Panasonic CQE15EUC User Manual [en, es, fr]

Removable Face High-Power Cassette/ Receiver with CD Changer Control
Récepteur/lecteur de cassettes à puissance élevée avec panneau avant amovile
et contrôleur de changeur de disques
Cassette de alta potencia con placa frontal Removible/Receptor con mando de cambiadiscos de CD
Operating Instructions
Manuel d’utilisation
Please read these instructions completely before operating this unit.
II est recommandé de lire attentivement ce manuel avant d’utiliser l’appareil.
Antes de poner en marcha el aparato, sírvase leer atentamente estas instrucciones.
Panasonic welcomes you to our ever growing family of electronic product owners. We know that this prod uct will bring you many hours of enjoyment. Our reputation is built on precise electronic and mechanical en gineering, manufactured with carefully selected components and assembled by people who take pride in their work. Once you discover the quality, reliability, and value we have built into this product, you too will be proud to be a member of our family.

□ Use This Equipment Safely

When Driving

Keep the volume level low enough to be aware of road and traffic conditions.

When Car Washing

Do not expose the equipment, including the speakers and tapes, to water or excessive moisture. This could cause electrical shorts, fire, or other damage.

When Parked

Parking in direct sunlight can produce very high temperatures inside your vehicle. Give the interior a chance to cool down before switching the unit on.

Use the Proper Power Supply

This equipment is designed to operate off a 12 volt, negative ground battery system (the normal system in a North American car.)

Protect the Tape Mechanism

Keep magnets, screwdrivers, or other metallic objects away from the tape mechanism and tape head to pre vent poor performance or malfunctions.

Use Authorized Servicenters

Do not attempt to disassemble or adjust this precision equipment. Please refer to the Servicenter list includ ed with this product for service assistance.
Find the model number and serial number on either the back or bottom of the unit. Please record them in the space below and retain this booklet as a permanent record of your purchase to aid in identification in case of theft.


Use This Equipment Safely..........................................................................Page 2
□ Power and Sound Controls
How to adjust the volume, balance, and tone for best listening
□ Radio Basics..............................................................................
Manual and automatic tuning, band selection, preset stations
□ Cassette Tape Player Basics
How to load, wind, play, and eject a cassette tape
□ CD Changer Basics
Play, repeat, random and scan
Note :
CD changer controls are applicable to units with optional CD changer unit (sold separately).
□ Clock Basics
Setting the time, selecting the clock display
lo ol
/ \
□ Installation Guide..........................................................................................17
Step-by-step procedures, anti-theft system, electrical connections
□ Troubleshooting........................................................................................... 27 Crj\ Q
Error messages, troubleshooting tips, where to get service help o o o o o
Specifications................................................................................................... 29
Panasonic est heureuse de vous compter parmi les utilisateurs de ses appareils électroniques. Nous pouvons vous assurer que cet appareil vous procurera de longues heures d’agrément. Notre réputa tion est fondée sur une ingénierie électronique et mécanique de haute précision laquelle préside à la fabri cation d'appareils ne comportant que des composants de choix assemblés par un personnel soucieux de la bonne réputation acquise par la qualité de son travail. Après avoir découvert la qualité, la valeur et la fia bilité de cet appareil, vous aussi serez fier d'être un client Panasonic.
□ Précautions à prendre
Au volant
Régler le volume à un niveau qui ne risque pas de masquer les bruits ambiants.

Lavage de la voiture

Afin de prévenir tout risque de court-circuit ou d’incendie, ne pas exposer l’équipement, y compris les haut­parleurs et les cassettes, à l’eau ni à une humidité excessive.

Voiture stationnée

L’habitacle d’une voiture immobile exposée au soleil toutes vitres fermées devient rapidement très chaud. Laisser rafraîchir l’intérieur du véhicule avant d’utiliser l’appareil.

Source d’alimentation

Cet appareil est conçu pour fonctionner sur un système d’alimentation avec batterie de 12V avec négatif à la masse {système standard sur les voitures de construction nord-américaine).

Mécanisme de défilement

Ne pas approcher d’aimants, de tournevis ou tout autre objet métallique du mécanisme de défilement de la bande et de la tête magnétique.


