This product is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product’s
underlying technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Mac is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Items you must select,
such as menu options,
command buttons, or
items in a list.
Go to the System tab.
Titles of chapters,
sections, and subsections.
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
Used to emphasize the
importance of a point, to
introduce a term or to
designate a command line
placeholder, which is to be
replaced with a real name
or value.
The system supports the
so called wildcard character search.
The names of commands,
files, directories, and
domain names.
The license file is located
in the
licenses directory.
C H A P T E R 1
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation
conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
6 Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения Heading 1 к тексту, который должен здесь
On-screen computer
output in your commandline sessions; source code
in XML, C++, or other
programming languages.
# ls –al /files
total 14470
What you type, contrasted
with on-screen computer
# cd /root/rpms/php
Names of keys on the
Key combinations for
which the user must press
and hold down one key
and then press another.
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to
improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the
guide‟s title, chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have
found an error.
This guide provides instructions on upgrading Parallels H-Sphere 3.5.1 to version
C H A P T E R 2
About This Guide
3.6.3. If you have an earlier version, you need to upgrade to 3.5.1 first.
Before you start upgrading Parallels H-Sphere to version 3.6.3, please obtain a license
C H A P T E R 3
Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Upgrade
for this version, as you will need it to access the upgraded Control Panel.
As both MySQL and PostgreSQL are updated in Parallels H-Sphere 3.6.3, it is strongly
recommended that you back up all databases hosted in MySQL and PostgreSQL: all
user databases on database servers, Control Panel database on Control Panel server.
In a straightforward and simple approach it can be done with the following shell
For FreeBSD:
# stop
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop # actual only for CP server, but
no problem to run it everywhere
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server stop
cp -pR /var/db/mysql /var/db/mysql-backup # you can specify other
destination directory
cp -pR /usr/local/pgsql /usr/local/pgsql-backup # you can specify
other destination directory
# start
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start # actual only for CP server, but
no problem to run it everywhere
For RedHat:
# stop
service httpdcp stop # actual only for CP server, but no problem to
run it everywhere
service postgresql stop
service mysql stop
cp -pR /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql-backup # you can specify other
destination directory
cp -pR /var/lib/pgsql /var/lib/pgsql-backup # you can specify other
destination directory
# start
service mysql start
service postgresql start
service httpdcp start # actual only for CP server, but no problem to run it everywhere.
To upgrade Parallels H-Sphere, please perform the steps provided in this chapter.
In this chapter:
Step 1. Updating Parallels H-Sphere Control Panel Core .................................. 9
Step 2. Starting Control Panel Apache .............................................................. 10
Step 3. installing a new License ........................................................................ 10
To finalize update of Parallels H-Sphere CP core:
1. Set PostgreSQL service automatically startable on Linux:
# chkconfig—levels 2345 postgresql on
Step 2. Starting Control Panel Apache
In this section:
Option 1. Updating Physical Boxes from the Control Panel ............................... 11
Option 2. Updating Physical Boxes from Command Line ................................... 12
Finalizing update of Physical Boxes carrying Database Servers ........................ 12
Parallels H-Sphere update script will automatically launch Parallels H-Sphere CP after the
update. Check if Parallels H-Sphere is running, and if not, start CP Apache:
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpdcp start
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
Step 3. installing a new License
1. Log in to the Control Panel as administrator.
You will be prompted to enter new license activation code.
2. Enter the code.
Now you can log out from Control Panel, unless you are going to update physical boxes
using it.
Step 4. Updating Physical Boxes
You have two options for updating Parallels H-Sphere packages on physical boxes:
Option 1. From the Control Panel (it is the only option available for Windows boxes).
Option 2. From the command line by running the installation/update script (on page 38).
After Parallels H-Sphere packages are updated, please finalize update on physical boxes
carrying database servers.
Option 1. Updating Physical Boxes from the Control Panel
To update Parallels H-Sphere on selected physical servers:
1. Go to E.Manager > Update > Update Boxes.
2. Check the servers you need to update.
3. If necessary, you can get info about the box by checking boxes and clicking
the Fetch Boxes Info button.
