TYP E Type Digita l Single Lens M irrorle ss camera
IMAGE S ENSOR Type Live MO S Sensor
RECORD ING SYSTE M Record ing File For mat Still Ima ge: JPEG (DC F, Exif 2.3), R AW
Wi-Fi F UNCTION Wi-Fi IEEE 80 2.11b /g/n, 2412 MHz - 24 62 MHz (11 ch), Wi-Fi / W PA /
FOCUS Type Contr ast AF sys tem
EXP OSURE CON TROL Light Me tering Sys tem 1,728-zone mu lti-patte rn sensing s ystem
WHIT E BALAN CE White B alance Auto / Day light / Clou dy / Shade / Inca ndescent / F lash /
SHUT TER Type Focal- plane shut ter
SCENE GU IDE Still Ima ge Clear Po rtrait / Si lky Skin / Ba cklit Soft ness / Clear in
BURST S HOOTING Burst S peed SH: 20 fr ames/sec, H: 4.2 fra mes/sec (with AF S), M: 3.0
** These are standard times taken at a temperature of 23°C (73.4°F) and a humidity of 50%RH. The time available for recording varies depending on the environment, the interval between recordings, and the manner of use. Actual recordable time is the time available for recording
when repeating actions such as switching the power supply [ON]/[OFF], starting/stopping recording, zoom operation etc.
• Maximum time to record motion pictures continuously with [AVCHD] is 29 minutes 59 seconds in Europe and some Asian areas.
• Maximum time to record motion pictures continuously with [MP4] is 29 minutes 59 seconds or up to 4 GB.
• You can check the recordable time on the monitor. (For [FHD] in [MP4] format, the fi le size is large and so the recordable time will drop below 29 minutes 59 seconds.)
• Use a card with SD Speed Class with “Class 4” or higher when recording motion images. (SD speed class is the speed standard regarding continuous writing.)
• SDHC Memory Cards and SDXC Memory Cards can be used only in equipment that is compatible with their respective formats.
• If the computer being used does not support SDXC Memory Cards, a message prompting you to format may appear. (Doing so will cause recorded images to be erased so do not choose to format.) If the card is not recognized, please refer to the below support site.
*** Shooting conditions: 23°C with 50%RH humidity; Monitor on; using a Panasonic SDHC Memory Card; Using the supplied battery; Using the supplied lens; Starting recording 30 seconds after the camera is turned on (When the optical image stabilizer is set to [Normal]) ; Recording
once every 30 seconds with full fl ash every second recording; Turn the camera off every 10 recordings. The number of recordable pictures varies depending on the recording interval time. If the recording interval time becomes longer, the number of recordable pictures decreases.
CIPA is an abbreviation of “Camera & Imaging Products Association”.
Partial restrictions on using Panasonic digital video cameras to play AVCHD motion images recorded with the DMC-GF6.
• AVCHD videos recorded onto an SD Memory Card or a DVD disc cannot be played on a device that does not support the AVCHD standard.
• AVCHD motion images recorded with the image quality set to 1,280 × 720 cannot be played on AVCHD-compatible digital video cameras.
• AVCHD motion images recorded with AVCHD-compatible digital video cameras cannot be played on the DMC-GF6.
• More detailed information is available on our support site: http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/
About the performance of Face Recognition function
Recognition performance varies greatly depending on shooting conditions, i.e., according to factors such as angles, facial expression and lighting, so operation under all conditions cannot be guaranteed. Because the camera searches for faces that are similar to registered faces,
there are cases where the faces are not correctly recognized when the registered image and the shooting image varies much. When facial characteristics are similar, particularly between parents and their children or brothers and sisters, the camera may not distinguish the faces.
• "AVCHD Progressive", "AVCHD", the "AVCHD Progressive" Logo and the "AVCHD" Logo are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation. The release date may differ depending on the country. Check the website of the Panasonic sales company in your country or region for
details on the optional accessories that are available in your market. • The DMW-BLC12 comes with a function to check whether the battery and unit can be safely used together. • Batteries made by other companies which have been certifi ed by Panasonic may be used with these units, but
we offer no guarantee as to the quality, performance or safety of such batteries. • Exercise care when purchasing batteries. Many fake or imitation batteries have been found among those sold at unusually low prices and those which customers cannot check for themselves before purchasing.
