Parallels H-Sphere - 3.4, H-Sphere - 3.4.1 Installation Manual

Parallels® H-Sphere
Parallels H-Sphere 3.4 Control Panel Installation Guide
Revision 1.0
Legal and Copyright Notice
Parallels Holdings, Ltd. c/o Parallels International GMbH. Parallels International GmbH Vordergasse 49 CH8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland Tel: + 49 (6151) 42996 - 0 Fax: + 49 (6151) 42996 - 255
© 1999-2010 Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.product is protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product’s underlying technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Mac is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Preface 5
Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................... 5
Feedback ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Installation 7
Supported Operating Systems ...................................................................................................... 7
Single-Server and Multi-Server Installation ................................................................................... 9
Required Components and Configuration ................................................................................... 13
Open SSH ......................................................................................................................... 13
Kernel ................................................................................................................................ 14
Locale ................................................................................................................................ 14
Disk Quota ......................................................................................................................... 14
Quotacheck ....................................................................................................................... 15
Ports .................................................................................................................................. 15
DNS Server Notes ............................................................................................................. 20
Perl .................................................................................................................................... 20
Make .................................................................................................................................. 20
Command-Line URL Download Utility (wget or fetch)....................................................... 21
Compat3x Package ........................................................................................................... 21
SELinux Must Be Off ......................................................................................................... 21
Libmap Content ................................................................................................................. 21
ifconfig ............................................................................................................................... 22
Installing Parallels H-Sphere 23
Step 1. Running the Parallels H-Sphere Installation Script ......................................................... 24
Step 2. Installing the Parallels H-Sphere via Control Panel ........................................................ 24
Step 3. Completing Parallels H-Sphere Installation Wizard ........................................................ 29
Installing Parallels SiteStudio with Parallels H-Sphere ............................................................... 30
Performing Post-Installation Tasks 31
Appendix A. Installing with Prepared Parallels H-Sphere Configuration 33
Appendix B. Installation Script Options 35
Appendix C. Customizing Server Configuration Files by Means of Templates 37
Control Panel Apache .................................................................................................................. 39
Extra Control Panel Apache Configuration Files ......................................................................... 39
Apache ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Extra Apache Configuration Files ................................................................................................ 41
PHP 4 .......................................................................................................................................... 43
PHP 5 .......................................................................................................................................... 44
FTP .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Preface 4
MySQL ......................................................................................................................................... 46
PostgreSQL ................................................................................................................................. 47
DNS ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Other Files Included into Parallels H-Sphere Packages ............................................................. 48
Appendix D. Download Locations 50
Mirror Server for Updating Parallels H-Sphere ............................................................................ 52
Appendix E. Miscellaneous 53
Restarting Parallels H-Sphere ..................................................................................................... 53
Network Address Translation (NAT) ............................................................................................ 54


In this chapter:
Typographical Conventions ................................................................................. 5
Feedback ............................................................................................................ 6

Typographical Conventions

Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
Formatting convention Type of Information Example
Special Bold
Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.
Titles of chapters, sections, and subsections.
Used to emphasize the importance of a point, to introduce a term or to designate a command line placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real name or value.
The names of commands, files, directories, and domain names.
Go to the System tab.
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
The system supports the so called wildcard character search.
The license file is located in the
http://docs/common/ licenses directory.
6 Preface
Preformatted Bold
CAPITALS Names of keys on the
KEY+KEY Key combinations for
On-screen computer output in your command­line sessions; source code in XML, C++, or other programming languages.
What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output.
which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another.
total 14470
cd /root/rpms/php
l /files


If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at
guide's title, chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
. Please include in your report the

Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Installation

This chapter provides comprehensive information on how to prepare Linux and Unix servers for the installation of Parallels H-Sphere components.
Note: configuration files for Apache, FTP, PHP, DNS, MySQL, and PostgreSQL should be customized indirectly via respective template files. Otherwise, all custom changes in major default configuration files are removed with each H-Sphere update! If you need those files customized, please carefully follow the configuration file templates customization instruction in Appendix C (on page 37).
In this chapter:
Supported Operating Systems ............................................................................ 7
Single-Server and Multi-Server Installation ......................................................... 9
Required Components and Configuration ........................................................... 13

