OPTi 82C929 MAD16 PRO User Manual

MAD16 PRO 16-Bit Audio Card
User's Manual
July, 1994
Version 1.0
82C929 MAD16Pro Audio Card
1. GETTING STARTED ..........................................................................................................1
1.1. ABOUT THE MAD16 PRO AUDIO CARD....................................................................1
1.2. MAD16 PRO FEATURE LIST.....................................................................................1
1.3. WHAT IS IN YOUR PACKAGE?....................................................................................2
1.4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................2
1.5. DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS.......................................................................................2
1.6. LATEST INFORMATION .............................................................................................3
1.7. DEFAULT CONFIGURATION AND OVERVIEW OF SOUND CARD...................................3
2. INSTALLING THE SOUND CARD AND RELATED SOFTWARE................................5
2.1. INSTALLING THE SOUND CARD.................................................................................5
2.2. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE FOR DOS AND WINDOWS.............................................5
3. TESTING AND CONFIGURING THE SOUND CARD.....................................................8
3.2. TESTING AND CONFIGURING THE SOUND CARD .........................................................8
3.3. CONFIGURING YOUR SOUND CARD FOR GAMES IN DOS........................................... 11
4. MEMORY RESIDENT VOLUME CONTROL UTILITY ...............................................14
4.1. VOLUME TSR PROGRAM DEFINED..........................................................................14
4.2. MEMORY RESIDENT KARAOKE CONTROL UTILITY .................................................14
5.1. OVERVIEW OF THE MAD16 PRO CD-ROM INTERFACE..........................................15
5.2. CONNECTING A SONY CD-ROM DRIVE ................................................................ 16
5.4. CONNECTING A PANASONIC CD-ROM DRIVE......................................................... 17
6. CONNECTING EXTERNAL DEVICES TO YOUR SOUND CARD .............................19
6.1. CONNECTORS ON THE MAD16 PRO AUDIO CARD...................................................19
6.5. CONNECTING A MICROPHONE................................................................................ 20
6.6. CONNECTING A JOYSTICK.......................................................................................20
6.7. CONNECTING A MIDI INSTRUMENT........................................................................ 20
7. CHANGING SOUND CARD CONFIGURATIONS IN WINDOWS............................... 21
7.1. USING THE DRIVERS ICON IN CONTROL PANEL .......................................................21
7.2. ADVNANCE SETTINGS IN WINDOWS .......................................................................23
7.2.1. USE SINGLE MODE DMA........................................................................23
7.2.2. DMA BUFFER SIZE..................................................................................23
8. TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................................24
8.1. RESOLVING HARDWARE CONFLICTS....................................................................... 24
8.2. COMMONLY ENCOUNTERED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ....................................... 25
9. INDEX.................................................................................................................................30
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1. Getting Started
1.1. About the MAD16 Pro Audio Card
The MAD16 (MediaChips 16-Bit Audio Controller) is a 16-bit stereo sound card. It incorporates the best features of Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Windows Sound System, Ad Lib, MPU401 and more. MAD16 Pro is an integrated chip that coordinates all the interfaces on the card to provide crisp CD quality sound and music.
You can run thousands of Sound Blaster and Sound Blaster Pro compatible games and applications, plus rapidly growing numbers of Windows business applications that are compatible to Windows Sound System.
The multiple CD-ROM interface on MAD16 Pro supports SONY, Mitsumi and Panasonic and IDE CD-ROM drives. Now you can run thousands of exciting multimedia applications on CDs.
1.2. MAD16 Pro Feature List
User’s Manual
The MAD16 Pro Sound card includes the following features:
Wave Audio - Maximum recording and playback sampling rate of up to 44.1 kHz stereo, 16-bit digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converter, 16-bit and 8-bit digitizing in stereo and mono mode
20 - voice FM Music Synthesizer - Yamaha OPL3 FM Synthesizer technology - Plays up to 20 instruments simultaneously to deliver a high quality of rich and crisp music
Digital / Analog Mixer - Stereo analog mixing from CD-audio, Line-In, FM music & Digitized voice, Stereo digital mixing from microphone, line-in, CD-audio and line-out, Master volume control
Built-in Stereo Power Amplifier - 4-watt per channel stereo power amplifier
MIDI Interface / Joystick Port - Built-in integrated MIDI UART interface with
MPU401, IBM PC joystick / game port
CD-ROM Interfaces - CD-ROM interfaces for Mitsumi LU005 / FX001 /FX001D, Panasonic 522/523, 562/563, SONY CDU 31A/33A, IDE CD-ROM Drive and CD Audio In Connectors
Other Interfaces - Wave table synthesizer with Wave Blaster interface, Speakers Out, Line Out, Line In, and Microphone In.