Ne pas tenter de démonter ou d’ajuster l’appareil soi-méme. Confier toute réparation à un centre de service agréé.
Il est recommandé de noter, dans l’espace prévu ci-dessous, les numéros de modèle et de série inscrits soit à l’arrière soit sous le fond de l’appareil, et de conserver ce manuel comme mémorandum de l’achat afin de permettre l’identification de l’appareil en cas de vol.
Numéro de modèle:
Date de l’achat:
Numéro de série;

Table des matières

Précautions à prendre...........................................................................................4
□ Interrupteur et commandes de réglage de la sonorité
Réglage du volume, de l’équilibre et de la tonalité
□ Fonctionnement de la radio.........................................................................32
Syntonisation manuelle et automatique, sélection de la bande et stations en memoire
Q Fonctionnement du lecteur de cassettes............................
Chargement, lecture, rebobinage et éjection de la cassette
□ Fonctionnement du lecteur-changeur audionumérique
Lecture, lecture en reprise, lecture aléatoire et balayage
Les commandes de changeur de disques ne s’appliquent qu’aux autoradios auxquels un lecteur-changeur {vendu séparément) est raccordé.
□ Fonctionnement de l’horloge
Réglage de l’heure, sélection de l’affichage de l’horloge
□ Guide d’installation...................................................................
Marche à suivre, système antivol, raccordements électriques
□ En cas de difficulté.......................................................................
Messages d’erreurs, guide de dépannage, service après-vente
Données techniques..........................................................................................51
©I \
Panasonic le da la bienvenida a la familia constantemente en aumento de poseedores de productos elec trónicos. Nos esforzamos en proporcionarle tas ventajas de la ingeniería mecánica y electrónica de precisión, de una fabricación con componentes cuidadosamente seleccionados, y de un montaje realizado por personas orgullosas de la reputación que su trabajo ha cimentado para nuestra empresa. Estamos seguros de que este producto le proporcionará muchas horas de distracción y, una vez comprobada la calidad, el valor y la fiabili dad incorporados, usted también se sentirá orgulloso de pertenecer a nuestra familia.

□ Use este equipo de manera segura

Cuando esté conduciendo

Mantenga el nivel del volumen suficiente bajo para poder darse cuenta de las condiciones de tráfico de la

Cuando esté lavando el auto

No exponga el equipo, incluso los altavoces y los discos compactos, a la agua o a la humedad excesiva. Eso podría causar cortocircuitos, incendio u otros daños.

Cuando haya estacionado

El estacionar bajo la luz solar directa produce temperaturas muy altas dentro de su vehículo. Asegúrese de enfriar el interior del vehículo antes de encender la unidad.

Use la fuente de alimentación apropiada

Este equipo está diseñado para funcionar con un sistema de 12 voltios, de polo negativo puesto a tierra (el sistema normal en los autos norteamericanos).

Protección del mecanismo de la cinta

Mantenga imanes, destornilladores u otros objetos metálicos lejos del mecanismo de la cinta y de la
cabeza de la cinta para evitar rendimiento pobre o mal funcionamiento.

Use los centros de servicio autorizados

No intente desmontar o ajustar este equipo de precisión. Para solicitar ayuda relativa a los servicios de
mantenimiento, refiérase a la lista de los centros de servicio.
Busque el número del modelo y el número de serie ya sea en la parte trasera o en el fondo de la unidad.
Sírvase anotar dichos números en el espacio siguiente, y mantenga este líbrete como una anotación per manente de su compra para ayudar en la identificación en el caso de robo.


Use este equipo de manera segura
□ Alimentación y mandos de sonido............................................................, 52
Cómo ajustar el volumen, el equilibrio y el tono para las mejores condiciones de escucha.
□ Operación básica del radio...........................................................................54
Sintonía manual y automática, selección de la banda, estaciones presintonizadas
□ Operación básica del tocacintas de cassette..............................................56
Cómo cargar, enrollar, tocar y expulsar una cinta cassette.
□ Conocimientos básicos cambiadiscos de CD
Reproducción, repetición, al azar y exploración.
Los mandos del cambiadiscos de CD son aplicables a la unidad con cam biadiscos de CD opcional (vendido separadamente).
□ Operación básica del reloj...........................................................................60
Ajuste de las horas y selección de la visualización del reloj.
Página 6
O o
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□ Guía de instalación......................................................................................61
Procedimientos paso a paso, sistema anti-robo, conexiones eléctricas
□ Localización de avería................................................................................ 71
Mensajes de errores, sugerencias para localización de averías,
donde obtener ayuda de servicio.
o o o o o

Power and Sound Controls


Turn the ignition key on. Push the knob to switch on the power. To turn the power off, push the knob again.


Turn the knob clockwise to increase volume, and counterclockwise to de crease volume.


