Parallels H-Sphere - 3.4, H-Sphere - 3.4.1 Developer Guide

Printed on 11 October, 2010
Legal and Copyright Notice
© 1999-2010 Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.product is
protected by United States and international copyright laws. The product’s underlying
technology, patents, and trademarks are listed at
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Preface 5
About This Guide ........................................................................................................................... 5
Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................... 5
Feedback ....................................................................................................................................... 6
H-Sphere System Database 7
Getting User Information from the Parallels H-Sphere System Database .................................... 8
Database Connections ................................................................................................................ 12
Regular Shared Connections ............................................................................................ 12
Connections With Opened Transaction ............................................................................ 12
Unix Hosting Resources and Tools 14
Creating Unix-Hosted Resources ................................................................................................ 15
Example: ............................................................................................................................ 20
Global Resources And Resource Dependencies ........................................................................ 25
globals.xml ......................................................................................................................... 25
resource_dependences.xml .............................................................................................. 29
List of Resource Dependencies ........................................................................................ 29
Account Preferences ................................................................................................................... 32
TimeUtils Class ............................................................................................................................ 32
FreeMarker Access Control List (FMACL) Objects ..................................................................... 34
Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 34
Implementation .................................................................................................................. 34
External Credits ........................................................................................................................... 36
Running Parallels H-Sphere in Debug Mode .............................................................................. 37
Script Runner ............................................................................................................................... 38
Windows Hosting Resources 39
Creating Resources for Winbox ................................................................................................... 40
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 40
Requirements .................................................................................................................... 40
Naming Conventions ......................................................................................................... 40
General Scheme of Resource Functioning ....................................................................... 41
Methods ............................................................................................................................. 42
Keys ................................................................................................................................... 43
Error Handling ................................................................................................................... 44
Resource Hierarchy ........................................................................................................... 45
Logging .............................................................................................................................. 45
Resource Types ................................................................................................................ 45
Schemas ............................................................................................................................ 46
Attributes ........................................................................................................................... 47
Crash Reporting on Winbox ........................................................................................................ 52
Crash Record File Structure .............................................................................................. 52
Detecting Crashes in Parallels H-Sphere and non Parallels H-Sphere Modules ............. 53
IIS 6.0 Native Mode ..................................................................................................................... 53
ISAPI Filters ....................................................................................................................... 54
IIS Log Plugin .................................................................................................................... 54
Preface 4
Parallels H-Sphere XML API 55
Enabling Parallels H-Sphere XML API ........................................................................................ 57
Testing Parallels H-Sphere XML API .......................................................................................... 58
Getting the List of Available XML API Services ........................................................................... 60
Generating WSDL Files for Parallels H-Sphere XML API Services ............................................ 61
Parallels H-Sphere XML API Security Settings ........................................................................... 61
Adding Custom Payment Gateways and Domain Registrars 63
Web Payment SDK ...................................................................................................................... 64
Domain Registrar SDK ................................................................................................................ 64
Merchant Gateway SDK .............................................................................................................. 64
EasyApp SDK 66
Building EasyApp Packages for Unix Hosting ............................................................................. 67
Building EasyApp Packages for Windows Hosting ..................................................................... 69
EasyApp SDK Collection Descriptor............................................................................................ 70
EasyApp SDK Descriptor ............................................................................................................ 71
EasyApp SDK Generator Helper Toolkit ..................................................................................... 72
EasyApp SDK Variables .............................................................................................................. 73
EasyApp SDK Actions ................................................................................................................. 74
Appendix 75
Logging in as the cpanel User ..................................................................................................... 76
Restarting Parallels H-Sphere Control Panel .............................................................................. 76
In this chapter:
About This Guide ............................................................................................... 5
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................... 5
Feedback .......................................................................................................... 6
Formatting convention
Type of Information
Special Bold
Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.
Go to the System tab. Titles of chapters, sections, and subsections.