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1.3. What is in your package?
You should have the following items in your package:
MAD16 Pro Audio Card
MAD16 Pro Installation Disk
MAD16 Pro User Reference Guide
1.4. System Requirements
The system requirements for using MAD16 Pro Audio Card are:
IBM - compatible computer models AT, 286, 386, 486, PS/2 (model 25/30) and
2MB RAM ( 4MB RAM for Windows 3.1 applications
2 MB of free hard disk space for installing all MAD16 Pro software
MS DOS or PC DOS 3.1 or later
Windows 3.1 if you intend to run games and applications in Windows
External speakers, Microphone and Headphones ( optional )
1.5. Document Conventions Convention Description bold Bold type is used to indicate an option.
bold italic Bold italic type is used to indicate a directory name or file name.
BOLD UPPERCASE Bold uppercase type is used to denote text you enter.
IMPORTANT This symbol indicates information that might be important to
CAUTION This symbol indicates important information the users need to
some users.
know to avoid software or hardware damages.
<KEY> This symbol indicates a key to press.
This symbol indicates a warning message.
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1.6. Latest Information
Please read the readme.txt file in the Installation Disk for any changes made after this manual was written. Insert the Installation Disk into drive A.
Enter TYPE README.TXT|MORE. Press the <ENTER> key. Press the <ENTER> key again to move to the next page. You can also print the file if you have a printer.
Warning. To avoid temporary or permanent hearing loss or impairment due to
1.7. Default Configuration and Overview of Sound Card MAD16 Pro sound Card supports both Sound Blaster Pro as well as Windows Sound
System applications. The card is in Sound Blaster Pro mode when the system is booted up.
It switches to Windows Sound System mode when Windows is launched.
unexpected noise or static, always hold your headphones away from your ears before putting them on.
User’s Manual
The default configuration of MAD16 Pro is as follows:
Mode: Sound Blaster Pro
Interrupt request line: 5
DMA Channel : 1
I/O Port Address: 220H
CD-ROM Interface: None
The Interrupt Request line (IRQ), DMA channel, and I/O port address of the MAD16 Pro sound card are all software selectable. You can run the configuration program, sndinit.exe, to change the configuration. The type of CD-ROM drive interface, as well as the I/O Port Address, IRQ and DMA channel of the CD-ROM drive interface are also software programmable through sndinit.
Please note that there are two sets of DMA channel , IRQ channel,
and I/O Port Address. One set is for the sound card, and another set is for the CD-ROM interface. The DMA channel, IRQ, and I/O Port Address of the sound card must be different from those of the CD-ROM interface or else there will be a hardware conflicts.
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Figure 1. Board Diagram of MAD16 Pro Audio Card
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User’s Manual
2. Installing the Sound Card and Related Software
This chapter describes the process of installing the MAD16 Pro sound card and related software into your computer system.
2.1. Installing the Sound Card
The following steps describe the procedure to install the sound card into your computer:
1. Turn your computer off and leave the power cable connected to the power outlet as it is.
2. Remove the cover from your computer. Refer to your computer user guide for more details. Most systems require removing screws from the back of the computer and then sliding the cover off.
3. Find an unused 16-bit (full-length) expansion slot.
4. Remove the screw from the slot cover. Save the screw for later use. Remove the slot cover.
5. Pick up your sound card by holding the edge with one hand. Touch any unpainted metal surface in the computer with the other hand to discharge any static electricity.
6. Align the sound card horizontally with respect to the expansion slot. Insert the sound card into the expansion slot by pushing it down firmly. Anchor the card's mounting bracket with the screw you saved from step 4.
