TechInfo Sheet fax: 01344 853689
Audio Visual email: av.technical@mail.panasonic.co.uk
Product Group: Video Cassette Recorder Model: NV-HD605B
Date: 30/04/99 Revision No: 01 Document No: 02
Subject: Parts Kit for Power Supply
We are pleased to introduce to you the repairing parts kit for power supply circuit which are useful
to effectively perform the following models. The list of these parts kit and each parts number and
applicable model numbers are as shown below.
Please note that the present individual parts contained in these kits will also be supplied.
1. Schematic diagram
H These parts may be damaged due to abnormal oscillation of Q1101.
Panasonic CS U.K. Document No: 02
Model: NV-HD605B
TechInfo Sheet fax: 01344 853689
Audio Visual email: av.technical@mail.panasonic.co.uk
2. Model number and parts kit number
a) NV-SD400B, NV-SD450B, NV-HD600B, NV-HD650B
The parts kit number is VUE4123KIT
b) NV-SD200B, NV-SD260B, NV-SD410B
The parts kit number is VUE4124KIT
c) NV-HD605B, NV-HD610B, NV-HD660B
The parts kit number is VUE4125KIT
a) VUE4123KIT b) VUE4124KIT c) VUE4125KIT
No. Ref. No. Parts No. No. Ref. No. Parts No. No. Ref. No. Parts No.
1 IC1101 TDA4605-3 1 IC1101 TDA4605-3 1 IC1101 TDA4605-3
2 Q1101 STP3N60F1-M 2 Q1101
3 Q1102 2SD601A 3 Q1102 2SD637 3 Q1102 2SD637
4 Q1105 2SD601A 4 Q1105 2SD637 4 Q1111 M0C8104T
5 Q1107 M0C8104FR2 5 Q1111
6 Q1111 M0C8104FR2 6 QR1101 UN1114 6 D1104 MA185
7 QR1101 UN2114 7 D1104 MA178 7 D1126 MA4043-L
8 QR1104 MUN2212 8 D1126 MA4043-L 8 D1127 MA165
9 D1104 MA178 9 D1127 MA165 9 F1101 XBA2C16TH15
10 D1126 MA4047-M 10 F1101
11 D1127 1SS355 11 R1109 ERDS2FJ221 11 R1114 ERX12SJR75
12 F1101 XBA2C16TH15 12 R1114
13 R1109 ERJ6GMYJ221 13 R1116 ERDS2FJ100 13 R1117 ERDS2FJ472
14 R1114 ERX12SJR51 14 R1117 ERDS2FJ472 14 R1128 ERDS2FJ332
15 R1116 ERJ6GMYG100 15 R1127 ERDS2FJ333 15 R1129 ERDS2FJ123
16 R1117 ERJ6GMYG472 16 R1128 ERDS2FJ332
H17 R1123 ERJ6GMZ0R00 17 R1129 ERDS2FJ223
18 R1127 ERJ6GMYG333 18 R1106 ERDS3FJ221
19 R1128 ERJ6GMYG332
20 R1129 ERJ6GMYG223
21 R1116 ERG1SJ100
R1118 ERG1SJ100
2 Q1101 STP3N60
5 QR1101 UN1114
10 R1109 ERDS2FJ221
12 R1116 ERDS2FJ100
R1118 ERG1SJ100
H It is only for NV-SD450 € R1118 is used for modification as T/1 No. VRD9610TC11.
d) NV-SD350AM, NV-SD450A/EA/EU
Panasonic CS U.K. Document No: 02
Model: NV-HD605B