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
C H A P T E R 1
About This Guide
This guide explains how to perform certain development tasks, such as, creating custom Unix-hosted and Windows-hosted resources. It provides Parallels H-Sphere XML API reference to manage Parallels H-Sphere services from remote applications via SOAP. The guide also describes EasyApp SDK for the integration of third-party PHP/MySQL applications into Parallels H-Sphere and respective SDKs for adding new Web payment systems, domain registration services, merchant gateways.
It is helpful that you also refer to Parallels H-Sphere Customization Guide for the explanation of Parallels H-Sphere customization, localization, and Parallels H-Sphere addons (packages).
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
6 Preface
Used to emphasize the importance of a point, to introduce a term or to designate a command line placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real name or value.
The system supports the so called wildcard character search.
The names of commands, files, directories, and domain names.
The license file is located in the
licenses directory.
On-screen computer output in your command­line sessions; source code in XML, C++, or other programming languages.
# ls –al /files
total 14470
Preformatted Bold
What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output.
# cd /root/rpms/php
Names of keys on the keyboard.
Key combinations for which the user must press and hold down one key and then press another.
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the
guides title, chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found an error.
This chapter explains how to write common queries to the H-Sphere system database
In this chapter:
Getting User Information from the Parallels H-Sphere System Database .......... 8
Database Connections ...................................................................................... 12
C H A P T E R 2
H-Sphere System Database
and how to operate with the database connections.
8 H-Sphere System Database
Getting User Information from the Parallels H-Sphere System Database
Selecting user info:
select users.* from users, user_account where and user_account.account_id= USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting mail accounts info:
select m.* from mailboxes m, parent_child p where p.child_type=1002 and and p.account_id= USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting resellers info:
select u.* from users u, resellers r, user_account a where and and account_id= USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting credit card info:
select c.* from users u, user_billing_infos u_b, credit_card c, user_account a where = u_b.user_id and = u_b.billing_info_id and and a.account_id= USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting resellers users credit card info:
This is possible if you dont encrypt credit card numbers in Parallels H-Sphere database. In this case run the following query:
select cc.cc_number,, cc.exp_year, cc.exp_month, cc.type from accounts as acc join credit_card as cc on ( where
acc.reseller_id= RESELLER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting credit card types:
All supported credit cards:
select * from cc_brands;
Credit cards allowed in Merchant Gateway:
select * from active_merch_gateway;
Selecting virtual FTP info:
select f.* from ftp_vuser f, parent_child p where p.child_type=2003 and and p.account_id= USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
H-Sphere System Database 9
Selecting users home directory:
To select users home directory from the system database and connect it to account:
select * from unix_user where = parent_child.child_id and parent_child.account_id = USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting user’s website directory:
Website directory always equals users home directory and domain name.
Selecting user’s hosting plan:
To select the name of the plan, run the following query:
select plans.description from plans, accounts where = USER_ACCOUNT_ID and = accounts.plan_id;
Selecting domain name:
To obtain data on domain names, run the following query:
select from domains, parent_child where = parent_child.child_id and parent_child.account_id = USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting IP address:
To retrieve data on all IPs, run the following query:
select IP from l_server_ips, parent_child where child_id = l_server_ips.r_id and parent_child.child_type = 8 and parent_child.account_id = USER_ACCOUNT_ID;.
There can be multiple IPs per domain.
