Panasonic AJ-D910WA
DVCPRO50 Camcorder
The new benchmark in
digital production.
♦ Superior 4:2:2 digital component recording
♦ DVCPRO50/DVCPRO switchability
♦ 16:9/4:3 switchability
♦ Edit-friendly, 50 Mbps, Intraframe format for full assemble/insert editing, preview, review and trimming
♦ Seamless transcoding to MPEG 4:2:0 for distribution/transmission
♦ 33 minute recording of high-quality images on compact cassette
♦ DVCPRO50 and DVCPRO resolutions suit local origination, features and news
♦ Full 50 Mbps of image quality
♦ 16:9 capability to future-proof your footage
♦ Convenient upconversion to HD with DVCPRO HD VTRs
Suggested List Price in U.S. dollars and valid for United States only.
All information subject to change without notice.
DVCPRO50 is the best choice for television
stations and independent production.
Check out the AJ-D910WA DVCPRO50
camcorder: 4:2:2 digital component quality,
16:9/4:3 aspect ratios and true DVCPRO50/
DVCPRO switchability. So why settle for 18
Mbps quality… when you can start off with
full 50 Mbps DVCPRO50 images.
DVCPRO50… because you never get a second
chance to make a first compression.
Did you know that some production formats lock
you into 50 Mbps of space… but only 18 Mbps of
video quality? Not DVCPRO50. The DVCPRO50
line of high-end camcorders and VTRs provides a
smooth transition to all-digital television production –
while preserving a full 50 Mbps of image quality.
Everyone knows that DVCPRO50 is quickly
emerging as the new digital production standard…
but here’s something you may not know: a
DVCPRO50 production environment works
seamlessly with MPEG distribution. It’s no wonder
Full 50 Mbps Image Quality