Supported Operating Systems

Before requesting Parallels H-Sphere installation, make sure to install one of the following operating systems:
Operating System Supported OS Version
RedHat Enterprise Linux
4.x; 4.x (x86_64)
5.x; 5.x (x86_64)
4.x; 4.x (x86_64)
5.x; 5.x (x86_64)
8 Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Installation
CloudLinux White Box Enterprise
4.x; 4.x (x86_64)
7.0; 7.0 (amd64)
7.1; 7.1 (amd64)
7.2; 7.2 (amd64)
7.3; 7.3 (amd64)
1. By Supported Operating System we assume a 32-bit system if not specified otherwise.
2. We claim Parallels H-Sphere support on WhiteBox OS, assuming it is a RedHat Enterprise Linux clone. However, we do not test Parallels H-Sphere on WhiteBox servers.
3. FreeBSD: Control Panel installed on a server with 64-bit operating system requires glibc 32-bit compatibility library.
4. CloudLinux 5.5 is supported as a RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.x clone. The customizations allowed by it are not propagated to UI, and should be performed manually according to instructions published on the CloudLinux site, if needed.
Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Installation 9

Single-Server and Multi-Server Installation

General Considerations

Parallels H-Sphere can be installed on one or more servers. The required number of servers and their hardware configuration will largely depend on the number of accounts you are planning to host, Web and mail quotas, traffic load and other related factors.
Here are some general considerations common to Parallels H-Sphere server environment:
We recommend installing Control Panel to a separate server. It is also acceptable
to install one DNS server to the Control Panel server box, for example, if you are
planning 2-server installation. You must not install PostgreSQL hosting service on the same box with Control
Panel, as the latter requires a separate PostgreSQL server for its system database. You can have several DNS servers on one box. However, for multiserver Parallels
H-Sphere installation, you should install each DNS server on a separate box. The
best solution is to have two DNS servers on separate boxes. We advise installing mail server on the same box with MySQL server, as mail
server requires its own MySQL database. It is reasonable to allocate separate physical servers for the most resource-
consuming services. Usually, these are Web and mail servers, but sometimes it
may be MySQL and PostgreSQL. According to these recommendations, the following 4-server installation may be an
optimal solution:
Server 1: Control Panel (with the system PostgreSQL database);  Server 2: Web1 + DNS1; Server 3: Mail + MySQL1 (user DB) + DNS2; Server 4: PostgreSQL (user DB) + MySQL2 (user DB).
Later on, you may add more boxes to your system, as your needs grow:
Server 5: Web2;  Server 6: Mail2 (with its own MySQL DB);

Hardware Requirements

If you are going to install Parallels H-Sphere to only one computer, make sure it is at least Pentium III, 500MHz CPU and 512MB RAM. This will allow to host only a small number of customers. Adding Parallels SiteStudio will require at least 1000MHz CPU and 1GB RAM.
10 Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Installation

