Panasonic NN-GM342W User Manual [ru]

Operating Instructions and Cookbook
Инструкция по эксплуатации и рецепты приготовления блюд
Microwave/Grill Oven
Микроволновая печь с грилем
Мікрохвильова піч з грилем
For home use Для домашнего использования Для домашнього використання
Model: NN-GM340W
Model No.
Before operating this oven, please read these instructions completely and keep for future reference.
Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use.
Перед началом эксплуатации данной микроволновой печи, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с инструкцией
Пожалуйста, перед началом эксплуатации данного продукта внимательно прочитайте инструкцию по эксплуатации
Будь ласка, перед початком експлуатації цього продукту уважно прочитайте інструкцію з експлуатації й збережіть її
Перед використанням цієї печі, будь ласка, повністю прочитайте ці інструкції і збережіть їх для
и сохраните ее для использования в дальнейшем.
и сохраните ее для использования в дальнейшем.
подальших довідок.
для використання у майбутньому.
Мікрохвильові печі моделей NN-GM340W відповідають вимогам Технічного Регламенту електромагнітної сумісності (затвердженому постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 29 липня 2009 р. № 785) та вимогам Технічного Регламенту безпеки низьковольтного електричного обладнання (затвердженому постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 29 жовтня 2009 р. № 1149)
Моделі NN-GM340W торгової марки Panasonic відповідають вимогам ноpмативних документiв:
ДСТУ CISPR 11:2007 ДСТУ IEC 61000-3-2:2004 ДСТУ CISPR 14-1:2004 ДСТУ IEC 60335-2-25:2003 ДСТУ CISPR 14-2:2007 ДСТУ IEC 60335-2-9:2007 ДСТУ EN 61000-3-3:2004
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Дату виготовлення Ви можете визначити за комбінацією цифр та літер, що розташовані на маркувальній табличці виробу.
Відповідно до ДСТУ CISPR 11:2007 виріб класифікується як:
• обладнання Групи 2, в якому спеціально генерована радіочастотна енергія використовується в якості електромагнітного випромінювання для обробки продуктів харчування;
• обладнання Класу B, яке призначене для побутового використання і яке під’єднується безпосередньо до низьковольтної мережі електроживлення у побутових приміщеннях.
Panasonic Appliances Microwave Oven (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
898 Long Dong Road, Pu Dong, Shanghai, China 201203
Встановлений виробником термін служби (придатності) цього виробу дорівнює 7 рокам з дати виготовлення за умови, що виріб використовується у суворій відповідності до дійсної інструкції з експлуатації та технічних стандартів, що застосовуються до цього виробу.
Panasonic Corporation
Panasonic Corporation Панасонік Корпорейшн
1006 Kadoma, Osaka, Japan 1006 Кадома, Осака, Японія
вулиця Фізкультури, будинок 30-В, місто Київ, 03680, Україна
Панасоник Эплаенсиз Майкровейв Овен (Шанхай) Ко., Лтд.
898 Лонг Донг Роуд, Пу Донг, Шанхай, Китай 201203
Панасонік Корпорейшн
Декларація про Відповідність
Вимогам Технічного Регламенту Обмеження Використання деяких Небезпечних Речовин в електричному та
електронному обладнанні
(затвердженого Постановою №1057 Кабінету Міністрів України)
Виріб відповідає вимогам Технічного Регламенту Обмеження Використання деяких Небезпечних Речовин в електричному та електронному обладнанні (ТР ОВНР).
Вміст небезпечних речовин у випадках, не обумовлених в Додатку №2 ТР ОВНР:
1. свинець(Pb) – не перевищує 0,1% ваги речовини або в концентрації до 1000 частин на мільйон;
2. кадмій (Cd) – не перевищує 0,01% ваги речовини або в концентрації до 100 частин на мільйон;
3. ртуть(Hg) – не перевищує 0,1% ваги речовини або в концентрації до 1000 частин на мільйон;
4. шестивалентний хром (Cr6+) – не перевищує 0,1% ваги речовини або в концентрації до 1000 частин на мільйон;
5. полібромбіфеноли (PBB) – не перевищує 0,1% ваги речовини або в концентрації до 1000 частин на мільйон;
6. полібромдефенілові ефіри (PBDE) – не перевищує 0,1% ваги речовини або в концентрації до 1000 частин на мільйон.
Table of Contents
Before Operating
Installation and Connection.............................................................................................................................................2
Safety Instructions ..........................................................................................................................................................3
Important Information......................................................................................................................................................4
Feature Diagram .............................................................................................................................................................5
Control Panel ..................................................................................................................................................................6
Operation and Hints
Setting Micro Power and Time........................................................................................................................................7
To Defrost by setting weight of food ...............................................................................................................................7
To Cook on Grill by time setting......................................................................................................................................8
To Cook on Combination by time setting ........................................................................................................................8
Before Requesting Service .............................................................................................................................................9
Care of your Microwave Oven ......................................................................................................................................10
Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................................................11
Cooking Guide
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................12
Cookware and Utensil Guide ........................................................................................................................................13
Microwave Cooking Techniques ..............................................................................................................................14-15
To Reheat by Micro Power and Time............................................................................................................................16
Defrosting Guidelines....................................................................................................................................................17
Defrosting Tips and Techniques....................................................................................................................................18
Microwave Recipe Preparation and Techniques .....................................................................................................19-20
Common Queries Answered.........................................................................................................................................21
Everyday Basics ...........................................................................................................................................................22
Fish and Shellfish..........................................................................................................................................................23
Main Fare Meats......................................................................................................................................................26-27
Vegetable Varieties ..................................................................................................................................................28-30
Rice, Pasta and Cereal............................................................................................................................................31-32
Desserts ........................................................................................................................................................................33
- Eng-1 -
Installation and Connection
Examine your microwave oven
Unpack the oven, remove all packing material, and examine the oven for any damage such as dents, broken door latches or cracks in the door. If you find any damage, notify your dealer immediately. Do not install a damaged microwave oven.
Earthing instructions
IMPORTANT: THIS UNIT HAS TO BE PROPERLY EARTH­ED FOR PERSONAL SAFETY. If your AC outlet is not earthed, it is the personal responsibili­ty of the customer to have it replaced with a properly earthed wall socket.
Operation voltage
The voltage has to be the same as specified on the label on the oven. If a higher voltage than specified is used, it may cause a fire or other damages.
Placement of the Oven
1. Place the oven on a flat and stable surface, more than 85 cm above the floor.
2. When this oven is installed, it should be easy to isolate the appliance from the electricity supply by pulling out the plug or operating a circuit breaker.
3. For proper operation, ensure a sufficient air circulation for the oven.
Counter-top use:
Allow 15 cm of space on the top of the oven, 10 cm at back and 10 cm on both sides. If one side of the oven is placed flush to a wall, the other side or top must not be blocked.
15 cm
10 cm
4. Do not place this oven near an electric or gas cooker
5. The feet should not be removed.
6. This oven is only for household usage. Do not use out-
7. Avoid using the microwave oven in high humidity.
8. The power cord should not touch the outside of the oven.
Keep the cord away from hot surfaces. Do not let the cord hang over the edge of table or work top. Do not immerse cord, plug or oven in water.
9. Do not block the air vents. If they are blocked during
operation, the oven may be overheated or damaged. When using any cloth over the oven, the air intake and exhaust should not be blocked.
10.The microwave oven shall not be placed in a cabinet.
10 cm
1. The door seals and door seal areas should be cleaned
with a damp cloth. The appliance should be inspected for damage to the door seals and door seal areas and if these areas are damaged the appliance should not be operated until it has been repaired by a service technician trained by the manufac­turer.
2. Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged CORD OR PLUG, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped. If the supply cord of this appliance is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a sim­ilarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
3. Do not attempt to tamper with or make any adjustments or repairs to the door, control panel housing, safety interlock switches or any other part of the oven. Do not remove the outer panel from the oven which gives protection against exposure to microwave energy.
It is dangerous for anyone other than a service techni­cian trained by the manufacturer to perform repair service.
