Items you must select,
such as menu options,
command buttons, or
items in a list.
Go to the System tab.
Titles of chapters,
sections, and
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
Used to emphasize the
importance of a point, to
introduce a term or to
designate a command
line placeholder, which is
to be replaced with a real
name or value.
The system supports the
so called wildcard character search.
The names of
commands, files,
directories, and domain
The license file is located
in the
licenses directory.
C H A P T E R 1
Typographical Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation
conventions used in it.
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
Preface 13
On-screen computer
output in your commandline sessions; source
code in XML, C++, or
other programming
# ls –al /files
total 14470
What you type,
contrasted with on-screen
computer output.
# cd /root/rpms/php
Names of keys on the
Key combinations for
which the user must
press and hold down one
key and then press
If you have found a mistake in this guide, or if you have suggestions or ideas on how to
improve this guide, please send your feedback using the online form at Please include in your report the
guide‟s title, chapter and section titles, and the fragment of text in which you have found
an error.
Welcome to the Parallels H-Sphere System Administrator Guide. It aims at system
C H A P T E R 2
About This Guide
administrators and explains how to install, configure and maintain Parallels H-Sphere
and its components.
This document explains how to shape your Parallels H-Sphere cluster, add boxes and
C H A P T E R 3
Pre-configuration Wizard
hosting services and configure basic Parallels H-Sphere settings after Control Panel
16 Pre-configuration Wizard
Parallels H-Sphere Pre-Configuration Wizard writes the cluster configuration into the
specially formatted config.xml file (download sample config.xml from The Configuration File
form on the main page enables you to:
Import: You upload the prepared XML file from a local machine to Parallels H-
Sphere and later reconfigure Parallels H-Sphere in the wizard.
Export: export config.xml with your Parallels H-Sphere cluster configuration to
your local machine.
Restore to Default: choose this option to recreate config.xml and to restart
configuring Parallels H-Sphere cluster in the wizard.
To complete the pre-configuration wizard:
1 Click the Edit General Settings icon on the right corner of the General
Settings caption and fill in the data on the page that appears:
System Domain: Specify the service domain name here.
One Server Installation: check this box if you need a single server installation.
Use NAT IP mapping: Check this box if you implement NAT (on page 30) on your
Parallels H-Sphere.
Press Submit and return to the main page of the wizard.
2 If you choose multiple server installation mode, you will see the Add
Physical Server icon on the right corner of the Physical Servers caption.
Click this icon and proceed to the form for adding new physical
servers and services.
Here you set physical server name, IP, root password to connect to, and choose
which hosting services (CP, Web, mail, DNS, MySQL, PostgreSQL) will be installed
Note: At the moment, VPS, Windows, MRTG are not installed via Parallels HSphere pre-configuration wizard.
Choose Use defaults for this server to apply default names for Parallels H-Sphere
logical servers on this server. By default, they are named webN, mailN, nsN, mailN,
mysqlN, respectively.
3 After you have added physical servers into Parallels H-Sphere cluster,
you will see them on the main page of the wizard.
Click the Edit icon in front of a physical server in the list and edit logical server
parameters. More on Logical Servers read in Parallels H-Sphere Service
Administrator Guide.
4 After you have done with Parallels H-Sphere configuration, press
Proceed Installation Wizard.
5 You will be taken to the Confirm Installation page. To complete
installation via CP web interface, click Yes, continue
6 On the page that appears check the servers you want to be
updated/installed and click Start.
To see the update log, click the server name link.
Pre-configuration Wizard 17
7 When update is finished and the light turns green, click Proceed to
8 On the page that appears, click Return to Admin CP.
You will be taken to the administrator control panel where you can maintain your
hosting business.
18 Pre-configuration Wizard
Parallels H-Sphere config.xml
The config.xml file is used in Parallels H-Sphere Pre-configuration Wizard (on page 15).
It contains Parallels H-Sphere cluster configuration: physical servers with their IPs and
root passwords to install Parallels H-Sphere to, and logical servers to be installed on
these boxes.
