Revision History
V1.6 03.03.2010 Minor Fixes SF
Date Description Resp.
V1.5 16.02.2010 National Instruments specific changes SF, JK
V1.4 23.09.2009 Technical data table updated
V1.3 07.05.2009 Technical data table updated
V1.2 28.04.2009 Technical data table updated
V1.1 20.08.2008 Technical data table updated
V1.0 21.02.2008 Initial Version
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Installation Instruction Contents
1 Installation of the Module...............................................................................................1
2 LEDs and Connectors...................................................................................................2
2.1 Position of LEDs and Connectors.........................................................................2
2.2 LED's...................................................................................................................3
2.3 Power connector..................................................................................................4
2.4 9 pin SUB D connector.........................................................................................4
3 Technical Data..............................................................................................................5
3.1 Use in hazardous locations..................................................................................5
4 CE- Conformity Declaration...........................................................................................6
COMSOFTCompactRIO PROFIBUS DP-Installation Instruction-V1.6/03.03.2010 i
Business Confidential/COMSOFT Proprietary