Selecting IP of the domain:
To retrieve IP for the given domain name, run the following command:
select IP from l_server_ips, domains, parent_child where = parent_child.parent_id and parent_child.child_id = l_server_ips.r_id and =YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME’;
Selecting account ID for the domain:
To get the data about account ID of the given domain, execute the query:
select account_id from domains, parent_child where = parent_child.child_id and =DOMAIN_NAME’;
10 H-Sphere System Database
Selecting logical server of the domain:
To retrieve IP for the given domain name, run the following command:
select hostid from unix_user, parent_child where parent_child.account_id = YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID and child_id =;
Selecting shared IP of the domain:
To get the information about shared IPs for the domain, run:
select IP from l_server_ips where where l_server_id =HOSTIDand flag =SHARED_IP;
Selecting user’s e-mail address:
To receive data on clients contact emails, run the following query:
select * from contact_info, accounts where = accounts.ci_id and = USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Selecting emails of all users, excluding resellers’ end users:
To receive the list of all email addresses ignoring resellers end users, run the following query:
select from contact_info c_i join accounts a on ( and a.reseller_id=1);
Getting user emails by their MySQL database names:
select from mysqldb m, parent_child pc, accounts a, contact_info c where m.db_name=DBNAMEand and pc.child_type=6001 and and;
Verify users:
To verify whether a user exists in Parallels H-Sphere:
select id from users where username=USER_NAMEand password=PASSWORD’;
Defining physical/logical servers:
Run the following commands to get info about physical/logical servers:
by IP address:
select l_server_id from l_server_ips where l_server_ips = IP_ADDRESS;
by logical server:
select p_server_id from l_server where id = LOGICAL_SERVER_ID’;
H-Sphere System Database 11
selecting info about physical server:
select * from p_server where id = PHYSICAL_SERVER_ID’;
Selecting user’s billing info:
To select billing info from accounts, run the following query:
select * from billing_info, accounts where = accounts.bi_id and =USER_ACCOUNT_ID;
Billing periods for plans:
All information including discounts if present:
select * from plan_value where name like _PERIOD%and plan_id=plan_id;
select * from plan_value where name like %_DISC_%and plan_id=plan_id;
Payment modes:
select billing from plans where id=plan_id;
plans.billing takes the following values:
0 - without billing;  1 - billing mode;  2 - billing with trial period.
Getting plan pricing details:
select * from plan_value where plan_id=plan_id;
Getting domain registration pricing details:
select * from tld_prices;select * from plan_value where name like _TLD_%‟;
12 H-Sphere System Database
Database Connections
There are two possible types of connections to the Parallels H-Sphere database:
Regular shared connections Connections with opened transaction
Important: In any case, you should use only prepared stataments when working with the Parallels H-Sphere database!
Regular Shared Connections
The part of the code which establishes and uses a regular database connection should look something similar to this:
PreparedStatement ps = null; Connection con = Session.getDb(); try {
ps = con.prepareStatement(...........);
} finally { Session.closeStatement(ps); con.close(); }
Connections With Opened Transaction
In general, the part of the code which establishes and uses a transaction connection should look as follows:
// checking if the transaction exists boolean wasTrans = Session.isTransConnection(); Connection con = wasTrans ? Session.getDb() : Session.getTransConnection(); try { // some operation with the database } catch (Exception ex){ if (!wasTrans) { // rollback transaction con.rollback(); // some data to release cache and to synchronize with old data in HS DB } throw ex; } finally { if (!wasTrans) { // commit transaction and release connection Session.commitTransConnection(con); } else { con.close();
H-Sphere System Database 13
} }
1. There is the pool of transaction connections (5 by default). Opening a new transaction that exceeds this maximum would cause the system to hang up.
2. As the number of available transactions is resctricted, you must release the transaction connection you have opened by using the following command:
3. To get an opened transaction connection:
con = Session.getTransConnection();
4. Later in the code, you may get the same connection:
con = Session.getDb();
Note: Never close a transaction connection you havent opened!
5. Please make sure you synchronize your objects with the corresponding
data in the database. You must release your cache if you make a rollback.
This chapter explains how to write custom Unix hosting resources and outlines some
In this chapter:
Creating Unix-Hosted Resources ...................................................................... 15
Global Resources And Resource Dependencies ............................................... 25
Account Preferences ......................................................................................... 32
TimeUtils Class ................................................................................................. 32
FreeMarker Access Control List (FMACL) Objects ............................................ 34
External Credits ................................................................................................. 36
Running Parallels H-Sphere in Debug Mode ..................................................... 37
Script Runner .................................................................................................... 38
C H A P T E R 3
Unix Hosting Resources and Tools
other developer tools related to Parallels H-Sphere Unix servers.
