main templates.
Control templates are with or without form field validation mechanism implemented: Client-side form validation: templates provide client-side form validation.
They need to be compiled to apply changes made in them. The corresponding .html templates are generated as the result of compilation of templates of the same name. Thus, if there is a pair of .html and templates with the same name, it is recommended to modify the template and then to recompile it. Read more about compiling templates with client-side validation (on page 18).
No field validation mechanism is implemented in .html templates that do not have the
initial templates of the same name. Changes in .html templates take effect immediately.
Control templates are located in the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva- templates/<design>/control directories for each group of main templates.
Control templates assign submit templates that do not have visual HTML representation and serve solely to process form submits.
Submit Templates
Submit templates do not have visual representation. They contain instructions to be performed upon the form submit. These templates provide server-side validation of submitted data and scenarios of subsequent actions if submit is successful or if an error occurs. Submit template files have .sbm extension.
Function Templates
These templates contain collections of functions (or macros) used in other templates, for example, for drawing menu, footer and header.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/functions - generic macro
collection, Does not depend on designs.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/menu.fn - functions for drawing
menu for a particular design.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/design.fn - functions for
drawing interface elements for a particular design (implemented for common and XPressia/XPressia Lite designs)
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/extra.fn - extra functions.  ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-
templates/common/control/signup_function.html - functions for signup templates.
Templates For Special Purposes
There are some Web interface templates that do not fall into any of the above mentioned categories. They are designed for special tasks such as to draw a menu on the left, or the page header or footer, or login page, etc. Some special purpose templates are located in the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-
templates/<design>/design/ directory, some like or signup_bottom.html in the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva­templates/<design>/signup directory. There is no general classification for such
Context Help Templates
Context help templates are special templates for generating online help message in popup windows. Each context help template has its topic header and body. They can be modified as usual Parallels H-Sphere templates.
Online help files are located in the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva- templates/common/online_help directory. They have .oh extension and contain the text in HTML format. See the instructions how to add context help pages to
Parallels H-Sphere interface (on page 19). Also read about context help in different languages (on page 65).
Design, or skin, is the Control Panel GUI representation. It provides a different look of menu (left menu or dropdown menu on the top, or no menu present at all), CSS styles, colors and images, and the Quick Access page with icon links to different CP pages.
These are basic Parallels H-Sphere designs whose templates are located in the corresponding design template directories of ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates (referred to as <design> in the document):
common - the left-menu design (Left Menu in CP). All core templates are made for this
design scheme. Other templates that do not depend on design, inlcuding online help templates (on page 11) and system e-mail notification templates (on page 11), are also located there.
nomenu - the design with no left menu (No Menu in CP). It is turned on as the default
user design after the Parallels H-Sphere installation.
text_based is the alternative look of the No Menu design (Text-Based in CP) where only
captions with no icons are provided in the Quick Access menu page.
xcp - the XPressia design with dropdown menus, extensive use of CSS styles and
other advancements.
xcpl - the XPressia Lite design, a simpler and faster implementation of XPressia.  reloaded - the XP Reloaded design introduced in H-Sphere 3.0.
If a certain template is not found for a particular design, Parallels H-Sphere gets that template in the common directory.
The default design configuration file design_config.xml is located in the ~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/ directory.
Replacements are templates that override basic templates for particular plans. Replacements root directory for each design is the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva- templates/<design>/replacements directory. Replacements are located in separate subdirectories specified in plan settings as the Template Directory parameter, relative to the replacement directory.
Parallels H-Sphere first searches for a template in the
<design>/replacements/<plan> directory which has the same structure as the <design> directory. If the template is not found, it starts to look for it in the <design>
directory. Read more about template lookup sequence (on page 11).
Template Directory Structure
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design> - template directory for one of the
Parallels H-Sphere basic designs.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/JS - JavaScript functions (used
for all designs)
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/design - contains templates for
special purposes such as login page, password reminder page, header and footer templates and the like.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/CSS - CSS styles for a design.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/<subdir> - main templates are
placed into separate subdirectories, according to their tasks, e.g., admin, billing, MSSQL, etc.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/control/<subdir> -
corresponding control templates.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/submit/<subdir> - corresponding
submit templates.
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/replacements/ - template
replacements for different types of plans.
