Paradox MAGELLAN MG5050, SPECTRA SP5500, SPECTRA SP6000 Reference & Installation

MG5000 V2.40 MG5050 V2.40
SP5500 V2.40 SP6000 V2.40 SP7000 V2.40
Reference & Installation
We hope this product performs to your complete satisfaction. Should you have any
questions or comments, please visit and send us your comments.

Table of Contents

Introduction...................................................................... 1
Specifications...................................................................................... 1
System Overview................................................................................ 2
Modules Current Consumption List .................................................... 2
Installation........................................................................ 3
Location and Mounting ....................................................................... 3
Earth Ground ...................................................................................... 3
AC Power............................................................................................ 3
Backup Battery ................................................................................... 3
MG5000 PCB Layout.......................................................................... 4
MG5050 PCB Layout.......................................................................... 5
SP5500 PCB Layout........................................................................... 6
SP6000 PCB Layout........................................................................... 7
SP7000 PCB Layout........................................................................... 8
Metal Box Installation.......................................................................... 9
Auxiliary Power Terminals ................................................................ 11
Telephone Line Connection.............................................................. 11
Bell Output Connection..................................................................... 11
Programmable Output Connections ................................................. 11
Single Zone Inputs............................................................................ 12
Advanced Technology Zone (ATZ) Connections.............................. 13
Fire Circuits....................................................................................... 14
Programming Methods.................................................. 15
WinLoad Software for Windows........................................................ 15
Programming Using a Keypad.......................................................... 15
Configuring the Keypad Zone Number ............................................. 16
Programming Using A Paradox Memory Key*.................................. 16
LCD Keypad Labels....................................................... 18
Input Keys......................................................................................... 18
Label Sections .................................................................................. 18
Special Characters and Keypad Letter Assignment ......................... 18
Access Codes ................................................................ 21
Access Code Length......................................................................... 21
Installer Code (Default: 0000 / 000000)............................................ 21
Maintenance Code (Default: Empty)................................................. 21
System Master Code (Default: 1234 / 123456)................................. 21
User Code Options ........................................................................... 21
Lock Master Code............................................................................. 22
StayD Mode.................................................................... 23
Overview........................................................................................... 23
Entry/Exit Paths ................................................................................ 23
Entry/Exit with a Keypad................................................................... 23
Entry/Exit with a Remote Control...................................................... 23
Window Mode and Re-arm Delay..................................................... 23
Advanced Settings............................................................................ 23
Zone Programming........................................................ 24
Zone Definitions................................................................................ 24
Zone Definition Status ...................................................................... 28
Zone Partition Assignment................................................................ 28
Zone Options .................................................................................... 28
EOL Zones............................................................... ......................... 30
ATZ Zone Doubling........................................................................... 30
Tamper Input on APR-ZX8 ID A (Panel + 1)..................................... 30
Tamper Input on APR-ZX8 ID B (Panel + 9)..................................... 30
Tamper Input on APR-ZX8 ID C (Panel + 17) .................................. 30
ATZ Wiring Options .......................................................................... 30
Zone Input 1 Becomes a 2-wire Smoke Input.................................. 30
Zone Timers..................................................................................... 30
Keyswitch Programming............................................... 31
Keyswitch Numbering....................................................................... 31
Keyswitch Definitions ....................................................................... 31
Keyswitch Options............................................................................ 31
Wireless Features.......................................................... 32
Wireless Transmitter Programming.................................................. 32
Viewing the Wireless Transmitter Signal Strength........................... 32
Supervision Options......................................................................... 32
RF Jamming Supervision................................................................. 33
Wireless Serial Number Display....................................................... 33
Remote Control Programming.......................................................... 33
Wireless Keypad Assignment........................................................... 34
Viewing the Wireless Keypad Signal Strength................................. 34
Wireless Keypad Options................................................................. 34
Wireless Keypad Live Display Mode................................................ 35
Wireless Repeater Programming..................................................... 35
Viewing the Repeater’s Signal Strength........................................... 35
Wireless Repeater Options .............................................................. 35
Wireless Options.............................................................................. 36
Arming and Disarming Options......................... ... .... ... . 39
Switch to Stay Arming if no Entry Delay is opened.......................... 39
When Delay Zone is bypassed Follow Zones become Entry Delay 2 39
Regular Arming switches to Force Arming....................................... 39
Stay Arming switches to Stay Force Arming.................................... 39
Sleep Arming switches to Sleep Force Arming................................ 39
Restrict Arming on Battery Failure ................................................... 39
Restrict Arming on Tamper Failure .................................................. 39
Restrict Arming on Wireless Supervision Trouble............................ 40
Arm/Disarm with VDMP3.................................................................. 40
Timed Auto-Arming .......................................................................... 40
No Movement Auto-Arming.............................................................. 40