Unix Hosting Resources and Tools 15
Creating Unix-Hosted Resources
A Unix-hosted resource is created as follows:
1. Login as the cpanel user (on page 76) to CP server.
2. Create a class that implements this resource.
Create a new Parallels H-Sphere resource class in the
~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/resource directory. For example:
package psoft.hsphere.resource; import psoft.hsphere.*; import java.util.Collection;
public class MyResource extends Resource { public MyResource(int type, Collection init) throws Exception { super(type, init);
} public MyResource(ResourceId rid) throws Exception { super(rid);
} }
The class must have 2 constructors, as illustrated in the above example. The first constructor, MyResource(int type, Collection init), is used
on the resource creation and its init argument contains the list of the String class objects. The MyResource methods arguments starting from the third are parameters passed from the HTML form. For example:
<assign result=parent.addChild(request.resource_name,””, db_id, user_id)>
Here, db_id and user_id are parameters taken from the HTML form. In this case, the values of db_id and user_id are passed to constructor as
Collection of Strings.
The second constructor, MyResource(ResourceId rid), is used when the
user (owner of the resource) is logged in and ClassLoader loads the resource.
Also, the resource may overwrite the initDone() method called upon the resource creation. initDone() is designed to save all additional parameters into the database and to execute additional scripts.
The resource may also overwrite the delete() method called upon the recource deletion. This method is used to delete all additional database records related to this resource.
If the resource creates system resources (directories, files, etc.) on a certain host, the resource should implement the HostDependentResource interface:
package psoft.hsphere.resource; public interface HostDependentResource {
16 Unix Hosting Resources and Tools
Method checks if a resource can be moved to the target server
@param newHostId
@throws Exception
*/ public boolean canBeMovedTo(long newHostId) throws Exception;
/** The method physically creates a physical implementation
of a resource on a logical serevr with the passed ID
@param targetHostId
@throws Exception
*/ public void physicalCreate(long targetHostId) throws Exception;
The metod deletes a physical implementation of a resource on
a logical server with the passed ID
@param targetHostId
@throws Exception
*/ public void physicalDelete(long targetHostId) throws Exception; /**
The method sets an ID of the logical server to
which this resource is linked
@param newHostId
@throws Exception
*/ public void setHostId(long newHostId) throws Exception; /**
The method returns an ID of a logical server
to which this resource is being linked
@throws Exception
*/ public long getHostId() throws Exception; }
In case of the HostDependentResource implementation, the method physicalCreate(long targetHostId) must be called from the method initDone(), and the method physicalDelete(long targetHostId) from
the method delete(). The methods physicalCreate(long targetHostId) and physicalDelete(long targetHostId) call scripts to create and delete system resources, respectfully. The method canBeMovedTo(long newHostId) should return true if physical components of the resource (files, directories, etc) can be moved to or created on the host. The methods setHostId(long newHostId) and getHostId() respectfully set and get id of the host where resource physical components are located.
General order of calling methods during the first resource creation is as follows:
Unix Hosting Resources and Tools 17
MyResource(int type, Collection init)
not null
unique resource type id
character varying(40)
not null
unique resource name
character varying(5)
M (initial value must be set) R (recurrent) U (usage) F (initial value is optional) S (setup)
character varying(100)
resource brief description
public void initDone() public void physicalCreate(long targetHostId)
The resource parameter values predefined in the <plan_name>.xml file can be retrieved by calling the getPlanValue(String key) method defined in Resource.class. For example, in unix.xml, the myresource resource is described with the res_myresource construction with the block of predefined values:
<res_myresource> ... <values> <value name=some_key>some value</value> ... </values> </res_myresource>
Then, to get the value for some_key, the getPlanValue method is used as follows:
<assign value=myresource.getPlanValue(some_key)>
In order to retrieve the resource values, FM_ methods should be implemented to be called from the HTML form. FM_ method, with its name having the FM_ prefix, is a method that returns a value of the TemplateModel class. If you call an FM_ method from a template, the Freemarker code will look like:
<assign multiply=myresource.multiply(a, b)>
Here, myresource is resource name in the plan, and multiply refers to the FM_multiply(a, b) method, where a and b are the methods arguments. In
this case, the TemplateModels FM_multiply(int x, int y) method of MyResource class will be called.