- template replacements overriding templates in corresponding subdirectories for that design. directory.
templates/<design>/replacements/control/<resources> - control templates
for corresponding replacements.
templates/<design>/replacements/submit/<resources> - submit
templates for corresponding replacements.
Template Lookup Sequence
1. Parallels H-Sphere searches for a template of a particular design first in the custom template directory in replacements, then, if the template is not found there, it proceeds to the corresponding default template directory:
~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/<design>/replacements/ ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/replacements/
2. If the template is not found in replacements, Parallels H-Sphere searches in the design directory, first in among the custom templates, then amonng the corresponding default templates:
~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/<design>/ ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/<design>/
3. If the template is not found for this design, the search continues in the same sequence in the common design template directory:
~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/common/replacements/ ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/replacements/ ~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/common/ ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/
Customizing Templates Step by Step
This document will guide you through the generic step-by-step instruction on customizing templates. This implies you are already familiar with the concept of templates (on page 11) in Parallels H-Sphere.
It is possible to create and install packages of templates. Read more about template packages in Developer Guide.
1. Advanced customization may produce unpredictable results after updating Parallels H-Sphere, since updates affect the template structure and the page generation.
2. Advanced customization performed by Parallels H-Sphere customers is done at their own risk and is not supported by the PSoft team.
3. Template customization affects ALL Parallels H-Sphere accounts, regardless of their plans!
In terms of Parallels H-Sphere customization, only two types of accounts are customized, regardless of plans: admin accounts which are Parallels H-Sphere administrative accounts, and user accounts - all other accounts. Reseller accounts are regarded as user accounts, except for the reseller administrative account which relates to the admin account type.
Before you do any customization, log into CP server under root as the cpanel (on
page 130) user.
Make sure templates have the cpanel:cpanel ownership. Mind, however, that
images, CSS and JavaScript files and directories have cpanel:httpdcp ownership and you must not change their ownership to cpanel:cpanel. Parallels H-Sphere updater checks and automatically sets correct ownership and permissions on respective default and custom files and directories (this does not refer to Parallels H-Sphere packages).
Note: We dont recommend changing manually the ownership and permissions of default templates!
The make directive which is performed to rebuild *.html templates should be run
ONLY under cpanel.
Do not use whitespaces in the template filenames! Do not make any changes to the default templates, because:
1. You may need them to restore the original setup;
2. You will lose all your changes with the next upgrade. Instead, follow the step-by-step instructions specified below.
Step-By-Step Template Customization Procedure
1. On the CP server, log in as the cpanel (on page 130) user.
2. In the ~cpanel/shiva/ directory, create the custom template
directory custom/templates/ if it doesnt exist.
3. In the ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ file, find the USER_TEMPLATE_PATH parameter. Here, the full to your custom template directory must be specified:
USER_TEMPLATE_PATH=/hsphere/local/home/cpanel/shiva/custom/te mplates/
The directory name must end with a slash. Dont do anything if the directory name is already there.
Warning: Dont change the TEMPLATE_PATH variable in! TEMPLATE_PATH points to the default template directory. If you change it, you
wont see any updates in the default templates.
4. Copy the templates you would like to customize into shiva/custom/templates/, preserving their file paths relative to this directory.
For instance, if you are going to customize the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva- templates/path_to_template/FILE, copy it to ~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/path_to_template/FILE.
The original configuration can be restored without server restart by simply deleting your custom files from the custom template directory.
Warning: Dont copy the whole directory content! Your custom templates will override the default templates and you wont see the new features and bugfixes that come with new versions!
5. Modify the templates you have copied to the ~cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/ directory.
The following documents will be helpful:
Interface Controls and Colors (on page 40) Skin and Icon Set Customization (on page 31) Edit Interface Texts (on page 57)
1. We dont recommend inserting the interface text directly into the templates. Use text labels defined in language bundles (on page 55) to ensure multilingual support.
2. Parallels H-Sphere uses the Unicode (UTF-8) charset for all languages. Therefore, text directly inserted into templates (i.e., not by means of text labels defined in language bundles) must be in the UTF-8 encoding.