Auto-Arming Options........................................................................ 41
One-Touch Arming........................................................................... 41
One-Touch Bypass Programming.................................................... 41
Exit Delay......................................................................................... 41
Bell Squawk On Arm/Disarm with Keypad....................................... 41
Bell Squawk On Arm/Disarm with Remote Control.......................... 41
No Exit Delay When Arming with Remote Control ........................... 41
No Exit Delay Beeps and No Bell Squawk When Stay/Sleep Arming 42
Exit Delay Termination..................................................................... 42
Fast Exit ........................................................................................... 42
Alarm Options................................................................ 43
Bell Cut-Off Timer............................................................................. 43
Recycle Alarm.................................................................................. 43
Tamper Recognition......................................................................... 43
RF Module Supervision.................................................................... 43
Tamper Bypass Options................................................................... 44
Tamper Supervision on the Bus Module .......................................... 44
Keypad Panic Options...................................................................... 44
Panic Lockout Timer......................................................................... 44
Flex-Instant Delay ............................................................................ 44
Reporting and Dialer settings....................................... 45
Zone Reporting Codes..................................................................... 45
User Reporting Codes...................................................................... 45
Special Arming Report Codes.......................................................... 45
Special Disarming Report Codes..................................................... 45
Special Alarm Report Codes............................................................ 45
Magellan / Spectra SP
System Trouble Report Codes ......................................................... 46
System Trouble Restore Report Codes............................................ 46
System Special Report Codes.......................................................... 46
Clear Reporting Codes ..................................................................... 46
Reset Reporting Codes .................................................................... 47
Monitoring Station Telephone Numbers ........................................... 47
Personal Dialing Numbers................................................................ 47
Reporting Formats............................................................................ 47
Dialing Method.................................................................................. 49
Pulse Ratio ....................................................................................... 49
Maximum Dialing Attempts............................................................... 49
Maximum Dialing Attempts - VDMP3 ............................................... 49
Delay Between Dialing Attempts ...................................................... 49
Switch to Pulse on 5th Attempt......................................................... 49
Alternate Dial Option......................................................................... 49
Force Dial Option.............................................................................. 50
Recent Closing Delay ....................................................................... 50
Auto Test Report............................................................................... 50
Closing Delinquency Delay............................................................... 50
Power Failure Report Delay.............................................................. 51
Report System Disarming................................................................. 51
Zone Restore Report Options........................................................... 51
Telephone Line Monitoring (TLM)..................................................... 51
Pager Reporting Delay ..................................................................... 51
Pager Reporting Message Repetition............................................... 51
Personal Reporting Delay................................................................. 52
Personal Reporting Message Repetition .......................................... 52
Disable Reporting............................................................................. 52
Index............................................................................... 61
Programmable Outputs................................................. 53
PGM Activation Event....................................................................... 53
PGM Deactivation Event................................................................... 53
PGM Delay ....................................................................................... 53
PGM Options.................................................................................... 53
PGM Programming........................................................................... 54
Viewing the PGM Signal Strength .................................................... 54
System Settings.......................... .... ............................... 55
Version Number Display................................................................... 55
Push Button Power Reset................................................................. 55
Installer Lock..................................................................................... 55
Keypad Lockout Feature................................................................... 55
Battery Charge Current..................................................................... 55
Partitioning........................................................................................ 55
Confidential Mode............................................................................. 55
Installer Function Keys ..................................................................... 56
Daylight Savings Time...................................................................... 56
Customized Daylight Saving Programming ...................................... 56
Audible Trouble Warning Except AC Failure .................................... 57
Audible Trouble Warning on AC Failure ........................................... 57
Display Entry Delay on LCD keypad (MG32LCD) ............................ 57
Display Exit Delay on LCD keypad (MG32LCD)............................... 57
Settings for WinLoad Software.................................... 58
Panel Answer Options ...................................................................... 58
Panel Identifier.................................................................................. 58
PC Password.................................................................................... 58
PC Telephone Number..................................................................... 58
Call WinLoad Software ..................................................................... 58
Answer WinLoad Software ............................................................... 59
Automatic Event Buffer Transmission............................................... 59
Call Back WinLoad ........................................................................... 59
Connecting to WinLoad .................................................................... 59
User Operation............................................................... 60
Alarm Display.................................................................................... 60
Trouble Display................................................................................. 60
Reference & Installation Manual