If you intend to use your MAD16 Pro sound card with the Mitsumi or Sony or Panasonic or IDE CD-ROM Drives, please go to the Chapter 5 on connecting your CD-ROM Drives to your sound card before proceeding.
7. Put the cover of the computer back.
8. Connect a pair of speakers to the Speakers-Out connector of the sound card. Refer to Chapter 3 to connect other external devices to the sound card such as a joystick or a MIDI instrument.
9. Turn on your computer.
10. Proceed to the next Section to install the MAD16 Pro software.
2.2. Installing the Software for DOS and Windows
MAD16 Pro Installation Disk contains a file named install.exe. This is the MAD16 Pro software installation program. Follow these steps to install MAD16 Pro software into your hard disk:
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1. Insert the MAD16 Pro Installation Disk into drive A or B. Let us assume that you are using drive A in this procedure.
2. Type A: at the C:> prompt. Press <ENTER>.
3. Type INSTALL at the a:> prompt. Press <ENTER>. The install program will do the following for you:
a.) Select MAD16 Pro Install Directory:
Prompt you for the drive and directory where you want MAD16 Pro software to be installed. Press <ENTER> to accept the default drive and directory.
b.) Location of Windows Directory:
Prompt you for the drive and directory of your Windows directory if you already have Windows 3.1 installed.
c.) Select CD-ROM Interface:
Asks if you want to interface your sound card to the CD-ROM drive.
If so, you will be prompted for the type of CD-ROM and its hardware settings. Please refer to the chapter on connecting your CD-ROM to
your sound card if you have not done so.
You must state the exact hardware settings that corresponds to your CD-ROM drive. For example, when you are installing your CD-ROM device driver and you have chosen 340H as the Base Address, then when prompted by your MAD16 Pro installation software for the CD-ROM Base Address, you must choose 340H which corresponds to your CD-ROM device driver. You must do the samething for the interrupt request as well as the DMA channels.
d.) Select MAD16 Pro Hardware Settings:
Prompts you for the hardware settings of your MAD16 Pro sound card. We recommend that you accept the default settings shown. If you decide to change the default settings later on, the setup and configuration program sndinit.exe will allow you to do so.
e.) Display Summary:
Displays a summary of the installation options that you have chosen for confirmation before proceeding.
f.) Modify your system files upon confirmation:
Upon confirmation of your installation options, your MAD16 Pro software will be copied to your hard disk and you will be asked if your system files ( config.sys, autoexec.bat ) can
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User’s Manual
be updated in order for your sound card to run with your favorite games and applications after you reboot your system. If you choose YES, your system files will be updated and your original files will be backed up. If you choose NO, your updated changes will be created in files with a .MAD file extention. You may then copy these files to your existing system files at a later time.
g.) Complete Installation:
Complete your MAD16 Pro software installation and prompts you to reboot your computer for your new changes to take effect. Remove the floppy from the floppy drive and reboot your system.
After you have rebooted your machine, proceed to the next section to test the sound card.
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3. Testing and Configuring the Sound Card
3.1. Overview of Sndinit Testing and Configuration Program
The program sndinit.exe allows you to test and configure the sound card.
The following options are available:
a.) sndinit /b
The /b parameter sets the sound card using the values specified in the configuration file, sound16.cfg. Install.exe adds this line to your autoexec.bat file so that the sound card is initialized every time you turn on your computer.
b.) sndinit /? The /? parameter displays help information that shows you how to use sndinit.exe.
c.) sndinit Running sndinit.exe without any parameter allows you to change the setting of the card,
adjust volume, and play a digitized audio file. IMPORTANT
If you want to use a mouse to run the test and configuration program, please make sure you have the mouse driver installed in DOS. Move the mouse cursor to the option that you want and click to select an option. You can also use the arrow keys to move to an option. Press the <ENTER> key or the space bar to select an option. Press <ESC> to cancel an operation.
3.2. Testing and Configuring the sound card
To test and configure the sound card:
1. Change to the c:\Sound16 installed default directory.
2. Type sndinit, then press the <ENTER> key to run the configuration program.
3. You will see the main menu as shown below:
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