6. Restart Parallels H-Sphere (on page 130).
Compiling Templates With Client-Side Form Validation
There are two types of templates that are responsible for generating Control Panel web content:
* templates with client-side form validation that require compilation
before modifications in them would take effect, and
*.html templates that provide server-side form validation and dont need to be
recompiled after their modification.
This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to compile control panel templates with the client-side validation of HTML form input fields.
To compile templates with client-side form validation:
1. Log into the control panel server as the cpanel (on page 130) user.
To implement customization correctly, all template files and directories should have the cpanel:cpanel ownership.
2. Check settings in ~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/
1. Check the TEMPLATE_PATH parameter. It should point to the default template directory. Default setting is:
TEMPLATE_PATH = /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/shiva/shiva­templates/
2. Uncomment the USER_TEMPLATE_PATH parameter and set it to your custom templates directory, for example:
USER_TEMPLATE_PATH = /hsphere/local/home/cpanel/shiva/custom/templates/
3. Check the JS (JavaScripts) and IMAGES parameters:
By default, JS and IMAGES are left blank. It means that javascripts and images are placed inside each design directory (on page 11). You dont need to change these parameters if you have default system settings.
3. Go to the default templates directory (DocumentRoot, ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates by default). Check parameters in the configure file:
SHIVA_ROOT - Parallels H-Sphere Control Panels root directory
(~cpanel/shiva by default)
HSPHERE_PROPERTIES - path to the file.
4. Run ./configure in the templates directory. This will create Makefiles for all of designs.
Warning: Running ./configure clean would remove ALL the compiled templates in the nested directories and delete ALL Makefiles created by the previous configure execution! After that, your control panel interface would not show up correctly!
5. To compile all modified templates, run make or make all in your default templates directory (gmake for FreeBSD). If you need just to modify one template, run make from the directory where this template is located.
Warning: Running the make clean command from a certain template directory would clear all the compiled template files (*.html) in the nested directories! After that, your control panel interface would not show up correctly!
Customizing Skeleton Templates
When an end-user adds a new domain, the system generates initial web site based on skeleton templates. Skeleton templates are written in HTML. Unlike FreeMarker templates (on page 10), Skeleton templates are customized right in the directory they are located.
To modify Skeleton templates:
1. Log in as the cpanel (on page 130) user.
2. Enter the Skeleton template directory:
cd /hsphere/shared/skel
3. Customize the template files directly according to your needs.
Please only pay attention that with each automatic upgrade of web boxes, all the customizations get lost. So, after performing the customization, backup the templates into a safe location to get them back working after performing box upgrades.
Adding Context Help Pages
Context help (or online help) is implemented through special templates, each with a topic header and a body. Context help files are located in the
templates/common/online_help directory. They have .oh extension and contain
text in HTML format. Context help may be implemented in different languages (on page
To add a new context help page to Parallels H-Sphere interface:
1. Log into the CP server as the cpanel (on page 130) user.
2. Create an online help file and put it anywhere inside
~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/online_help/. You can create new subdirectories for your files where necessary.
3. In ~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/online_help.xml, add an
id/file correspondence, where file is the path and filename of the context help file, and id is the string that will be used in the template.
4. Find the template where the context help icon will be added. The easiest way to find the name of the template is to view html page source code. The templates you need are located in ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/control/. More about templates (on page 11)
5. Add context help function call to the template. The function call has the following syntax:
<call draw_help(HELP_ID”,”LABEL)>
where HELP_ID is the id of the file specified in ~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/online_help.xml, and LABEL is the description used as the title in the html link.
If the second parameter is left empty, the default text (Click to get help) is used. For example:
<call draw_help(admin-emanager-l_availableforsignup”,””)>
Alternatively, you can call the function that draws help PLUS gives a link to send a trouble ticket:
<call draw_tt_help(RESOURCE_ID, HELP_ID, LABEL)>
6. In plan creation and edit wizard templates, context help file IDs are passed with resource calls:
where OH_ID is the id of the file specified in
~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/online_help.xml. For example:
<call service(asp, hosting”,””,”1”,”admin-editwizard­w_asp)>
7. If the edited template is in * format, run make in this templates directory.
8. Restart Parallels H-Sphere (on page 130).
System E-Mail Templates
Notification Sent
Welcome Letter
to customer on account activation
Welcome Letter for Moderated Accounts
to customer on moderated check account registration (accounts waiting activation)
Welcome Letter For Moderated Account with CC
to customer on moderated credit card registration
Welcome Letter For Moderated Trial Account
to customer on moderated trial account registration Trial Registration
to customer on account trial period expiration
System e-mail notifications are messages Parallels H-Sphere automatically sends to customers.