Keep pulling the knob and turn it to the left or right to shift the sound vol ume to the left or right speakers.
MIN Pull Lock and turn

Bass and Treble

Bass control : Turn the knob to adjust bass response.
Treble control: Pull and lock the knob and turn to adjust treble re
sponse. After adjusting, press the knob in.


Turn to the left or right to shift the sound volunne to the rear or front speakers.
CAUTION: Fader Control does not affect the output of the amplifier
connected to this unit’s preout cord.

Radio Basics

Selecting a Band

Press BAND to select the bands in the following order.
“ST’ indicator lights if the station is broadcasting in stereo.

Manual Tuning

Press “ATUNE” or "VTUNE” to move to a higher or lower frequency.

Seek Tuning

Press and hold “ATUNE” or “ VTUNE” for more than a half second,
then release. The radio automatically stops on the next station.
Preset Station Setting
Up to 20 stations can be preset in the station memory as follows;
5 stations 5 stations
5 stations 1 5 stations

Manual Station Preset

® Press BAND to select a desired band.
CD Use manual or seek tuning to find a station that you want to program
into memory.
CD Press and hold one of the station selector buttons 1 through 5 until the
display blinks. The memory is now set for that button on the band you have selected. Repeat the process to set other stations for the FM1 to AM bands.
Note: You can change the memory setting by repeating the above proce dure.

Tuning in a Preset Station

Press any of the buttons 1 through 5 to tune in the station preset by the above steps CD to CD-

Auto Station Preset

Select a band and press and hold BAND for more than 2 seconds.
• The five strongest available stations will be automatically set in memo ry on preset buttons 1 through 5.
• Once set, the preset stations are sequentially scanned for 5 seconds.
• Press the appropriate preset button for the station you want to hear.
CAUTION; For safety reasons, do not attempt to program while driving.

Cassette Tape Player Basics

Loading a Cassette

Gently insert the cassette with the exposed tape facing to the right until the mechanism captures it, and playback starts.

Rewind and Fast Forward

Press and engage either (REW) to rewind or ►► (FF) to fast forward the tape.
- rpPE-
To stop rewind or fast forward, gently press the button that is not in use.
REWIND / resume playing from that position.
/ If you rewind the tape fully, it will play on the same program side again.
FAST FORWARD |f yQ^ fggj forward to the end, play will resume from the beginning of other
side of the tape.

Changing Sides

Firmly press (REW) and ►► (FF) at the same time to switch to the program on the other side of the tape. The display changes to indicate which program is playing.
stopping and Ejecting the
Once inserted into the unit, your tape will play continuously until you eject it.
If you press and engage ±, (EJECT), the unit clears the tape and re turns to radio operation. When you shut off the car engine, the tape will stop but not eject.
Note: Always remove the cassette when you are done using the cas sette player. This will prolong the life of your tape.
CAUTION; To maintain your cassette player in top condition, avoid using tapes that are longer than 90
minutes (C-90).

CD Changer Basics

Note: This unit’s compact disc controller is compatible with the current models CX-DP1200 and CX-DP600 and older models CX-DP60 and CX-DP15. The general instructions of CD changer are covered here. The display
functions shown here are for CX-DP1200 and CX-DP600 only. For further details about loading CDs and hook
ing up to this unit, refer to your CD changer instruction manual.

To start the CD Player

With a disc magazine inserted in the CD Changer, press CD * C. Play starts from first track.
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Note: The cassette, if loaded, should be removed. Otherwise, the CD play won't start.

Selecting a Disc

Press “ V -DISC” or “DISC- A ” to select discs in descending or ascend ing order.
D.n (
Ju t
The disc number indicator blinks and the track number indicator stays il luminated until the selected disc is loaded.

Selecting a Track

Press “TRACK A ” once to go to the next track. Press repeatedly to step forward through all the tracks. Press “ VTRACK” once to play from the beginning of the current track. Press twice to play the previous track. Press repeatedly to step backward through all the tracks.
Searching a Track
Press and hold “TRACK A" or “VTRACK” for more than a half second to activate fast fonward or reverse through a track. Release “TRACK A” or "V TRACK” to resume the normal CD play from that position.

Repeating a Track

Press REPEAT to repeat the current selection. “REPEAT’ indicator
lights. The current selection continues to repeat until you press RE
PEAT again.

Random Selection

Press RANDOM. “RANDOM" indicator lights. A random selection of
music is played from all available CDs. To turn off, press RANDOM

Scanning Tracks

Press SCAN. The display blinks and the first 10 seconds of each track
on the discs play in sequence. To stop scanning and continue with the current track, press SCAN

Changing the Display

Press DISP to switch the display in sequence as follows.
Note: To change to the Radio mode, press BAND.
Disc/Track Number
Track Play Time
Clock Basics (The clock system is 12-hours.)

