Panasonic AJ-HPX3700 Varicam, AJ-HPX2700 Varicam Quick Start Manual

Panasonic AJ-HPX3700 Varicam
Panasonic AJ-HPX2700 Varicam
An introduction to the Panasonic AJ-HPX3700 and AJ-HPX2700 Varicams with step by step guides for
Clark Media 296 Brodhead Rd. Bethlehem PA 18017 Office: 610.694.9800
reference in the field.
Table of Contents
2-5)! Explanation of Clark Scene Files / Paint Settings
! ! -Gamma Curves
! ! -Clark Scene Files
! ! -HPX-2700 Clark Paint Settings
! ! -HPX-3700 Clark Paint Settings
6)! Guide for Loading a Look into the 3700 and 2700
7-8)! P2 Guide
! ! -Do’s and Dont’s of P2
! ! -Chart of Record Times and P2 Formats
9-10)! Metadata Guide
11-12)! Proxy Guide
13-17)! On set Preparation Guideline
! ! -Condition
! ! -External Settings
! ! -Internal Settings
! ! -Focus
! ! -Sample Chart
! ! -Verify
Clark Media 610.694.9800! Panasonic Varicam
The VariCam 3700 P2 camcorder offers full raster recording with its native 1920x1080
imager. It also provides 10-bit, 4:2:2 recording with the AVC-Intra 100 codec to record
to P2, as well as a Dual Link RGB 4:4:4 output. It also provides 8-bit recording to
DVCPRO HD. This 3-CCD Camera has a 2/3” 2.2 mega-pixel imager for recording
high resolution, independent frame HD images. The 3700 offers a choice of
progressive/interlace HD video formats including native 1080
23.98p/24.00p/25p/29.97p/30.00p, as well as 1080 50i and 1080 59.94i.
The VariCam 2700 P2 camcorder offers three 2/3 inch native HD imagers which pro-
vide true 720 images or can up-res. to a 1080 image. It also provides 10-bit, 4:2:2 re-
cording with AVC-Intra 100 or 8-bit recording in DVCPRO HD. A single-step vari-
able frame rate can range from 1 fps to 60 fps in 720p mode. Offers choice of
progressive/interlace HD video formats including 720 23.98p/24.00p/25p/29.97p / 50p /
59.94p, as well as 1080 23.98p/24.00p/25p/29.97p / 50i / 59.94i.
This guide will take you through explanations of P2 workflow and file integrity, ex-
planations of the Clark Media stock scene files, steps for recording proxy files and
metadata, in addition to some of our suggestions and tips you can use in order to
please any DP/client.
Clark Media 610.694.9800! Panasonic Varicam
Explanation of Clark Scene Files:
Both the Panasonic HPX-2700 and HPX-3700 cameras come with various Clark Media stock scene files with varied matrix and color correction adjustments. The following is an explanation of each one of these scene files and how
they could be applied in the field for desired looks.
-Reading a scene file will not affect your system mode. You must select your system settings independently.
-Scene files have matching values applied for all three L/M/H gain settings.
-Detail is set to on. (The default is a minimal amount of H/V detail)
-Gamma Mode Select is set to the HD gamma curve.
-Manual Knee is on.
Here is a description of all the gamma curves available in the Gamma Mode Select menu:
HD-This will produce an image with the highest contrast at the highest video output. This will give you the least amount of latitude available in the gamma curves. Do not use this curve if there will be color correction in post.
(This curve is loaded as default for all of the clark stock scene flies).
SD-This will produce an image with a high contrast at a higher video output level than any other film like or rec curve. This will give you a less amount of latitude therefore is not a good choice if there will be color correction
added in post.
FILMLIKE 1-There are 3 degrees of Filmlike curves. Filmlike1 has the most contrast. This will produce a no­ticeably lower contrast image than HD/SD with softer gradations especially in the mid-tones.
FILMLIKE 2- This curve will give a considerably less amount of contrast than Filmlike1. However it still pro­duces soft gradations in the mid-tones.
FILMLIKE 3- There is a significant difference between Filmlike2 and Filmlike3 (Refer to diagram below). This is also a much flatter curve where as your video level rises there is a softer grade of contrast change.
VIDEOREC- This curve will give you more latitude than the Film-like curves with a considerably lower contrast.
*All of the above gamma curves use knee point and knee slope. The knee function of the camera compresses high­lights above your set knee point. The knee slope adjusts the actual amount of compression applied to your curve.
The higher the knee point is set, the more compression you will get in you highlight areas.*
FILMREC- Film-Rec gamma curve gives you the widest dynamic range therefore providing the most amount of information in post. Your image will be very dark and flat looking with less saturation. You will want to apply this curve if your product will be going to post for color correction. (Best if used with a look up table set in your moni-
*Film-Rec gamma curves apply a dynamic level setting from 100% (equivalent to an video curve with no knee) to 600% (most dynamic level the camera is capable of) which adjusts how flat you want your linear curve to be. Black stretch is also applied to adjust the amount of detail in your shadows. Your knee functions do not exist in
**Don't use Film-Rec when in DVCPRO HD (The 8 bit codec will not take advantage of the dynamic level)**
***Turn on test saw in MAIN MENU>PAINT>CAM SETTINGS to view changes in gamma curves and knee***
Clark Media 610.694.9800! Panasonic Varicam
Clark Scene Files:
Here is a description of the Clark stock scene files:
This file sets the camera back to it's factory setting. It is not recommended to use this unless you are prepared to paint your own look into the camera using this as a starting point.
This file was created to maximize color accuracy by using the DSC Chroma Du Monde chart at the recommended gain value of 2.0 on the vector scope and placing all the colors exactly in their target boxes. It's perfect to use as a
file that will hold the maximum amount of color without sacrificing form.
This file was created at a gain value of 1.86 on the scope, thereby boosting chroma. Further boosting, as well as a lessening of chroma, can be achieved by using the chroma control located in the Knee menu. This look is useful to
emulate the look of certain film emulsions, such as manufactured by Fuji that are richer in chroma.
This file is for those who want to play it extra safe, lessening the chroma so as not to inadvertently over saturate. It was created at a gain value of 2.22 on your vector scope. It produces very pleasing results used as is, but leaves a little "chroma headroom" to allow for a margin of safety in post. Used in conjunction with a Film-Rec gamma curve will give the widest range of color correction options in post.
This file was created to give a warmer look to your scene. It was created with a gain value of 2.0 on the vector scope over saturating the red values and under saturating the blues. This setting is very color inaccurate and should only be used if looking
for this desired effect.
*You can apply any of the gamma curves mentioned on the previous page to any of the scene files listed above*
Clark Media 610.694.9800! Panasonic Varicam
Clark Media 610.694.9800! Panasonic Varicam
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