• Please confi rm the latest information about batteries on the following website. http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/info/battery.html (English) • When a lens that does not support the contrast AF function is mounted, operation will automatically switch to manual focus. Confi rm the
operation information of compatible lenses at Customer support. http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc (English) • Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. • HDMI, the HDMI Logo and
High-Defi nition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. • Microsoft® and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. • Four Thirds™ and Micro Four
Thirds™, and Four Thirds and Micro Four Thirds Logo marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Olympus Imaging Corporation, in Japan, the United States, the European Union and other countries. • Other names of systems and products mentioned in this brochure are generally
the registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufacturers who developed the system or product concerned. • Some accessories are not available in some countries. • Weight and dimensions shown are approximate. • Overall length of lens is from the tip of the lens to the base side of
the lens mount. • Some functions may not work when lenses other than the included lens are used. Please refer to Panasonic's website, etc., for the latest information. • Available of OSD languages may vary depending on the sales area. • Some sample images are simulated. • The use of
recorded or printed materials that are protected by copyright for any purpose other than personal enjoyment is prohibited, as it would infringe upon the rights of the copyright holder. • The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo is a certifi cation mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Record ing Media SD Memor y Card, SD HC Memory C ard, SDXC Mem ory Card
Image Se nsor Size 17.3 x 13.0 mm (in 4: 3 aspect rat io)
Lens Mou nt Micro Fo ur Thirds mou nt
Total Pixe ls 16.68 M egapixel s
Camer a Effecti ve Pixels 16.00 Me gapixels
Color F ilter P rimary co lor fi lter
Dust Red uction Sys tem Super sonic wave fi lter
Aspe ct Ratio 4:3, 3:2 , 16:9, 1:1
Image Qu ality RAW, RA W+Fine, RA W+Standard , Fine, Stan dard
Color S pace sRGB, Adobe RG B
Still Ima ge [4:3] 4, 592 x 3,44 8 (L), 3,232 x 2 ,424 (M), 2, 272 x 1,704 (S),
(Pixel s)
Contin uous Record able Time
(Motion I mage)*
Actua l Recordabl e Time
(Motion I mage)*
Focus Mo de AFS (Single) / A FF (Flexib le) / AFC (Cont inuous) / MF
AF Mode Face dete ction / AF Trac king / 23-ar ea-focusi ng / 1-area-
AF Dete ctive Rang e EV -3 - 18 (IS O100 equiv alent)
AF As sist Lamp YES
AF Lock Set the Fn b utton in cus tom menu to AF lo ck
Other s Quick AF, Continuou s AF (during motion image rec ording),
Light Me tering Mode Intellige nt Multiple / Ce nter Weighted / S pot
Meteri ng Range EV 0 - 18 (F2 .0 lens, ISO10 0 equival ent)
Expo sure Mode Program AE / Aperture Priority AE / Shutter Priority AE / Manual
ISO Sen sitivit y
(Stand ard Output S ensitivi ty)
Expo sure Compen sation 1/3 EV St ep, ±3 EV
AE Lock Set the Fn bu tton in custo m menu to AE loc k
AE Bra cket 3, 5 fram e, in 1/3 or 2/ 3 EV Step, ±4 /3 EV
White B alance Adju stment Blue/a mber bias, Ma genta/gre en bias
Color Temp erature Se tting 2,500 K - 10,00 0 K in 100 K
White B alance Bra cket 3 exposu res in blue/ amber axis or i n magenta/gr een axis
Shutte r Speed Stil l Images: 1/4,0 00 - 60
Self Ti mer 3 images a fter 10 sec / 2 sec / 10 s ec
Motion Im age Clea r Portrai t / Silky Skin / B acklit Sof tness / Clea r in
Number o f Recordable I mages 7 images (when th ere are RAW fi les with the pa rticular speed)