1.1 Features

• 32 zones (any of which can be wireless or keypad zones).
• 32 users and 32 remote controls (one per user).
• In-field upgrades: Update the panel’s firmware by connecting it to a PC via a 307USB Interface and then using the Winload software (V2.80 or higher).
• Menu-driven programming for the Installer, Master, and Maintenance codes. This enables you to program the panel through a simple and easy to use interface, without the use of section numbers.
• Multiple telephone numbers for event reporting: Three for the monitoring station, five for personal dialing and one for pager reporting. Up to five persons can now be contacted by the panel in case of alarm.
• Calendar with daylight savings time (enable section [730], option [1] and choose section [731] to put in the Country Code): Y o u can now select 1 out of 18 different country groups each with its own preprogrammed local daylight savings time. You can also customize the daylight saving time by programming sections [732] and [733].
• New Sleep arming method: Similar to Stay arming, Sleep arming allows users to remain in a protected area, but provides a higher level of protection. For example, in a two-story house, the perimeter is protected with Stay arming. With Sleep arming, the perimeter as well as the main floor is protected (motion detectors, etc.), allowing you to roam the second floor and sleeping quarters.
• Connect up to 15 hardwire keypads on the 4-wire communication bus.
• Push button power reset: Convenient reset button saves time when a momentary powerdown is required as opposed to having to physically disconnect the control panel’s power cables. Press and hold the RESET switch for five seconds. The STATUS LED will start flashing. Within 2 seconds of this flashing, press the reset switch again. The panel will reset to default and restart. Also, you can reset all programmable sections to factory default values in section [950].
• Available in 433MHz or 868MHz.
• Supports Memory Key (PMC-4 and PMC5).
• RF jamming supervision (section [700], option [5]): The control panel will report a trouble if the RF signal is being jammed.
• Supports SIA reporting format to central station.

Part 1: Introduction

1.2 Specifications

1.2.1 Magellan / Spectra SP Control Panels

AC Power: 16Vac transformer (refer to Table 1 on page 3) with minimum 20VA rating
Battery: 12Vdc, 4Ah/7Ah
•Aux. Power:
Bell Output:
PGMs: 100mA low-current output (each PGM)

1.2.2 Magellan / Spectra SP Keypads

Power input: Typically 9-16Vdc
Current Consumption MG32LED: 170mA, MG10LEDV/H: 95mA, MG32LRF: 40mA,
1 standard keypad zone
On-board anti-tamper switch (optional)
Maximum Range Maximum run of wire is 230m (750 feet)
Specifications may change without prior notice
Cannot exceed 200mA for UL installations
Cannot exceed 1A for UL installations
PGM3 and PGM4 optional for the SP6000
(Rec. 40VA), 50 to 60Hz
600mA typical, 700mA maximum, fuseless shutdown @ 1.1A 1A, fuseless shutdown @ 3A
MG5000/SP5500/SP6000 = 2 on-board PGMs MG5050/SP7000 = 4 on-board PGMs
MG32LCD: 110mA
1 Reference & Installation Manual

1.3 System Overview

Module Description Maximum number per system
MG32LRF 32-Zone Wireless LED Keypad Module 8 MG10LEDV/H, MG32LED,
MG32LCD, MG32I APR-ZX8 8-Zone Expansion Module 3 MG-RPT1 Magellan Wireless Repeater Module 2 VDMP3 Plug-In Vo i ce D ia l e r 1 IP100 Internet Module 1 MG-RTX3 Wireless Expansion Module (Spectra SP only) 1
10 and 32-Zone Hardwired LED and LCD Keypad Module

1.4 Modules Current Consumption List

Module Current Consumption
MG10LEDV/H Min. = 44mA / Max. = 72mA MG32LED Min. = 49mA / Max. = 148mA MG32LCD Min. = 43mA / Max. = 86mA MG32LRF Min. = 48mA / Max. = 130mA MG32I Min. = 30mA / Max. = 70mA APR-ZX8 Min. = 29mA / Max. = 31mA
15 total including APR-ZX8
MG-RTX3 Min. = 61mA / Max. = 143mA IP100 Min. = 90mA / Max. = 120mA VDMP3 Min. = 28mA / Max. = 28mA
Magellan / Spectra SP 2

2.1 Location and Mounting

UL Warning:
A 12Vdc / 7Ah battery is required to comply with UL fire requirements.
Disconnect battery before replacing the fuse.
Improper connection of the transformer may result in damage to the system.
Rechargeable Battery UL/ULC - 12Vdc / 4Ah or 7Ah
Partial PCB view
Before mounting the cabinet, push the five white nylon mounting studs into the back of the cabinet. Pull all cables into the cabinet and prepare them for connection before mounting the circuit board into the back of the cabinet. Select a centralized installation site on the main floor that isn't easily accessible to intruders and leave at least 5cm (2in) around the panel box to permit adequate ventilation and heat dissipation. The installation site should be dry and close to an AC source, ground connection and telephone line connection. Avoid installation near or in the path of strong RF fields (i.e. neon lights, computers), on or near metal objects, circuit breaker boxes, air conditioners and heater ducts since they may cause interference and reduce sensitivity. Avoid installing the control panel in the basement.
Do not cut, bend or alter the antennas and ensure that electrical wires do not cross over the antennae as these may affect the signal reception.

