Screen Designer for NS Series
CX-Designer – Brand new screen Designer for NS-series PTs. Greatly reduces the effort of creating screens.
The NS-series Screen Designer Now
The integrated development environment
Addresses for screen objects can be set referring to newly added Symbol Tables. Work hours spent setting addresses can be greatly reduced by importing CX-Programmer Symbol Tables. The project Workspace and Output Window are used for the user interface just as with the other Support Software packaged in the CX-One.
User Interface with the Utmost in Efficiency
All addresses and comments can be managed using a single Symbol Table.
Shows a list of addresses, names, and comments used in project screen data. Addresses, names, and I/O comments for the CX-Programmer can also be imported.
Improved Icons and Help
The project Workspace enables the user to look through the entire project.
Screens you want to edit can be opened right away. Perform screen management, such as copying or deleting screens, by simply right-clicking. Reusing screens from other projects is easy with the CX-Designer. Settings for alarms, data logs, communications, and other functions can be easily accessed.
Drastically reduce the number of clicks in the project.
Just click on the object once to display or change properties. Multiple objects can be selected to display and change shared properties all at once.
The Output Window shows search results.
In addition to addresses and I/O comments used in screen data, labels can also be used as search strings and the results can be displayed.
+ 4 hidden pages