(Compatibl e with UHS-I standard SDH C / SDXC Memory Cards)
MPO (W hen attach ing 3D lens in Mic ro Four
Motion Im age: AVCHD ( Audio for mat: Dolby Di gital 2ch) / MP4
MPO+F ine, MPO+S tandard (W hen attach ing 3D lens in Mi cro
Four Thi rds System s tandard)
1,824 x 1,3 68 (When at taching 3D l ens in Micro Fo ur Thirds
System s tandard)
[3:2] 4,5 92 x 3,064 (L ), 3,232 x 2,160 (M) , 2,272 x 1,520 ( S),
1,824 x 1,216 ( When atta ching 3D lens in M icro Four Thi rds
System s tandard)
[16:9] 4,592 x 2 ,584 (L), 3 ,232 x 1,824 (M), 1,920 x 1,08 0 (S),
1,824 x 1,0 24 (When at taching 3D le ns in Micro Four T hirds
System s tandard)
[1:1] 3,424 x 3,42 4 (L), 2,416 x 2,416 (M), 1,712 x 1,712 (S),
1,712 x 1,712 (When at taching 3D le ns in Micro Fou r Thirds
System s tandard)
[Full HD] 1,92 0 x 1,080, 30 fps ( sensor outp ut is 30p)
[HD] 1,280 x 7 20, 30 fps (s ensor outpu t is 30p)
[VGA] 6 40 x 480, 3 0 fps (senso r output is 30p )
[Full HD] 1,92 0 x 1,080, 25 fps ( sensor outp ut is 25p)
[HD] 1,280 x 7 20, 25 fps (se nsor outpu t is 25p)
[VGA] 6 40 x 480, 2 5 fps (sensor o utput is 25p)
[Full HD] 1,92 0 x 1,080, 60i (s ensor outp ut is 30p)
[HD] 1,280 x 7 20, 60p (se nsor output i s 30p)
[Full HD] 1,92 0 x 1,080, 50i (s ensor outp ut is 25p)
[HD] 1,280 x 7 20, 50p (se nsor output i s 25p)
AVCHD: Ap prox. 130 min w ith H-PS140 42 / Approx . 140 min
with H- FS1442A , H-FS4515 0
AVCHD: Ap prox. 65 min w ith H-PS140 42 / Approx . 70 min with
H-FS14 42A, H-F S45150
WPA2 , Infrastr ucture mod e
focusi ng / Pinpoint
Touch AF/AE Function , AF+MF, Touch shutter, Touch MF Assist
Auto / Inte lligent IS O / 160 / 200 / 400 / 8 00 / 1600 / 320 0 /
640 0 / 12800 / 256 00 (Extend ed) (Changea ble to 1/3 EV s tep)
White S et 1, 2 / Color tempe rature set ting
Motion Im age: 1/16,00 0 - 1/30 (NTSC a rea), 1/16,00 0 - 1/25
(PAL are a)
Backli ght / Relaxin g Tone / Sweet Chil d’s Face / Distinc t
Scener y / Bright Bl ue Sky / Romant ic Sunset Glo w / Vivid
Sunset G low / Gliste ning Water / Cle ar Nightsca pe / Cool
Night Sk y / Warm Glow ing Nightsc ape / Artis tic Nights cape /
Glitt ering Illum inations / Cle ar Night Por trait / Sof t Image of
a Flowe r / Appetizin g Food / Cute Des sert / Free ze Animal
Motion / C lear Sport s Shot / Monoc hrome
Backli ght / Relaxin g Tone / Sweet Chil d’s Face / Distinc t
Scener y / Bright Bl ue Sky / Romant ic Sunset Glo w / Vivid
Sunset G low / Clear Nig htscape / C ool Night Sky / W arm
Glowi ng Nightsca pe / Artis tic Nightsc ape / Clear Nig ht
Portr ait / Appet izing Food / Cu te Desser t / Freeze Anim al
Motion / C lear Sport s Shot / Monoc hrome
frames /sec (with Live View ), L: 2.0 frames/se c (with Live View)
Unlimit ed consecut ive shooting ( when there ar e no RAW fi les)
(depen ding on memor y card size, b attery p ower, picture s ize,
and comp ression)
Third s System stan dard)
(Audi o format A AC 2ch)
BUILT-IN-F LASH Type TTL Buil t-in-Flas h, GN6.3 equi valent (IS O160 · m), GN5.0
Flash M ode Aut o, Auto / Red-e ye Reductio n, Forced On , Forced On / Red-
Synchr onization S peed Les s than 1/160 seco nd
LCD MONI TOR Type TFT LC D with Touch pane l, Tiltabl e monitor
LIVE V IEW Digit al Zoom 2x, 4x
CREAT IVE CONT ROL Still Ima ge Expr essive / Retr o / Old Days / Hig h Key / Low Key / Se pia /
PHOTO S TYLE Still I mage and Moti on Image St andard / Vi vid / Natural / M onochrom e / Scenery /
PLAY BACK Pl ayback Mo de Nor mal playb ack, 30-t humbnail dis play, 12-thumb nail
PRINT Dire ct Print P ictBridg e compatible ( Print size, L ayout and Da te settings
INTER FACE USB U SB 2.0 High Spe ed Multi
LAN GUAGE O SD Languag e Englis h, German, F rench, Ital ian, Spanis h, Polish, C zech,
POWE R Batt ery Li -ion Batte ry Pack (7.2V, 1,0 25mAh) (In cluded)
Flash S ynchroniz ation 1st Curt ain Sync.