2.2 Earth Ground

Connect the zone and dialer ground terminals from the control panel to the metallic enclosure and cold water pipe or grounding rod as per local electrical codes.
For maximum lightning protection, use separate ea rth grounds for the zone and dialer grounds as shown in the PCB Layouts for each respective panel. For UL installations, the metallic enclosure must be grounded to the cold water pipe.

2.3 AC Power

Do not use any switch-controlled outlets to power the transformer. Connect the transformer as shown in Figure 1 on page 3. Use Table 1 to determine the required transformer.
Transformer: Amseco XP-1620 16VAC 20VA
DC Power Supply rated at: 1.1A 1.5A Auxiliary Supply can provide a maximum of: typ: 600mA, max: 700mA typ: 600mA, max: 700mA
Acceptable Battery Charge Currents 350mA 350mA/700mA

Part 2: Installation

Table 1: Transformer Requirements Table
(not verified by UL)
UL: Universal UB1640W
16.5VAC 40VA
Do not exceed 200mA for UL installations

2.4 Backup Battery

To provide power during a power loss, connect a 12Vdc 4Ah rechargeable acid/lead or gel cell backup battery as shown in Figure 1 below. Use a 7Ah battery to comply with UL fire requirement s. Connect the backup battery after ap plying AC power. When installing, verify proper polarity as reversed connections will blow the battery fuse.

2.4.1 Battery Test

If the battery is disconnected or if the battery fuse is blown, a No/Low Battery failure will appear in the keypad’s trouble display (see Trouble Display on page 60). This trouble will also appear if the battery’s capacity is too low or if the voltage drops to 10.5V or lower while the control panel is running on the backup battery. At 8.5V or lower, the panel shuts down and all outputs close.
Figure 1: AC Power and Backup Battery Connections
3 Reference & Installation Manual

2.5 MG5000 PCB Layout

Refer to Single Zone
on page 12
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery Connections on page 3.
For the keypad’s zone configurations, refer to the Installer Quick Menu. If EOL is enabled: see section [706] option [2]. Also refer to Single Zone Inputs on page 12.
AUX Power
Refer to transformer requirements on page 3 for Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is overloaded and is shut down, you must disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output.
To provide maximum lightning protection
we strongly recommend having separate
earth connections for the dialer and zone
ground terminals.
To metallic enclosure
Ground clamp
AWG#14 single conductor solid copper wire
Cold water pipe grounding
The "
BELL" output will shutdown if
the current exceeds 3A.
Disconnect telephone line before servicing.
Four pin connector can be used for quick installation of a MG5000 keypad.
Do not cut, bend or alter the antennas and ensure
that electrical wires do not cross over the antennae, as this may affect signal reception.
Paradox Memory Key (PMC-4, PMC5)
"RX" & “TX” LED:
Flashes quickly when receiving or transmitting RF signals from wireless devices.
Flash once every second = Normal Flashes ON 1 second and OFF 1 second = Any trouble Always ON = Panel is using phone line Fast flash 6 seconds after power up = Installer lock enabled
This equipment must be installed and maintained by qualified service personnel only. For UL and C-UL warnings, refer to the UL and C-UL Warnings section at the back of the Reference & Installation Manual.
Used for In-Field Firmware upgrade through a 307USB Direct Connect Interface. See Connecting to WinLoad on page 58 for details.
EBUS and Dialer used for VDMP3 plug-in voice module for voice reporting.
Press and hold the RESET button for five seconds. The STATUS LED will start flashing. Within 2 seconds of this flashing, press the reset switch again. The panel will reset to default and restart.
The sum of the current drawn from the BELL
and AUX must be limited to 1.3A (40VA transformer strongly recommended). Exceeding this limit will overload the panel power supply and lead to complete system shutdown.
Connection for Self-Contained Bell/Siren
Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads Max. current = 700 mA Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet) Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
Charge LED:
Charging and Battery test LED
Magellan / Spectra SP 4