4. The oven light must be replaced by a service technician trained by the manufacturer. When it becomes necessary to replace the oven light, please consult your dealer.
5. Liquids or other foods must not be heated in sealed con­tainers since they are liable to explode.
6. Only allow children to use the oven without supervision when adequate instructions have been given so that the child is able to use the oven in a safe way and under­stands the hazards of improper use.
7. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (includ­ing children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
8. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
This product is designed to plug to AC power outlet with (the third) safety earth wire. For your safety, do not ignore that safety earth wire, because in such case this product does not provide with conditions of electric shock defense, fore­saw by product’s design. You have to ask qualified specialist to install required outlet as it is shown on the picture.
- Eng-2 -
Safety Instructions
Use of your oven
1. Do not use the oven for any reason other than the preparation of food. This oven is specifically designed to
heat or cook food. Do not use this oven to heat chemicals or other non-food products.
2. Before use, check utensils/containers are suitable for use in microwave ovens.
3. Do not attempt to use this microwave oven to dry newspa­per, clothing or any other materials. They may catch on fire.
4. When the oven is not being use, do not store any objects other than oven accessories inside the oven in case it is accidentally turned on.
5. The appliance shall not be operated by MICROWAVE or COMBINATION WITHOUT FOOD IN THE OVEN, opera­tion in this manner may damage the appliance.
6. If smoke is observed, turn the Timer to zero and leave the door closed. Disconnect the power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or the circuit breaker panel in order to stifle any flames.
Heater Operation
1. Exterior oven surfaces, including air vents on the cab­inet and the oven door will get hot during COMBINA­TION and GRILL, take care when opening or closing door and when inserting or removing food and acces­sories.
2. The oven has a heater situated in the top of the oven. After using the GRILL and COMBINATION functions, the ceiling will be very hot. N.B. After cooking by GRILL and COMBINATION the accessories will be very hot.
3. The accessible parts may become hot when GRILL or COMBINATION is in use. Children should be kept away.
4. Appliances are not intended to be operated by means
In accordance with para. 2 Cl. 5 of the Russian Federal
of an external timer or separate remote control system.
Law “On consumer rights protection”, the manufacturer hereby assigns the use period of the present device to be 7
In accordance with para. 2 Cl. 5 of the Russian Federal years from the date of production under the condition that
Law “On consumer rights protection”, the manufacturer the present device is used in strict compliance with the
hereby assigns the use period of the present device to be 7 present manual and applicable technical standards.
years from the date of production under the condition that the present device is used in strict compliance with the present manual and applicable technical standards.
The oven comes equipped with a variety of accessories.
Always follow directions given for use of the accessories.
The oven comes equipped with a variety of accessories. Always follow directions given for use of the accessories.
Glass Tray
1. Do not operate the oven without Roller Ring and Glass
Glass Tray
Tray in place.
2. Never use another type of glass tray than the one special-
1. Do not operate the oven without Roller Ring and Glass ly designed for this oven.
Tray in place.
3. If Glass Tray is hot, let it to cool before cleaning or placing
2. Never use another type of glass tray than the one special­in water.
ly designed for this oven.
4. Glass Tray can turn in either direction.
3. If Glass Tray is hot, let it to cool before cleaning or placing in water.
5. If the food or cooking vessel on Glass Tray touches the oven walls and make the turntable stop rotating, the
4. Glass Tray can turn in either direction. turntable will automatically rotate in the opposite direction.
5. If the food or cooking vessel on Glass Tray touches the This is normal.
oven walls and make the turntable stop rotating, the
6. Do not cook foods directly on Glass Tray.
turntable will automatically rotate in the opposite direction. This is normal.
6. Do not cook foods directly on Glass Tray.
Roller Ring
1. Roller Ring and the oven floor should be cleaned frequent­ly to prevent noise and build-up of remaining food.
2. Roller Ring must always be used for cooking together with Glass Tray.
Wire Rack
1. A Wire Rack is included with the oven in order to facilitate browning of small dishes.
2. Wire Rack should be cleaned regularly.
3. When using Wire Rack in the manual GRILL or COMBI­NATION cooking modes, be careful to choose heat-proof containers; containers made of plastic or paper may melt or burn when exposed to the heat radiating from the grill.
4. When using the COMBINATION mode, never place any aluminum or metal container directly on Wire Rack. Always insert a glass plate or dish between Wire Rack and the aluminum container. This will prevent sparking that may damage the oven.
5. It is not recommended to use Wire Rack when cooking in the MICROWAVE mode only.
Maintenance of your oven
1. Service WHEN YOUR OVEN REQUIRES SERVICING call your local Panasonic engineer (Customer Support). It is haz­ardous for anyone other than a competent person to carry out any service or repair operation which involves the removal of a cover which gives protection against expo­sure to microwave energy.
2. Door Seals Do not attempt to tamper with or make any adjustments or repairs to door, control panel housing, safety interlock switches or any other part of the oven. Do not remove outer panel from oven. The door seals and door seal areas should always be kept clean – use a damp cloth. N.B. The appliance should be inspected for damage to the door seals and door seal areas. If these areas are dam­aged the appliance should not be operated until it has been repaired by a service technician trained by the man­ufacturer.
3. Oven Light The oven lamp must be replaced by a service technician trained by the manufacturer. DO NOT attempt to remove the outer casing from the oven.
- Eng-3 -
Important Information
1 2 3
4 5
7 8 9 0
- = ~ ! @
1) Cooking Times
• Cooking times given in the cookbook are approximate. The cooking time depends on the condition, temperature and amount of food and on the type of cooking ware.
• Begin with the minimum cooking time to help prevent over­cooking. If the food is not sufficiently cooked you can always cook it for a little longer.
N.B.: If the recommended cooking times are exceeded
the food will be spoiled and in extreme circumstances could catch fire and possibly damage the interior of the oven.
2) Small Quantities of Foods
• Small quantities of food or foods with low moisture content can burn, dry out or catch on fire if cooked too long. If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep the oven door closed, turn the oven off and remove the plug from the socket.
3) Eggs
• Do not cook eggs in their shells and whole hard-boiled eggs by MICROWAVE. Pressure may build up and the eggs will explode.
4) Piercing Skin
• Food with non porous skins, such as potatoes, egg yolks, chicken wings and sausages must be pierced before cook­ing by MICROWAVE to prevent bursting.
5) Meat Thermometer
• Use a meat thermometer to check the degree of cooking of roasts and poultry only when the meat has been removed from the oven. Do not use a conventional meat thermome­ter when using MICROWAVE because it may cause sparking.
6) Liquids
• When heating liquids, e.g. soup, sauces and beverages in your microwave oven, overheating the liquid beyond boiling point can occur without evidence of bubbling. This could result in a sudden boil over of the hot liquid. To prevent this possibility the following steps should be taken:
a) Avoid using straight-sided containers with narrow necks. b) Do not overheat. c) Stir the liquid before placing the container in the oven
and again halfway through the cooking time.
d) After heating, allow it to stand in the oven for a short
time, stirring again before carefully removing the container.
e) Microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed
eruptive boiling, therefore care has to be taken when handling the container.
7) Paper/Plastic
• When heating food in plastic or paper containers, check the oven frequently as these types of containers ignite if over­heated.
• Do not use recycled paper products (ex. Kitchen Roll) unless the paper product is labeled as safe for microwave oven use. Recycled paper products may contain impurities which may cause sparks and/or fires when use.
• Remove wire twist-ties from roasting bags before placing the bags in oven.
8) Utensils/Foil
• Do not heat any closed cans or bottles because they might explode.
• Metal containers or dishes with metallic trim should not be used during Microwave cooking. Sparking will occur.
• If you use any aluminum foil, meat spikes or metal ware, the distance between them and the oven walls and door should be at least 2 cm to prevent sparking.
9) Feeding Bottles/Baby Food Jars
• The top and teat or lid must be removed from feeding bot­tles or baby food jars before placing in the oven.
• The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars are to be stirred or shaken.
• The temperature has to be checked before consumption to avoid burns.