3. Insert resource information into the Parallels H-Sphere database.
Information must be added to the type_name table:
18 Unix Hosting Resources and Tools
character varying(5)
reseller flags:
R (recurrent) U (usage) F (initial value is optional) S (setup)
flag indicating if this resource is required for all accounts
must be 0
resource deletion time (should not be set initially)
Unix Hosting Resources and Tools 19
Index: type_name_name Primary key: type_name_pkey To add a resource, insert the resource data into the
type_name table, like this:
INSERT INTO type_name (id,name,description,required,priority) VALUES (119, my_resource, My Resource‟,0,0);
1. Include the resource to the plan XML configuration file.
The resource should be included into XML configuration files for each type of plans where this resource is to be enabled (for example, unix.xml for Unix plan). These files are located in the ~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/plan/wizard/xml/ directory.
You need to add the resource tags with the new resource wherever necessary according to the guide on creating XML plan wizards in Parallels H-Sphere Customization Guide.
For example:
<category description=planeditor.myresource”>
<resource name=my_resource class=psoft.hsphere.resource.MyResourceadminonly=”1”/>
To make the resource available automatically upon accounts creation, add the res_RESOURCE_NAME construction to the plan XML file, where RESOURCE_NAME is the value set in the name attribute of the resource tag for the given resource.
Make sure you also set the interface text label set as the description attribute of the category tag. This is done in the custom file. For the label in the above example, the label is set as follows:
planeditor.myresource = My Resource
2. Implement the resource in CP Web interface.
1. Create templates for this resource. Create templates according to the template procedure. See the example below
for the templates you may need to add.
2. Add a new menu item for this resource in CP menu. Customize CP menu and add a new menu item to the custom menu.xml, for
<menudef id=unix”>
<menuitem name=myresourcelabel=myresource.label URL=design/myresource.htmlresource=”” tip=myresource.tip/>
20 Unix Hosting Resources and Tools
Then, add labels myresource.label and myresource.tip to the custom file and run language bundle compiler:
[]$ java psoft.hsphere.LangBundlesCompiler
3. Create scripts for the resources physical implementation.
You must be logged in as root to create these scripts in the /hsphere/shared/scripts/ directory. See the example below on how you may create these scripts.
Note: Make changes to custom templates, interface text bundles and XML files, not to the default ones! Otherwise, you will lose your settings with subsequent Parallels H­Sphere upgrades. Please refer to the Parallels H-Sphere Customization Guide for details.
Below is a detailed example of how to create and add a new resource to Parallels H­Sphere.
1. Login as cpanel user (on page 76) to the CP server.
2. Create a resource class:
package psoft.hsphere.resource; import java.util.*; import psoft.hsphere.*; public class MyResource extends Resource implements HostDependentResource { public MyResource(int type, Collection init) throws Exception { super(type, init); }
public MyResource(ResourceId rid) throws Exception { super(rid); }
/*In this case the resource can be moved to any host*/ public boolean canBeMovedTo(long newHostId) throws Exception { return true; }
/* This method is started when the resource is created */ public void initDone() throws Exception { physicalCreate(Long.parseLong(recursiveGet(host_id).toStrin g())); }
Deletes persistant representation of the resource as well
as its system/physical representation
@throws Exception
Unix Hosting Resources and Tools 21
*/ public void delete() throws Exception { physicalDelete(Long.parseLong(recursiveGet(host_id).toStrin g())); }
/*This method implements method of HostDependentResource interface.