2.6 MG5050 PCB Layout

Used for In-Field Firmware upgrade through a 307USB Direct Connect Interface. See Connecting to WinLoad on page 58 for details.
Do not cut, bend or alter the antennas and ensure that electrical wires do not cross over the antennae, as this may affect signal reception.
Four pin connector can be used for quick installation of a MG5050 keypad.
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery Connections on page 3.
Paradox Memory Key (PMC-4, PMC5)
Charge LED:
Charging and battery test LED
Status LED:
• Flash once every second = Normal
• Flashes ON 1 second and OFF 1 second = Any trou­ble
• Always ON = Panel is using phone line
• Fast flash 6 seconds after power up = Installer lock enabled
"RX" & “TX” LED:
Flashes quickly when receiving or transmitting RF signals from wireless devices.
To metallic enclosure
Ground clamp
AWG#14 single conductor solid copper wire
Cold water pipe grounding
The "BELL" output will shutdown if the current exceeds 3A.
Refer to Single Zone
on page 12
Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads Max. current = 700 mA Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet) Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
AUX Power
Refer to transformer requirements on page3 for Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is overloaded and is shut down, you must disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output.
This equipment must be installed and maintained by qualified service personnel only. For UL and C-UL warnings, refer to the UL and C-UL Warnings section at the back of the Reference & Installation Manual.
The sum of the current drawn from the BELL and AUX must be limited to 1.3A (40VA transformer strongly recommended). Exceeding this limit will overload the panel power supply and lead to complete system shutdown.
Connection for Self-Contained Bell/Siren
Press and hold the RESET button for five seconds. The STATUS LED will start flashing. Within 2 seconds of this flashing, press the reset switch again. The panel will reset to default and restart.
EBUS and Dialer used for VDMP3 plug-in voice module for voice reporting.
PGM Trigger: This jumper allows you to choose whether the solid state relay PGM (PGM4 only) is grounded (-), or gives out 12V (+).
For the keypad’s zone configurations, refer to the Installer Quick Menu. If EOL is enabled: see section [706] option [2]. Also refer to Single Zone Inputs on page 12.
Disconnect telephone line before servicing.
5 Reference & Installation Manual

2.7 SP5500 PCB Layout

Four pin connector can be used for quick installation of a SP5500 keypad.
Used for In-Field Firmware upgrade through a 307USB Direct Connect Interface. See Connecting to WinLoad on page 59 for details.
Paradox Memory Key (PMC-4, PMC5)
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery Connections on page 3.
The "
BELL" output will
shutdown if the current exceeds 3A.
AUX Power
Refer to transformer requirements on page 3 for Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is overloaded and is shut down, you must disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output.
This equipment must be installed and maintained by qualified service personnel only. For UL and C-UL warnings, refer to the UL and C-UL Warnings section at the back of the Reference & Installation Manual.
The sum of the current drawn from the BELL and AUX must be limited to 1.3A (40VA transformer strongly recommended). Exceeding this limit will overload the panel power supply and lead to complete system shutdown.
Connection for Self-Contained Bell/Siren
To provide maximum lightning protection we strongly recommend having separate earth connections
for the dialer and zone ground
Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads Max. current = 700 mA Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet) Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
Disconnect telephone line before servicing.
To metallic enclosure
Ground clamp
AWG#14 single conductor solid copper wire
Cold water pipe grounding
For the keypad’s zone configurations, refer to the Installer Quick Menu. If EOL is enabled: see section [706] option [2]. Also refer to Keypad Zone Connections on page 12.
Refer to
Single Zone
on page 12
PGM +/- trigger not supported by the SP5500
Press and hold the RESET button for five seconds. The STATUS LED will start flashing. Within 2 seconds of this flashing, press the reset switch again. The panel will reset to default and restart.
Charge LED:
Charging and battery test LED
Status LED:
• Flash once every second = Normal
• Flashes ON 1 second and OFF 1 second = Any trouble
• Always ON = Panel is using phone line
• Fast flash 6 seconds after power up = Installer lock enabled
EBUS and Dialer used for VDMP3 plug-in voice module for voice reporting.
For the keypad’s zone configurations, refer to the Installer Quick Menu. If EOL is enabled: see section [706] option [2]. Also refer to Single Zone Inputs on page 12.
Magellan / Spectra SP 6

2.8 SP6000 PCB Layout

Charge LED:
Charging and battery test LED
Status LED:
• Flash once every second = Normal
• Flashes ON 1 second and OFF 1 second = Any trouble
• Always ON = Panel is using phone line
• Fast flash 6 seconds after power up = Installer lock enabled
Four pin connector can be used for quick installation of a SP6000 keypad.
Used for In-Field Firmware upgrade through a 307USB Direct Connect Interface. See Connecting to WinLoad on page 59 for details.
Paradox Memory Key (PMC-4, PMC5)
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery Connections on page 3.
The "
BELL" output will
shutdown if the current exceeds 3A.
AUX Power
Refer to transformer requirements on page 3 for Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is overloaded and is shut down, you must disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output.
This equipment must be installed and maintained by qualified service personnel only. For UL and C-UL warnings, refer to the UL and C-UL Warnings section at the back of the Reference & Installation
The sum of the current drawn from the BELL and AUX must be limited to 1.3A (40VA transfor mer strongly recommended). Exceeding this limit will overload the panel power supply and lead to complete system shutdown.
Connection for Self-Contained Bell/Siren
To provide maximum lightning protection we strongly recommend having separate earth connections
for the dialer and zone ground
Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads Max. current = 700 mA Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet) Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
Disconnect telephone line before servicing.
To metallic enclosure
Ground clamp
AWG#14 single conductor solid copper wire
Cold water pipe grounding
For the keypad’s zone configurations, refer to the Installer Quick Menu. If EOL is enabled: see section [706] option [2]. Also refer to Keypad Zone Connections on page 12.
Refer to
Single Zone
on page 12
PGM Trigger: This jumper allows you to choose whether the solid state relay PGMs are grounded (-), or give out 12V (+).
Press and hold the RESET button for five seconds. The STATUS LED will start flashing. Within 2 seconds of this flashing, press the reset switch again. The panel will reset to default and restart.
When using an SP6000 panel in conjunction with an MG-RTX3, all MG32LED and MG10LEDV/H keypads must be versions 2.0 or higher.
EBUS and Dialer used for VDMP3 plug-in voice module for voice reporting.
PGM3,PGM4, and the alarm relay are optional.
7 Reference & Installation Manual