10) Place in Use
This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:
• staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;
• farm houses;
• by clients in hotels, motels and other residential environments;
• bed and breakfast type environments.
- Eng-4 -
Feature Diagram
1 2 3
4 5
7 8 9 0
­= ~ ! @
8n 5
4 j
Oven Window Door Safety Lock System Pull Door Handle
Pull to open the door. Opening the door during cook­ing will stop the cooking process without cancelling the program. It is quite safe to open the door at any time during a cooking program and there is no risk of Microwave exposure.
Control Panel Glass Tray
a. DO NOT operate the oven without the Roller Ring
and Glass Tray in place.
b. Only use the Glass Tray specifically designed for
this oven. Do not substitute any other Glass Tray.
c. If the Glass Tray is hot, allow to cool before clean-
ing or placing in water.
d. DO NOT cook directly on the Glass Tray. Always
place food on a microwave-safe dish, or on a rack set in a microwave-safe dish.
e. If food or utensil on the Glass Tray touches oven
walls, causing the tray to stop moving, the tray will automatically rotate in the opposite direction. This is normal.
f. Glass Tray can rotate in either direction.
Roller Ring
a. Roller Ring should be cleaned regularly to avoid
excessive noise.
b. Roller Ring and Glass Tray should be used at the
same time.
Identification Plate Oven Air Vent Time/Weight Select Dial Cook Mode Select Dial Waveguide Cover (do not remove) Power Supply Cord Power Supply Plug Warning Label Wire Rack
The illustration is for reference only.
- Eng-5 -
Control Panel
Medium-High Power
Cook Mode Select Dial
Combination Setting
Low Power
Medium Power
Defrost Power
Grill Setting
Low Power
High Power
High Power
Defrost Power
Grill Setting
Combination Setting
Medium Power
Cook Mode Select Dial
Medium-High Power
Time/Weight Select Dial
Time/Weight Select Dial
- Eng-6 -
Operation (Setting Micro Power and Time)
The glass tray must always be in position when using the oven.
• Turn dial to select power level.
Power Level Example of Use
HIGH Boil water. Cook fresh fruit, vegetables, rice, pasta, noodles and dessert.
MEDIUM-HIGH Cook fish, poultry, meat, cakes and heat milk.
MEDIUM Cook pot roasts, casseroles and meat loaves, melt chocolate. Cook eggs and cheeses.
DEFROST Thaw foods.
LOW Keep cooked foods warm, simmer slowly.
1. If you wish to check the food during cooking simply open the door. The oven will automatically stop cooking. To continue cooking, close the door.
2. To stop cooking, turn Time/Weight Select Dial to zero the “OFF” position. Cooking time can be reset at any time during the cooking cycle by turning the time dial.
3. When food is removed from the oven after cooking is complete, check the Time/Weight Select Dial is in the zero position.
4. Turn over or remove or shield food during half of defrosting time.
• Set cooking time by turning dial. If the door is already closed, cook­ing time will begin immediately. When selecting the time for shorter than 5 minutes, turn Time/Weight Select Dial past 5 minutes and then return to the correct time.
Operation (To Defrost by setting weight of food)
• Set the Power Level at Defrost.
• Set the weight of food. When selecting weight for less than 0.2 kg, turn Time/Weight Select Dial past 0.2 kg and then return to cor­rect weight.
- Eng-7 -
Operation (To Cook on Grill by time setting)
• Set Cook Mode Select Dial to Grill position .
Directions for Grilling
When grilling, heat is radiated from the two quartz tubes at the top of the oven. The oven door must be kept closed to prevent cooking odours from spreading in the kitchen and so as not to waste energy. The grill is particularly useful for thin slices of meat, steaks chops, kebabs, sausages or pieces of chicken. It is also suitable for hot sandwiches and all gratin dishes. Place food to be grilled on Wire Rack on Glass Tray. Select Grill setting, set the time and start the oven. The food being grilled should normally be turned over after half the grilling time. When the oven door is opened the program is interrupted. Turn the food over, place it back the oven, close the door and restart oven. While grilling, the oven door can be opened at any time to check the food.
• Set grilling time by turning Time/Weight Select Dial. If the door is already closed, cooking time will begin immediately.
Operation (To Cook on Combination by time setting)
• Set Cook Mode Select Dial to Combination position .
Directions for Combination Cooking
The Combination means that it is possible to combine the microwave and grill function for thawing, cooking, and heating foods. There is a special program to keep the crispness of certain foods. Place food on a Wire Rack on Glass Tray.
• Set combination cooking time by turning Time/Weight Select Dial. If the door is already closed, cooking time will begin immediately.
- Eng-8 -
Before Requesting Service
The oven causes interference with Some radio and TV interference might occur when you cook with the microwave my TV. oven. This interference is similar to the interference caused by small appliances
such as mixers, vacuums, hair dryers, etc. It does not indicate a problem with your oven.
The oven lights dim. When cooking with a power other than HIGH, the oven must cycle to obtain the
Steam accumulates on the oven During cooking, steam and warm air are given off from the food. Most of the steam door and warm air comes from and warm air are removed from the oven by the air which circulates in the oven the oven vents. cavity. However, some steam will condense on cooler surfaces such as the oven
I accidentally operate my Operating the oven empty for a short time will not damage the oven. microwave oven without any food However, we do not recommend this to be done. in it.
There are humming and clicking These noise occur as the oven automatically switches from microwave power to noises from my oven when I cook Grill, to create the Combination setting. This is normal. by Combination.
The oven has an odor and generates It is essential that your oven is wiped out regularly particularly after cooking by smoke when using Combination and Combination or Grill. Any fat and grease that builds up on the roof and walls of the Grill function. oven will begin to smoke if not cleaned.
lower power levels. The oven light will dim and clicking noises can be heard when the oven cycles.
door. This is normal.
Oven will not turn on.
The oven is not plugged in securely. Remove plug from outlet, wait 10 sec-
Circuit breaker or fuse is tripped or blown.
There is a problem with the outlet. Plug another appliance into the outlet to
onds and re-insert.
Contact the specified service center.
check if the outlet is working.
When the oven is turning on, there is noise coming from Glass Tray.
Oven will not start cooking.
If it seems there is a problem with the oven, contact an authorized Service Centre.
The roller ring and oven bottom are dirty. Clean these parts according to care of
The door is not closed completely. Close the oven door securely.
- Eng-9 -
your oven (See next page).
Care of your Microwave Oven
1. The oven should be cleaned regularly and any food deposits removed.
2. Turn the oven off and remove the power plug from the wall socket before cleaning.
3. Keep the inside of the oven clean. When food splatters or spilled liquids adhere to oven walls, wipe with a damp cloth. Mild detergent may be used if the oven gets very dirty. The use of harsh detergent or abrasives is not rec-
4. The outside oven surfaces should be cleaned with a damp cloth. To prevent damage to the operating parts inside the oven, water should not be allowed to seep into the ventila­tion openings.
5. Do not allow the Control Panel to become wet. Clean with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use detergents, abrasives or sprayon cleaners on the Control Panel.
When cleaning the Control Panel, leave oven door open to prevent oven from accidentally turning on. After cleaning, make sure Time/Weight Select Dial is set to zero position.
6. If steam accumulates inside or around the outside of the oven door, wipe with a soft cloth. This may occur when the microwave oven is operated under high humidity condi­tions and in no way indicates malfunction of the unit.
7. It is occasionally necessary to remove the glass tray for cleaning. Wash the tray in warm sudsy water or in a dish­washer.
8. The Roller Ring and oven cavity floor should be cleaned regularly to avoid excessive noise. Simply wipe the bottom surface of the oven with mild detergent, water or window cleaner and dry. The Roller Ring may be washed in mild sudsy water or dish washer. Cooking vapors collect during repeated use but in no way affect the bottom surface or Roller Ring wheels. When removing the Roller Ring from cavity floor for cleaning, be sure to replace in the proper position.