4. Click Start Update.
Update process indicator legend:
Yellow: ready for update
Blue: update is running
Green: update successfully finished
Red: update finished with error. If update fails, you will see an error message with details.
Peculiarities of Parallels H-Sphere’s work on Windows 2008 x64 and Windows
2008 R2 x64
Please consider the following when you intend to upgrade Parallels H-Sphere on Windows
2008 x64 and Windows 2008 R2 x64 servers from versions earlier than 3.6.3:
PHP 5.5 is built with VC11 (Visual Studio 2012 compiler) and includes improvements in
performance and stability. For the VC11 builds, the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual
Studio 2012 x64 has to
be installed.
PHP 5.4 is built with VC9 (Visual Studio 2008 compiler) and includes improvements in
performance and stability. For the VC9 builds, the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual
Studio 2008 SP1 x86
has to be installed.
Peculiarities of Parallels H-Sphere work on Windows 2003
Please consider the following when you intend to upgrade Parallels H-Sphere on Windows
2003 servers from versions earlier than 3.6.3:
PHP 5.4 is built with VC9 (Visual Studio 2008 compiler) and includes improvements in
performance and stability. For the VC9 builds, the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual
Studio 2008 SP1 x86
has to be installed.
Option 2. Updating Physical Boxes from Command Line
Run the installation/update script:
# $ sh ./U36.0P3
To update Parallels H-Sphere and Parallels SiteStudio, type:
update [OPTIONS]
To update only Parallels H-Sphere, enter:
hsupdate [OPTIONS]
To update only Parallels SiteStudio, enter:
sitestudio [OPTIONS]
Important: If you have a non-standard setup of Parallels H-Sphere, please refer to Appendix
F. Parallels H-Sphere Update and Installation Script. You can refer to it also for details on the
above mentioned options.
Finalizing update of Physical Boxes carrying Database
For the Linux based physical boxes carrying PostgreSQL servers, set PostgreSQL service
automatically startable:
# chkconfig—levels 2345 postgresql on
For the physical boxes carrying MySQL server, perform databases upgrade:
# mysql_upgrade -v -u USER -p
# mysqlcheck -o -A -a -r -u USER -v -p
where value to specify instead of USER, and the corresponding password - could be read
from file ~mysql/.my.cnf on this physical box.
Step 5. Starting ImageMaker
Start ImageMaker if your Parallels H-Sphere is integrated with Parallels SiteStudio, for Linux
and FreeBSD:
# /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/ start
Step 6. Checking the Version of Parallels HSphere
Check the version of Parallels H-Sphere by executing the following command on your CP
<HSphere-branch> is the version of Parallels H-Sphere
<HSphere-build> is the Parallels H-Sphere build
Please contact support at and inform them
C H A P T E R 5
Post-Upgrade Issues
about the upgrade. This is required to get appropriate support from Parallels. Also
make sure you meet the following requirements:
1. Customization. If you have custom Parallels H-Sphere templates, you may
probably need to update them according to changes introduced in this version.
More in the section Template Customization of Parallels H-Sphere Customization
2. Ownership. In Parallels H-Sphere HTML pages, images, Javascript and CSS files
and respective directories have cpanel:httpdcp ownership. Parallels H-Sphere
updater checks and automatically sets correct ownership and permissions on
respective default and custom files and directories. Please make sure however that
newly created custom files have correct ownership and permissions (this does not
relate to Parallels H-Sphere packages).
3. VPS: After you have updated Parallels H-Sphere, please also make sure you run
Steps 3-8 of the Parallels H-Sphere VPS update instruction. For this, refer to the
section Updating Parallels H-Sphere Virtual Private Servers of Adding New HSphere Servers and Services guide.
4. DBD::mysql Perl driver. If you want to update DBD::mysql driver or system Perl
version, make sure to execute the script that updates DBD::mysql driver as
described at
5. Set up Kronolith Reminders: If you use Kronolith reminders, make sure to set
them up according to