2.9 SP7000 PCB Layout

Charge LED:
Charging and battery test LED
Status LED:
• Flash once every second = Normal
• Flashes ON 1 second and OFF 1 second = Any trouble
• Always ON = Panel is using phone line
• Fast flash 6 seconds after power up = Installer lock enabled
Four pin connector can be used for quick installation of a SP7000 keypad.
Used for In-Field Firmware upgrade through a 307USB Direct Connect Interface. See Connecting to WinLoad on page 59 for details.
Paradox Memory Key (PMC-4, PMC5)
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery Connections on page 3.
The "
BELL" output will
shutdown if the current exceeds 3A.
AUX Power
Refer to transformer requirements on page 3 for Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is overloaded and is shut down, you must disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output.
This equipment must be installed and maintained by qualified service personnel only. For UL and C-UL warnings, refer to the UL and C-UL Warnings section at the back of the Reference & Installation Manual.
The sum of the current drawn from the BELL and AUX must be limited to 1.3A (40VA transformer strongly recommended). Exceeding this limit will overload the panel power supply and lead to complete system shutdown.
Connection for Self-Contained Bell/Siren
To provide maximum lightning protection we strongly recommend having separate earth connections
for the dialer and zone ground
Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads Max. current = 700 mA Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet) Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
Disconnect telephone line before servicing.
To metallic enclosure
Ground clamp
AWG#14 single conductor solid copper wire
Cold water pipe grounding
For the keypad’s zone configurations, refer to the Installer Quick Menu. If EOL is enabled: see section [706] option [2]. Also refer to Keypad Zone Connections on page 12.
Refer to
Single Zone
on page 12
PGM Trigger: This jumper allows you to choose whether the solid state relay PGMs are grounded (-), or give out 12V (+).
Upper Inputs = Zones 9 to 16 Lower Inputs = Zones 1 to 8
Press and hold the RESET button for five seconds. The STATUS LED will start flashing. Within 2 seconds of this flashing, press the reset switch again. The panel will reset to default and restart.
EBUS and Dialer used for VDMP3 plug-in voice module for voice reporting.
For the keypad’s zone configurations, refer to the Installer Quick Menu. If EOL is enabled: see section [706] option [2]. Also refer to Keypad Zone Connections on page 12.
Magellan / Spectra SP 8

2.10 Metal Box Installation

The crosses and dotted line represent the mounting location. If you need specific dime nsions, contact Paradox Distributor Support. For UL recommended installation for the MG5000 only, place the PCB one notch lower than the mounting location.
MG5000 (8x10”) MG5000 (11x11”)
MG5050 (11x11”)
9 Reference & Installation Manual
SP5500 (8x10”)
SP6000 (11x11”)
SP7000 (11x11”)
Magellan / Spectra SP 10

2.11 Auxiliary Power Terminals

The auxiliary power supply terminals can be used to power motion detectors, keypads and other modules or accessories in the security system. A fuseless circuit protects the power supply against current overload and automatically shuts down if the current exceeds 1.1A. If this occurs, the Maximum Auxiliary Current failure will appear in the keypad’s trouble display (see Trouble Display on page 60). Therefore, the combined current consumption of devices connected to the auxiliary power supply should not exceed 700mA. If the auxiliary output is overloade d and is shut down, you must disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output.

2.12 Telephone Line Connection

In order to report system events to the monitoring station, you must connect the incoming telephone company wires into the TIP and RING connections of the control panel and then run the wires from T1 and R1 to the telephone or telephone system as shown in PCB Layouts for each respective panel.

2.13 Bell Output Connection

The BELL+ and BELL- terminals power bells, sirens and other warning devices requiring a steady voltage output during an alarm. The bell output supplies 12Vdc upon alarm and can support one 30-watt or two 20-watt sirens. The bell output uses a fuseless circuit and will automatically shut down if the current exceeds 3A. When this occurs the Maximum Bell Current failure will only appear in the keypad’s trouble display (see Trouble Display on page 60) during an alarm. If the load on the BELL terminals returns to normal, the control panel will re-instate power to the BELL terminals during the next alarm. When connecting sirens, please verify correct polarity. Connect the positive lead to the BELL+ terminal and the negative lead to the BELL- terminal of the control panel as shown in PCB Layouts for each respective panel.
If the BELL output is not being used, the Bell Disconnected failure will remain in the keypad’s trouble display (see Trouble Display on page 60). To avoid this connect a 1KΩ resistor across the BELL terminals.
For connection of a self-contained bell/siren, see PCB Layouts for each respective panel.