Monito r Size 3.0 inc h (7.5 cm) / 3:2 Aspe ct / Wide-v iewing ang le
Pixel s 1,040 K dots
Field of V iew Approx. 10 0%
Monito r Adjustmen t Bri ghtness, C ontrast an d Saturati on, Red tint, Bl ue tint
Extr a Tele Convers ion Stil l Image: Max. 2x (When a pi cture size of S ( 4M), aspec t
Other Fu nctions Guide Line s (3 pattern s)
Motion Im age Exp ressive / Re tro / Old Days / Hi gh Key / Low Key / S epia /
Expo sure Mode Pro gram AE / Ap erture-P riorit y / Sutter-P riority / M anual
Protec tion Single / M ulti, Cancel
Erase Single / M ulti / All / Exce pt Favorite
HDMI mi ni HDMI TypeC
Audio V ideo Output M onaural Type , NTSC / PAL, N TSC only fo r North Ame rica
Microp hone Stereo, W ind-cut: O ff / Auto
Speake r Monaural
Batte ry Life (CIPA S tandard) Approx . 330 image s with H-PS14 042
Dimens ions (W x H x D) 111.2 x 64 .8 x 38.4 mm / 4. 378 x 2.551 x 1.512 in ch (excluding
Weight Approx. 323 g / 11.3 9 oz (SD card, B attery, Bo dy)
Opera ting Temperat ure 0 °C to 4 0 °C (32 °F to 104 °F )
Opera ting Humidit y 10%RH t o 80%RH
Soft ware PHOTO funSTUD IO 9.2 AE
equiv alent (ISO10 0 · m), Built-in Pop -up
eye Redu ction, Slo w Sync., Slo w Sync. / Red-e ye Reducti on,
Forced O ff
ratio of 4 :3 is selec ted. Magnifi cation rati o depends on th e
recor ding pixels a nd aspect r atio.)
Motion Im age: 2.4x (F SH in AVCHD and FH D in MP4), 3.6x (SH
in AVCHD an d HD in MP4), 4.8 x (VGA in MP4)
Real-tim e Histogra m
Dyna mic Monochro me / Impress ive Art / Hi gh Dynamic /
Cross P rocess / Toy Eff ect / Toy Pop / Blea ch Bypass /
Miniatu re Effect / S oft Focus / Fa ntasy / Star F ilter / One
Point Co lor / Sunshin e
Dyna mic Monochro me / Impress ive Art / Hi gh Dynamic /
Cross P rocess / Toy Eff ect / Toy Pop / Blea ch Bypass /
Miniatu re Effect / Fa ntasy / One Po int Color
Expo sure
Portr ait / Custom
displ ay, Calendar di splay, Zoom ed playba ck (Max. 16x),
Slide show (durat ion & effect i s selectab le), Playb ack Mode
(Norma l / Picture / V ideo / 3D Play / C ategory / Fa vorite),
Locat ion Logging , Clear Retouc h, Title Edit , Text Stamp,
Video D ivide, Stop M otion Anima tion, Resize , Cropping,
Rotate, F avorite, Pr int Set, Pro tect, Face Re cognition Ed it
are sele ctable)
Video : Auto / 1080i / 72 0p / 480p (5 76p in PAL syste m)
Audio: S tereo
* Check the we bsite of the Pa nasonic sal es company in
your cou ntry or regi on for detail s on the produ cts that are
avail able in your ma rket.
Flicke r reductio n
Microp hone level ad justable: Lv 1 / Lv2 / Lv3 / Lv4
Hungar ian, Russi an, Chinese ( Traditional ), Chinese
(Simpl ifi ed), Dut ch, Thai, Kor ean, Turkish , Portugue se,
Arab ic, Persian , Japanese , Swedish, Da nish, Finni sh, Greek,
Vietn amese
* Check th e website of Pa nasonic sal es company in y our
countr y / region or as k customer su pport for d etails of
the OSD l anguage ava ilable on th e products s old in your
countr y / region.
Batte ry Charger
Appro x. 340 imag es with H-FS14 42A, H -FS45150
protr usions)
Appro x. 280 g / 9.88 oz (B ody only)
Appro x. 418 g / 14.74 oz (SD card, B attery, H- PS14042 le ns
includ ed)
Appro x. 432 g / 15.24 o z (SD card, Ba ttery, H-F S1442A len s
includ ed)
Appro x. 523 g / 18.4 5 oz (SD card, Ba ttery, H-F S45150 len s
includ ed)
Appro x. 632 g / 22. 29 oz (SD card , Battery, H -FS1442A +
H-FS 45150 lenses i ncluded)
Develo per Studio 3.1 SE
LoiLo Scope (tria l version)
USB Dri ver