Sample 1/2/3-Server Configurations

Below are sample 1/2/3-server H-Sphere installations with preferable partitioning schemes outlined.
One Server Installation Two Server Installation Three Server Installation
Single-server installation includes Control Panel, DNS, Web, mail, and MySQL services. The PostgreSQL hosting service isn't included because of the Parallels H-Sphere system PostgreSQL database.
Make sure you have at least two IPs available, because some features (like OpenSRS) require at least two DNS servers.
Examples: 40GB HDD: /root partition (/etc, /tmp,
/root) - 1-3 GB /usr - 3-5 GB /var - 5-7 GB for mail and MySQL files /hsphere (or /home) - the remaining disk space for Parallels H-Sphere installation and Web hosting.
Consider the following partitioning scheme for the two-server configuration:
1) Control Panel + DNS2: The partitioning
requirements are similar to those for one server installation. This box will have the Parallels H-Sphere control panel, the system database, DNS server, and Parallels SiteStudio (optional).
2) Web + Mail + MySQL + PostgreSQL + DNS1:
/ - 1-3 GB /usr -3-5 GB /var - 5-7 GB for mail and MySQL files. /hsphere - takes the rest of the space for Web content and is the biggest partition.
Consider the following partitioning scheme for a three­server configuration:
1) Control Panel The partitioning requirements
are the similar to those for the one server installation. This box will have the Parallels H-Sphere control panel, the system database, and Parallels SiteStudio (optional).
2) Web + DNS2: / - 1-3 GB
/usr - 3-5 GB /var -3-5 GB /hsphere - takes the rest of the space and is the biggest partition.
3) Mail + DNS1 + MySQL + PostgreSQL:
/ - 1-3 GB /usr - 3-5 GB /var - takes the rest of the space for mail and MySQL files.
/ root partition (/etc, /tmp, /root) - 2-6 GB /usr - 6-10 GB /var - 10-15 GB for mail and MySQL files /hsphere (or /home) - the remaining disk space for Parallels H-Sphere installation and Web hosting.
120+ GB HDD: / root partition (/etc, /tmp,
/root) - 3-10 GB /usr - 10-20 GB
Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Installation 11
/var - 15-30 GB for mail and MySQL files /hsphere (or /home) - the remaining disk space for Parallels H-Sphere installation and Web hosting.
The more users you are planning to have, the more disk space is required. If you want to have Parallels SiteStudio, it will also be installed onto this partition. However, this will require at least 512 RAM and a 500MHz processor.
In addition, you can create a separate mail partition for the Parallels H-Sphere mail system. Its size will depend on your mail quotas for users and the number of mailboxes.
12 Preparing for Parallels H-Sphere Installation
HDD Partitioning Parallels H-Sphere is installed to the /hsphere directory. We recommend dedicating a separate partition for the Parallels H-Sphere installation
directory and mount it as /hsphere.
# mkdir -p /hsphere
# chmod 755 /hsphere
Parallels H-Sphere directory can be located on any other partition as well. However, we do not recommend installing Parallels H-Sphere to the root / partition. Having Parallels H-Sphere on the root partition may cause certain problems. For instance, if disk quota gets damaged, you cannot repair it without server reboot and fsck check in the single user mode.
If your Parallels H-Sphere installation directory is to be located on another partition, for example, /usr/hsphere on the /usr partition, the /hsphere symlink to this directory must be anyway created:
# mkdir -p /usr/hsphere
# ln -s /usr/hsphere /hsphere
# chmod 755 /usr/hsphere
Important: Do not create /hsphere as a symlink to another partition on servers with FreeBSD 5.3 and up! Allocate the separate /hsphere partition instead! If this is impossible, use nullfs partitioning for this purpose.
There are no more requirements to partitioning the servers, just make sure there is enough disk space to store user and other Parallels H-Sphere data.

Required Components and Configuration

Prior to the installation, make sure your server is configured properly and has all necessary components.
In this section:
Open SSH ........................................................................................................... 13
Kernel .................................................................................................................. 14
Locale .................................................................................................................. 14
Disk Quota ........................................................................................................... 14
Quotacheck ......................................................................................................... 15
Ports .................................................................................................................... 15
DNS Server Notes ............................................................................................... 20
Perl ...................................................................................................................... 20
Make .................................................................................................................... 20
Command-Line URL Download Utility (wget or fetch) ......................................... 21
Compat3x Package ............................................................................................. 21
SELinux Must Be Off ........................................................................................... 21
Libmap Content ................................................................................................... 21
ifconfig ................................................................................................................. 22

Open SSH

1 Install OpenSSH package on each Parallels H-Sphere box. You can use
standard RPMs under Linux or packages under FreeBSD. Usually, the standard Linux and FreeBSD installations contain the OpenSSH package, you can use it without any restrictions. However, we recommend updating the package to the latest version. SSH keys need to be configured under the cpanel user.
2 To enable Permit Root Login, open file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and
uncomment the line:
PermitRootLogin yes
Make sure PermitRootLogin is set to yes. Then restart SSH: for Linux:
/etc/init.d/sshd restart
for FreeBSD:
/etc/rc.d/sshd restart
3 Enable the OpenSSH daemon start at server startup. 4 Start the OpenSSH daemon


We strongly recommend using typical Linux/FreeBSD kernel (i.e., coming with official OS distributives or updates). In particular, in case of FreeBSD we insist on GENERIC kernel with basic configuration. We do not guarantee correct Parallels H-Sphere work on a server with customized kernel! Please carefully test Parallels H-Sphere functionality on such a server before it becomes a production server!
Warning: If you are on RHEL 4 operating system, use kernel 2.6.9-55.0.9.EL and higher to work correctly with Java 1.6.