2.14 Programmable Output Connections

When a specific event occurs in the system, a PGM can reset smoke detectors, activate strobe lights, open/close garage doors and much more.

2.14.1 PGMs

The control panels include two/four on-board programmable outputs (PGMs). For details on how to program PGMs, see Programmable Outputs on page 53. PGM1 and PGM2 can support up to 150mA. The PGMs are limited by the power source being used. If powered by:
An external power supply. If using an external power supply, the current consumption cannot exceed 150mA for
AUX terminals. The current consumption of the AUX terminals cannot exceed 700mA. Therefo r e, whatever
devices are connected to the AUX terminals (i.e. modules and PGMs) cannot exceed 700mA combined. Fo r example, if there are six modules connected to the AUX terminals that are using 600mA and you wish to power the PGM using the
PGM1 and PGM2. If the external power supply’s current consumption limit is less than that of the PGM it is connected to, than the current consumption will not exceed the power supply’s current limit.
UL Note: The AUX terminals cannot exceed 200mA for UL installations.
AUX terminals, the PGM’s current consumption cannot exceed 100mA.
Figure 2: Relay and PGM Connections
11 Reference & Installation Manual

2.15 Single Zone Inputs

Detection devices such as motion detectors and door contacts are connected to the control panel's zone input terminals. Figure 3 demonstrates single zone input terminal connections recognized by the panel. Once connected, the associated zone's parameters must be defined.
Figure 3: Single Zone Input Connections
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2.16 Advanced Technology Zone (ATZ) Connections

The ATZ feature is a software oriented feature that enables two detection devices to be installed per hardwired input terminal. Each detection device has its own zone, displays its zone status on the keypad and sends its own alarm codes. Fire zones cannot be doubled.
Figure 4: Advanced Technology Zone Connections
13 Reference & Installation Manual

2.17 Fire Circuits

When a zone is programmed as a fire zone, the zone becomes normally open and requires an EOL resistor. If a line short occurs or if the smoke detector becomes active, whether the system is armed or disarmed, the control panel will generate an alarm. If a trouble occurs on a fire zone, the Fire Loop Trouble will appear in the keypad’s trouble display (see Trouble Display on page 60) and the control panel can transmit the Fire Loop Trouble report, if programmed, in section [866].
Figure 5: Fire Circuits

2.17.1 4-Wire and 2-Wire Installation:

For 4-wire installation, program the Activation Event so that the smoke detectors can be reset by pressing the [CLEAR]
ENTER] keys for three seconds. See Event Group # 6 in the Event Description list in the programming guide.
+ [
For 2-wire smoke detector installation, connect the 2-wire smoke detectors. If a line short occurs or the smoke detector activates, whether the system is disarmed, the control panel will generate an alarm. If the line is open, the “Zone Fault” trouble indication appears on the trouble display and the report code is sent to the monitoring station, if programmed. To reset 2-wire smoke detectors, press the [
CLEAR] + [ENTER] keys for three seconds.
Magellan / Spectra SP 14

Part 3: Programming Methods

3.1 WinLoad Software for Windows

Program the control panels remotely or on-site using the WinLoad Software (V2.80 or higher) for Windows®. For more information, contact your local Paradox Distributor or visit our web site at If you are using the WinLoad software, you must program the features (see Settings for WinLoad Software on page 58). Update the panel’s firmware by connecting it to a PC via a 307 Direct Connect Interface and then using the Winload software. (Not investigated by UL).

3.2 Programming Using a Keypad

Use the supplied programming guide to keep track of which sections were programmed and how. We recommend you read the entire manual before you begin programming.
How Do I Enter Programming Mode?
1) Press [
2) Enter your [INSTALLER CODE] (default: 0000 / 000000) or [MAINTENANCE CODE] (empty by default)
3) Enter 3-digit [
4) Enter required [

3.2.1 Single Digit Data Entry Method (Decimal and Hexadecimal)

SECTION] you wish to program
Single Digit Data Entry is used in all sections except those specified in the Feature Select Programming Method (below). After entering Programming Mode as described in the shaded box above, some sections will require that you enter Decimal values from 000 to 255. Other sections will require that you enter Hexadecimal values from 0 to F . The required data will be clearly indicated in this manual as well as in the programming guide. When entering the final digit in a section, the control panel will automatically save and advance to the next section. Except sections 001 to 032, after entering the first three digits the control panel will switch to Feature Select Programming. For phone number programming, press [
ENTER] to save the data.
Table 2: Decimal and Hexadecimal Programming Table
Value or Action
Value 0 / Replace Current Digit
What Do I
SLEEP] Erase digit and remain in section Erase digit and remain in
with 0
Values 1 to 9 [1] to [9] Zone 1 to 9 [1] to [9]
A (hex only) [0] Zone 10 [0] B (hex only) [ C (hex only) [ D (hex only) [ E (hex only) [ F (hex only)
Exit Without Saving [
Save Data (hex only) [
OFF] Zone 11 [OFF] BYP] Zone 12 [BYP]
MEM] Zone 13 [MEM]
TBL] Zone 14 [TBL]
CLEAR] ARM & STAY LED flash ARM & STAY LED flash ENTER] Advances to the next section Advances to the next section