Initial Time Setting

® Press and hold DISP/CLOCK for more than 2 seconds. “ AdJ” is dis
(B) Press and hold DISP/CLOCK again for more than 2 seconds. “ AdJ”
blinks indicating the time setting mode is activated.
^ +
© To set hours, press “ A TUNE”.
To set minutes, press 'TUNE V”.
- B: IS -
Hold “A” or “V” to change numbers rapidly.
® When you have set the time, press DISP/CLOCK.

Resetting the Time

When you want to reset the time, press and hold DISP for more than 2
seconds for 2 times to activate the time setting mode (for 1 time when
the time is displayed). Then, repeat step © and ®.

Selecting the Clock Display

Press and hold DISP/CLOCK for more than 2 seconds to switch the dis play between each listening mode (Radio, Tape and CD) and the clock.

□ Overview

This equipment should be installed by a profession al. However, if you plan to install this unit yourself, your first step is to decide where to install it. The in structions in these pages will guide you through the remaining steps: (Please refer to “WARNING" state ment above).
• Identify and label the vehicle wires
• Connect the vehicle wires to the wires of the power connector
• Install the unit in the dash
® Check the operation of the unit
If you do encounter problems, please consult your nearest professional installer.

□ Installation Hardware

No. Item Diagram
Mounting Collar
Plain Washer (5 mm(t))
Spring Washer (5 mm0)
Hex. Nut (5 mm({i)
Rear Support Strap
CAUTION: This unit will operate with a 12 volt DC
negative ground auto battery system only. Do not attempt to use it in any other system. Doing so could cause serious damage.
Before you begin installation, look for the following items included in the packing with your unit.
o Warranty Card
• MSC (in Canada; Panasonic) Servicenter Di rectory
the unit needs servicing
« Installation Hardware
Fill this out promptly
Keep for future reference in case
Needed for in-dash
Hex. Bolt
(5 mm0 X 25 mm) Toothed Lock Washer
(5 mmcf))
Mounting Bolt (5 mmifi)
Power Connector
Unit Case
Installation Guide continued
Cut the connector plug off (leaving the leads as long

□ Required Tools

You’ll need a screwdriver, a 1.5 volt AA battery, and the following;
as possible) so that you can work with individual
12 V DC

□ Dashboard Specifications

THICKNESS MIN. 3/16" (4.75 mm) MAX, 7/32" (5.56 mm)
2-3/32' (53 mm)

□ Identify All Leads

The first step in installation is to identify all the vehi cle wires you’ll use when hooking up your sound system. As you identify each wire, we suggest that you label it using masking tape and a permanent marker. This will help avoid confusion when making connections later.
Note: Do not connect the power connector to the stereo unit until you have made all connections. If there are no plastic caps on the stereo hooking wires, insulate all exposed leads with electrical tape
until you are ready to use them. Identify the leads in
the following order.
Turn the ignition on to the accessory position, and
ground one lead of the test bulb to the chassis.
Touch the other lead of the test bulb to each of the
exposed wires from the cut radio connector plug. Touch one wire at a time until you find the outlet that causes the test bulb to light.
Now turn the ignition off and then on. If the bulb also turns off and on, that outlet is the vehicle
power lead.
If your vehicle is not wired for an audio unit:
Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for radio
(RADIO), accessory (ACC), or ignition (IGN).
Battery Lead
If your stereo unit has a yellow lead, you will need to locate the car's battery lead. Otherwise you may
ignore this procedure. (The yellow battery lead pro
vides continuous power to maintain a clock, memo
ry storage, or other function.)
If your vehicle has a radio or is pre-wired for one; With the ignition and headlights off, identify the car
battery lead by grounding one lead of the test bulb to the chassis and checking the remaining exposed
wires from the cut radio connector plug.
If your vehicle is not wired for an audio unit;
Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for the
battery, usually marked BAT.
Power Lead
If your vehicle has a radio or is pre-wired for one :
Identify the car speaker leads. There will be two
leads for each speaker, usually color coded.
A handy way to identify the speaker leads and the
speaker they connect with is to test the leads using
a 1.5 volt AA battery as follows.
Hold one lead against one pole of the battery and
stroke the other lead across the other pole. You will
hear a scraping sound in a speaker if you are hold ing a speaker lead. If not, keep testing different lead combinations until
you have located all the speaker leads. When you
label them, include the speaker location for each.
Connect the speaker wires. See the wiring diagram below for the proper hookups. Follow the diagram carefully to avoid damaging the speakers and the stereo unit.
The speaker used must be able to handle more than 25 watts of audio power. If using an optional audio power, the speakers should be able to handle the maximum amplifier output power. Speakers with low input ratings can be damaged.
Antenna Motor
If your vehicle is equipped with an automatic power antenna, identify the vehicle motor antenna lead by connecting one bulb tester lead to the vehicle bat tery lead and touching the remaining exposed wires
from the cut radio connector plug one at a time. You will hear the antenna motor activate when you touch the correct wire.
The antenna lead is a thick, black wire with a metal plug at the end.