Please make sure that the Control Panel server's default locale is set to en_US.UTF-8.

Disk Quota

Enable the disk quota feature on each Parallels H-Sphere Web server. There is no need to enable it on other servers.
¾ To enable disk quota:
1 Log in as root. 2 Insert the usrquota directive (userquota for FreeBSD) into the /etc/fstab file
for the corresponding partition. On Linux, it must look similar to this:
LABEL=/hsphere /hsphere ext2 defaults,usrquota 1 1
On FreeBSD, it must look similar to this:
LABEL=/hsphere /hsphere ufs rw,userquota 2 2
3 Execute the following commands:
quotaoff /partition_with_userquota_enabled mount -o remount /partition_with_userquota_enabled (Linux only, skip this line with FreeBSD) rm -rf /partition_with_userquota_enabled/aquota.user /partition_with_userquota_enabled/quota.user quotacheck -mufv /partition_with_userquota_enabled(Linux) quotacheck -guv /partition_with_userquota_enabled(FreeBSD) quotaon /partition_with_userquota_enabled
4 Perform the following steps:
1. # touch /partition_with_userquota_enabled/aquota.user
2. # quotacheck -m /partition_with_userquota_enabled
and ignore the message:
"quotacheck: WARNING - Quotafile /partition_with_userquota_enabled/aquota.user was probably truncated. Can't save quota settings..."
# quotaon /partition_with_userquota_enabled
5 FreeBSD Web server installations: Enable disk quota in the kernel
configuration. Also, in /etc/default/rc.conf set:
Root Partitions
We don't recommend enabling the disk quota feature on root partitions. Use other partitions for this! Therefore, we advise not to place Parallels H-Sphere files on the root partition.


Quota versions can have some differences on different operating systems. You may need to execute the quotacheck command with some additional parameters. Please read the command manual before performing this action.


In your firewall settings, open the following ports in both directions and specify the connection type - tcp or udp or both. We need that firewall be configured by our customers.
Note: Pix firewall doesn't work correctly with Parallels H-Sphere and Parallels SiteStudio, because it doesn't allow servers within one Parallels H-Sphere cluster to communicate by external IPs, which is critical for both products.
Control Panel Server
Port Usage Connection Type Note
20 FTP-DATA tcp 21 FTP tcp 22 SSH tcp 53 DNS udp 443 HTTPS tcp 873 RSYNC tcp between
Parallels H­Sphere servers
3306 MySQL tcp to all MySQL
tcp localhost only
5432 Postgres tcp CP only 8009 Tomcat tcp CP only 8080 HTTP tcp 8443 SSL tcp 55000 OpenSRS tcp if used 10125 SOAP tcp between
Parallels H­Sphere servers
Web Server
Port Usage Connection Type Note
20 FTP-
DATA 21 FTP tcp 22 SSH tcp 53 DNS udp 80 HTTP tcp 443 HTTPS tcp 873 RSYNC tcp between Parallels
H-Sphere servers
Mail Server
Port Usage Connection Type Note
22 SSH tcp 25 SMTP tcp 53 DNS udp 80 HTTP tcp 110 POP tcp 143 IMAP tcp 144 IMAP
tcp localhost only
465 Mail SSL tcp open this port only
if you want to use Mail SSL
587 submission tcp
873 RSYNC tcp between Parallels
H-Sphere servers
993 Mail SSL tcp open this port only
if you want to use Mail SSL
995 Mail SSL tcp open this port only
if you want to use Mail SSL
DNS Server
Port Usage Connection Type Note
22 SSH tcp 53 DNS tcp and udp For highest
security, open: udp
tcp worldwide
during Parallels H-Sphere installation and post-installation tests
tcp between
Parallels H­Sphere DNS servers permanently.
873 RSYNC tcp between Parallels
H-Sphere servers
953 RNDC tcp and udp For highest
security, open: udp
tcp worldwide
during Parallels H-Sphere installation and
+ 38 hidden pages