During regular Parallels H-Sphere installation, config.xml is formed in Parallels HSphere Pre-Configuration wizard in admin CP and is temporarily stored in the
~cpanel/.settings directory. After completing Parallels H- Sphere installation in
the postinstall mode, installer removes this file. However, the postinstall mode
won‟t continue if config.xml is missing or is different from the one used at the
When installer runs in the install mode, it is required that you specify location of the
correctly formed config.xml. See Appendix B. Installation Script Options of Parallels HSphere Control Panel Installation Guide.
Elements and Attributes
In the following chart xml elements are marked in bold and their attributes—in italics.
physicalServers - a list of Parallels H-Sphere physical servers, each of them
described as physicalServer with attributes:
id - id of the physical server
name - name of the physical server
password - root password to the physical server Each physicalServer contains ip
and logicalServers elements:
ip - server IP with attribute:
type - type of the physical server
Element ip contains such child elements:
addr - IP address
ipExt - external IP for NAT mapping
Note: If Parallels H-Sphere does not use NAT, this child element is redundant.
mask - IP mask
logicalServers - a list of Parallels H-Sphere logical servers each of them described
as logicalServer with attributes:
group - group of the logical server
id -id of the logical server
name - name of the logical server
Pre-configuration Wizard 19
Each logicalServer element contains ips element - a list of IPs, each of them
described as ip with the following child elements:
addr - IP address
ipExt - external IP for NAT mapping
Note: If Parallels H-Sphere does not use NAT this child element is redundant.
mask - IP mask
systemzone - a Parallels H-Sphere DNS zone
hsversion - a Parallels H-Sphere version
This chapter lists various types of software used in Parallels H-Sphere.
In this chapter:
Integrated Third Party Products ......................................................................... 21
Used Libraries and Technologies ...................................................................... 24
C H A P T E R 4
Software Used in Parallels H-Sphere
Software Used in Parallels H-Sphere 21
Integrated Third Party Products
Even though we integrate or use the below products in Parallels H-Sphere, we do not
assume any responsibility for bugs in their source code. Should you have any problems
with these products, please contact the developers. The packages are listed in the
alphabetical order.
BS Counter”This is a web hit counter/tracker written in Perl, features include: blocking of multiple
hits from the same user, insertion of commas, text-based or graphical modes, supports
multiple counters from the same script, and tracks users‟ browsers, operating systems,
locations, top 20 referrers, and top 20 search engine keywords. (requires SSI OR”
ezmlm”ezmlm is a modern mailing list manager. Its purpose is to efficiently send a message to
a large number of recipients with minimal delay. It allows automated additions and
subtractions from the subscriber database. In addition, it may keep an archive of
messages. It can also impose restrictions on what may be sent or retrieved and by
whom. Some mailing list managers keep a database of subscriber information and
tailor the message specifically for each subscriber. ezmlm sends the same message to
all subscribers. This is much more efficient. The benefits to the user are that on
average posts to ezmlm lists reach subscribers much faster than they would with other
mailing list manager.”
FormMail”FormMail is a generic WWW form to e-mail gateway, which will parse the results of
any form and send them to the specified user. This script has many formatting and
operational options, most of which can be specified through the form, meaning you
don‟t need any programming knowledge or multiple scripts for multiple forms. This also
makes FormMail a perfect system-wide solution for allowing users form-based user
feedback capabilities without the risks of allowing freedom of CGI access.”
Miva Merchant”Miva Merchant is a dynamic browser based storefront development and management
system that allows merchants to create and administrate multiple online stores from
anywhere in the world.”
mnoGoSearch”mnoGoSearch (formerly known as UdmSearch) is a full-featured web search engine
software for intranet and internet servers. mnoGoSearch software has a number of
unique features, which makes it appropriate for a wide range of applications from
search within your site to specialized search systems such as cooking recipes or
newspaper searches, ftp archive search, MP3 search, news articles search or even
national-wide portal search engine.”
ModLogAn”ModLogAn is a modular logfile analyzer which is able to analyze logfiles from 15
different server types.”
22 Software Used in Parallels H-Sphere
”MySQL is the world‟s most popular open source database, recognized for its speed
and reliability.”
