Panasonic Energy Europe 5
• Panasonic Group Weltweit 5
• Energie für ein besseres Leben 6
• Innovation auf internationaler Ebene 8
• Eine fortschrittliche, umfassende Methode der Batterieherstellung 10
• Panasonic Energy Europe, Ihr Power-Partner 11
Käuferverhalten bei Akkus 12
Was ist eneloop? 14
eneloop 2017-2018 20
eneloop Sortiment 21
• eneloop pro 22
• eneloop 24
• eneloop lite 26
• eneloop for DECT 28
• Übersicht Akku-Eigenschaften 30
• Typenvergleich 32
• C & D Adapter 33
• Ladegeräte 34
• Eigenschaften eneloop Ladegeräte 38
Panasonic hat sich verpichtet, ein besseres Leben und eine bessere Welt zu schaen,
indem das Unternehmen kontinuierlich zur Entwicklung der Gesellschaft beiträgt und
die Menschen auf der ganzen Welt glücklich macht.
Weltweit führendes Unternehmen
Die Panasonic Corporation ist einer der weltweit größten
Hersteller von Elektronikprodukten. Das Unternehmen
produziert und vermarktet eine große Bandbreite von
Produkten unter der Marke Panasonic, um die Lebensqualität
der Menschen weltweit zu verbessern und zu bereichern.
Displays 40
Technische Spezikationen 42
POS-Materialien 43
Firmenname: Panasonic Corporation
Hauptsitz: Osaka – Japan
Präsident: Kazuhiro Tsuga
Gründung: März 1918 (als AG eingetragen im Dezember 1935)
Zahl der Mitarbeiter
Zahl der Konzernunternehmen(
: 7,553.7 Mrd. Yen
: 249.520
: 475 (einschließlich der Muttergesellschaft)
Panasonic - Eine starke globale Marke
Best Global Green
Brand 2014
* www.interbrand.com (1) Stand: 31. März 2016
in der
Best Global
Brand 2016*

Leading Energy Solutions for the Future
Panasonic’s vision for the future centers on the need to develop products that offer greater
convenience, a higher level of performance, and improved environmental sustainability.
And we’re already delivering on that promise. Some recent examples include the supply of
next-generation lithium-ion batteries for Tesla Motors’ electric vehicles, the development
ralos ni tnemevlovni gnisaercni-reve ruo dna ,sresu elibom rof secived gnigrahc sseleriw fo
energy—and how we can use it to help people in remote areas. It’s the dawn of a new and
exciting era for Panasonic and the global community.
Führende Energielösungen für die Zukunft
Unsere Zukunftsvision konzentriert sich auf die Notwendigkeit, Produkte zu entwickeln, die
einen höheren Komfort, ein höheres Leistungsniveau und eine bessere Umweltverträglichkeit
bieten. Wir erfüllen dieses Versprechen bereits jetzt: unter anderem liefern wir Lithium-IonenAkkus für die Elektrofahrzeuge von Tesla Motors, wir entwickeln kabellose Ladegeräte für
mobile Nutzer und setzen uns verstärkt für die Solarenergie ein — und erforschen, wie wir diese
Energiequelle nutzen können, um Menschen in entlegenen Gebieten zu helfen. Für Panasonic
und die weltweite Gemeinschaft hat eine neue und aufregende Ära begonnen.
der nächsten Generation
für Tesla Motors
Energie für
ein besseres
Batterien sind wesentlich für das tägliche Leben. Geräte, die wir täglich
zum Arbeiten und Spielen benötigen, funktionieren mit Panasonic Energie,
die uns hilft, erfolgreich zu sein. Seit mehr als 90 Jahren entwickeln wir
Produkte, die für ihre Leistungsfähigkeit, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit
bekannt sind. Unsere Technologien werden durch kontinuierliche
Forschung und Entwicklung vorangetrieben. Dabei suchen wir neue
Möglichkeiten, um die Lebensdauer unserer Produkte zu verlängern.