It is possible to edit system emails in the admin CP interface, in the
Settings/Notifications/E-Mail Notifications menu (see Parallels H-Sphere Administrator Guide for details). Both default messages and messages in each interface language
can be customized there. Custom modifications are stored in the Parallels H-Sphere database and do not affect the system email templates. On the contrary, default settings can be restored from the templates.
This document explains where to find the default system email templates and how to customize them.
Note: Support info and checks info is modified in the Settings -> Look and Feel -> Misc.Text menu by filling in the Customer Support Info and Checks Info forms.
Important: It is strongly recommended not to touch the default system email templates; instead, you should edit notifications in the administrators Control Panel to be able to restore default texts from the templates.
Here is the list of default templates for system email messages (located in the ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/mail/ directory) that can be customized via CP interface:
to customer: - on each paid operation
- at the beginning of the next billing period
- on switching to another billing period
Money Back
to admin when a user chooses to cancel hosting and wants his/her money back
Overlimit Notification
to customers when they reach traffic or disk usage limit
Account Suspended Notification
to customers when their accounts get suspended
Account Resumed Notification
to customers when their accounts get suspended
Accounting Error letter
to admin on accounting error
Lost Password
to customers after they enter their email address on the forgot your password page
Failed Signup Notification
to admin when customer signup fails
Domain Transfer Message
to customers explaining how to transfer an external domain
Internal Ticket
to admin in case of internal problems
Shell Access Notificaton
to the customer when Shell Access is granted or refused (disabled)
Welcome Letter (Tax Exemption)
to new customers awaiting approval of their Tax Exemption Codes
Tax Exemption Approved Notification (Moderated Accounts)
to new customers signed up to tax exemption plan, awaiting moderation
Tax Exemption Rejected Notification (Moderated Accounts)
to new customers signed up to tax exemption plan, on failing to verify tax exemption data
Tax Exemption Approved Notification (Live Accounts)
to customers on tax exemption approval
Tax Exemption Rejected Notification (Live Accounts)
to customers on failing to verify tax exemption data
Below is the list of templates for standard texts sent as mass mail. Messages in these
Notification Sent
Welcome Letter
optionally from mass mail
User login and password
optionally from mass mail
User balance
optionally from mass mail
templates cannot be customized via Parallels H-Sphere interface:
Customizing User Signup
This document explains how to modify standard user signup (order) forms or replace them with custom forms.
Before you begin signup customization, please note the following: The default signup forms contain validation scripts. It is recommended that your
custom signup forms also provide a client side validation mechanism (on page 18).
When Parallels H-Sphere server-side validation rejects user data, the user is
redirected to the error page generated based on the template ~cpanel/shiva/shiva-templates/common/signup/end.html, which has the look and feel of the standard Parallels H-Sphere interface and links to the STANDARD Parallels H-Sphere signup forms. Normally, you would want to customize this template to ensure that:
it has the look and feel of your custom signup forms, it gives a way to go back to the signup forms, then modify and re-submit the
signup data.
The template has been written in FreeMarker, and in order to make changes to its
code, please become familiar with the FreeMarker technology, the documentation available at The way you customize the page will totally depend on how you organize your signup forms.
Custom signup fields must match those in the default signup. If more fields are
added in newer versions, you will need to update your custom forms.
Your signup script has to put the collected data into the html fields below and submit them to the following URL:
<form name=loginaction=psoft.hsphere.CPmethod=POST”>
<form name=login action=protocol:// phere.CPmethod=POST>.
For example:
<form name=login action=
.CP” method=”POST”>
Note: psoft.hsphere.CP is case sensitive! Some signup texts can be customized through the control panel from Look And Feel ->
Signup Texts. If you have customized texts through the control panel, they will override the texts in your custom signup forms, so you may need to remove them.
