Opel Ford C-Max, BMW 5er, BMW X3, BMW 6er, Audi A3 Avant User Manual

edwin 02|2003
design engineer build drive
IAA 2003
sliding door
Fresh ideas for vehicles.
As a supplier of movable systems, we’ve got a feel for what’s essential for vehicles. Together with our ability to design complete vehicles, and with fresh ideas, our path into the future invariably looks good. And hence some matching extras can come along too. Like extras that smell nice. But leave that to others to supply.
edwin 02|2003
Open up!
central feature of corporate culture at Edscha is openness. Honest and time-
ly communication is something we care about deeply, both in-house and towards the general public and of course our custo­mers. That’s one of the reasons why we have
edwin, now appearing the second time.
Coincidence or not – many of our products also center on ‘openness’. Hinge and conver­tible roof systems from Edscha have for dec­ades now been providing dependable access to cars. In that time, the demands made on cars have risen dramatically in every respect. Nowadays, it’s comfort above all that’s the clincher for the buyer. We haven’t shut our eyes to that fact either – instead we set our­selves the task of opening up new prospects in our niches for our customers.
In this edition of edwin we’re presenting a few of our ideas for discussion. For example ideas for more convenient opening systems:
ranging from the next-generation door hinge, the Notch Stop (pages 11 and 22), and an electrically-powered rear lid developed by us (page 14), to the alternative sliding door mechanism that adorns the title page (page 18).
We’ve developed new approaches else­where too: specialists from IVM Automotive helped, for example, to develop the existing Junkers opposed-piston engine into an unusu­ally efficient, lightweight, inexpensive and clean two-cylinder design for a wide range of applications (page 16); and they pondered how our customers could exert a favorable effect on the production costs and weight during the development process itself (page 12).
More details of all this can be found in this issue – or can be heard at the Edscha Group’s 4th Symposium in November. Its motto? “OpenMinded”, what else!
On that note, enjoy reading it!
Publisher: Edscha AG, Hohenhagener Str. 26–28, 42855 Remscheid Coordinator: Christiane Nadol Publishing House: corps Corpo­rate Publishing Services GmbH, Schanzenstraße 56, 40549 Düsseldorf Editors: Wilfried Lülsdorf, Michael Drosten Project Manager: Stefanie Dodt Art-Direction: Guido Koch, Köln Cover Photography: John M. John Photos: Adam Opel AG, Audi AG, Manfred Bernhard, Daim­lerChrysler Nutzfahrzeuge, Dorint AG, Edscha AG, John M. John, Lars Langemeier, M. Dan­nenmann, Meilenwerk, Smart GmbH, Ssangyong Motor, Volvo Car Corporation Lithography: F+S GmbH Printing: Druckerei Tannhäuser Publication dates: twice a year
5 News
Financial results, new joint venture in China, 4th Edscha Symposium
8 When the Machine came to Man
40 years ago Edscha opened its first branch plant in Bavaria
9 Sharper profile
IVM Automotive picks up the pace with a new structure
10 Edscha inside
The Group’s contribution to new vehicles launched at the IAA 2003
12 Lightweight doesn’t have to be expensive
IVM Automotive helps to keep costs down on lightweight concepts
14 Built-in drive
Edscha’s electric decklid increases drivers’ comforts
16 Junkers for Asia
The opposed-piston engine for the 21st century: light, cheap, clean
18 Hiding sliding door
Without guide rail the sliding door becomes presentable
20 Design from Germany
The IVM Automotive Design Center offers the entire design portfolio
22 For the next generation
Edscha invests in the future of hinges with a new metal-cutting line
24 Save without roof
From coupé to convertible using technical calculation
25 News
On drive-in movie theaters, elevators and wild animals crossing
26 A journey back in time
A ramble through Germany’s car museums
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2002|2003 Weak mar-
kets and other adversities could do little to hold up the Edscha Group this past financial year.
DIN ISO EN 9001: 2000 AND VDA 6.2
duction of the BMW Z4 and the Smart Roadster tops caused sales of conver­tible roof systems to shoot up 30 per­cent to 189 million (145 million). Thanks to numerous production laun­ches, the Driver Controls division shar­ply boosted sales by half to 68 mil­lion (45 million). With 30 million, the smallest division, Sliding Roofs for Trucks, was also the only division re­porting a slight dip in sales over the pre­vious year (32 million) – but given a very weak market it still turned in a satisfactory performance.