Unsere Leidenschaft für Qualität hat dazu geführt, dass wir heute mehr als
120 Länder mit über 200 Milliarden Batterien* versorgen und Panasonic
somit die wichtigste Marke für Komfort und praktischen Nutzen mobiler
Energie ist. Mit Spitzentechnologie und einer entschlossenen Verpichtung
zur Nachhaltigkeit bieten wir der Welt eine neue Lebensqualität und neue
*Stand: März 2016
kabellose, mobile
für Cafés
Solarlaternen für
Menschen ohne Zugang
zur Stromversorgung
Extrem zuverlässiger
Batteriestrom für die
6 7

Developed and released cannonball-shaped
battery-powered shell lamp
Relea sed the Excel D ry Batter y for shell lamp
Star ted in-hous e dry-cell pr oduction in O saka,
takin g over the Komori dr y-batter y factory
National Storage Battery Co., Ltd. established
Matsushita Dry Battery Co., Ltd. established
Automotive lead-acid batteries released
Relea sed Nationa l Hyper, Japan’s fi rst fu lly
metal-jacketed dry battery
196 3
National Hi-Top manganese dry batteries released
Commen ced produc tion of Cadnic a Ni-Cd batte ries
Alkaline batteries released
Developed compact sealed lead-acid batteries
Released National Neo Hi-Top manganese
dry batteries
Released Pananica Ni-Cd batteries
Develo ped lithium p rimary bat teries (Gra phite Fluori de BR line)
197 9
Matsushita Battery Industrial Co., Ltd. established
Started production of the world’s fi rst amorphous
silicon solar cells
Released Ultra Alkaline and
Panasonic Alkaline batteries
Developed nickel-metal hydride batteries
Released mercury-free manganese batteries
Released mercury-free alkaline batteries
Rechargeable eneloop released
to the market
Released EVOLTA alkaline dry batteries
Panasonic Corporation Energy
Company established
Relea sed Recharg eable EVOLTA
nickel-metal hydride batteries
Developed multi-purpose lithium-ion battery modules
Released Solar LED Lantern
Panasonic eneloop goes global
Solar storage device launched
Historical Highlights
Take a look at the events that shaped Panasonic’s remarkable
180 billion
9,000,000 km
That’s about twelve
return trips to the
… would extend for
a distance of
Panasonic batteries are sold in more
Assuming a 5 cm average
length and laid end-to-end,
an accumulated total of 180
billion dry batteries…
Every day, Panasonic energy helps us to get more out of life. For more than
90 years, we’ve been creating products trusted worldwide for performance,
safety, and reliability. Our technology is driven by continuous research and
development as we fi nd new ways to extend endurance and improve safety.
Our passion for quality has led to the supply of over 180 billion dry batteries* in
more than 120 countries. With superior technology and an ongoing commitment
to sustainability, we’re leading the way to new life and new possibilities.
* As of September 2015
Panasonic batteries
are sold in more than
120 countries
170 billion
Innovation auf internationaler Ebene
Developed and released cannonball-shaped
battery-powered shell lamp
Relea sed the Excel D ry Batter y for shell lamp
Historical Highlights
Take a look at the events that shaped Panasonic’s remarkable
Every day, Panasonic energy helps us to get more out of life. For more than
90 years, we’ve been creating products trusted worldwide for performance,
safety, and reliability. Our technology is driven by continuous research and
development as we fi nd new ways to extend endurance and improve safety.
Our passion for quality has led to the supply of over 180 billion dry batteries* in
more than 120 countries. With superior technology and an ongoing commitment
to sustainability, we’re leading the way to new life and new possibilities.
* As of September 2015
Im Laufe des letzten Jahrhunderts wurde mobile Energie von
Panasonic zum Synonym für Leistung, Sicherheit und
Zuverlässigkeit. Durch beständige wissenschaftliche Forschung
streben wir die Entwicklung von Produkten an, die uns in
Gegenwart und Zukunft neue Möglichkeiten erönen.
200 Milliarden
Über 200 Milliarden verkaufte
Batterien in 120 Ländern
Seit 1931
Höhere Qualität, bessere
Leistung und verbesserte
Von unserer ersten
Fahrradlampen-Batterie, die
Firmengründer Konosuke
Matsushita 1923 entwickelte,
bis hin zu den aktuellsten
Lithium-Ionen-Zellen, die
die Elektrofahrzeuge der
nächsten Generation mit
Energie versorgen - Panasonic
setzt jederzeit auf Innovation.