Signup fields:
Basic (service fields required for signup) User Contact Info Billing Info (not used for trial registration) Credit Cards Billing Period
Field name
Possible Values
Accept terms of End User License Agreement
signup - transfer domain,  opensrs - domain
nodomain - stopgap
3ldomain - third level
service - service domain,  empty- signup without
Signup mode
Service parameter
Number of the plan for signup
Service parameter
user login
user password
Confirm user password
submit/signup/end.sbm (submit/signup/end_osrs .sbm” for Domain registration)
The so-called submit template located in the
templates/common directory
and used to perform server-side form validation.
yes - if we sign user up from the admin panel
Service parameter
Field name
Possible Values
Users first name
Users last name
Users address 1
Users address 2
Users city of residence
Users company name
Users country code
Users contact e-mail address
Users phone number
Domain Registration Domain Regisration Contact Info
Basic (service fields required for signup)
User Contact Info
Users zip code
e.g.: NY; NA” for non US or Canada residents.
Users state code. In the custom form for non US or Canada residents, you should add this field as hidden.
Users state or province for non US and Canada residents. Should be present in the custom form only in case _ci_state=NA.
PROMO code for subsidized plan. Contains 2-20 chars and starts from the letter.
Billing Info (not used for trial registration)
Field name
Possible Values
Users first name _bi_last_name
Users last name
Users address 1
Users address 2
Users city of residence
Users company name
Users country code
Users contact e-mail address
Users phone number
Users zip code
e.g.: NY; NA” for non US or Canada residents.
Users state code. In the custom form for non US or Canada residents, you should add this field as hidden.
Users state or province for non US or Canada residents. Should be present in the custom form only in case
“CC” - credit card,  “Check” - check or
bank transfer,
PayPal - PayPal,  2CheckOut-
Payment type
Field name
Possible Values
Credit card name
Credit Card number
Credit Cards
strings available in the Merchant Gateway Manager: VISA, MC, etc.
Credit Card type
two digits
the month of Credit Card expiry date
four digits
the year of Credit Card expiry date
Below are the fields for Solo/Switch debit cards used in some countries:
Field name
Possible Values
Issue number
two digits
Card Start Month
four digits
Card Start Year
Field name
Possible Values
0 or a positive integer
Sequence number of the billing period in the list of billing periods for the selected plan. To see the list of the billing periods, go to your control panel, click the Settings link for this plan and scroll down to the Billing configuration section.
Field name
Possible Values
transfer_new_misc_domain - transfer
domain without registrar changes
domain_transfer - transfer domain with
registrar changes
“without_domain” - stopgap domain  “3ldomain” - third level domain  “service_domain” - service domain  “empty_domain” - signup without domain  “new_opensrs_domain” - register new domain
Type of new domain
signup - transfer domain without registrar
dtransfer - transfer domain with registrar
changes. It accepts the same fields as OpenSRS registration except the period field and extra contact/billing info for domain registration.
nodomain- stopgap domain  3ldomain - third level domain  service - service domain  empty - signup without domain  opensrs- register new domain
Domain registration mode.
Billing Period
Domain name; may be omitted if
Domain Registration
Field name
Possible Values
Registrars periods (years)
Users first name _srs_owner_last_name
Users last name
Users address 1
Users address 2
Users city of residence
Users company name
Users country code
Users contact e-mail address
Users phone number
Users zip code
e.g.: NY; NA” for non US or Canada residents.
Users state code. In the custom form for non US or Canada residents, you should add this field as hidden.
Users state or province for non US or Canada residents. Should be present in the custom form only in case _srs_owner_state=NA‟.
Field name
Possible Values
Users first name
Users last name
Users address 1
Users address 2
Users city of residence
Users company name
Users country code
Users contact e-mail address
Users phone number
Users zip code
Domain Registration Contact Info
e.g.: NY; NA” for non US or Canada residents.
Users state code. In the custom form for non US or Canada residents, you should add this field as hidden.
Users state or province for non US or Canada residents. Should be present in the custom form only in case
This chapter explains how to customize graphic elements of the Parallels H-Sphere
In this chapter:
Skin And Icon Set Customization ...................................................................... 31
Design XML Configuration ................................................................................. 34
Interface Controls And Colors in Templates ...................................................... 40
Adding Custom Icons ........................................................................................ 42
C H A P T E R 4
Design Customization
Web interface.
+ 100 hidden pages