Panasonic ETD75LE30 User Manual

265 (10-7/16)
154 (6-2/ 32)
Zoom Lens
This z oo m len s is des ig ned for use w it h Pan as on ic’s app li ca bl e proj ectors. The len s mak es i t possible to vary the
projection dis ta nc e by cha ng ing the focal d is ta nc e.
NOT E: Pl eas e use the lens on ly on the spec ifi ed Pan as oni c proj ec tor.
F value: 2.5 Focal distance (f): 50.5– 97.9 mm Throw ratio: 2.4 – 4.7:1 for PT-DZ21K/DZ13K/DZ10K/DZ8700/DZ110X (16:10 aspect ratio),
2.6 – 5.1:1 for PT-DS20K/DS12K/DS8500/DS100X (4:3 aspect ratio),
2.7– 5.2:1 for PT-DW17K/DW11K/DW8300/DW90X (16:9 aspect atio) Dimensions (W × H × D): 154 × 154 × 265 mm (6-2/32 × 6-2/32 × 10-7/16 inches) Weight : Approximately 5.2 kg* (11.5 lbs*) Applicable projector: PT-DZ21K/DS20K/DW17K/DZ13K/DS12K/DW11K/DZ10K/DZ8700/DS8500/
Ave ra ge val ue. May differ de pen di ng on the actua l uni t.
The thro w rati o is an appr oxima te val ue ca lcu lated by di vid ing the screen wi dth by the proj ec tio n dis tan ce.
Dimens io ns
uni t : m m (inc h)
The illu str at ion show s the len s atta ch ed to the PT-DZ21 K/D S2 0K/ DW 17K .
The illu str at ion show s the len s atta ch ed to the DZ13 K/D S12K/ DW1 1K /DZ 10 K. The PT-DZ8 700 /DS 85 00/ DW 830 0/ DZ1 10X /D S10 0X /DW 90 X has the sa me dim en sio ns.
NOT E: Ple as e read th e proj ect or ’s inst ruc ti on man ua l for thr ow dis tance s. Ill us tra ti ons shown are not dra wn to scale .
Wei ght s and dimen sio ns sh own are appr oxi ma te. Specifi cat io ns sub je ct to cha nge with out noti ce.
As of Apri l 2013
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