Das entspricht
ungefähr 13 Hin-
und Rücküge zum
Bei einer durchschnittlichen
Länge von fünf Zentimetern
würden 200 Milliarden
Batterien aneinandergereiht
eine Strecke von 10
Millionen Kilometern
10.000.000 km
in Zahlen
400 Millionen
Stand: Nov. 2016
8 9
Über 400 Millionen eneloop
Akkus verkauft*
Batterien von Panasonic werden in mehr
als 120 Ländern verkauft.

Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Unsere fortschrittliche, umfassende
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Continual research and development in all areas, from
materials, production processes, and system technology at
our dedicated lab facilities has kept Panasonic at the very
forefront of battery design. A focus on improving battery
safety and endurance has led to high-value products that
exceed expectations in every area.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Developing High-Quality, High-Capacity Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
An Advanced Global Approach to Batt ery Production
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Energy Device
Business Division
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
Poland S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Belgium N.V.
United States
of America
Panasonic Energy
Corporation of America
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Eco-friendly Processes and Design
Environmental Efforts
Energy Device
Business Division
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
Poland S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Belgium N.V.
United States
of America
Panasonic Energy
Corporation of America
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Eco-friendly Processes and Design
Environmental Efforts
Energy Device
Business Division
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
PT. Panasonic Global Energy
Panasonic Carbon
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
Poland S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Belgium N.V.
United States
of America
Panasonic Energy
Corporation of America
Costa Rica
Panasonic Centroamericana S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Tanzania Co., Ltd.
Peruana S.A.
Panasonic do
Brasil Limitada
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Eco-friendly Processes and Design
• Recycling resources
(Wuxi Factory)
Environmental Efforts
We limit our impact on the environment in a variety of ways:
• Reducing CO2 during production processes (Kasai Factory)
Energy Device
Business Division
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
PT. Panasonic Global Energy
Panasonic Carbon
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
Poland S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Belgium N.V.
United States
of America
Panasonic Energy
Corporation of America
Costa Rica
Panasonic Centroamericana S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Tanzania Co., Ltd.
Peruana S.A.
Panasonic do
Brasil Limitada
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Eco-friendly Processes and Design
• Recycling resources
(Wuxi Factory)
Environmental Efforts
We limit our impact on the environment in a variety of ways:
• Reducing CO2 during production processes (Kasai Factory)
• ISO14001* and ISO9001*
for all factories
* Tanzanian factories excepted
Energy Device
Business Division
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
PT. Panasonic Global Energy
Panasonic Carbon
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
Poland S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Belgium N.V.
United States
of America
Panasonic Energy
Corporation of America
Costa Rica
Panasonic Centroamericana S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Tanzania Co., Ltd.
Peruana S.A.
Panasonic do
Brasil Limitada
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
An Advanced Global Approach to Batt ery Production
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Eco-friendly Processes and Design
• Recycling resources
(Wuxi Factory)
Environmental Efforts
We limit our impact on the environment in a variety of ways:
• Reducing CO2 during production processes (Kasai Factory)
• ISO14001* and ISO9001*
for all factories
* Tanzanian factories excepted
Energy Device
Business Division
Panasonic Energy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Wuxi) Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
PT. Panasonic Global Energy
Panasonic Carbon
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
India Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Energy
Poland S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Belgium N.V.
United States
of America
Panasonic Energy
Corporation of America
Costa Rica
Panasonic Centroamericana S.A.
Panasonic Energy
Tanzania Co., Ltd.
Peruana S.A.
Panasonic do
Brasil Limitada
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Continual research and development in all areas, from
materials, production processes, and system technology at
our dedicated lab facilities has kept Panasonic at the very
forefront of battery design. A focus on improving battery
safety and endurance has led to high-value products that
exceed expectations in every area.
Panasonic Manganese
batteries contain no lead,
mercury, or cadmium,
while our Coin batteries
contain zero mercury.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
Almost all batteries in the Panasonic family are made on
fully automated and computer-controlled production lines
for superior consistency of quality and greater efficiency.
Integral Computer-Controlled Production Lines
An Advanced Global Approach to Batt ery Production
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Eco-friendly Processes and Design
• Recycling resources
(Wuxi Factory)
Environmental Efforts
We limit our impact on the environment in a variety of ways:
• Reducing CO2 during production processes (Kasai Factory)
More than two million batteries are produced and tested
worldwide each year. We lead the industry in product
quality with larger-scale testing facilities than other
companies. Furthermore, all batteries are subjected
to severe five-category testing covering discharge
performance, leakage resistance, shelf life, performance
in extreme environments, and product stability over time.