In this case method collects the information about resource
and runs the myresource-init script with collected
information as arguments.
*/ public void physicalCreate(long targetHostId) throws Exception { //Unix-based implementation: List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(recursiveGet(login).toString()); l.add(recursiveGet(dir).toString()); HostEntry he = HostManager.getHost(targetHostId); he.exec(myresource-init, l); //Win-based implementation: // WinHostEntry he = (WinHostEntry) HostManager.getHost(targetHostId); // boolean isSOAP = WinService.isSOAPSupport(); // if (isSoap) { // SOAPEnvelope envelope = he.invokeMethod(create, new String[][] { // {resourcename, myresource}, // {username, recursiveGet(login).toString()}, // {directory, recursiveGet(dir).toString()}} // ); // if (envelope == null) { // throw new HSUserException(The error invoked during SOAP calling); // } // } else { // throw new HSUserException(SOAP is not supported); // }
/*This method implements method of HostDependentResource interface.
In this case method collects the information about resource
and executes the myresource-init script with collected
information as arguments in order to physically delete
resource. */ public void physicalDelete(long targetHostId) throws Exception { //Unix-based realisation: List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(recursiveGet(login).toString()); l.add(recursiveGet(dir).toString()); HostEntry he = HostManager.getHost(targetHostId);
22 Unix Hosting Resources and Tools
he.exec(myresource-delete, l); //Win-based realisation: // WinHostEntry he = (WinHostEntry) HostManager.getHost(targetHostId); // boolean isSOAP = WinService.isSOAPSupport(); // if (isSoap) { // SOAPEnvelope envelope = he.invokeMethod(delete, new String[][] { // {resourcename, myresource}, // {username, recursiveGet(login).toString()}, // {directory, recursiveGet(dir).toString()}} // ); // if (envelope == null) { // throw new HSUserException(The error invoked during SOAP calling); // } // } else { // throw new HSUserException(SOAP is not supported); // }
/*This method implements method of HostDependentResource interface.
id of this resource host cannot be set
*/ public void setHostId(long newHostId) throws Exception { return; }
/*This method implements method of HostDependentResource interface
and returns value of hos_id key in resource tree.
*/ public long getHostId() throws Exception { return Long.parseLong(recursiveGet(host_id).toString()); } }
3. Insert the resource info into the system database:
[]$ psql hsphere hsphere=# INSERT INTO type_name (id, name, description, required, priority) hsphere-# VALUES (777, my_resource, My Resource, 0, 0);
4. Add the new resource to plan XML config files.
For example, ~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/plan/wizard/xml/unix.xml for Unix plan type:
<category description=planeditor.myresource”>
<resource name=my_resourcerequired=”0” noprice=”1”
Unix Hosting Resources and Tools 23
Note: Resource will be created automatically with accounts if the
<res_my_resource> </res_my_resource> tag is defined in unix.xml Set interface text label for the new resource:
Edit ~cpanel/shiva/custom/bundles/
planeditor.myresource = My Resource
Then, run language bundle compiler:
[]$ java psoft.hsphere.LangBundlesCompiler
5. Implement the resource in CP Web interface:
1. create resource template files: Create
<assign template=design/myresource.html”> <include functions”> <call draw_menu(myresource)> <include control/unixuser/myresource.html”> <call bottom()>
<call draw_tooltip()> <call draw_table_header(“2”, lang.domain.editincluded.ftp)> <tr> <td><call draw_label(My Resource)></td> <td><call onoff(account.getChild(unixuser), my_resource)></td> </tr> <call draw_table_footer()>
2. Add a link to this resource in CP menu Add a new menu item in ~cpanel/shiva/custom/xml/menu.xml:
<menudef id=unix”>
<menuitem name=myresourcelabel=myresource.label URL=design/myresource.htmlresource=”” tip=myresource.tip/>
Then, add labels myresource.label and myresource.tip to ~cpanel/shiva/psoft/hsphere/lang/ and run language bundle compiler:
+ 53 hidden pages