In the face of these efforts, the Edscha Group with little fanfare simul­taneously prepared to meet coming chal­lenges – with a new capital structure (edwin 01
2003 reported), the reorgani­zation of IVM Automotive (page 9), the building of a factory in Mexico and new
Tacking against the wind
IVM Automotive certified
espite contrary winds in the sales markets and a rough climate in
the motor vehicle industry in general, the Edscha Group attained its sales targets in fiscal 2002
2003 (through 30 June) and extended its mar­ket positions. Between July 2002 and June 2003 the Group sales were 948 million; this is an increase of 22 percent over the previous year (777 million), and almost exactly the level envisaged since the beginning of the year. The new division, Vehicle Design, established by the acquisition of IVM Automotive in July 2002, contribu­ted 108 million to total sales.
The Hinge Systems business remai­ned stable at 553 million (previous year 555 million); the dramatic de­cline of the Brazilian real prevented re­porting higher sales. The launch of pro-
joint ventures in Japan and China (page
6), and many new products (pages 10, 14, 18), orders and ideas. The future can come now – with any weather.
Increasingly complex technology, the rising quality awareness of car owners, and sharp competition require that automotive component suppliers and service providers ensure highest qual­ity across all processes. IVM Automotive takes this seriously. After one year of preparations, in spring 2003 all locations and
business fields of the vehicle designer were certi­fied to comply both with the amended version of DIN ISO 9001 from the year 2000 as well as with the standard VDA 6.2 for service providers. IVM Automotive is thus the first company in its area of business to have its processes certified as being entirely in conformity with the new standards.
New in the web
Going online in the next few days – the new Internet site of IVM Automotive. Based on the vehicle designer’s new Corpo­rate Design (since the company was acquired by the Edscha Group in the summer of 2002), the pages will have an entirely new appearance, a new navigation and, of course, completely revised or new contents. The purpose of the effort, as of the entire reorganization of IVM Automotive (page 9): higher quality of service from more efficient structures.
A strong wind at the headquarters in Remscheid doesn’t bother Edscha much
edwin 02|2003
Live wires
Electric drives and electronic controls for mechanical compo­nents are the basis of most automotive innovations – including rear lids, parking brakes and convertible roof systems. In Remscheid, Edscha is therefore about to set up a Mechatronics Center in the still-young business year 2003
2004. The Center is to serve as interface between the Hinge Systems, Converti­ble Roof Systems and Driver Controls divisions, to the elec­trics and electronics experts at IVM Automotive, and not least to suppliers and customers. Its tasks are to test motors, gears or electronic components and to qualify them for Edscha applications, to integrate them with mechanical components into fully functional units, to initiate and support cooperation with specialists, and to monitor customer projects. To accomplish these tasks, the Mechatronics Center will have full access to the Edscha Group’s testing stations for entire vehi­cles, special measuring equipment, and test benches for components.
Edscha-Ohi growing
The joint venture of the Edscha Group established in January 2003 in the Japanese city of Yokohama is developing at a rapid pace. Though initially the joint venture with the local hinge manufacturer Ohi Seisakusho Co., Ltd., only targeted the development and sale of hinge systems, as of 1 July, Edscha­Ohi Co., Ltd., has appreciably widened its scope of business: now it also looks after the interests of the Convertible Roof Systems and Driver Controls divisions in Japan – this is the first step by these divisions into the world’s third largest car manufacturing country. The workforce of the joint venture is growing to keep pace with the tasks: Edscha-Ohi currently
employs eight people; in the business year 2003
2004 which has just commenced it is planned to take on another three employees in Sales, Design and Quality Assurance.
Edscha goes East
Anhui Edscha Automotive Parts Co. Ltd. (AEA) is the Hinge Systems divi­sion’s response to the booming Chinese automotive market.
Since mid-June, Edscha AG has been
running a second joint production ven-
ture (50:50) with AEA in Hefei in Anhui province. Shanghai Edscha Machinery Co. Ltd. (SEM), the first joint venture of the Group in China, has grown so fast since it was founded in 1994 that it will soon reach the limits of its capacity. At present, SEM produces easily six million hinges and door checks annually, thus serving around 30 percent of the Chinese market for pas­senger car hinge systems. With the new joint venture this market share passes the 50 percent mark.
AEA is located around 450 kilome­ters west of Shanghai in the vicinity of major automobile plants. Under the name Jiang Nan, the factory previously was one of the principal competitors in the regional market for door hinges and was not privatized until early 2003. The technological strength and worldwide presence of the Edscha Group persua­ded the new owners to serve the Chi-
nese market jointly with Edscha in fu­ture. AEA currently supplies almost five million hinges and door checks annu­ally, mainly to Volkswagen and General Motors.
Processes and product quality will soon reach Edscha standard, and output and sales will thereafter grow by at least 20 percent annually. AEA will then also supply other Asian markets, including the Japanese joint development and sales venture Edscha-Ohi Co., Ltd., in Yokohama, launched in January 2003. In the medium term, AEA will addi­tionally manufacture pedal boxes and parking brakes for the Driver Controls division.
The Edscha Hinge Systems business division, producer of some 250 million hinges annually, with 19 production facilities in 13 countries, is the world’s leading supplier of hinges to the auto­mobile industry.
Chinese employees at AEA familiarize them­selves with Edscha products
edwin 02|2003
11–21 September 2003 (9/10 press days)
• Steigenberger Parkhotel, Düsseldorf
16 October 2003
Career Contact Fair, FH Rüsselsheim
23 October 2003
CONNECTA • Campus Career Contact
Fair, FH Regensburg
29 October 2003
W & I TAG • 6th Siegen Economics and
Engineering Day, Uni Siegen
5 November 2003
HOKO • Campus Career Contact Fair,
FH München
17 or 18 November 2003
Career Contact Fair, Uni Karlsruhe
18–20 November 2003
Hotel An der Messe, Cologne
8 or 9 December 2003
BONDING AACHEN • Campus Career
Contact Fair, RWTH Aachen
10–19 January 2004
N.A.I.A.S. • North American International
Auto Show (Detroit Motor Show), Detroit, USA
21 or 22 January 2004
pus Career Contact Fair, Uni Kaiserslautern
27 or 28 January 2004
Career Contact Fair, TU Braunschweig
January 2004
FAIR • University of Applied Sciences
(HAW), Hamburg
February 2004
4–14 March 2004 (2/3 press days)
26 or 27 April 2004
BONDING BOCHUM • Campus Career
Contact Fair, Ruhr-Uni Bochum
ovember is mostly a dreary month. The world outside is
grey, car sales sag, and most automobile designers and procurement managers retire to the four walls of their offices.
But not this year! For the fourth time since 1995, 1998 and 2000, Edscha AG is inviting selected customers from the ranks of car manufacturers and automo­tive component suppliers to attend a technical symposium, which will be held on November 19, 2003 (conference day), in the Dorint An der Messe (at the trade fair), Cologne.
Edscha IVM Automotive
4TH EDSCHA SYMPOSIUM For many years Edscha has
been dependably opening vehicle doors, lids, hoods and roofs. In November for the fourth time we invite our customers to open up too – to our latest ideas relating to vehicle bodywork.
Taking as our motto “OpenMinded”, on this day we intend to make our pro­duct and development skills tangible in the field of doors, hoods, lids, roofs and complete vehicles – they have been great­ly expanded since the purchase of IVM Automotive in July 2002. We will present our freshest ideas and put them to discussion. In-depth contributions by outside speakers and a panel discussion will complement the program. The sym­posium will be chaired by Franz W. Rot­her, editor-in-chief of the leading Ger­man automotive industry journal “Auto­mobilwoche”. Following the day pro­gram, Edscha invites the participants to attend a joint evening event – but we’re keeping it a surprise!
Personal invitations will be sent out in the course of September. Overnight accommodation has been reserved at Dorint An der Messe (at the trade fair), Cologne for both the evening before, Tuesday, November 18, and for Wednes­day, November 19. If you do not receive an invitation and wish to attend, please contact us at info@edwin.de or phone +49. 2191.363-363. We’d be happy to see what we can do for you.
Open for Edscha?
4th Edscha Symposium Cologne, 18 – 20 November 2003
Franz W. Rother,
employs approx. 1,200 people on a factory site of 47,000 m
. During the last business year, plant revenues came to about 225 million, equivalent to almost a quarter of the Group’s entire sales – and a no less important factory in the region’s economy today than in the six­ties. By the time the plant celebrated its silver jubilee in 1988, it was already – according to Franz Josef Strauss, then prime minister of Bavaria – “one of the most successful indus­trial developments in the Bavarian Forest”.
Since 1986, the plant owes much of its success to the addition of a new business division: Convertible Roof Systems. At the request of BMW, Edscha – as a specialist in moveable connections – assumed responsibility for the production of the roof linkage for the first Series 3 convertible. These days, Hengersberg produces some 65,000 soft and hard tops a year for four different car models – an impressive figure and yet only half the division’s entire production. Four more plants have since been set up around the world; a fifth is currently being built in Mexico.
At the Hengersberg division headquarters, 85 design engineers provide for the future: a well filled order book means the Hengersberg convertible roof production is booked out for years to come. No doubt many there glance upwards through the open roof in gratitude.
Rafael Zelek
hank Heaven for forty years of Edscha Hengersberg. Church dig­nitaries such as the Abbot of the
nearby Niederalteich Monastery and the
Bishop of Passau were among the first to
give the start-up their blessing on June 7,
1963: “May the plant bear abundant fruit
for all who work here.” Fritz Eberle, then
mayor of Hengersberg, also rejoiced at the prospect of a rich harvest on the day “the Machine came to Man”. And the machine has indeed brought wealth to the region.
It was almost a century before the descen­dants of company founder Eduard Schar­wächter dared open a plant so far from their roots in Bergisch Land. The reasons lay somewhat closer to home: a lack of space and
manpower prevented the Compa­ny from expanding in Rem­scheid, while the border region in the East offered plenty of both. As a result, the fifties had seen many thousands of people migrate to the industrial regions. Even the 25 jobs (later 70) ini­tially offered in hinge production (3,600 m
of operating area) meant a considerable boost to the region.
Four decades and several
expansions later, the plant now
40 YEARS AT HENGERSBERG In June 1963, Edscha
opened its first branch plant. For the people of the Bavarian For-
est this meant jobs – for the Edscha Group the birth of the Com-
pany’s most important out of today’s 24 plants around the globe.
When the Machine came to Man
These days Hengersberg is the
headquarters for the Driver
Controls and Convertible Roof
Systems division. Hinge system
production capacity is also
edwin 02|2003
he ability to respond even more quick­ly and efficiently than before to custo-
mer requirements – this was the inten­tion of the Vehicle Design business division (IVM Automotive) and also the reason for its new organizational structure. Their aim: con­sistent use of specialized know-how and resources throughout all locations.
Since May 2003, IVM Automotive has been subdivided into five business fields: Complete Vehicle Development, Design, Vehicle Body and Interior, Samples and Pro­totype Manufacturing, and System Develop­ment and Integration, with the latter compris­ing the segments Calculation and Simulation, Electrics and Electronics, Engine/Drivetrain/ Chassis, and Testing.
IVM Automotive will continue to focus in the future too on developing complex modules and complete vehicles including project con­trol and coordination. The new feature: every location will have access to the know-how and services of all the business fields on the spot; the skills available in every single busi­ness field will however be concentrated at a central location and coordinated from there.
The business field Complete Vehicle De­velopment for example is located at Bad Frie­drichshall; Design and Electrics and Elec­tronics are mainly at the Rhine-Main location; Vehicle Body and Interior, Samples and Prototype Manufacturing, and Engine/Drive­train/Chassis predominantly in Bad Frie­drichshall; and Calculation and Simulation plus Testing in Ingolstadt. Sales and Customer Support operate on the basis of key accounts for all locations. The opportunities for IVM Automotive on the French market are current-
ly being analyzed from Edscha’s French loca­tion, at Les Ulis.
“The new matrix organization forges links between locations that have previously worked largely independently of each other. This will create synergies with which IVM Automotive will continue to expand its mar­ket position”, says Managing Director Ulrich Mellinghoff, commenting on the reorganiza­tion of the 1,000 or so engineers and techni­cians in Germany. “As an efficient engineer­ing partner, we will also be offering to a greater extent contents to the OEM as op­posed to external capacity reserves. That will make the use of our services easier to plan for our customers – both OEM and system manufacturers – from the cost angle”, says the former BMW manager. The positive responses from the customers confirm that the vehicle designers are on the right track with this new setup. Christina Kaulhausen
Ulrich Mellinghoff (53, left) has been the spokesman of the management since March 2003 and is in charge of the Sales and Engineering fields. He is assisted by Frank Braun (43), who as managing director has been in charge of the com­mercial aspects and the loca­tions since April 2003.
IVM AUTOMOTIVE After the takeover of IVM Automotive
by Edscha in the summer of 2002, nine in-house teams worked to raise the profile and structure of the vehicle de­signer. The results have been implemented since May 2003.
Sharper profile
Complete Vehicle
Vehicle Body and Interior
Samples and Prototype
System Development
and Integration
Les Ulis (France)
Bad Friedrichshall Stuttgart Sindelfingen
Ingolstadt Munich
Ford, Opel
PSA, Renault
DaimlerChrysler, Porsche
Audi, BMW
Business areas Key accounts
+ 19 hidden pages