Pursuing Better Quality Batteries
Quality ControlResearch & Development
Panasonic’s holistic approach to manufacturing encompasses four key
areas—research and development, production, quality control, and
environmental effort—at a number of state-of-the-art facilities around
the world. Guiding principles of continual product improvement
and the strictest quality control are governed by our desire to
deliver premium products to customers with minimal impact on the
Panasonic Energy Europe,
Methode der Batterieherstellung
Panasonic‘s ganzheitliche Produktionsmethode umfasst vier Schlüsselbereiche — Forschung und Entwicklung, Produk-
Panasonic Battery Factory
Ihr professioneller Batteriepartner
tion, Qualitätskontrolle und Umweltschutz — in zahlreichen modernen Produktionsanlagen weltweit. Die Leitprinzipien
der kontinuierlichen Produktverbesserung und strengsten Qualitätskontrollen basieren auf unserem Bestreben, unseren
Kunden Premium-Produkte mit minimaler Umweltbelastung zu liefern.
Forschung und Entwicklung
Entwicklung von hochwertigen und hochleistungsfähigen Batterien
Kontinuierliche Forschung und Entwicklung in allen Bereichen (von
Werkstoen über Produktionsverfahren bis hin zur Systemtechnologie
in unseren spezialisierten Versuchsanlagen) und unser Fokus auf eine
verbesserte Batteriesicherheit und -lebensdauer hat hochwertige
Produkte hervorgebracht, die die Erwartungen in jeder Hinsicht
Herstellung höherwertiger Batterien
Mehr als zwei Millionen Batterien werden weltweit jedes
Jahr produziert und getestet. Wir sind mit unseren
umfassenden Prüfanlagen branchenweit führend in
Bezug auf die Produktqualität. Darüber hinaus werden
sämtliche Batterien strengen Tests in fünf Kategorien
unterzogen, darunter Entladeverhalten, Auslaufsicherheit,
Lebensdauer, Leistung bei extremen Umweltbedingungen
und Produktstabilität während der Verwendung.
Produktherstellung ohne
bestimmte Schadstoe
Die Zink-Kohle-Batterien
von Panasonic enthalten
kein Blei, Quecksilber
oder Cadmium, die
kein Quecksilber.
Integrierte computergesteuerte Produktionslinien
Nahezu alle Batterien der Panasonic-Familie werden
über voll automatisierte und computergesteuerte
Produktionslinien für höchste, gleichbleibende Qualität
und eine höhere Ezienz hergestellt.
Kontaminationsfreie und saubere Anlagen
Der Hauptteil der Produktion ndet in kontaminationsfreien
und sauberen Räumen statt, die sämtliche Umweltstandards
der Industrie übertreen. Fortschrittliche Produktionstechniken
garantieren die konstant hohe Qualität unserer Produkte,
unabhängig davon, wo sie gekauft werden.
Umweltschonende Prozesse und Entwicklung
Wir begrenzen die Umweltbelastung auf vielfältige Weise:
• CO2-Reduzierung bei der Herstellung (Kasai Werk)
• Nutzung von Recycling-
Möglichkeiten (Wuxi Werk)
• ISO14001* und ISO9001*
Zertizierung für alle Werke
* ausgenommen die Werke in
Europäisches Vertriebszentrum von
Panasonic Energy
Belgium N.V.
Panasonic Energy
Poland S.A.
Standort: Tessenderlo, Belgien
Gründung: 29. September 1970
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 360 Mitarbeiter
Eigenfertigung von Alkali-Batterien, angefangen
bei der Herstellung des Batteriegehäuses, über die
Etikettierung der Endprodukte bis hin zur Verpackung
und der automatischen Palettierung.
Standort: Gniezno, Polen
Gründung: 15. Dezember 1993
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 344 Mitarbeiter
Eigenfertigung von Zink-Kohle-Batterien (R03, R6,
R14 und R20 ) und LR6-Alkali-Batterien, Verpacken
von eneloop Akkus und anderen Batterien.