□ Connect All Leads

Now that you have identified all the wires in the ve hicle, you're ready to begin connecting them to the stereo unit wires. The connection diagram on Page 26 shows the proper connections and color coding of the leads. We strongly recommend that you test the unit be fore making a final installation. You can set the unit on the floor and make tempo
rary connections to test the unit. Use electrical tape to cover all exposed wires.
Speaker impedance should measure 4 - 8 ohms, which is typically marked on most speakers, Lower or higher impedance speakers will affect output and can cause both speaker and stereo unit damage.
CAUTION ; Never ground the speaker cords. For example, do not use a chassis ground system or a three-wire speaker common system. Each speaker must be connected separately using parallel insulat ed wires. If in doubt about how your car's speakers are wired, please consult with your nearest profes sional installer.
No Common Ground
Common Chassis Ground
L :
IMPORTANT ; Connect the red power lead last, after you have made and insulated all other connec tions.
Connect the black ground lead of the power con nector to the metal vehicle chassis.
R *
Speaker Common
(common earth lead)
L ^
R *
Installation Guide
Motor Antenna
Connect the vehicle motor antenna lead to the blue motor antenna relay control lead.
Connect the yellow battery lead to the correct radio wire or to the battery fuse port on the fuse block.

□ Final Installation

Lead Connections
Connect all wires, making sure that each connec tion is insulated and secure. Bundle all loose wires and fasten them with tape so they won't fall down later. Now insert the stereo unit into the mounting collar.
Connect the antenna by plugging the antenna lead into the antenna receptacle.
Connect any optional equipment such as amplifier, according to the instructions furnished with the equipment. Keep about 12 inches (30 cm) of dis tance between the speaker cords/amplifier unit and the antenna/antenna extension cord. Read the op erating and installation instructions for any equip ment you will connect to this unit.
Connect the red power lead to the correct vehicle
radio wire or to the appropriate fuse port on the fuse block.
If the stereo unit functions properly with all these
connections made, disconnect the wires and pro
ceed to the final installation.
Congratulations! After making a few final checks,
you’re ready to enjoy your new auto stereo system.

□ Final Checks

1. Make sure that all wires are properly connect ed and insulated.
2. Make sure that the stereo unit is securely held in the mounting collar.
3. Turn on the ignition to check the unit for prop er operation.
If you have difficulties, consult your nearest autho rized professional installer for assistance.
□ Installation Procedures
1. Secure the Mounting Collar ®.
Insert Mounting Collar© into the car’s dashboard, and bend mounting tabs out with a screwdriver.
(D Mounting Collar
2. Secure the rear of the unit.
a) Check the electrical connection by referring to this operating instructions. b) Connect the Mounting Bolt CD, using a suitable wrench.
(8) Mounting Bolt
c) Insert the unit into Mounting Collar ® and push it in until “click” is heard.
d) Secure the rear of the unit to the car by either of the two recommended methods on the next page.
Installation Guide continued
Using the Rear Support Strap (D
Affix one end of the Rear Support Strap (D to the rear of the unit, and the other end to the Fire Walt of Car, or some other metallic area.
Ф Plain Washer
Using the Rubber Cushion (Optional)
(If there is an existing Rear Support Bracket on the Fire Wall of Car.)
Cover Mounting Bolt (8) on the rear of the unit with Rubber Cushion (Optional), and mount it into the exist
ing Rear Support Bracket.
Fire Wall of Car
Rear Support Bracket
4. After installation reconnect the negative (—) battery terminal.
To Remove the Unit
a) Remove the trim plate with a screwdriver as shown in the figure.
Trim Plate
b) Puil out the unit while pushing the lock lever using a screwdriver. c) Remove the unit pulling with both hands.
^ Screwdriver
+ 53 hidden pages