9. When using the GRILL or cooking in the COMBINATION mode, some foods may inevitably splatter grease on to the oven walls. If the oven is not cleaned, occasionally it may start to "smoke" during use. These marks will be more dif­ficult to clean later.
10. After GRILL or COMBINATION cooking the ceiling and walls of the oven should be cleaned with a soft cloth squeezed in soapy water. Particular care should be taken to keep the window area clean particularly after cooking by GRILL or COMBINATION. Stubborn spots inside the oven can be removed by using a small amount of microwave oven cleaner sprayed onto a soft damp cloth. Wipe onto problem spots, leave for recommended time and then wipe off. Avoid cleaning oven door and the microwave feed guide area situated on the right hand side of the cavi­ty wall.
A steam cleaner is not to be used for cleaning.
11. When it becomes necessary to replace the oven light, please consult a dealer to have it replaced.
12. Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of the surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possibly result in a haz­ardous situation.
- Eng-10 -
Technical Specifications
Power Source:
Power Consumption: Microwave:
Cooking Power: Microwave*:
Outside Dimensions (W x H x D):
Oven Cavity Dimensions (W x H x D):
Operating Frequency:
Net Weight:
* IEC Test Procedure Specifications subject to change without notice. As for the voltage requirement, the production month, country and serial number, please refer to the identification plate on the microwave oven.
220 V 50 Hz
5.3 A, 1,125 W
5.9 A, 1,270 W
4.8 A, 1,050 W
4.5 A, 1,000 W
700 W
800 W
1,000 W
488 mm x 279 mm x 405 mm
485 mm x 287 mm x 400 mm
315 mm x 178 mm x 353 mm
315 mm x 207 mm x 349 mm
2,450 MHz
Approx. 12.5 kg
13.2 kg
- Eng-11 -
Cooking with Microwave Energy
Microwaves are a form of high frequency electromagnetic waves (approx 12cm wavelength) similar to those used by a radio. Electricity is converted into microwave energy by the magnetron tube. The microwaves travel from the magnetron tube to the oven cavity where they are reflected, transmitted or absorbed.
Microwaves are reflected by metal just as a ball is bounced off a wall. A combination of stationary (interior walls) and rotating metal (turntable or stirrer fan) helps assure that the microwaves are well distributed with­in the oven cavity to produce even cooking.
Grilling is done at high temperatures with the food close to the heat. This gives meat a rich brown appearance. Only use high-quality, well-marbled meats for grilling since the high tem­peratures can dry out the less choice meats.
Microwaves pass through some materials such as paper, glass and plastic much like sunlight shining through a window. Because these substances do not absorb or reflect the microwave energy, they are ideal materials for microwave oven cook­ing containers.
Combination cooking is ideal for roasting meats and poultry. Combination cooking automatically alternates between convection and microwave heating. The advantage to combination cook­ing is that it gives the browning of convection and often shortens the conventional cooking time.
Microwaves are absorbed by food. They penetrate to a depth of about 2 to 4cm. Microwave energy excites the molecules in the food (especially water, fat and sugar molecules), and causes them to vibrate very quickly. The vibration causes friction and heat is produced. In large foods, the heat which is produced by friction is con­ducted to the center to finish cooking.
- Eng-12 -
Cookware and Utensil Guide
Microwave Oven Combination Grill
Aluminuim Foil For Shielding For Shielding Yes
Grill Tray No No Yes
Browning Dish Yes No No
Browning Paper Bags No No No
Dinnerware: Oven/Microwave Safe Yes Yes No
Non Oven/Microwave Safe No No No
Disposable Polyeser Paperboard Dishes Yes * No No
Glassware: Oven Glassware & Ceramic Yes Yes for short term top
Non-heat Resistant No No No
Metal Cookware No No Yes
Wire Rack No Yes Yes
Metal Twist-ties No No No
Oven Cooking Bag Yes Yes No
Oven Rack No No Yes
Paper Towels and Napkins Yes * No No
check mfg's.
Plastic Dishes: Microwave Safe Yes * recommendation, must No
with stand heat
Non-microwave Safe No No No
Plastic Wrap Yes * No No
Straw, Wicker, Wood Yes * No No
Thermometers: Microwave Safe Yes No No
Conventional No No No
Wax Paper Yes No No
• Plastics:
Plastic dishes, cups and some freezer containers should be used with care in a microwave oven. Choose plastic containers carefully, as some plastic containers may become soft, melt and scorch.
• Paper Products and Freezer Wrap:
Waxed paper, paper plates, cups and napkins should not be used for heating or cooking food by Combination and Grill. Freezer wrap should not be used as it is not heat resistant and bake paper may be short periods of time for covering or lining.
- Eng-13 -
Microwave Cooking Techniques
Dish Size
Follow the dish sizes given in the recipes, as these affect the cooking times. A quantity of food spread in a bigger dish cooks more quickly.
Standing Time
Dense foods e.g. meat, jacket pota­toes and cakes, require STANDING TIME (inside or outside of the oven) after cooking, to allow heat to finish conducting to cook the centre com­pletely.
Meat Joints
Stand 15 mins. wrapped in tin foil.
Jacket Potatoes
Stand 10 mins. wrapped in tin foil.
Light Cakes
Stand 5 mins. before removing from dish.
Rich dense Cakes
Stand 15-20 mins.
Cling Film
Cling film helps keep the food moist and the trapped steam assists in speeding up cooking times. However, it should be pierced before cooking, to allow excess steam to escape. Always take care when removing cling film from a dish as the build-up of steam will be very hot. Always pur­chase cling film that states on the packet “suitable for microwave cook­ing” and use as a covering only. Do not line dishes with cling film.
Small quantities cook faster than large quantities, also small meals will reheat quicker than large portions.
If food is not cooked after STANDING TIME, return to oven and cook for additional time.
Moisture Content
Many fresh foods e.g. vegetables and fruit, vary in their moisture content throughout the season- jacket pota­toes are a particular example of this. For this reason cooking times may have to be adjusted throughout the year. Dry ingredients e.g. rice, pasta, can dry out further during storage and cooking times may differ from ingredients freshly purchased.
Porous airy foods heat quicker than dense heavy foods.
Stand 2-5 mins.
Egg Dishes
Stand 2-3 mins.
Precooked Convenience Food
Stand for 5 mins.
Plated Meals
Stand for 2-5 mins.
Boiled potatoes benefit from standing 1-2 mins., however most other types can be served immediately.
The skin or membrane on some foods will cause steam to build up during cooking. These foods must be pierced or a strip of skin should be peeled before cooking to allow the steam to escape. Eggs, potatoes, apples, sausages etc, will all need to be pierced before cooking. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BOIL EGGS IN THEIR SHELLS.
- Eng-14 -
Microwave Cooking Techniques
Cover foods with microwave cling film or a self-fitting lid. Cover fish, vegeta­bles, casseroles, soups. Do not cover cakes, sauces, jacket potatoes, pas­try items.
Turning and Stirring
Some foods require stirring during cooking. Meat and poultry should be turned after half the cooking time. All liquid must be stirred before and dur­ing heating. Water, especially must be stirred before and during heating, to avoid eruption.
Starting Temperature
The colder the food, the longer it takes to heat up. Food from a fridge takes longer to reheat than food at room temperature.
Even shapes cook evenly. Food cooks better by microwaves when in a round container rather than a square one.
Foods cook more quickly and evenly if spaced apart. NEVER pile foods on top of each other.
Individual foods e.g. chicken portions or chops, should be placed on a dish so that the thicker parts are on the outside.
Checking Food
It is essential that food is checked during and after a recommended cooking time, even if an AUTO PROGRAM has been used (just as you would check food cooked in a convectional oven). Return the food to the oven for further cooking if necessary.
- Eng-15 -
To Reheat by
Micro Power and Time
Reheat by Setting Power and Time - Frozen Convenience Foods
(Pre-cooked) (in minutes)
Bread 1 slice HIGH 10 - 15 sec Do not let bread get hot, or it will become rubbery and dry
1 loaf HIGH 2 - 5 out. Remove whole loaf from original wrapper. 6 rolls MEDIUM 1 - 2 Place on paper towel to absorb moisture.
