nimals must integrate large amounts of sensor information to orient movement
towards goals and away from threats, often in milliseconds, to survive. Nature,
through evolution and natural selection, has optimized this behavior. In particular,
insects initiate actions reflexively in situations where no time for detailed information
processing or planned decision making is possible. Orbital Research, Inc. has
developed a neural circuit based upon over twenty years of research by biologists
Biologically inspired neural circuits for
autonomy and sensor fusion
on the escape response of the American cockroach that provides a key tool for
achieving this capability.
Alt houg h
approaches are
increa singly popular
in engin eering, few
research groups
have succeeded in
tightly integrating
biological principles into co ntroller design. Tight int egration of
biological principles requires an appro ach invol ving close
feedback between research in biology and engineering. Key
steps for ma king this tightly integrat ed approach are:
Identific ation of behavioral cap abilities of biological organi sms
directly relevant to the task of interest
Identification of biological species that are suited for studying
these capabiliti es
Drawing upon biological studies and experimental evidence to
understand how natural systems accomplish desired tasks
Abstract and implement those capabilities that are needed for
a particular engin eering task.
The neural circ uit is based upon the work of
biologists studying the American Cockroach.
Multi Constraint Incorporation:
higher-level path planning behavior where the vehicular dynamics
and constraints (such as varying flight envelopes) are not
considered. Autonomous vehicles with this biological solution are
capable of mission optimization within a host of varying
Instantaneous Path Generation and Tracking Reactions:
control methodologies are capable of extremely rapid reactions.
Nat ure ha s addressed thi s need through the develo pment of
locally controlled reflexes as in the American Cockroach whose
neural organization is mimicked for autonomous vehicle control.
Thus, auto nomous vehicles with this biologically inspired
algorithm are capable of processing, planning around, and
reacting to changes or threats in real-time
Evo lved Pa tt ern Resp on se :
is the result of the inco rpora tion of millions of generations of
natural selection. T his permits robust instantaneous reactions to
every situation by combining and tuning pre-developed reflexes.
Thus, autonomous vehicles can rapidly reconfigure operation al
scenarios to accomplish the overall mission goal.
Many autorouters only address
The response of bi ological organis ms
By working closely with biologists under this paradigm, ORI has
developed several reflex control algorithms that incorporate
many of the advantages seen in biological organisms, including:
Sensor Integration :
large amount s of sensory informat ion from multiple sensors and
sensor types so action decisions may be made rapidly.
Aut ono mous vehic les with this capabi lity reac t to current f ligh t
conditions and mission scenarios in real-time.
Context Depend ent Be havior:
continuously updated based upon physiological state and
environment. Enabling this ability in autonomous vehicles
increases their efficiency and adaptability.
Orbital Research, Inc.
4415 Euclid Ave., Suite 500
leveland, OH 44103-3733C
In na ture, animals are capable of in tegrating
Animal's react ions are
Implementation of cockroach escape reflex4es as an obstacle
avoidance system for autonomous vehicles, the cockroach’ s neural
architecture is labeled with italics and the obstacle avoidance system’s
analogs are shown in the blocks
Contact: Frederick J. Lisy, Ph.D.
Te lephone (216) 649-0399
E-mail lis
Copyright 2003
Rev: RMK 2-2-2004
Neural Net reflexes enable robust threat response as
well as targeting for Unmanned Air Vehicles
Autonomous Threat Avoidance
and Targeting
Orbital Research Inc. (ORI) has developed a
revolutionary set of algorithms that produce rapid threat
avoidance and target seeking reflexes for autonomous
vehicles su ch as U nm anned Air Vehicles (UAV) or
Unmanned Ground Vehicles(UGV). The reflex provides
near instan taneo us, context dependent integrat ion of
sensor data and dynamic path rep lanning for autonomous
vehicles by mimicking the processing capabilities of
biological organisms. This work was originally generated
at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), which
invested 20 years into studying the biological and
evo luti onary d evelo pment of biological org anisms.
Orbital Research has transitioned the first
implementation of this technology to autonomous
vehicles for target seeking (BioSeek) and threat/obstacle
avoid ance (Bio AVERT). In both simulation and
demonstration flights using an unmanned air vehicle, ORI
has proven t he efficacy of these artificial reflexes:
Target seeking reflex sh own reacting to a detected virtual
target dur ing flight testing.
Sensor Fusion for Next Generation Navigation
Researchers at ORI are currently developing integrative architectures for
sensor fusion that take advantage of the sensor fusive capabilities and context
dependent behavior of the cockroach escape response. The unique ability to
combine contextual awareness with sensor fusion offers tremendous potential
for the development of s ystems that in corporate informat ion from di vers e
sources to produce coherent and accurate data. One implementation
currently under deve lopment is an Ultra Tightly Cou pled GPS/INS system
that integrates GPS signal information with the raw data from Inertial
Measurement Units (IMU) to simultaneously provide robust and accurate
position data and track the GPS signal. It is believed that this system will
provide increased precision and accuracy while proving more robust to
sensor misalignment, GPS si gnal drop out and GPS signal jamming or spoofing.
In addition, this technology has application to many in the other sensor fusion
problems such as those occuring in the use of radar, sonar, and phase and
focal plane arrays of sensors.
Orbital Research, Inc.
4415 Euclid Ave., Suite 500
leveland, OH 44103-3733C
Contact: Frederick J. Lisy, Ph.D.
Te lephone (216) 649-0399
E-mail lis
Copyright 2003
Rev: RMK 2-2-2004