OpenSSL”The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade,
full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL
v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength
general purpose cryptography library managed by a worldwide community of volunteers
that use the Internet to communicate, plan, and develop the OpenSSL toolkit and its
related documentation.” Parallels H-Sphere uses system OpenSSL packages. Make
sure you keep them updated. OpenSSL packages are upgraded as any other system
osCommerce”osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution under on going development by
the open source community. Its feature packed out-of-the-box installation allows store
owners to setup, run, and maintain their online stores with minimum effort and with
absolutely no costs or license fees involved.”
phpBB”phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin
board package. phpBB has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward
administration panel, and helpful FAQ. Based on the powerful PHP server language
and your choice of MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers,
phpBB is the ideal free community solution for all web sites.”
phpMyAdmin”phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL
over the WWW. Currently it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables,
delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields.”
Urchin”Urchin is the fastest and most accurate web analytics (web statistics) software
available.” It is a commercial product and is available for Windows 2000, Linux RedHat,
and FreeBSD platforms.”
WebBBS”eXtropia WebBBS allows a user to post messages as well as post replies to existing
messages. WebBBS keeps track of which messages are posts and which ones are
replies and displays them in a hierarchical tree-like fashion. Posts that start new topics
are at the top of each tree, and the replies are shown indented beneath the original
WebChat”eXtropia WebChat is a useful application that allows a number of people on the World
Wide Web to talk to one another simultaneously. The ability to chat on the Web can be
a quick way to hold a virtual meeting.”
Software Used in Parallels H-Sphere 23
eXtropia WebGuestbook is “configurable so that you can specify what your guestbook
file looks like and how the script-generated responses are displayed. If configured to do
so, WebGuestbook will email the guestbook administrator the text of new entries as
well as add them to the guestbook. The script will also respond to new entrants with a
configurable “Thank you” message... Finally, the application comes with the capability
of „four letter word‟ filtering for a child-safe guestbook. You can censor words by adding
them to a list of „bad words‟.”
Webalizer”The Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program. It produces highly
detailed, easily configurable usage reports in HTML format, for viewing with a standard
web browser.”
Supplementary Software
The Apache web-server is used as the back-end for all of PSoft applications running on
the Unix platform. More information about configuring and maintaining Apache is
available at the Apache project site.
While our products are designed to work with any SQL-compliant database server,
PostgreSQL is the server we use for internal development and testing. Their website
not only explains how to properly set up this free database, but also has some
information about SQL in general.
ProFTPD”Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software.”
qmail”qmail is a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent. It is designed for
typical Internet-connected UNIX hosts. As of October 2001, qmail is the second most
common SMTP server on the Internet, and has by far the fastest growth of any SMTP
vpopmail”vpopmail (vchkpw) is a collection of programs and a library to automate the creation
and maintenance of virtual domain email configurations for qmail installations using
either a single UID/GID or any valid UID/GID in /etc/passwd with a home directory.
Features are provided in the library for other applications which need to maintain virtual
domain email accounts. It supports named or IP-based domains. It works with vqadmin,
qmailadmin, vqregister, sqwebmail, and courier-imap. It supports MySQL, Sybase,
Oracle, LDAP, and file-based (DJB constant database) authentication. It supports
SMTP authentication combined with the qmail-smtp-auth patch. It supports user quotas
and roaming users (SMTP relay after POP authentication).”
Positive Software uses Freemarker 1.5.1 template format for Parallels H-Sphere and
Parallels SiteStudio. Please refer to this site for detailed information about the format
and capabilities of Freemarker.
Java 1.4
PHP and
We do not recommend major OS updates that result in changing of OSCODE (refer to
Updating Linux .................................................................................................. 26
C H A P T E R 5
Update of Operating Systems
Appendix D of Parallels H-Sphere Installation Guide). Rather, perform server migration.
You can have it done by Parallels H-Sphere support team,, or migrate servers by yourself using the
following manuals:
Moving Mail Service (on page 204)
Moving DNS (on page 223)
Moving MySQL (on page 238)
Moving CP Server (on page 117)
However, if you did update your OS to another major version, delete the file
26 Update of Operating Systems
Updating FreeBSD Kernel
Parallels H-Sphere requires that FreeBSD kernel be compiled with quota enabled.