3.2.2 Feature Select Programming Method

After entering certain sections, eight options will be displayed where each option from [1] to [8] represents a specific feature. Press the key corresponding to the desired option. This means the option is ON. Press the key again to remove the digit, thereby, turning OFF the option. When the options are set, press the [ advance to the next section.
What Do I See?
32-zone LED 10-zone LED
Zone 15
ENTER] key to save and
15 Reference & Installation Manual

3.2.3 Data Display Mode (except MG32LCD)

To access the Data Display Mode, press the [ENTER] key after entering a section and before entering any data. The four LEDs as indicated below will begin to flash indicating that you are in the Data Display Mode.
Each time the
[ENTER] key is pressed, the keypad will display the next digit in the current section and will continue through
all the following sections one digit at a time without changing the programmed values. Not available for sections using the Multiple Feature Select Method. Press the
[CLEAR] key at any time to exit the Data Display Mode.
In the Data Display Mode you can view the programmed contents of each section one digit at a time.
Figure 6: Data Display Mode

3.3 Configuring the Keypad Zone Number

How Do I Configure The Keypad?
Press [ENTER] Enter your [INSTALLER CODE] (default: 0000 / 000000) or [MAINTENANCE CODE] (empty by default) Press [] and hold for three seconds Enter the desired zone number key (MG32LED/MG32LCD: 2-digit entry 01 to 32, MG10LEDV/H: 1-digit entry 1 to 0(10))
ENTER] to save and exit programming mode
Press [
CLEAR] to erase data without saving
Press [ Press [CLEAR]+[CLEAR] to exit programming mode without saving
PLEASE NOTE: After five minutes, the keypad exits programming mode.

3.4 Programming Using A Paradox Memory Key*

Copy the sections of one control panel into the Paradox Memory Key (PMC-4/PMC5). Then copy the contents of the Memory Key into as many control panels as needed. Each panel is programmed in less than 3 seconds.
Download to DESTINATION Control Panel or module
1) Remove AC and battery power from the control panel.
2) Place the Memory Key on the serial connector labeled MEMORY KEY of the Control Panel that is to receive the contents of the Memory Key.
3) Reapply AC and battery power.
4) In Installer Programming Mode, enter section [970], the keypad emits a confirmation beep.
5) When the keypad emits a second confirmation beep, remove the Memory Key.
Copy to Memory Key from SOURCE Control Panel or module
1) Remove AC and battery power from the control panel.
2) Place Memory Key on the serial connector labeled want to copy. Make sure the write protect jumper of the Memory Key is on.
3) Reapply AC and battery power.
4) In Installer Programming Mode, enter section [975]. The keypad emits a confirmation beep.
5) After the keypad emits a second confirmation beep, remove the Memory Key. Remove the Memory Key’s jumper if you do not wish to accidentally overwrite its contents.
* Not investigated by UL
MEMORY KEY of the Control Panel that you
Magellan / Spectra SP 16
Figure 7: Paradox Memory Key
Insert Paradox Memory Key onto the ‘MEMKEY’ connector.
Partial view of control panel
Prevents overwriting content of key.
Connection to module or panel.
Blue LED flashes only during transfer between the key and the PC.
Connection to USB Com Port.
Copy and download content of the key.
Lock Switch
17 Reference & Installation Manual

4.1 Input Keys

Alphanumeric Key Input
[1] A / B / C [2] D / E / F [3] G / H / I [4] J / K / L [5] M / N / O [6] P / Q / R [7] S / T / U [8] V / W / X [9] Y / Z
Special Function Keys
Key Function
STAY] Insert space
SLEEP] Delete
ARM] Delete whole entry
[OFF] Toggle numeric/alphanumeric keys
BYP] Toggle lower case/upper case
MEM] Special characters
Label Sections
32 Zone Labels
16 PGM Labels
[51 1]
32 User Labels
2 Partition Labels
2 Wireless Labels
8 Wireless Keypads
15 Bus Modules Labels
001 002 003 004 005 006 007
001 002 003
Special Character CataloguePolish / Hungarian / Turkish Special Character Catalogue

4.2 Label Sections

Part 4: LCD Keypad Labels

4.3 Special Characters and Keypad Letter Assignment

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+ 47 hidden pages