About Communication Commands
ZFX-C Serial Communication Command Reference
Available Commands
Bank Control Commands
Measurement Control/Measurement Value Acquisition Commands
Setting Acquisition/Change Commands
Backup/Restore Commands
Command name Description Page
BANK (or BK) This command acquires the current bank No. p.11
This command switches the bank to be used. p.11
BANKGROUP (or BG) This command acquires the current bank group No. p.12
This command switches the bank group to be used. p.12
Command name Description Page
MEASDATA (or MD) This command acquires the measurement result of the measurement item. p.13
MEASURE (or M) This command executes a single measurement. p.14
This command starts continuous measurement. p.15
This command ends continuous measurement. p.15
Command name Description Page
DATE (or DT) This command acquires the date and time of the calendar timer incorporated
into the Controller.
This command changes the date and time of the calendar timer incorporated
into the Controller.
MODELSET (or MS) This command re-registers the model of the specified item. It does not reset
filters, etc.
PASSWORD (or PW) This command acquires the currently set password. p.17
It sets and changes the password character string. p.18
VERGET (or VR) This command acquires the version information of the Controller. p.18
Command name Description Page
BGRLOAD (or GL) This command uploads bank group data to the Controller from an external
This command uploads bank group data to the Controller from an SD card. p.19
BGRSAVE (or GS) This command backs up bank group data to an external device from the
This command backs up bank group data to an SD card from the Controller. p.20
BNKLOAD (or BL) This command uploads bank data to the Controller from an external device. p.21
This command uploads bank data to the Controller from an SD card. p.21
BNKSAVE (or BS) This command backs up bank data to an external device from the Controller. p.22
This command backs up bank data to an SD card from the Controller. p.22
DATASAVE (or SV) This command saves the current settings to the Controller. p.23
IMGLOAD (or IL) This command uploads image data to the Controller from an external device. p.23
This command uploads image data to the Controller from an SD card. p.24