Cheesecake (600 g) DEFROST 2 - 3 Remove from container. Defrost on plate.
Muffins - 4 (350 g) MEDIUM 2 - 3 Place onto paper towel lined plate.
Scones - 6 (400 g) MEDIUM 1 - 2 Defrost on paper lined plate. Stand 2 minutes.
Fruit Pie (500 g) DEFROST 6 - 8 Remove from foil container and place uncovered into a
Meat Pie (300 g) DEFROST 4 - 6 Place onto paper towel lined plate.
Pizza (350 g) HIGH 5 - 7 Remove from package and place onto paper towel or follow
Fish in Sauce (200 g) MEDIUM 6 - 7 Pierce corner of bag. Heat on a plate.
Instant Casserole MEDIUM 4 - 6 Pierce pouch.
in Pouch (serves 2) Heat on a plate or bowl.
Lasagne (300 g) MEDIUM 10 - 12 Remove from foil container, place into serving dish.
Plate Food DEFROST 3 - 4 Arrange food evenly on a dinner plate. Add butter or gravy
then pie dish.
HIGH 4 - 6
MEDIUM 2 - 3
manufacturer’s instructions.
then where desired. Cover plate with plastic wrap.
HIGH 2 - 3
TV style dinner (400 g) MEDIUM 8 - 10 Remove foil cover and replace with plastic wrap.
Vegetables & Sauce MEDIUM 8 - 10 Pierce corner of bag. Heat on a plate. (in the bag) (400 g)
Chicken Pieces (500 g) DEFROST 5 - 7 Place onto paper towel lined plate.
Croissants - 4 (250 g) MEDIUM 2 - 3 Place onto paper towel lined plate.
Fish Fingers - 8 (200 g) DEFROST 3 - 5 Place onto paper towel lined plate.
Sausage Rolls (250 g) MEDIUM 3 - 5 Place onto paper towel lined plate.
HIGH 6 - 8
HIGH 2 - 3
- Eng-16 -
Defrosting Guidelines
This feature allows you to enter the weight in kilos and the oven will select the correct defrosting time for most foods. However, do not use for
Separate chops and small items e.g. Quiche slice where possible.
porous foods e.g. bread and cakes etc.
Tips for Defrosting
Give large joints of meat further standing to ensure meat is not still icy in the center.
During the defrosting process, the oven will bleep to remind you to check the food i.e. turn, shield or break the food apart, as shown below.
Break up small items e.g. scallops, minced meat, halfway through defrosting.
Remove wrappers from meat. Place on microwave rack or up-turned saucer.
Shield edges, back of fat of joints and thin edges of fish with small pieces of SMOOTH tin foil to prevent over­defrosting.
- Eng-17 -
Turn dense foods and meat 2-3 times during defrosting.
Defrosting Tips and Techniques
Preparation for Freezing:
1. Heavy-duty plastic wraps, bags and freezer wrap are suitable.
2. Freeze meats, poultry and fish in packages with only 1 or 2 layers of food. To aid in separating layers, place two pieces of wax paper between them.
3. REMOVE ALL AIR and seal securely.
4. LABEL package with type and cut of meat, date and weight.
5. Defrosting times given in the charts are for thoroughly frozen foods (i.e. at least 24 hours in freezer maintained at
-18°C or lower).
Defrosting Technique:
1. Remove from wrapper and set on a roasting rack in a dish on Glass Tray.
2. Throughout the defrosting time, remove any defrosted portions of mince or cubed meat, etc.
3. After defrosting, large roasts may still be icy in the centre. Let stand, 15 to 30 minutes, in refrigerator to complete defrosting.
Defrosting Chart (by setting time):
(minutes per 500 g)
Minced Beef 8 - 11 Halfway through the defrost cycle, break apart minced beef, separate Roast: Topside 12 - 15 chops and remove meat that is defrosted.
Beef Tenderloin 12 - 15 Chuck or Rump 10 - 13 Turn meat over two to three times during defrosting.
Sirloin, rolled 11 - 14 Steak 8 - 10 Shield edges and unevenly shaped ends of roasts halfway through the Miscellaneous 8 - 12 defrost cycle.
Roast 9 - 12 Large roasts may still be icy in centre. Let stand. Chops 8 - 11 Ribs 8 - 12
POULTRY Turn poultry over two to four times during defrosting. Halfway through the
Chicken defrost cycle, shield end of drumsticks, wings, breast bones and ends of
whole 9 - 12 poultry with foil. pieces 8 - 11 fillets 8 - 10 Break apart chicken pieces and remove small pieces such as wings,
Duck 10 - 12 which may be defrosted before larger pieces. Turkey 10 - 13
Rinse poultry under cold water to remove ice crystals. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes, before cooking.
Fish Fillets 9 - 11 Halfway through the defrost cycle, turn whole fish or blocks of fillets over. Whole Fish 9 - 12 Also, break apart prawns or scallops. Remove any pieces that are Crabmeat 8 - 10 defrosted. Lobster Tails 8 - 10 Sea Scallops 8 - 10 Let stand, 5 to 10 minutes, before cooking. Green Prawns 10 - 12
- Eng-18 -
Recipe Preparation
Converting Your Favourite Conventional Recipes for Microwave Cooking
When adapting conventional recipes for microwave cook­ing, reduce the conventional cooking time by one quarter or one third. e.g. A chicken which takes 1 hour to cook in a moderate oven will take 15-20 minutes on MEDIUM Power in your microwave oven.
Use similar microwave recipes to help you adapt conven­tional recipes. Remember, it is always best to undercook a recipe and then add an extra minute or two to finish it off.
Here are some other tips that may help:
• Reduce liquids in a conventional recipe by one half to two thirds, e.g. 1cup (250 ml) should be reduced to cup (125 ml).
• Add more thickening such as flour or cornflour to sauces and gravies if you do not reduce the liquid.
• Reduce seasonings slightly in a recipe where ingredients do not have time to simmer by microwave.
• Do not salt meats, poultry or vegetables before cooking; otherwise, they will toughen and dry out.
• If one ingredient takes longer to cook than the others, precook it in the microwave oven first. Onion, celery and potato are examples.
• If meat or vegetables are not being browned before cooking, omit any oil or fat that would have been used for browning.
• Reduce leavening agents for cakes by one quarter and increase liquids by one quarter.
• Biscuits require a stiff dough. Increase flour by about 20 percent. Substitute brown sugar for white sugar and use biscuit recipes that have dark spices or require icing. Because of the short cooking time, biscuits don’t have to brown. Chill dough for half an hour before baking. This produces a crisper biscuit. Bake biscuits on a glass tray lined with greaseproof paper.
• Since microwaves penetrate foods about two centime­tres from the top, bottom and sides, mixtures in round shapes and rings cook more evenly. Corners receive more energy and may overcook.
• Items with a lot of water, such as rice and pasta, cook in about the same time as they would on a conventional stove. (Refer to Rice and Pasta chapter.)
Select recipes that convert easily to microwave cooking such as casseroles, stews, baked chicken, fish and veg­etable dishes. The results from foods such as grilled meats, cooked souffles or two-crust pies could be less than satisfactory. Never microwave oven.
attempt to deep fry in your
Menu Planning for Microwave Cooking
How to Keep Everything Hot at The Same Time
Plan your meals so that the food will not all need last minute cooking or attention at the same time. The special features of microwave cookery make it easy to serve meals with everything piping hot. Cooking of some foods may be interrupted while you start others, without harming the nutritional value or flavour of either. A recipe which requires standing time can be microwaved first and another food cooked while it stands. Dishes pre­pared in advance can be reheated briefly before serving. It does take some experience and time to cook with confi­dence. Microwaves are fast so you will have to do some experimenting. You might find you will use your conven­tional range in conjunction with your microwave oven. For example, while cooking the roast in the microwave oven, you can be cooking the vegetables and gravy on the range top. This can also be done the other way around. Prepare your meals as follows.
1. Firstly, cook the most dense item (roast or casserole). Drain and retain meat juice from joints then cover with foil.
2. Cook the potatoes, rice or pasta.
3. Cover with foil for standing.
4. Cook greens and other vegetables.
5. Cover with foil for standing.
6. Cook the gravy with the retained meat juices, stock and thickening.
7. Carve the roast and serve the vegetables and gravy.
While you are learning to plan meals, you may get a bit behind time. Don’t worry. Dinner servings may be suitably reheated on HIGH, at 1 If you prefer not to use foil, cover food with saucepan lids. A metal lid will retain the heat for at least 15 minutes. Meanwhile, how can you cook all the vegetables at the same time? Simply place potatoes and pumpkin in one dish and less dense vegetables such as broccoli, cab­bage, cauliflower, beans and peas in another. Sprinkle greens with water. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap. Cook on HIGH for approximately 6-8 minutes for a serving for four people. Remember, if you increase the quantity of vegetables, increase the cooking time. Fresh and frozen vegetables can be mixed on a vegetable platter, but remember the latter are not as dense as fresh vegetables, as they have been blanched before freezing. If vegetables are cut to a similar size, they can be cooked in separate ramekins or small dishes at the same time.
/2-2 minutes per serving.
- Eng-19 -
Microwave Recipe Preparation and Techniques
Recipe Preparation
Increasing & Decreasing Recipes
• To increase a recipe from 4 to 6 servings, increase each ingredient listed by half.
• To increase a recipe from 4 to 8 servings, double each ingredient listed.
• For larger quantities of a recipe, a large dish should be used. Make sure that the dish is deep enough to prevent
the recipe from boiling over during cooking.
• Make sure to cover, stir or rearrange food as directed in the recipe and always check the food during cooking.
• Increase standing times by 5 minutes per 500g.
• Use the same Power Level recommended in the original recipe.
• Increase the cooking times by: for 6 servings; and an extra 1/2 of original cooking time for 8 servings.
• To decrease a recipe from 4 to 2 servings, decrease each ingredient listed by half.
• For small quantities, a small dish should be used. Make sure that the dish is large enough to prevent the recipe from boiling over during cooking.
• Use the same Power Level recommended in the original recipe.
• Decrease the cooking times by cooking time.
/3 of original cooking time
/2 to 2/3 of the original
Cooking for One
• To decrease a recipe from 4 to 1 serving, quarter each ingredient listed.
• A smaller dish should be used, making sure that the dish is still large enough to prevent the recipe from boiling over.
• Use the same Power Level recommended in the original recipe.
• Quarter the original cooking times, then add extra time, if needed.
• Make sure to cover, stir or rearrange food as directed in original recipe and always check the food during cooking.
Converting Recipes from Other Sources
When the recipe is written with a wattage different than your oven, adjust the cooking time by approximately 10% per 100 watts, e.g. 6 minutes would be adjusted by 36 sec­onds. Alternately, adjust the power level by one level. If your wattage is higher than the recipe: (1) Adjust time downward or (2) Adjust power level downward. If your wattage is lower than the recipe: (1) adjust time upward or (2) adjust power level upward (when possible).
- Eng-20 -
Common Queries Answered
Problem Cause Solution
Food cools quickly after being Food not cooked through. Put back in oven for extra time. MICROWAVED. Remember foods at fridge temperature require
more cooking time than food at room temperature.
Soup/Casserole boils over after Container too small. For liquid foods use container twice the volum cooking by MICROWAVE or of food. COMBINATION.
Food cooks too slowly when cooked Oven not receiving correct Oven should be on a separate 13 amp circuit. by MICROWAVE. power.
Food temperature from fridge Extra time required for cooking colder foods. colder than room temperature.
Meat is tough when cooked by Power setting too high. Use reduced power level for meats. MICROWAVE.
Meat salted before cooking. Do not salt before cooking. Salt if necessary
after cooking.
Meat is tough when roasted by Wrong cut of meat used Always use the correct cut of meat for roasting. COMBINATION. /incorrectly programmed oven.
Cakes remain uncooked in center Too short cooking and/or Add extra cooking time/standing time. when cooked by MICROWAVE. standing time.
Scrambled or poached eggs tough Cooking time too long. Take care cooking small quantities of eggs, and rubbery when cooked by once spoiled they cannot be saved. MICROWAVE.
Quiche/Egg custards tough and Power level too high. Use reduced power levels for these items. rubbery when cooked by MICROWAVE.
Quiche/Egg custards tough and Cooked too long. Dish size Always check progress of food as it cooks. rubbery when cooked by larger than stated in recipe. COMBINATION.
Cheese sauce tough and stringy Cheese cooked with sauce. Add at the end of cooking time, the heat of the when cooked by MICROWAVE. sauce will melt the cheese.
Vegetables are dry when cooked by Cooked uncovered. Low Cover with a lid or cling film. Add extra 2-4 tbsps MICROWAVE. moisture content e.g. old root of water. Salt after cooking.
vegetables. Salt added before cooking.
Condensation appears on the door This is normal and means the Wipe condensation off with a soft cloth. of your oven. food is cooking faster than the
moisture can be expelled from the oven.
Turntable rotates in both directions. This is normal.
- Eng-21 -
Everyday Basics
Makes: approximately 4 cups (1 litre)
500 ml (2 cups) oats 165 ml ( 85 ml ( 60 ml ( 60 ml (
5 ml (1 teaspoon) vanilla essence 85 ml ( 85 ml (
/3 cup) chopped nuts
/3 cup) wheat germ
/4 cup) brown sugar
/4 cup) honey
/3 cup) raisins
/3 cup) coconut
1. Place oats in 2-litre casserole dish, cook on HIGH for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring twice.
2. Add nuts, wheat germ, and brown sugar. Stir in honey and vanilla. Cook on HIGH for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring twice during cooking.
3. Add raisins, coconut and allow to cool. Stir to a crum­ble texture. Store in an airtight container.
Serves 4
approx. 3 tomatoes, thinly sliced 1 onion, thinly sliced
/2 teaspoon) basil
2 ml (
salt and pepper to taste
1. Place all ingredients into 2-litre casserole dish.
2. Cook, covered, on HIGH for 6 to 8 minutes. Serve with barbequed steak or grilled meat.
Serves: 2
4 x 61 g eggs 60 ml (4 tablespoons) milk
pinch of salt
1. In 1-litre casserole dish, beat eggs lightly with whisk. Add milk and salt. Whisk until well combined. Cover dish with plastic wrap and cook on MEDIUM for 2 to 2
2. Stir egg and cook for further 2
/2 minutes.
/2 to 3 minutes.
Stand, covered, for 1 minute before serving.
Serves: 2
125 ml (
2 x 61 g eggs
1. Place one quarter of a cup of water, dash of vinegar
2. Break egg into the water and with toothpick pierce the
/2 cup) hot tap water
dash of vinegar pinch of salt
and pinch of salt into 2 ramekin dishes or small glass bowls.
egg yolk twice and egg white several times.
3. Cover dish with plastic wrap and cook on MEDIUM for
/2 minutes. Stand, covered, for 1 minute before
1 to 1 serving.
Note: The size of the eggs will alter cooking time.
Makes: 500 ml (2 cups)
30 ml (2 tablespoons) dripping or pan juice 1 small onion, finely chopped 30 ml (2 tablespoons) flour 15 ml (1 tablespoon) tomato paste 375 ml (1
/2 cups) beef stock, divided
salt and pepper
1. Place dripping or pan juices and onion in 2-cup (500 ml) jug. Cook on HIGH for 2 minutes.
2. Add flour, tomato paste and half of the beef stock. Stir well. Cook on HIGH for 2 minutes. Add remaining stock.
3. Stir well and cook on HIGH for a further 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with the meat of your choice.
Makes: 250 ml (1 cup)
30 ml (2 tablespoons)butter 30 ml (2 tablespoons)flour
310 ml (1
/4 cups) milk
1. Place butter in 4-cup (1-litre) jug. Cook on HIGH for 30 to 40 seconds.
2. Stir in flour, salt and pepper. Gradually add milk, stirring until smooth.
3. Cook on HIGH for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring twice.
Tip: For cheese sauce, stir in 125 ml ( cheese once sauce has thickened.
TO COOK BACON RASHERS: Place bacon between 2 sheets of paper towel on a pie plate and cook on HIGH for 2 to 3 minutes.
TO DRY FRESH BREADCRUMBS: Place 250 ml (1 cup) of breadcrumbs on the base of plate and heat on HIGH for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring once during heating.
salt and white pepper
/2 cup) grated
- Eng-22 -
Fish and Shellfish
Directions for Cooking Fish and Shellfish by Microwave
Clean fish before starting the recipe. Arrange fish in a sin­gle layer, do not overlap edges. Prawns and scallops should be placed in a single layer.
Fish and Shellfish Chart for Microwave Cooking by Time
Cover dish with plastic wrap. Cook on the power level and for the minimum time recommended in the chart below. Halfway through cooking rearrange or stir prawns or scallops.
Fish Fillets 500 g MEDIUM 5 - 7 Scallops (sea) 500 g MEDIUM 5 - 7 Green Prawns medium size (shelled and cleaned) Whole Fish (stuffed or unstuffed)
500 g to 900 g MEDIUM 6 - 8
Serves: 2
g g
300g fish fillet ( with skin) Lemon juice from Salt and grated black pepper
Ware: 1-liter pot, plastic wrap
1. Place fish fillet (skin bottom), salt and lemon juice.
2. Cover with plastic warp and cook on AUTO or sensor modes or on MEDIUM power for 4-6 minutes.
3. Let stand 3 minutes before serving. Sprinkle over grinded black pepper.
/2 pieces
Serves: 2 to 4
15 ml (1 tablespoon) oil 1 onion, quartered
/2 teaspoon) crushed garlic
2 ml (
/2 red capsicum sliced 2 sticks celery sliced 30 ml (2 tablespoons) sliced water chestnuts
100 g snow peas 15 ml (1 tablespoon) honey 15 ml (1 tablespoon) sweet chilli sauce 15 ml (1 tablespoon) chopped coriander
500 g scallops
1. Place oil, onion and garlic into a 2-litre dish. Cook on
HIGH for 1-2 minutes.
2. Add remaining ingredients and cook on HIGH for 5-7
minutes, stir halfway through cooking.
3. Serve immediately.
g g
500 g MEDIUM 5 - 7
Serves: 4
500-600 g (4 fillet ) salmon Salt and pepper on taste Sauce “Rassol”
150 g (3-4pieces) pickled cucumbers, finely
100 g (1 large) onion, finely chopped 15 ml (1tablespoon) oil 125 ml white dry wine
Ware: square casserole dish
1. Place ingredients for sauce (except wine), coved and cook on HIGH power for 4-5 minutes or until soft.
2. Add steaks and white dry wine, coved and cook on MEDIUM power for 10-12 minutes. Let stand 2-3 min­utes before serving.
Serves: 2
60 g butter 1 clove garlic, crushed 15 ml (1 tablespoon) lemon juice
15 g (2 tablespoons) chopped parsley
500 g peeled prawns
Ware: 1 liter pot
1. Place butter and garlic in pot and cook on HIGH for 30-50 seconds.
2. Add lemon juice, parsley and prawns. Cook on MEDI­UM for 5-7 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking. Serving immediately.
(in minutes)
- Eng-23 -
Directions for Cooking Whole Poultry by Microwave
Season as desired, but salt after cooking. Browning sauce mixed with equal parts of butter will enhance the appearance. Poultry may be stuffed or unstuffed. Tie legs together with cotton string. Place on a microwave rack set in a rectan­gular dish. Place poultry breast-side down: turn over
halfway through cooking. Cover with wax paper to pre­vent splattering. If the poultry is not cooked enough, return it to the oven and cook a few more minutes at the recommended power level. DO NOT USE A CONVENTIONAL MEAT THERMOME­TER IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN. Let stand, covered with foil, 10 -15 minutes after cooking. Standing time allows the temperature to equalize through­out the food and finishes the cooking process. If a large amount of juice accumulates in the bottom of the baking dish, occasionally drain it. If desired, reserve juices for making gravy. Less-tender birds should be cooked in liquid such as soup or broth. Use 1⁄4 cup per 500 g of poultry. Use an oven cooking bag or a covered casserole. Select a covered casserole deep enough so that bird does not touch the lid. If an oven cooking bag is used, prepare according to package directions. Do not bag. Use only nylon tie, a piece of cotton string, or a strip cut from the open end of the bag. Make six 2 cm slits on top of bag.
use wire twist-ties to close
Multiply the weight of the poultry by the minimum recom­mended minutes per 500 g. Programme Power and Time. After cooking, check the internal temperature of the bird with a microwave or conventional meat thermometer inserted into the muscle. Check temperature in both mus­cles. The thermometer should not touch bone. If it does, the reading could be inaccurate. A thermometer cannot be accurately inserted into a small bird. To check desired cooking of a small bird, juices should be clear and the drumsticks should readily move up and down after stand­ing time. During cooking, it may be necessary to shield legs, wings and the breast bone with foil to prevent overcooking. Wooden toothpicks can be used to hold foil in place.
Directions for Cooking Poultry Pieces by Microwave
Cover with wax paper or paper towel. Use the chart below to determine recommended minimum cooking times. Arrange pieces skin-side down and evenly spread in a shallow dish. Turn or rearrange halfway through cooking. Shield wing tips, drumstick ends etc., if required.
Poultry Chart for Microwave Cooking by Time
Chickens MEDIUM 87°C 12 - 16 Chicken (pieces) MEDIUM 87°C 10 - 12 Turkey MEDIUM 87°C 12 - 18 Duck MEDIUM 87°C 12 - 17
AFTER COOKING (minutes per 500 g)
- Eng-24 -
Serves: 4
Ingredients: 10 dried chinese mushrooms 10 ml (2 teaspoons) sesame oil 1 clove garlic, chopped
500g minced chicken 10 water chestnuts, finely chopped
125 g bamboo shoots, chopped 15 ml (1 tablespoon) soy sauce 10 ml (2 teaspoons) oyster sauce 30 ml (2 tablespoons) sherry 1 small iceberge lettuce
1. Cover mushrooms with boiling water, stand for 30 minutes. Drain, remove stems and chop finely.
2. Place oil and garlic in a 2-litre casserole dish, cook on HIGH for 50-60 seconds.
3. Add chicken and cook on MEDIUM for 10-12 minutes. Add remaining ingredients except lettuce and cook on MEDIUM for 6-8 minutes.
4. Separate lettuce leaves, place tablespoons of mixture into each lettuce leaf. Serve immediately.
Serves: 4
200 g onion, sliced round 15 ml (1 tablespoon) vegetable oil
500 g chicken liver
10 g (1 tablespoon) flour 250 ml (1 cup) cour cream Salt and pepper on taste
Ware: 1.5 -2.0 liter pot, plastic wrap
1. Cook onion with vegetable oil on HIGH for 5 minutes. Stir in chicken liver, flour, then add sour cream, water, salt, pepper and stir well.
2. Cook, covered, on HIGH power for 5-7minutes. Stir; go on to cook on MEDIUM 2-3 minutes or until cook. Stand for 5 min., stir well liver with sauce before serving.
Serves: 4-6
1 kg chicken wings 5 ml (1 teaspoon) chopped garlic 5 ml (1 teaspoon) chopped ginger 60 ml ( 60 ml (
30 g (2 tablespoons) sesame seeds
Ware: 2-liter bowl, flat dish
1. Place all ingredients in bowl, stir until combined. Marinate for at least 2 hours.
2. Remove chicken from marinade and place in a flat dish cook on MED-HIGH for 18-20 minutes or until cook.
/4 cup) coy sauce
/4 cup) honey
Serves: 4
4 small single chicken breast fillet 15 ml (1 tablespoon) batter Salt, spices mix for chicken
15 ml (1 tablespoon) mustard
5 g (1 teaspoon) chicken stock powder 30 ml (2 tablespoons) lemon juice 125 ml (1/2 cup) sour cream
Ware: 2-liter pot, plastic wrap
1. Flatten chicken fillets. Place butter and chicken in a ware and cook on MED-HIGH for 8-10 minutes. Turning halfway through cooking.
2. Remove chicken and add remaining ingredients to dish, stir well. Cook on HIGH power for 2-3 minutes. Serve sauce over chicken.
Serves: 4
440 g (1can) tomatoes
60 ml (
/4 cup) Tomato-paste 10 ml (2 teaspoons) copped garlic 2 onion, diced 10 ml (2 teaspoons) dry spices on taste 1 kg chicken drumsticks
Ware: square casserole dish.
3. Place all ingredients in ware. Stir well. Cook on MED-
4. Turn chicken, go on cook on MED-HIGH for 10-12 min-
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HIGH power for 10-12 minutes.
utes or for cook.
Main Fare Meats
Directions for Cooking Tender Cuts of Meat by Microwave
For best results, select roasts that are uniform in shape.
Place meat on a microwave rack in a suitable dish. Beef rib roast should be placed cut-side down. Other bone-in roasts should be placed fat-side down. Boneless roasts should be placed fat-side up. Halfway through cooking,
turn roasts. Half hams should be shielded by wrapping an 8 cm wide strip of foil around the large end of the ham. Secure to the body of the ham with wooden toothpicks. Fold 3 cm over cut surface. For shank ham halves, shield shank bone by cupping it with foil. One third of the way through cooking, remove ham from oven and cut off skin. Turn fat side up and reshield edges. If desired, glaze last 10 to 20 minutes of cooking. Loosely cover baking dish with wax paper or paper towel to prevent splatter. If a large amount of juice accumulates in the bottom of the dish, drain occasionally. If desired, reserve for making gravy. Multiply the weight of the roast by the minimum recommended times per 500 g. Programme Power and Time. Meats can be shielded at the beginning of cooking or halfway through cooking. If you wish to shield at the
beginning of cooking, remove foil halfway through the cooking time. Beef and pork rib roasts should be shielded by the bones. Foil should extend about 5 cm down from bones. The shank and thin ends of boneless roasts should also be shielded. Make sure foil does not touch the sides of the oven, as arcing may occur. Canned hams should be shielded on the top cut­edge with a 3 cm strip of foil. Wrap strip of foil around ham and secure to body of ham with wooden toothpicks. Fold 2 cm over cut surface. After heating, check tempera­ture using a meat thermometer. The thermometer should not touch bone or fat. If it does, the reading could be inaccurate. Lower temperatures are found in the centre of the roast and in the muscle close to a large bone, such as a pork loin centre rib roast. If the temperatures are low, return meat to the oven and cook a few more min­utes at the recommended power level. DO NOT USE A CONVENTIONAL MEAT THERMOMETER IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN. Let stand, covered with foil, 10-15 minutes. During standing time the internal temperature equalises and the temperature rises 5°C to 10°C.
Directions for Cooking Less-Tender Cuts of Meat by Microwave
Less-tender cuts of meat such as pot roasts should be cooked in liquid. Use 1/2 to 2 cups of soup, broth, etc. per
500 g of meat. Use an oven cooking bag or covered casserole when cooking less-tender cuts of meat. Select a covered casserole deep enough so that the meat does not touch the lid. If an oven cooking bag is used, prepare the bag according to package directions. Do not use wire
or metal twist-ties. Use the nylon tie provided, otherwise, use a piece of cotton string or a strip cut from the open end of the bag. Make six 2 cm slits in top of bag to allow steam to escape. Multiply the weight of the roast by the minimum recommended minutes per 500 g. Programme Power and Time. Turn meat over halfway through cook­ing. Meat should be tender when cooked.
Meat Chart for Microwave Cooking
Roasts Medium MEDIUM 12 - 14 Chuck, Flank, Brisket MEDIUM 20 - 30
Leg of Pork MEDIUM 15 - 18 Loin of Pork MEDIUM 15 - 18 Pork Chops MEDIUM 8 - 10
Medium MEDIUM 12 - 14 Well MEDIUM 15 - 18
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(minutes per 500 g)
Main Fare Meats
Serves: 4
500 g minced beef 1 onion, diced 1 clove garlic, crushed
30 g (2 tablespoons) packet chilli seasoning mix 400 ml (1can) Tomato puree 200 g (1 can) kidney been, drained
Ware: 2-liter pot, plastic wrap.
1. Place all Ingredients, except kidney been in a pot. Stir well. Cook on MED-HIGH power for 15-20 minutes or until soft. Stir halfway through cooking and add kidney been, and stir well.
2. Serve with salad and cheese.
Serves: 4
400 g rump steak, sliced 5 ml (1 teaspoon) chopped ginger 1 clove garlic, crushed 15 ml (1 tablespoon) soy sauce 30 ml (2 tablespoons) Hoi Sin sauce
60 ml (
/4 cup) beef stock
500 ml (2 cups) sliced vegetables
1. Place steak, ginger and garlic in a 3-litre casserole dish. Cook on HIGH for 1 minute.
2. In a 1 cup jug combine sauces with stock. Add to meat mixture. Cook on HIGH for 1-2 minutes.
3. Add vegetables and cook on HIGH for 4-5 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking.
4. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving with rice or noo­dles.
Serves: 4
1 kg pork spare ribs
190 ml ( 190 ml ( 15 ml (1 tablespoon) soy sauce 15 ml (1 tablespoon) worcestershire sauce
1. Place all ingredients in 3-litre casserole dish and mari-
2. Cook ribs on MEDIUM for 28 to 32 minutes, turning
/4 cup) fruit chutney
/4 cup) tomato sauce
nate for several hours or overnight.
once through cooking.
Serves: 4
1 onion, sliced 15 ml (1 tablespoon) vegetable oil
500 g rump steak sliced into ribbons 30 ml (2 tablespoons) tomato sauce 30 ml (2 tablespoons) Tabasco
15 g (1 tablespoon) flour 1 beef stock cub 125 ml (
/2 cup) sour cream
Ware: 1.5-2.0 liter pot, plastic wrap.
1. Place onion, vegetable oil, beef, tomato and bean sauces in pot. Stir until combined.
2. Cook on MED-HIGH for 12-15 minutes, stir onceduring cooking. Add flour, beef stock cube, and sour cream.
3. Stir and cook on MED-HIGH for 7-10 minutes or until soft.
Serves: 4
100 g (1p.) onion, diced
5 g (1clove) garlic, crushed 150 g (1 p.) paprika, sliced
30 ml (2 tablespoons) vegetable oil
100 g (5 p.) sliced mushrooms 225 g lean meat loaf
200 ml red wine 400 ml (1 cap.) tomatoes
/2 teaspoon salt and pepper
Other spices on taste
Ware: 2 liter pot, plastic wrap.
1. Cook onion, garlic and vegetable oil in pot on HIGH for 2 minutes. Add paprika, mushrooms, meat loaf, stir well, cook, covered, on MED-HIGH for 6-8 minutes until half done.
2. Add red wine and crushed tomatoes, salt, pepper and spices and cook, covered, on MED-HIGH for 8-10 min­utes.
Serves: 4
200g (2 p.) carrot, sliced small cube
200g (2 p.) onion, diced 30 ml (2 tablespoons) vegetable oil
400 g pork for stew, sliced medium
150 g (
/4 cup) rice, washed and steeped
250 ml (1cup) water Salt, spices seasoning mix, barberry on taste 1 clove Garlic
Ware: 2 liter pot, plastic wrap.
1. Place meat, carrots, onion and oil in pot. Cook without cover on HIGH power for 10 minutes.
2. Add salt, spices seasoning mix, barberry, stir well, add water and rice. Cook, covered, on HIGH power for 5-7 minutes. Then go on cook on MEDIUM power for 20-25 minutes or until cook.
3. Let stand for 10 minutes into off oven.
thought 40 minutes with 1 cup water
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