To update kernel on a FreeBSD server in an Parallels H-Sphere cluster:
1 Download and install FreeBSD kernel sources.
2 Under root, change directory to /usr/src/sys/i386/conf, where
the kernel source is located:
# cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
3 In this directory, you will have the default GENERIC kernel
configuration file, and, if the custom kernel compilation has been
performed, a custom kernel configuration file, for example MYKERNEL.
4 Open your current kernel configuration file (for example MYKERNEL)
and add the line:
options QUOTA
Important: We don‟t recommend modifying the default GENERIC file. Instead, copy
its content to a custom file (like MYKERNEL) and perform modifications there!
5 Compile and install the kernel:
# /usr/sbin/config MYKERNEL
# cd ../../compile/MYKERNEL
# make depend
# make
# make install
6 Reboot FreeBSD server to activate the new kernel settings.
For more information, see generic instructions on Building and Installing a
Custom Kernel (
Updating Linux
When you update Linux automatically by means of up2date (on page 28), apt-get (on
page 28), SWUP, yum ( or other RPM updaters, you
must beforehand exclude some packages installed with Parallels H-Sphere from the
update list:
rh-postgres, postgresql, postgresql-server, postgresql-libs on CP and user
postgresql boxes
apache and apache-related packages on Parallels H-Sphere CP, WEB and MAIL
proftpd, frontpage and related packages on Parallels H-Sphere WEB boxes
Update of Operating Systems 27
qmail, vpopmail, ezmlm, sqwebmail and related packages on Parallels H-Sphere
In this section:
Linux Up2Date .................................................................................................. 28
Linux Apt-Get .................................................................................................... 28
MAIL boxes
bind and related packages on Parallels H-Sphere DNS boxes
XFree86 or xorg-x11 packages on CP. XFree86-deprecated-libs (or xorg-x11-
deprecated-libs) with dependences should be installed. This is critical particularly for
Parallels SiteStudio.
MySQL-server on Parallels H-Sphere MAIL and MySQL boxes
Please note that these packages are also to be removed while preparing servers to
Parallels H-Sphere installation.
If you have accidentally upgraded your RedHat without excluding these packages, you
need to downgrade PostgreSQL (on page 252).
28 Update of Operating Systems
Linux Up2Date
The up2date utility is used to upgrade the Linux Kernel on RedHat. For generic
information on up2date, please read Upgrading the Linux Kernel on Red Hat Linux
Systems (
Prior to updating your Linux with the up2date procedure, make sure you exclude
specific Parallels H-Sphere related services (on page 26) from the list of packages to
be updated.
Linux Apt-Get
Since the up2date (on page 28) utility has become a paid service by RedHat
(, you may
use the free apt-get utility instead.
APT-RPM is a port of Debian‟s apt tools to a RPM based distribution. apt-get is an
advanced package management utility front-end to easily perform package installation,
upgrading and removal. Dependencies are automatically handled, so if you try to install
a package that needs others to be installed, it will download all needed packages and
install them. More information on apt-get can be found at or
Prior to updating your OS packages with apt-get, make sure you exclude specific
Parallels H-Sphere-related services (on page 26) from the apt-get configuration.
To exclude these packages, modify the corresponding part of your
/etc/apt/apt.conf file, similar to this:
// Completely ignore the following packages (not regexp)
// Ignore { };
Ignore { “bind-utils”; };
// Do not try to update the following packages
// Hold { };
Hold {
Parallels H-Sphere supports NAT (Network Address Translation) which allows you to
C H A P T E R 6
Network Address Translation (NAT)
use internal IPs in your local area network. When configuring Parallels H-Sphere, use
internal IPs in all instances, and Parallels H-Sphere will convert them into external IPs
for the DNS settings and control panel web interface.
To enable NAT support in Parallels H-Sphere: 1 Log into Control Panel server as cpanel user:
1. Log in as root first:
$ su -
2. Log in as the cpanel user:
# su -l cpanel
2 Create the ips-map.xml file in the
~cpanel/shiva/psoft_config/ directory in the following format: