Panasonic LJ-SK56A User Manual

Battery System User Manual for Panasonic LJ-SK56A
Battery System User Manual for Panasonic LJ-SK84A
Grid Tied PV System – User Manual
Version 1.0 © solarcity 2016 UM-1059-PV-1.0
1.0 CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 3
2.0 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ....................................................................... 3
2.1 Warnings ........................................................................................................... 3
3.0 ACTIONS IN CASE OF SYSTEM FAILURE ................................................................... 3
4.0 START-UP AND SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURES ........................................................... 3
4.1 System shut-down procedure ........................................................................... 3
4.2 System start-up procedure ................................................................................ 4
5.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 4
5.1 How it works ........................................................................................................ 4
6.0 THE STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEM ............................................................................. 5
6.1 Battery enclosure ................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Network adapter ................................................................................................. 5
6.3 Monitoring........................................................................................................... 5
6.4 Server adaptive mode ......................................................................................... 5
6.5 The battery control and display panel ................................................................ 5
6.6 Stand-alone mode ............................................................................................... 7
6.6.1 How to activate and deactivate the stand-alone power outlet ....................... 7
6.7 User settings ........................................................................................................ 8
6.7.1 Lower discharge limit ....................................................................................... 9
6.7.2 Child lock ........................................................................................................ 10
6.7.3 Stand-alone operation start setting ............................................................... 10
6.8 Help ................................................................................................................... 11
7.0 MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM ........................................................................... 11
8.0 SYSTEM ISSUES ..................................................................................................... 12
8.1 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 12
8.2 Error codes ........................................................................................................ 12
9.0 WARRANTY ........................................................................................................... 12
10.0 APPENDICES........................................................................................................ 13
Issued by
Released for approval
June 2017
Battery System User Manual for Panasonic LJ-SK84A
Grid Tied PV System – User Manual
Version 1.0 © solarcity 2016 UM-1059-PV-1.0
solarcity New Zealand Limited PO Box 1509 / 190 Trafalgar Street Nelson 7010
Customer care phone: 0800 11 66 55 Customer care email: Website:
Solar power systems are safe when operating correctly, however, there are potentially dangerous hazards associated with some system components.
Please read the following warnings before operating the system.
2.1 Warnings
DC Electrical The storage battery system can contain potentially lethal DC voltages and the casing should not be
opened by anyone other than a registered electrician.
Electrical Wiring This installation has been installed in accordance with AS/NZS wiring standards by a registered
electrician. Any unauthorised altering of the wiring presents the risk of high voltages being exposed, and the risk of death or serious injury to users of the property where the system is installed.
In an emergency, you can shut down the battery system, if it is safe to do so, as outlined in Section 4.0. For other issues, please refer to Section 7.0 on ‘System Issues’.
Under normal circumstances, the system should not need any intervention. In an emergency, or should your electrician need to work on wiring in the house, the system may need to be shut-down. The following procedures should be followed.
4.1 System shut-down procedure
1. Turn OFF the AC SOLAR SUPPLY MAIN SWITCH which is labelled and located in the switchboard.
Do not open the battery system enclosure to isolate or disconnect the batteries.
The battery system will still be energised internally by the batteries.
Battery System User Manual for Panasonic LJ-SK84A
Grid Tied PV System – User Manual
Version 1.0 © solarcity 2016 UM-1059-PV-1.0
4.2 System start-up procedure
1. Turn ON the AC SOLAR SUPPLY MAIN SWITCH which is labelled and located in the switchboard.
The inverters will take at least 60 seconds to reconnect to the grid following a shut-down or grid outage.
5.1 How it works
The grid-connected solar power system generates electricity directly from the sun’s energy for use in your home. It is used to power appliances, lights, the hot water cylinder and anything else that is drawing power at the time. The battery system will automatically detect when the solar system is generating surplus electricity and begin to charge. If the system is fully charged, and the supply from the solar system still exceeds your energy demand, electricity will be exported to the grid. This energy is metered and is purchased by your electricity retailer at an agreed tariff.
When the solar system is not generating enough to supply the load requirements of your home and the batteries are charged, the battery system supplies electricity to your home. If your energy demand exceeds the battery system’s supply capacity, or it is fully discharged, additional electricity is drawn from the grid.
You will still purchase power from the grid, on a rainy day for example, when the solar array can’t supply enough energy to supplement your household loads and the battery is already fully discharged. And vice versa; if the battery is fully charged and the electricity production of the solar array exceeds the current household demand, clean energy will be exported to the grid.
Battery System User Manual for Panasonic LJ-SK84A
Grid Tied PV System – User Manual
Version 1.0 © solarcity 2016 UM-1059-PV-1.0
6.1 Battery enclosure
The battery enclosure houses the batteries and the inverter. The Panasonic storage battery system is a stand-alone system and comes with an integrated inverter. The inverter converts the direct current (DC) electricity stored in the batteries into 230V alternating current (AC) electricity for use in your home. Beside the inverter the enclosure contains, depending on the model, 2 lithium-Ion battery cells with a maximum usable capacity of 2.8kWh each. The battery system usually operates in the maximum self-consumption mode. This will ensure that you get the most out of the solar and battery system. It will only charge when there is surplus solar energy generated on your roof, and will discharge whenever your home energy demand is higher than what the solar system can deliver. This reduces the amount of electricity that is exported to the grid and increases the clean energy directly used in your home.
6.2 Network adapter
The Network Adapter connects the battery system to the monitoring server. This server is managed by solarcity and operated by Panasonic NZ. The connection to the server enables you and solarcity to monitor the battery performance and allows early detection of possible faults. It also allows the battery to be run in server adaptive mode which is explained in section 6.4 below.
6.3 Monitoring
The battery system can be monitored through a smartphone application that is available for Android and iOS devices. You can download the Panasonic monitor application from the Apple app store or the Google Play store.
For iOS the application can be found here:
For Android the application can be found here:
To obtain your login details please contact solarcity.
6.4 Server adaptive mode
In some instances, it can make sense to charge the battery over night at a lower electricity rate. This can be the case during winter, when your household electricity use increases or your solar generation decreases meaning there is not enough surplus solar electricity generation to fully charge the battery during the day. If your retailer offers a day­night tariff, you might gain some financial benefit from using this function during winter.
If requested by the customer, solarcity has the option to run the battery in server adaptive mode which will take advantage of their specific low overnight prices. In this mode of operation, the battery can receive commands from the utility server. The server uses a smart algorithm to charge the batteries when your power prices are the cheapest and discharge the batteries when your power is most expensive.
This will not affect the battery’s ability to store surplus solar energy. The system will work to maximise self­consumption and only charge overnight if required, and if it makes financial sense to do so.
6.5 The battery control and display panel
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